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Thread: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    Don Henley --Outstanding Performance

    Friday night I had the chance to attend the Don Henley concert at Caesars Windsor..what a great show it was! The sold out crowd thought so too and it was obvious as fans cried out "We love you Don" throughout the show and a few of them even danced right at their seats....Now I have never really followed Henley - - in fact i thought he only had a few songs like "dirty laundry" and "boys of summer" - - but i was amazed to know almost every song he sang in the 75 minute performance! So many songs and all of them had a meaning behind them that I believe all need to learn...."Forgiveness" especially could teach a few people a lesson that life's too short, don't waste energy on being mad at others --forgive, forget and move only have one life to lead so make it count! Don also reminded me that life passes you by too fast, for that I am a little sad, because that's how i currently feel - - time flies by quickly and the next thing you know you are 80! I know I have to enjoy a little bit more time off! What about you!!!!!
    Thanks Don and Caesars Windsor for a wonderful night out..

    PS when i first walked into the concert during the opening act there was one very rude man who told the band "they sucked" ...i was very upset with these comments, imagine being the band on stage, how hard it was to stay up there and sing! But this individual is the one that should have stayed home -- all performers coming to our city should be welcomed with open arms..if you dont like them, keep your nasty comments to yourself..the rest of appreciate them coming to Windsor!
    ~ Cathy ~

    And I dream I'm on vacation 'Cause I like the way that sounds,
    It's a perfect occupation for me.

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    Well, I am glad the person enjoyed it but his/her knowledge of Don seems rather patchy, to put it politely. BOS and DL? Er.... what about those other songs.....

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    Well, not everybody who attends a concert is necessarily a big fan. I thought it was a nice review even if she only knows his hits! (Heck, I only know his hits...)
    ~ Cathy ~

    And I dream I'm on vacation 'Cause I like the way that sounds,
    It's a perfect occupation for me.

  4. #4
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    If that's true, PM, we must remedy it immediately!

    Thanks for posting the write-up. She sounds like a sweet lady, and it's nice to have an enthusiastic review rather than "pleasant and predictable". I like reading about personal experiences at concerts - it makes a change from the usual media spiel.

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  5. #5
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    I agree. Thanks for posting it, PM!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border luvthelighthouse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    While cyber stalking Peter Thorn , I came across this. Enjoy it before Don pulls it down. Video isn't good, but the sound is!


    Last edited by luvthelighthouse; 11-12-2009 at 12:56 AM. Reason: Add video

  7. #7
    Border Rebel Fan_For_Life's Avatar
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    Default Re: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    Thanks for posting the review, it's very nice. And also for the visual.

  8. #8
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Where Faulkner collides with Elvis

    Default Re: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    Check out these great videos!!!! They start out shaky but then the guy starts filming the screens and it is SUH-WEET.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  9. #9
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    Ooh, "I Will Not Lay Down" is hot!

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border Peekaboo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Nov 6, 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by Troubadour View Post
    Ooh, "I Will Not Lay Down" is hot!
    It most certainly is. That's one of my favorite songs to see Don perform live. It ROCKS!!!

    Stranded "on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
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