Dave, thanks for your review from me as well. We must have been very close to you. I saw the kids too. From your pictures it looks like Dreamer, WT & I were a little closer to the centre of the stage than you were. Harold, PLS & Soda were a little further down along the fence, probably nearer you.

Harold & I hope to take in the hot tub tomorrow. We know what you mean by the price of the food. Delicious though! The rest of the week we plan to prepare most of our meals at the condo. We are at the Laurelwood Condos. Are you anywhere near?

Cami, Harold had a fantastic time meeting you 4 & rocking at the concert. He says he felt young again, except when we were walking up the hill after saying goodbye to you. The altitude really hit us! Harold is a convert (although he has always liked the Eagles music) but I can't go so far as to call him an Eagle-phile, LOL! He's ready to come back to Aspen again anytime.

Soda, glad to hear you got home safely. Hope you can get some rest before going back to work. I was sooo happy rockin' at the concert that I was almost in tears! I never thought that I would see any of the Eagles again, let alone be such a short distance from Glenn ! Harold says he saw Glenn look directly at Soda & a couple of times he looked right at where I was standing' so he had to have seen Dreamer, Cami & me!

The first thing I noticed as they came out on stage was how good Glenn looks! He looks much younger in person & even more handsome (if that's possible)! They both looked so happy & into the show, making more faces than usual, especially Glenn! His facial expressions were priceless! Of course Joe's always are!

I'm still on my "Rocky mountain high" & I don't expect to come down for awhile!