View Full Version : Don Henley - California Mid State Fair 07/26/16

10-06-2016, 08:33 PM
A review:-


and LOTS (and I do mean LOTS!) of photos:-

https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPs0V1XXUOLo871yrvN79dk2W_8DcQODQG-0dhV-toQgX832p9FadWmm0OHJsD_Aw?key=eFVTaW9aR0NsYmNRUEJY blRKMTMtYU5GZFk1VUlR

10-07-2016, 02:06 PM
Steph, thanks for posting these! I see lots of Mr. Will there! Lookin' good!

And I guess Don has worn the same outfit for this entire tour? At first I thought maybe there would be a dvd, but the rest of the band has had different clothes on at some of the shows. Especially the girls.

10-10-2016, 04:46 PM
None of our Borderers went to this show?

I'm intrigued with the town of Paso Robles since learning there are hot springs there. One of my obsessions: natural springs - hot, cold, doesn't matter.