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Thread: Niagara Falls, ON, Canada 2-20-09

  1. #1
    Out on the Border
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Niagara Falls, ON, Canada 2-20-09

    We attended the concert on Friday evening at Fallsview Casino.

    Sample set list (Subject to change) --

    • Hotel California
    • Victim of Love
    • Already Gone
    • Pride & Joy
    • Peaceful Easy Feeling
    • Eagles Blues
    • Take It To The Limit
    • Tequila Sunrise
    • Witchy Woman
    • Those Shoes
    • Heavy Metal
    • Superstition
    • Take It Easy
    • Life In The Fast Lane
    • Heartache Tonight
    • One Of Those Nights
    That was almost the exact set list with the exception of "Eagles Blues" was not included. He performed a song he wrote earlier in this career instead. That was fine.

    The playing? Above average with an experienced, professional band.

    Yeah, it was kind of an Eagles Greatest Hits show. It was sort of surprising that he performed as much material from before his time (from the 1st & Desperado), but that's kind of what people expect, right? My biggest reason for wanting to see him was to better determine what his contributions were on those songs. Maybe he should've gotten a writing credit on "Life in the Fast Lane." After seeing Joe Walsh do it during the Strat Pack concert, it was my assumption that it was mostly his work.

    He opened with HC, as was to be expected. He added in two cover tunes from the two Stevies: Vaughan ("Pride and Joy") and Wonder ("Superstition"). DF was very chatty with the crowd, and the reason he chose to come to Niagara Falls was made clear after he told the audience that his fiancee is from nearby Niagara-on-the-Lake. So, we were fortunate.

    My only criticisms would be for him to have included more of his own songs - "Visions" would've been fun, and might not have gotten played live much, if at all, over the years. "All of You" would've been a good campanion piece to go along with "Heavy Metal."

    Unforunately, there was no merchandise stand. I was hoping to purchase Heaven and Hell at the concert, but got it from Barnes & Noble yesterday. Can't wait to read it!

    All in all, he's a very talented guitar player. The Eagles sound is not the same without him, but that's all history now. Considering it was $30 to sit in the 8th row, this was an excellent value in a cozy, pleasant atmosphere.

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Don Felder doing some live shows

    Outlaw Man, welcome to The Border. I'm glad you enjoyed the show.

    I happen to live with a Neil Peart worshipper. I am well aware that Henley as a drummer does not rate with somebody like Peart, but I found Felder's comments extremely patronising, as I said. You say the other band members 'knocked' Felder. Not in public, they haven't. The only comments have been made by Henley in the Rolling Stone cover story. Apart from that it has all been one way traffic, and you wonder why they have not returned his 'attempt at communiciations'. I would not want to communicate with a former colleague who did nothing but heap scorn on me, I'm afraid.

    Still, it is good to hear from someone who has seen Felder live, so welcome again.

  3. #3
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Where Faulkner collides with Elvis

    Default Re: Don Felder doing some live shows

    Thanks for posting the review! I've been very curious if his solo shows had the same setlist as on the site, and what he's like live. Can you tell us more about the song he did in place of Eagles Blues?

    And welcome! Love your name - great song.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  4. #4
    Out on the Border
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Don Felder doing some live shows

    Quote Originally Posted by Freypower View Post
    Outlaw Man, welcome to The Border. I'm glad you enjoyed the show.
    Thanks. We were actually wondering if we might run into DF and his fiance, the next day, on the wine tour of the Niagara-on-the-Lake region. They held a wine/chocolate event, as she had lived in the area, which explained why this was one of the few locations chosen for the tour.

    Quote Originally Posted by Freypower View Post
    Still, it is good to hear from someone who has seen Felder live, so welcome again.
    That's what it's all about, enjoying the music.

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Thanks for posting the review! I've been very curious if his solo shows had the same setlist as on the site, and what he's like live. Can you tell us more about the song he did in place of Eagles Blues?

    And welcome! Love your name - great song.

    Yes, it is a great song...very underrated.

    The song was a ballad (sorry, already forgot the name). He'd written it before joining the Eagles, but apparently completed it over time since. Everything he did received a strong response from the crowd. It included a few requests (ie "A Good Day in Hell"). He was cordial but seemed to still be getting used to being the leader of a band.

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