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Thread: Island Resort and Casino in Harris, MI 01-15-10

  1. #1
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Island Resort and Casino in Harris, MI 01-15-10

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Island Resort and Casino in Harris, MI 01-15-10

    Felder didn't 'quit' the Eagles in 1980. If anyone 'quit' it was Glenn, and then the band broke up. Anyone can make a mistake I suppose.

  3. #3
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Island Resort and Casino in Harris, MI 01-15-10

    Yeah, I noticed that too, FP.... plus the "Schmidt" misspelling, the "These Shoes" mistake, the statement that the song "The Long Run" has talk boxes.... Still, we have to remember, not everyone is as well-versed in Eagles facts as we are!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  4. #4
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Island Resort and Casino in Harris, MI 01-15-10

    As an aside-I can't tell you how many positive comments I have gotten about the vids I posted on youtube from Felder's casino appearance last spring n Indio. But, the amazing thing is that I'm still getting them, almost a whole year later, and they all say the same thing-Henley & Frey are greedy a-holes that essentially ruined the Eagles and they "couldn't hold a candle" to Felder. He has one loyal following I'll tell you that.


  5. #5
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Island Resort and Casino in Harris, MI 01-15-10

    Thanks for posting that Soda - although the writer did get a few facts wrong, I was amazed that he got as much right as he did. Seems to me, he did better than the average writer, some of who seem to be totally clueless. I aapreciate Felder's talent, and would probably go to see him if he did a show close to me. As I've said before though, I really question his choice to perform Eagles songs that were recorded before he joined the band. JMHO, but I would rather see him do songs that he was more involved in writing or recording.

    And CL - it's funny, but you are right about the loyalty of the hardcore Felder fans. It seems to me that for some of them their devotion kind of causes them to lose some of their objectivity. It's too bad that they can't just love Felder without having to declare Don and Glenn as morally corrupt human beings.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Island Resort and Casino in Harris, MI 01-15-10

    Quote Originally Posted by carol7lynn View Post
    As an aside-I can't tell you how many positive comments I have gotten about the vids I posted on youtube from Felder's casino appearance last spring n Indio. But, the amazing thing is that I'm still getting them, almost a whole year later, and they all say the same thing-Henley & Frey are greedy a-holes that essentially ruined the Eagles and they "couldn't hold a candle" to Felder. He has one loyal following I'll tell you that.

    I would be interested to know how the two men who wrote and sang the majority of the Eagles' songs 'ruined' the band and 'can't hold a candle' to someone whose primary function was to play guitar.

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Island Resort and Casino in Harris, MI 01-15-10

    I find it interesting that the reviewer praised Don's talent as a guitarist, but other than mentioning that he did "sing", he really didn't make any comment about his voice. I'm not criticizing, just making an observation.

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