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Thread: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

    I wasn't sure where to put this but I thought this was the place.
    I have to say that this turned into a very interesting evening even though it didn't start out that great. It was a super humid day here in NYC, hot, sticky, muggy....and they are saying huge thunderstorms for the evening, so I have a raincoat with me, borrowed a small umbrella from the boss & I'm on my way.
    I get onto a train to take me to Times Square where I catch another train to take me to the Beacon, but there is NO service, everybody OFF the train, I have to go get a different train, walk through the boiling hot station. Anyway, it was a short ride maybe 15-20 minutes.
    My seat is on the side section in the orchestra 3rd row, but there is an empty part in front, so it's like about the 10th row.

    First opening was Robert Cray & his band, who started about 8:15 & played about a 45 minute set. This guy plays the blues & his band is really good. Enjoyed them a lot, even though I was not familar with his stuff.
    Then there is an intermission of about 20 minutes, to set up for Peter. People go get drinks, etc...So I noticed during Cray's set that there were a few empty seats in the middle section, a few rows up from me. I went in there & sat down & I told the guy next to me that this wasn't my seat, so if the people come, I will get kicked out. He's very cool & says these are comped seats & hes a writer for GUITAR WORLD magazine....Yeah, he has even interviewed Don Felder (not this last interview, but a few years ago)We were talking & he says he has a bio of the Allman Brothers called "One Way Out" due out in Feb, His name is Alan Paul.(gives me his card with the book jacket on it) He knows the Allman Bros really well....Anyway, he's my guitar expert for the night. Hope his wife didn't mind too much, but I'm sure she must be used to this.

    Lights are down & Frampton enters with his beloved black Les Paul Jr. that was stolen from him years ago, & was returned to him like 25 years later. He says this is his favorite guitar & he told the story later on in the show.
    He came out rockin' with a few songs from Frampton Comes ALive album, which I never had so I am not that familiar with. Anyway he sounded amazing. He did a song with the talk box & his hits I Want You to show me the Way. I'm sorry, I know his stuff, but not that well & haven't heard it in a long time. I did recognize many of the songs, but don't recall the names of them.

    Anyway, he stops & says a few words introducing Don Felder & when he walked out with his double neck Gibson, we knew we were getting Hotel California. The crowd went NUTS even when he just walked out on the stage. He got a really warm welcome from the audience. They started HC & Don sang it great, I have to say....and when it came to those guitar parts, Peter played Joe's part & he did it JUSTICE!!! They sounded awesome together! It was as good as the Eagles...Now maybe some wouldn't agree, but Felder puts something in his guitar work, that is missing when Stu does it! And Frampton is as good as it gets. He's another ace player & the sound in the Beacon is just fantastic. One of the best acoustics in any venue! Everyone was on their feet, dancing, singing! Sounded great! They next played a Stevie Ray Vaughn song, I think it was Pride & Joy. Don switched to a really shiny; looked new silver Strat for this song. Peter used a Gibson ES355. I can't recall what songs he used it on. He switched guitars several times & Alan told me, but I didn't write anything down so now it escapes me which guitar he used for each song.

    I will continue the review later because I need to get some work done, but there's more!

  2. #2
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

    Tk, sounds great so far! Bummer about your train tho!
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
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  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

    The guy I sat next to wrote this article & it mentions his book with a link to it. I told him I will buy it, so I guess I will. Comes out in Feb.

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

    Very cool! I can only imagine the suspense when DF came out. The song is legendary and will be forever associated with him and that Doubleneck Gibson. I like Stu's playing - but only DF can sound exactly like DF.

    Peter's lost guitar was a Les Paul Custom though. You can tell because it's black, with white binding and a lot of them had three pickups (only Customs had that then). Also it had a special inlay on the headstock.

    A Jr. has one P90 pickup and no binding and only 2 knobs.

  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

    Quote Originally Posted by WalshFan88 View Post
    Very cool! I can only imagine the suspense when DF came out. The song is legendary and will be forever associated with him and that Doubleneck Gibson. I like Stu's playing - but only DF can sound exactly like DF.

    Peter's lost guitar was a Les Paul Custom though. You can tell because it's black, with white binding and a lot of them had three pickups (only Customs had that then). Also it had a special inlay on the headstock.

