Ok, so normally I would have voted for The Bomber, but.. *grin* ok so now I know how it feels.
I really like The Confessor. I love Joe's guitar work in it and it's kind of gutsy and earthy. I like it, cant vote it out yet, and I really like Tend My Garden. I like the tune and I like how he sings it So.. that leaves me with some slim pickin's. After relistening to everything left I (although I really hate to do it because JOE IS ASKING ME TO HELP HIM THRU THE NIGHT?!?!?!... *sigh*) but it's just not my favorite.. I vote for Help me through the night.

Joe, I'll still help you thru the night, honey, it's just the song..it's gotta go.. *grin*

I just read DF's post about the video, I'll probably be sorry after I see it.. Oh well..