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Thread: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

  1. #1
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    I'm back in Houston and I only have time to give a brief overview before my parents get back from church and we go get lunch. I'll give more details later.

    This was a charity gala so I knew it would be different - not a concert atmosphere, much more subdued. It was actually more energetic than I thought. My table was way in the back, but it gave me the opportunity to stand at the back and dance, and when other people saw me, they started joining me. Before long we had fifty people back there dancing and partying (I'm sure the fact that there was unlimited free wine flowing helped that, lol). Too bad we weren't closer!

    Beforehand I walked around and spotted Michael Thompson. We chatted and he took a photo of me in my dress for me on my camera. I told him where I was sitting and later, he and Scott Crago came out and talked with me some more. Made me feel special!

    Some info Don mentioned in between songs:

    • Eagles dates in the fall will include Texas.
    • "It Don't Matter to the Sun" will definitely be on Cass County ("and don't put it on YouTube!")

    Setlist (I grabbed a copy):

    • Dirty Laundry
    • Witchy Woman
    • Sunset Grill
    • Everything Is Different Now
    • New York Minute
    • Last Worthless Evening
    • One of These Nights
    • It Don't Matter to the Sun
    • End of the Innocence
    • Everybody Wants to Rule the World
    • Heart of the Matter
    • Boys of Summer
    • All She Wants to Do Is Dance
    • Life in the Fast Lane
    • Hotel California

    "Desperado" was on the written setlist but was not played. I think Don must have been leaving directly from the show back to Houston (they flew in and out of IAH) because not only did he leave off "Desperado" but he started early! Imagine that!

    He talked about how he was from East Texas ("a little north of here") and to me, it seemed he probably played the relatively small town of Beaumont for precisely this reason, as well as the fact that the Christus charity does good work.

    I daresay the Eagles won't be playing my old hometown anytime soon, though!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  2. #2
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    The Beaumont Enterprise has put up some photos already:

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border Outlawman13's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    That is an amazing review Nancy and glad that you had a rocking time!!!! LOL. Love the pictures of Don so much!!!! That's too cool that you got to talk to Michael Thompson!!! LOL lucky. Love the look of the set list. So many awesome songs on it. I can't wait for the Eagles to come to Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm super excited!!!!! Did he say where in Texas?

    You came along and changed my life Glenn!!

  4. #4
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    No specific towns were given, but I figure we'll get Houston and Dallas, maybe Austin.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    Soda, I'm so glad you had such a good time. Of course, it was never in any doubt with Don driving the bus, so to speak.

    Hmmm, Texas in the fall. Maybe that means warmer places, like Miami for winter.

    You can't change the world but you can change yourself.

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border Outlawman13's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    OHHH I'm hoping in Austin or Houston.

    Don is a wonderful singer and so glad that you had the most amazing time Nancy!!!

    You came along and changed my life Glenn!!

  7. #7
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    Thanks for the review Soda. I had no doubt that you would have a great time. Glad you got to chat with Michael and Scott - they are so sweet. And glad Don gave us a few little scoops. I am sooooo glad that It Don't Matter to the Sun will be on Cass County.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border Tiffanny Twisted's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    First I love the pictures you posted.
    DH looks Hot
    its cool to see what that venue was set up like since it wasnt really a"true concert" type venue.

    YOu look marvolous dress accessories and that million dollar Nancy smile.
    It was so cool and kind of Michael thompson to take your picture and Scott and Michael to come back and visit.

    Love that It dont matter to the sun will be on Cass Co. I loved heaing him do that song live at the revel. OOH and he did my next fave" Everybody wants to rule the world" which he has never recorded.
    have a safe journey home Nancy and enjoy your visit with your parents

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    So cool that you got to talk with Michael again & with Scott. Had you talked with Scott before too? Glad you had a good time & thanks for the review.

    I'm happy to hear that "It Don't Matter To The Sun" will be on the Cass County CD. I love listening to Don sing it. I would buy the CD for that song alone.

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border Grey Sadler's Avatar
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    the town in the song Wagon Wheel :D

    Default Re: Beaumont, TX 04-20-13

    Looks/sounds like you had a great time, Nancy!

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