    A Jr. has one P90 pickup and no binding and only 2 knobs.
    Austin, it was the custom. I'm not an expert on guitars. He said that it was the guitar that was lost years ago...... It was smaller size so I thought it was a Jr. I did see the white binding, but I don't know much about pick ups! He said it was like dream come true to get that guitar back again.

    He played another Les Paul later in the show that was a sunburst color,not sure what the exact model is. I'll look to see if there are any good pictures of it from the show. Anyway, sure sounded great!
    Thanks for posting that article! He was just meant to have that guitar!

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

    OK, back to the show...Peter did a few songs with his band, who by the way were great. He had 2 other guitar players, one who played the keyboards on a few songs,(also quite good looking) a bass player, & drummer. They did several songs like Do You Feel Like I Feel, Show Me the Way, Baby I love your Way, I'll Give you Money. Some songs had some long guitar jams. Peter was very into it, sweating it out on stage.

    He introduced Roger McGuinn, who came out & played, along with P.eter Do You Wanna Be a Rock & Roll Star, a song Tom Petty made famous, but apparently Roger wrote it. They also did a very long version of 8 Miles High, which was great...By the way, Roger looked very good, looking fit, wearing a cool hat & he played a Rickenbacker guitar, which I had no idea what it was, but that guy Allen told me. ...Roger left the stage & Frampton did several more songs. He introduced the guys in the band & did a Soundgarden song, which sounded familiar. It was an instrumental, no singing....
    Then they left the stage & after some yelling & clapping They all came out & did While My Guitar Gently Weeps....It was great...Overall it was a fantastic show & I urge anyone to go see it if they come to your town, especially if Felder is playing with him!:

    I had a car waiting for me & I called the venue in the afternoon & asked what time the show would be over & they said 11pm, so I called the driver & asked him if he mind waiting for me, but the show went to 11:30. The driver was fine with waiting for me. He was super nice...He just told me to call him back when I was leaving & he would drive to the front to pick me up. He told me don't worry, enjoy the show!
    So I'm trying to make my way out towards the end of WMGGW, & this blind guy is walking out at the same time, & he knocks my cell phone out of my hand with his white cane...obviously he didn't know this, But my cell phone broke & the battery came out & it was in 3 pieces, on the floor, while people are leaving the theater. so I'm scrambling to get the pieces & put the thing back together, so I can call the driver....It was a fiasco! This stuff only happens to me!
    On the ride home, I was telling the driver all about the show. He was so sweet & a guitar player himself. Got home after midnight & had to get up for work today, so Im pretty beat right now! Sorry this is a rushed & kind of rambling review, but right now I'm really tired! ROCK ON!!

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border Tiffanny Twisted's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

    Thanks for taking the time to post. I know it is hard to do when you r susposta be working . great job
    I have
    seen robert randolph before with eric clapton at a blues show at the borga .rr opened for ec.
    I would pay to see him again

    Great stroke of luck meeting the dude from guitar world ...kinda makes the nite intresting .
    Sorry about the travels issues......good thing you had the car service to take u home.

    Lol when jahh and I saw the eagles lrooe 1st time we missed last train out and had to take a $60.00 cab ride from hell. We didn't want the guy to know where we lived so we had him drop us at a chain restaurent by the mall.(they were playing new kid in town by the boys on the outside speaker even thought the restaurent was closed).......
    ..had to call our kid and wake him to come pick up his concert going parents at 200am sitting on the bench outside a closed establishment but I digress

    Nice review lots of detail
    How long was df onstage for or did he just do hc?

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

    Sounds like you had a great time, TK, except for the train, and the blind guy knocking your cell phone out of your hand...sorry, that cracked me up for some reason...anyway, glad you enjoyed the show!
    ~ Cathy ~

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  9. #9
    Border Rebel SilverMoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27

    Thanks for your review, Topkat. I wish I had been there!
    Oh, my! What a night you had! So sorry you had trouble getting to the Beacon Theater, but glad you made it and enjoyed the concert! I’m also sorry that your cell phone broke. Thank goodness that nice driver waited for you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Topkat View Post
    Now maybe some wouldn't agree, but Felder puts something in his guitar work, that is missing when Stu does it!
    I totally agree with you!

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Don Felder W/ Peter Frampton Beacon Theater 6/27



    OMG - chills!
    Last edited by WalshFan88; 06-29-2013 at 03:45 AM.

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