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Thread: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    Just saw a tweet where Don apologized to the crowd for being a little hoarse, that they were to just pretend he's Joe Cocker.

    He also said, "Did you see the documentary? We left some stuff out."

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  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border Henley Honey's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    Good job with those tweets, VA. We're going to bed. Hit ya tomm with the setlist and concert comments.

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    Quote Originally Posted by VAisForEagleLovers View Post
    He also said, "Did you see the documentary? We left some stuff out."
    Hmm. It makes me wonder what exactly was left out, and who's parts it was that were left out.

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border Tiffanny Twisted's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    cant wait to read and hear all about it

  5. #5
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    Don, that was funny! I bet he got a laugh there!
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  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border Henley Honey's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    Hubby just took Zelda to the airport, so I have a few minutes to post about the show. It was fantastic. The man NEVER disappoints.

    He did the same set list as he did at the Revel except he didn't play Everything is different now and Everybody Knows. I love those songs so I was kinda of bummed, but he was really chatty and much more personable than usual.

    When introducing It Don't Matter To The Sun he spoke of his admiration for the song writers and said "it may be on the solo album. It may not be. We'll see". Then he said "it's time for a crying in your beer song" and he began IDMTTS. I really really really hope he puts it on the album.

    When introducing New York Minute he talked about how they drove in from Newark airport today and he noticed the change in the Manhattan skyline. "I'm not a big fan of skyscrapers, but it was moving to see the buildings going up where the World Trade Center had been. To me it symbolized resilience. Defiance, even. You can't stop us."

    After The Last Worthless Evening he apologized for his hoarse voice. "Just pretend it's Joe Cocker".

    He talked about going back to Nashville today to finish his solo album. He joked that it'd only been in the works for 4 years and that it'll be out in September. He talked about the "other band I play with" and the documentary. "We left stuff out". He talked about George Bernard Shaw who said "Youth is wasted on the young" and Henley added "with the emphasis on wasted".

    He said that the Eagles had decided to tour again and that "it could be the last one -- you never know. We're gonna bring out the walkers and the oxygen. We are starting on the East Coast in July and we're gonna go for a couple of years". He went on to say "here's one of the songs we'll be doing" and they began One of these Nights.

    I can only speculate as to what he was alluding to, but when introducing The End of The Innocence, he talked about Bruce Hornsby and what an amazing talent he is. He said "for the last year he's been working on the score for a Broadway musical. It's going to be interesting. Very interesting". So am I to assume BH is writing the Eagles musical that they've discussed doing?
    It would seem so.

    After Rule The World he did the band intros. After Hotel California he said "You've been wonderful. Thank you so much for this warm welcome. That's whey we keep doing this -- even past retirement age".

    Before Desperado he talked about how they wrote it in 1973 in a little house up in Laurel Canyon that was up on stilts.

    It was a great evening. He was spot on. The band was rockin' and a good time was had by all. I love, love, love me a little DH.
    Last edited by Henley Honey; 04-04-2013 at 07:18 PM.

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Henley Honey View Post
    He said that the Eagles had decided to tour again and that "it could be the last one -- you never know. We're gonna bring out the walkers and the oxygen. We are starting on the East Coast in July and we're gonna go for a couple of years". He went on to say "here's one of the songs we'll be doing" and they began One of these Nights.
    I'm a happy happy fan!!! Now I really wish I were going to Louisville, although I'll probably go a little crazy when they play it.

    I'm so glad you had a great time, but of course I knew you would. I wish I'd been there.

    September, uh? If that holds true, I wonder if he'll try to slip in some solo dates during a 'rest' time in the Eagles touring schedule? I hope so!

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  8. #8
    Border Desperado NYC Fan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    Thanks for the wonderfully detailed report! Sounds like a really special evening with Don.

    I love that he mentioned the new WTC buildings. I work across the street from them and I like the defiance comment. It's been a long road back, but it's so good to see them rising up. That must have been a nice moment.

    And very cool about Bruce Hornsby. He is so talented. Will definitely be interested in seeing whatever musical he is working on.

    Glad you had such a good time and thanks for sharing!

    July can't get here soon enough...

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border Henley Honey's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    He didn't play The Long Run either. I was kind of surprised at that omission. Not so much for Everything Is Different Now and Everybody Knows, but I thought he'd definitely play TLR.

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Paramount, Huntington, NY - 4/03/2013

    HH;Thanks so much for the wonderful review & all the details.
    Sounds like Don was particularly funny last night & that he was in a great mood.
    Glad to hear that he did OOTN...
    Love the info about Bruce Hornsby & the possibility he may be working on the Eagles B'way show! Also about the new album...thought it was finished, but he's still working on it???
    So glad you had a great time.
    What did you think of the venue? the acoustics, etc? So far I haven't heard much about this place

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