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Thread: Spotlight29 in Indio,CA 4-11-09

  1. #1
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Wink Spotlight29 in Indio,CA 4-11-09

    Sorry it's takin' me so long to upload all the pixs and videos from Felder's solo show at the Spotlight casino but I had a lot of them and it took forever. The show was great and it was nice to hear some of the old Eagle songs that the Eagles no longer do like "Those Shoes", "Victim of Love" and "Already Gone." Also, check out my video of Felder's new song "Over You." Here is the link on photobucket to my album of pix and videos.

    Last edited by sodascouts; 10-17-2009 at 10:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Border Rebel Lisa's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder at Spotlight29-Indio,CA 4/11/09

    That must have been a great show! I browsed through your photo album at the link; and thank you for posting so many pictues. They were entertaining. The costumes and staging are so timeless.

  3. #3
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Felder at Spotlight29-Indio,CA 4/11/09

    Forgot to mention that Felder had Frank Simes on guitar borowing a page from the other Don's book.


  4. #4
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder at Spotlight29-Indio,CA 4/11/09

    Thank you so much for uploading all of these! I'm going to go ahead and move this to the concert review forum. (I'm so excited to hear "Over You"!)

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  5. #5
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder at Spotlight29-Indio,CA 4/11/09

    Just had a chance to see all of these videos. Again, thank you so much!!

    I really like "Over You" - it's a lovely song. I think this stripped-down sound works well for him.

    For the curious, I transcribed the lyrics as I understand them (I'm unsure at some parts - Carol-Lynn, is this how you heard it?):

    Over You

    I'm sittin' outside your window tonight
    Havin' a drink with the moon
    I was wonderin' if I treated you right
    And just gave up too soon
    I was wonderin' if the last time we talked
    Might be the last time
    'Cause I knew that when you turned and walked
    You were no longer mine

    And it's gonna be a long time before I can think about it
    Without breaking into tears
    And it's gonna be a long time before I can talk about it
    And get over all those years
    And over you
    Over you

    I'm not one to hold onto things
    But I've held onto you
    In the hopes that some dream might bring
    Something we could work through
    But I lived in your memories (?)
    And the kisses you gave
    I'm not sure that I'll ever be
    Something you feel the need to save

    And it's gonna be a long time before I can think about it
    Without breaking into tears
    And it's gonna be a long time before I can talk about it
    And get over all those years

    And all over me (?)
    And every thought
    And everything that I do
    I've learned so much from this lesson you've taught
    The next time I love, I'll know what not to do
    Over you
    Over you

    Think it's gonna be a long time before I can think about it
    Without breaking into tears
    And it's gonna be a long time before I can talk about it
    And get over all those years

    And it's gonna be a long time before I can think about it
    Without breaking into tears
    And it's gonna be a long time before I can talk about it
    And get over all those years
    And over you
    Over you

    I'm just not over, over, over and over, over and over you
    I just can't get over, over, over and over, over and over you
    Over you

    Never quite over you

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder at Spotlight29-Indio,CA 4/11/09

    Perhaps it could have been written with the Eagles in mind...
    ~ Cathy ~

    And I dream I'm on vacation 'Cause I like the way that sounds,
    It's a perfect occupation for me.

  7. #7
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Felder at Spotlight29-Indio,CA 4/11/09

    Sounds good to me Nancy. I liked the solo acoustical presentation as well. The guy's got talent no matter which way you slice it and he still looks great. I love the line "having a drink with the moon." Steuart Smith does a really great job for the Eagles but Felder is irreplacable and it's too bad that everyone can't "mend fences." Maybe someday they will-Hell froze over once before.

    And, yes I too wondered about "Over You" being about the Eagles or his ex-wife. More than likely the song is a combination of both experiences.

    Felder was very relaxed and antimated and quite chatty. He thanked the audience for their warm reception several times even going so far as to express the fact that he wished "he could take us with him" or words to that effect. He won me over when he said he admired quite a few Stevie's including, you guessed it Nancy, Stevie Nicks right before he played two other Stevie's (Wonder and Ray Vaughn's) songs (Supersition & Pride & Joy.)

    Now I'm just passing the time until StageCoach. Less than two weeks to go. The weather here in SoCal has been fairly moderate lately and I'm hoping it will stay that way not that the unforgivingn desert sun could deter my spirit. Look out TimothyB-I'm coming up behind you, swear I'm going to......

    Chow Bella!
    Last edited by carol7lynn; 04-14-2009 at 08:39 AM. Reason: Felder Magic

  8. #8
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder at Spotlight29-Indio,CA 4/11/09

    Very cool C7L! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

    As for Frank Simes playing? I'm shocked Don H would allow that!
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  9. #9
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Wink Re: Felder at Spotlight29-Indio,CA 4/11/09

    Quote Originally Posted by Brooke View Post
    Very cool C7L! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

    As for Frank Simes playing? I'm shocked Don H would allow that!
    I know. Couldn't agree more. I recognized Frank Simes right off the bat but, until Felder introduced him, I thought I was mistaken and had convinced myself that no way would a member of Henley's band appear with Felder. He mentioned all of the bands Simes played with but skipped Henleys'. Probably afraid Henley might want royalties.


  10. #10
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder at Spotlight29-Indio,CA 4/11/09

    I'm impressed about Simes being there, too. Of course, we'll have to look for him at the upcoming Henley solo shows to make sure he's indeed still part of his band! lol

    Interesting idea about "Over You" being at least partially about the Eagles. I think the only part that doesn't really fit with that is the bridge about "next time I love, I'll know what not to do." Otherwise, you could definitely apply it. Perhaps it is indeed a mixture of the Eagles and the end of his 30+ year marriage. It always makes me sad when couples who have stayed together that long divorce.

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