View Full Version : Travis Tritt Video

04-16-2009, 05:34 PM
Disclaimer: Totally shallow thread!

I was just watching the video on cmt.com and OMG, how lovely!!! I can't believe that was only 10 years ago. What a difference ten years makes... not that they don't all look great now... but I swear they all looked at their prime in that video.

Two things to really comment on... or just that stuck out to me:

1) Timothy looks like the quinessential bad boy!!! Hot as Hell, so I'm not sure how it froze over. LOL

2) Glenn's butt in those jeans!!!

What more is left to be said?

04-16-2009, 05:44 PM
Actually that was 15 years ago.

04-16-2009, 06:01 PM
Ok, that makes more sense! :brickwall: For some reason I though it was 1998-99.

04-16-2009, 06:08 PM
I love the part where they show Glenn's butt :drool:

04-16-2009, 07:01 PM
It's an awesome video! I hate that it keeps getting taken down off of YouTube. I do have it up for download though if anyone wants it!
Download .mpg (28 megs) (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/../multimedia/videos/tritttie.mpg)
Download .wmv (8 megs) (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/../multimedia/videos/tritttie.wmv)

Or as LTL found, you can stream it on sites like CMT.com:

I love the guys in it, too. They do look supremely hot, although I think Joe improved with HFO.

04-16-2009, 08:35 PM
GREAT Vid! just a few notes here...

1. Glenn's butt... HOMMINAH HOMMINAH! wear those jeans baby!! and I counted at least two really good butt shots in there.
2. Don, Glenn, Tim. HOT!!!! they look amazing (I could have done without Travis Tritt, but seeing as how it's HIS video.. okay..) *sigh* I love Joe, he's adorable.. but if i EVER get my hands on the &%$*^@#@ poncho and coonskin cap.......... *POOF* little lighter fluid and a match... (toss the elephant pants in there too)

04-16-2009, 10:04 PM
Soda, I should have looked here first! Instead, I searched for it on the internet... when will I learn? LOL

Ticky... I agree about the match!

04-16-2009, 10:46 PM
OK, a couple of things...

First, thanks to the previous posts...I found myself "looking" for the butt shots http://www.bilderkiste.de/phpcliparts/media/smilie_fernrohr.gif Yep - no missing those...

Now, seriously, I didn't mind the Travis Tritt version, though he's no GF! (who's version I prefer...I like Randy and all, but I like Glen singing this song better - jmho!) He (TT) didn't destroy the song...for the most part, he kept it true to its roots and I appreciate that. The guys being a part of it certainly helped! Don't we basically have him to thank for wanting them all in the video - I mean - in a way, isn't he a little bit responsible for getting them all together again?

I have been wanting to see that for ages...could never find it. I didn't think to look on CMT - so thank you very much luvthelighthouse!!! That was well worth it!

lol, ticky - *POOF* little lighter fluid and a match!! Loved that comment!

04-16-2009, 10:52 PM
They are all smokin' in this video! Honestly, what is it with the guys and their pants! I have never seen anybody wear jeans as well as these four guys...

I have a small quibble along with Ticky. I'm not a huge fan of the Timothy full on goatee thing...He has occasionally had the gray scruff, and I think that looks really...REALLY good. :fainted:

04-16-2009, 11:14 PM
I have a small quibble along with Ticky. I'm not a huge fan of the Timothy full on goatee thing...He has occasionally had the gray scruff, and I think that looks really...REALLY good. :fainted:

I gasp in small horror!!! I LOVE, I mean LOVE goatee's! To me, this is Timothy's hottest look. It's so cocky and confindent. Then again... the soul patch also had me... oh, and Poco Timothy, yeah, that does it for me too... okay, I have to stop myself.

I'm surprised no one commented on how I changed my avatar from Glenn to Timothy. =) Maybe no one noticed... but I've had Glenn on there since I first signed up. I'm so fickle... ha ha

04-16-2009, 11:17 PM
Honestly I was wondering when you would change your avatar from Glenn to Tim, LTL! It's been obvious since Chicago 2009 that Tim's stolen your heart. ;)

04-16-2009, 11:22 PM
LTL - Don't get me wrong, but he looks great with the goatee; it isn't my favorite look for him, though.

It is about time you changed your av! :hilarious: In the Timothy Youtube videos thread I was going to comment that we might have an avatar change soon, but you changed it before I could get it in a post! I did notice, and I'm glad we have another Tim-fan in the ranks :thumbsup:

04-17-2009, 01:09 AM
Honestly I was wondering when you would change your avatar from Glenn to Tim, LTL! It's been obvious since Chicago 2009 that Tim's stolen your heart. ;)

I know, so true... I'm a pathetic mess...

04-17-2009, 01:29 AM
In the best way, though, LTL! ;)

I remember when I underwent a similar shift from Don to Glenn, several years ago now. These guys are all so charming in their own, distinctive ways... who could blame us for flitting back and forth a bit? lol

04-17-2009, 01:50 AM
LTL that's my favorite look for Tim too! It's so contradictory though. LOL He has such a sweet, soft-spoken voice.......and then the goatee that he has in that video makes him look like a total bad boy....rough around the edges. lol I love it! But then, like you...I'm a big fan of goatees. Actually I should say I'm a fan of MOST. lol I don't like the big bushy ones. :P

04-17-2009, 07:43 AM
I had heard Travis' version of the song before but I'd never seen the video. Smokin'! All of our guys look great, although I would help Ticky "feed the fire".

LTL, I had noticed that you were in photo conflict with your comments about Timothy and your Glenn av, but hey, sometimes these things take time!

AOGG, I love your telescope smiley!

