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Thread: Atlantic City, NJ 8-05-07

  1. #1
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Atlantic City, NJ 8-05-07

    Hi all - I just wanted to post a little something about the Atlantic City Show. I'm just going to put something up briefly for now and I'll add other stuff when I get more time. The show was absolutely wonderful! Joe looked and sounded great. He has trimmed down a lot and was wearing VERY tight jeans (very nice jeans, I might add.) His hair is longer and looks great. His backup band did a great job. Joe nailed the vocals and his guitar work was incredible, of course. As I said, I'll add more details later, but for now, the main thing I wanted to do is to post the setlist.

    1. Life of Illusion
    2. Indian Summer
    3. Pretty Maids
    4. Welcome to the Club
    5. Ordinary Average Guy
    6. In the City
    7. Meadows/At the Station medley
    8. The Bomber
    9. Walk Away
    10. Turn to Stone
    11. Funk 49 (with Bruce Willis)
    12. Life's Been Good

    13. Rocky Mountain Way

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  2. #2
    Border Rebel SweetHolly's Avatar
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    Awesome Dreamer!
    How can love survive in such a graceless age?

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border timfan's Avatar
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    Sounds like a great show!!

    I so wish the Eagles would put "Ordinary Average Guy" back in their set. It's such a fun song! I love the interactions during that song between Joe and Glenn!

  4. #4
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    OMG - Look what I found. This isn't Atlantic City - it's from the Saratoga show on July 31. But you can get an idea about how good Joe is looking.

    There's a whole page of these on the Getty images site. Some of them are really great! If you want to see more of them, here is the link:

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  5. #5
    Border Rebel SweetHolly's Avatar
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    Great picture!
    How can love survive in such a graceless age?

  6. #6


    Dreamer, thanks for the set list and the link to those photos. It sounds as if Joe was on great form, and I like his hair a little longer.
    I'm looking forward to the full review!
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  7. #7
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    I can't wait to read the review, and I'm glad that Joe's looking and sounding so good. How funny that Bruce Willis was part of the act!

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  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border EasyFeeling's Avatar
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    Honestly? Bruce Willis sang with Joe? Wow, that's cool! I'm looking forward to read the full review.

  9. #9
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Sorry it’s taken me so long, but I thought I’d give a few more details about Joe’s show in AC. I wrote in another thread about my disappointing afternoon and how my chance to meet Joe at the M&G got totally screwed up. So to say the least, with my grim mood, I was thinking it was going to take a really great show to help me get over my disappointment. Well, Joe was everything I expected and much more.

    Things actually didn’t start out that great. The start time was moved up from 8:00 to 7:30 because the Bruce Willis Blues Band was added as an opening act. We weren’t concerned if we missed some of this, so we took our time eating dinner. What irritated me was even though I was late, so was the show. The auditorium was set up so that almost the first half of it was ‘standing room only’. I liked the setup because I’d rather stand anyway and the SRO tickets were priced cheaper. Since I am very short, it was easy to make my way close to the stage. I never could get right at the stage, but I was 2nd person back slightly to the left of Joe for the entire show – not a bad view at all. I hate it when the opening act is late. Bruce didn’t come out until 7:45 and he ended up playing for an hour, which is too long for an opening act, IMHO. It was fun seeing Bruce, although I would suggest that he not give up his day job. (Fashion report on Bruce – nice tight jeans, white open shirt with a loose tie, shades on during most of his performance, and shaved head). After about 15-20 minutes, all his songs began to sound alike, plus I’m not that big a fan of ‘blues’.

    It took another 30 minutes after Bruce was finished to reset the stage for Joe, so it was 9:15 when Joe took the stage. It ended up being worth the wait. Life of Illusion and Indian Summer were both performed acoustically with Joe sitting on a stool at center stage. For PMAIAR, Joe sat at the keyboards almost directly in front of me. It was beautifully done. After that, Joe was up for the remainder of the show. He didn’t talk a lot, but was his normal humorous self when he did talk. He said he would introduce the band, but he couldn’t remember their names. He did introduce them later. If I can remember correctly, there were 3 backup singers (2 females, 1 male), a guitar player, a bass player, keyboard player, a drummer, and another percussionist. They sounded great the whole night. Joe just rocked the rest of the set, especially In the City. His guitar work was phenomenal, and as expected, featured much more in his solo show than when he is with The Eagles. Of course, I was disappointed that he left out great songs like All Night Long, Midnight Man, Help Me Make It Thru the Night, and One Day at a Time, but they always leave out some songs we want them to do. He brought Bruce out again to play harmonica for Funk 49 and that was pretty cool. The show lasted about 1 ½ hours with the crowd really in to it the whole time. It would have been perfect except something was wrong with my cell phone camera that I couldn’t figure out so I didn’t get any pictures. However, I left there in much better spirits than when I arrived. Totally awesome Joe!

    Here are some treats from the evening that I found on YouTube (at least they all look like AC).

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  10. #10


    Thanks for the review, dreamer. It sounds as if Joe was awesome and made up for your early evening misfortune. Seeing Bruce Willis must have been something else! Those YouTube clips are great, particularly Walk Away, which is one of my favourite Joe songs and was one of the stand out songs when I saw him playing it with those other guys last year! Joe is looking really good at the moment. I like the longer hair, and he looks trim and fit. Has anyone else noticed the absence of a ring?
    This way to happiness...

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