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Thread: Don videos on YouTube and other video sites

  1. #41
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    I agree that Don's ballads are gorgeous - I think The Last Worthless Evening is my favorite. I love the raw emotion in his voice in that song. However, as I mentioned in the OTB Survivor Game, I generally tend to like the more uptempo songs the best. Aside from the obvious favorites like DL, BOS, and ASWTDID - I think my next favorite may be You Don't Know Me at All. I just love that song, too! I sure wish there was a video of that one.

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  2. #42
    Stuck on the Border
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    If Damn It Rose is a ballad that is one of the best. The same goes for A Month Of Sundays.

  3. #43
    Stuck on the Border Maleah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ive always been a dreamer
    I agree that Don's ballads are gorgeous - I think The Last Worthless Evening is my favorite. I love the raw emotion in his voice in that song.
    That's exactly what I love about the song too! You can just about feel the anguish when he's singing about seeing her around sometimes and his heart just melts. *sigh*

    I generally tend to like the more upbeat, faster tempo songs as well. But I do like a lot of Don's "ballad's" just for the pure emotional factor. That's why i liked how that writer described his voice as "haunting" because I truly have never heard a voice before that was filled with so much emotion. I mean, I've heard people really belt it out at exciting parts of a song, and I've heard people cry their way through a song. But Don's voice just captures all those emotions without even trying it seems.

  4. #44
    Stuck on the Border DonFan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ive always been a dreamer
    Aside from the obvious favorites like DL, BOS, and ASWTDID - I think my next favorite may be You Don't Know Me at All. I just love that song, too! I sure wish there was a video of that one.
    Ooh, a video of that one would be great.
    I can just picture some of it in my mind...I particularly like lines like, "You should've killed me, cause you always looked so good in black." That's the way I feel about him in black, actually. But of course, y'all didn't know that.

  5. #45
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Aw - "The Heart of the Matter" has been taken down for copyright violations. I'll never understand why no one seems worried that the entirety of HFO and Farewell 1 is on YouTube 3,000 times, but put up a nice video that isn't available commercially and isn't played anymore on TV, and all of the sudden it's a huge problem.

    Come on. Even WB is using YouTube now because it understands that it's like a big promotional tool, just like having one's videos on MTV or VH1 was back when they played music. The difference is that the fans can now call it up whenever they want rather than waiting for a music channel to deign to play it. Would they rather these videos disappear into the void? I understand if something is on YouTube that they want to sell and therefore having it available free could hurt the profit margin, but why these videos?

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  6. #46
    Border Desperado freyfanatic's Avatar
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  7. #47


    Wow, his voice is amazing! I had a bit of trouble streaming the video - it kept stopping, but what an awesome performance. Thanks for the link, FF!
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  8. #48
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Where Faulkner collides with Elvis


    Thanks for posting! It sure does sound different when Bruce chimes in, doesn't it?

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  9. #49
    Border Rebel SweetHolly's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting it!
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  10. #50
    Stuck on the Border EasyFeeling's Avatar
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    What a fantastic video. But I have to say Don sings it much better than Bruce. Just my opinion.

    Thanks for that, FF.

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