Hi Shadowland,

Good point about Angus and AC/DC. I didn't think of the situation quite like you. Okay, granted the Eagles are playing big arenas and doing a terrific job. I'm really pleased for them because all of them deserve to come back and conquer. Maybe what upsets me is that we are all getting old and our glory days are gone, well, maybe not for the Eagles but for me and that's personal. I miss the roaring years of HC because those days were very exciting and I was very young and my friends and I had a lot of fun - life lived to a soundtrack consisting, to a large extent, of wonderful, creative and insightful songs by the old Eagles. I was disappointed with The Long Run but so what? If the Eagles made moneyfrom it and other people loved it, that's all that's important. I'm one little fish in a huge sea. I did appreciate your sobering comments and thanks for taking the time to communicate. I'm a little out of practice in the debating area, I'm afraid.