04-17-2009, 08:32 AM
I'm surprised no one commented on how I changed my avatar from Glenn to Timothy. =) Maybe no one noticed... but I've had Glenn on there since I first signed up. I'm so fickle... ha ha

See Timothy on YouTube!!!! Just did---I guess I was right about you being a recent convert then! Welcome to my world for the last 34 years or so!!! :)

And for the record---love the guys in the video --not Travis :x!! I'm sorry --but not my thing.

And as for the Tim facial hair---PLEASE!!! How GORGEOUS is he with it!?! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

04-17-2009, 08:39 AM
These guys are all so charming in their own, distinctive ways... who could blame us for flitting back and forth a bit? lol

Sorry--LOVE all the guys in my own way but no "flitting back and forth" for me! For decades it's been ONE Eagle and one Eagle only that truly holds my heart!!! :heart:

04-17-2009, 10:43 AM
Ltlh, truly hilarious! And I must agree that all the guys are very hot in that video. Well, I also agree with ticky about Joe's outfit. I will also help 'feed the fire' there.

And as for 'flitting', I've done the same many times. Don-Glenn, Glenn-Don, Glenn-Tim. I was a hard core Don girl for quite a while, but I find I'm stuck on Glenn most of the time these days. :nod:

04-17-2009, 11:03 AM
I must also agree to you the Guys look really really good in the video! :thumbsup:

04-17-2009, 12:13 PM
Sorry--LOVE all the guys in my own way but no "flitting back and forth" for me! For decades it's been ONE Eagle and one Eagle only that truly holds my heart!!! :heart:

Me too Im afraid Willie... Im a Joe girl through and through.. but was there ever any question about that? *G* Altho I really CAN, most definitely appreciate Don's general "coolness" in this video and Glenn's butt (oh baby!) and Tim's goatee (Hot hot hot!! sorry Melissa *G*) and, altho this is NOT my favorite Joe look, He'll always be my one and only *G*

04-17-2009, 12:36 PM
Count me in Willie and Ticky. Tim has my heart through and through :heart: (even with the goatee ;) )

I notice that Ticky doesn't like Joe's outfit, but has anyone else seen what Travis Tritt is wearing? Good Lord, that needs to be set on fire, too!

04-17-2009, 01:03 PM
Count me among the goatee girls!

04-17-2009, 01:26 PM
Aah, I love this video. They all look great but nothing can beat denim-clad Don, IM(very)HO!

I'm digging Tim's look, too.

04-17-2009, 01:41 PM
but has anyone else seen what Travis Tritt is wearing? Good Lord, that needs to be set on fire, too!

I hardly even noticed he was in the video!!! :laugh: I did notice that three of the five had on flannel shirts... and looked so fine! :heart:

04-17-2009, 07:33 PM
No conflict for me... whispers very softly ..... 30 years.....

The best part of it if I want to be shallow is the butt shot and the 'Come On! I'm in charge!' gesture at the end. Running it very close, however, is the Don - Glenn hug. It is incredibly heartwarming. I also like the way Don wanders around the pool table. I don't know if he has ever played pool, but he looks good.

I probably should not say this but four of them look comfortable, and Felder does not. He tries, but to me he looks out of place.

04-18-2009, 01:50 AM
I found myself "looking" for the butt shots http://www.bilderkiste.de/phpcliparts/media/smilie_fernrohr.gif Yep - no missing those...

This was exactly that what I done too!

04-20-2009, 07:24 PM
Well, I don’t know about Glenn's butt (Just kiddin’, well, I am a straight guy :cool: ) but that Video means so much to me! The reason, I remember so well when it came out, because was - at least for me, in my Country- the very first real sign of life of the Band, since 1980 more or less, so signified a blast of fresh air back in those Days for this stubborn Eagles survivor Fan lungs… I couldn’t be happier, saying all the time They are back! and then came HFO, I remember as well when I saw and listened for the first time the first notes – Intro of Get over it on a Mtv add… The rest is History… Oh what a Year.

04-20-2009, 08:33 PM
so signified a blast of fresh air back in those Days for this stubborn Eagles survivor Fan lungs…

Poetry TLR...pure poetry :cry:

04-21-2009, 08:48 AM
TLR---:applause::applause::applause: Well said my friend!!! EXACTLY the way I felt also!!! (but I still like to check out the butts and freckle count! :wink:)

Ive always been a dreamer
04-21-2009, 01:31 PM
Well said, tlr. I, too, am one of those "stubborn Eagles survivor fans" that relished anything we could get in the form of a reunion from the guys back then. To say I was ecstatic when hell froze over would be a huge understatement.

But, I must say, regarding the video, just take it from the girls here, Glenn's butt is :pimp: in the video. :wink: :wink:

04-21-2009, 01:57 PM
I know you felt the same way, real Fans did, I remember my self always fighting some friends, my Bros and so, who used to tell me "Get over it, the Eagles are history...", Yeah, sure....:partytime:

Ah I forget to say I was also sooOOO thirsty of Eagles related News back in those Days, because Internet, the Info Highway in my case was not still out there, is hard to imagine but then Internet was just a funny word to me... As I said, What (a) Year(s)...

04-22-2009, 06:07 PM
I know you felt the same way, real Fans did, I remember my self always fighting some friends, my Bros and so, who used to tell me "Get over it, the Eagles are history..."

Now you can tell them "Nanny nanny poo poo" :nahnah:

Oops, does that translate? :D

04-22-2009, 06:42 PM
Now you can tell them "Nanny nanny poo poo" :nahnah:

Oops, does that translate? :D

Oh yes, it translates perfect :thumbsup: