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Thread: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

  1. #1
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Default Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    Couple of vids up on YouTube already from last night's show. Here's the link:

    Also a copy of the set list from last night's show indicates he ended with Desperado and cut the R&B cover last night. The George Jones cover was "I Just Don't Give A Damn." Turns out one of the other two mystery cover songs was a song covered by Garth Brooks and written by among others Tommy Sims entitled "It Don't Matter to the Sun." Now all I need to do is figure out what the last song he did Friday night was.

    Last edited by carol7lynn; 09-19-2010 at 02:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border Koala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    Nice setlist!

    If I click on the link , unfortunately, I only can read no available videos. What a bummer.
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  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border Peekaboo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    OMG!! STUBBLE!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!! Don looks absolutely gorgeous in those videos. Dang, I better watch these as much as I can before they get taken down. Thanks for the link Carol.

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  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border timfan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    Partial End of Innocence video from Red Rock... the video quality is pretty poor but WOW Don sounds amazing! I love how you can hear everyone singing along. soo cute!


  5. #5

    Angry Re: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    Quote Originally Posted by timfan View Post
    Partial End of Innocence video from Red Rock... the video quality is pretty poor but WOW Don sounds amazing! I love how you can hear everyone singing along. soo cute!
    THATS WHY THE SHOW SUCKED....DON WAS AMAZING...the drunken few and crowd singing louder than Don was so SCREWED UP!

    The most screwed up concert I have been to...not Don..but the way Red Rock Casino handled the clients...NO RESPECT AT ALL! RED ROCK STAFF BLOWS AND HAVE NO SKILL SETS WITH IT COMES TO CUSTOMER SERVICE!

    I was right in the front with all the bullshit that was happening right up to the start as well as during the show.


  6. #6
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    First of all - welcome to The Border, LVLEXUS. Glad you found us.

    Sorry that Red Rocks Casino sucked, but it's good to know that Don was great in spite your bad experience. Since you were there, can you give your opinion on this? I thought Don's voice sounded weak in the video, but it's probably just the quality of the video or the fact that the crowd was singing so loudly.

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  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border MikeA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    Sorry I can't add anything to this. I've never been to Red Rocks though we have planned to go there several times and just haven't followed through.

    I've been to concerts as several other Venus an never had such an experience as LVLEXUS reports. That's sad. Sad that they would allow obnoxious intoxicated concert-goerers to turn it into such a shambles.

    Liquor is served during the concerts at Hard Rock (The Joint) but for the three I've been to there, never has there been any disruption caused by drunks. A few spilled drinks and maybe a little more disruption by people in the center of aisle worming their way to the exits to go to the bathrooms....but other than that, it was no problem.

    The same at House Of Blues at Mandalay Bay. Drinks served, but no real problem.

    Maybe it is a "policing" inadequacy at Red Rocks. No excuse for it whatever the reason.


  8. #8
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    Quote Originally Posted by LVLEXUS View Post
    THATS WHY THE SHOW SUCKED....DON WAS AMAZING...the drunken few and crowd singing louder than Don was so SCREWED UP!

    The most screwed up concert I have been to...not Don..but the way Red Rock Casino handled the clients...NO RESPECT AT ALL! RED ROCK STAFF BLOWS AND HAVE NO SKILL SETS WITH IT COMES TO CUSTOMER SERVICE!

    I was right in the front with all the bullshit that was happening right up to the start as well as during the show.

    Yikes! So what happened-exactly.

    The crowd in the two Youtube vids that I saw looked pretty sedate except maybe for one young lady in the front who seemed to just be dancing. The rest of the audience, for the most part, just seemed to be sitting there enjoying the show. A couple got up to dance at one point and some guy asked them to sit down and they did which is why I wonder what happened that made you so upset. What do you mean about "all the bs...up to the start and during?" Looks like they had assigned seats so I can't imagine any pushing and shoving like at a GA show. Curious.

    As MikeA said it's a bar and when liquor flows, people get aggressive. FYI most people do sing along at concerts-good,bad or indifferent. Most artists/bands even encourage fans to sing along especially during a song's chorus, so you really can't blame the staff for allowing fans to sing. Did Henley tell them to shut up? Cause he has no problem telling fans what he likes and doesn't like about their behavior. Again curious as to why you are dissing the staff so badly.

    Last edited by carol7lynn; 09-20-2010 at 01:08 PM.

  9. #9

    Thumbs down Re: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    If one was in the first 5 would know what I was talking about.

    Yes...negative view of the staff at Red Rock...

    Dont mind people singing along but you have drunks around and behind you and singing in your ear, while slobering a local television commercial in Las Vegas states...Enough is enough!.

  10. #10
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Rocks Casino,Vegas-9/18/2010

    Welcome, Lexus! I'm sorry you were dissatisfied with the staff of the Red Rock casino. Glad you enjoyed Don, at least.

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