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Thread: Former Eagles

  1. #51
    Stuck on the Border Annoying Twit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    I think it works fine as it is. I've had no complaints since I created the subforums six years ago when this thread was begun. If the only people complaining are Funk 50 (who loves to cruelly twist the knife about Glenn's death) and Annoying Twit, then I'm not going to bother to change it.

    If more invested members think it's a good idea, though, I'll consider making the change.
    I wouldn't say I was complaining. I was just expressing an opinion. I don't think any benefit would really be worth making the change.

  2. #52
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    I see no reason to change it either.
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  3. #53
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    ... the only people complaining are Funk 50 (who loves to cruelly twist the knife about Glenn's death) and Annoying Twit...
    That's a bit naughty Sodascouts! I apologize for any upset caused but it's not intentional. I have a conscience but I have no heart so I've honestly no knowledge of the cruelty you are referring to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Freypower
    They are all former Eagles now
    I think we all agree with Freypower so I'm frankly astonished that the same people that criticize when Schmit is spelt Schmidt, when Henley is said to hail from Linden rather than Gilmer, when a Frey quote is attributed to Henley etc, are quite blase about how the present status of the Eagles is presented on a major Eagles web site. I thought this board was awash with pedants!

    In pursuit of credibility and integrity I'd expect the administrators to endeavor to present accurate and up to date information even if, at this moment in time, it's too close to Glenn's death to really matter.

    Sorry to criticise, I really appreciate your site but it looks and feels like nobody else cares.

  4. #54
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    I don't have a problem either way, though I can see a minor benefit of moving the "Bernie Leadon", "Randy Meinser" and "Don Felder" sub-boards up a level. I would be able to see all the former members listed on the main menu whereas now, I have to click on either "Band Member Discussion Areas" or "Former Eagles" in order to see if there is a post against a specific former member.

    However, I'm not sure where threads like this would go if there was no "Former Eagles" sub-board.

    But really at this point, who cares?

  5. #55
    Border Troubadour L101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by Funk 50 View Post
    "Originally Posted by Freypower
    They are all former Eagles now"
    I think we all agree with Freypower .
    (Sorry, I don't know how to do a quote within a quote!!)

    I think you're assuming a bit too much here F50 - as far as I'm concerned, they are still the Eagles and the others (Randy, Bernie and Don F) are still former Eagles.

    I think the board is fine as it is but as UTW said, it would make it easier to see new comments on the former Eagles if they were brought up a level but in the end, it doesn't make that much of a difference.
    So lets do as the Eagles do, when something is perfect (which the board is at the moment), stick to it !!
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  6. #56
    Stuck on the Border MaryCalifornia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    It would never have occurred to me to change the "Band Member Discussion Areas" from its current format, for any reason. Its current state is as it should be and is for the most part the way the board users use it and want it.

  7. #57
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    I'll chime in and say that I like the format the way it is.

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  8. #58
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by L101 View Post
    (Sorry, I don't know how to do a quote within a quote!!)

    I think you're assuming a bit too much here F50 - as far as I'm concerned, they are still the Eagles and the others (Randy, Bernie and Don F) are still former Eagles.

    I think the board is fine as it is but as UTW said, it would make it easier to see new comments on the former Eagles if they were brought up a level but in the end, it doesn't make that much of a difference.
    So lets do as the Eagles do, when something is perfect (which the board is at the moment), stick to it !!
    Let me clarify that I agree with this & repeat, despite my 'they are all former Eagles now' comment, that I would not wish to see the format changed.

  9. #59
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by Glennsallnighter View Post
    The lineup that finished was Glenn , Don H, Timothy and Joe. They are the Eagles. Even throughout the HOTE tour Bernie was billed as a 'Special guest' and did not feature on the credits as a full Eagle. He also did not participate in the full show.
    To me GA it's a level playing field now and they are all Eagles. I feel like the designation is pointless.

    I feel like Bernie should have been billed as an Eagle. I mean he was in the band's promotional photos. I feel like he deserved more than just "special guest" me everyone that has been in this band is an Eagle and always will be an Eagle. The reason BL didn't play the whole show because for some of that material he wasn't a part of the band. Bernie played on everything he had a part in in their discography live. I felt he deserved more accolades than that and still do.

    With all the said, as previously stated - I see no reason to change things. But I also don't put GF, DH, JW, and TBS on a higher pedestal than DF, RM, or BL.

  10. #60
    Border Rebel travlnman2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Former Eagles

    I kinda want them to all be equal like maybe the banner be the photo of them at the Rock and Roll hall of fame.

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