Thought I'd create this thread about what everyone's concert pet peeves/annoyances are.

I'll do top 5 but you can list as many as you want.

1. SINGING - I'm all for everyone getting into it and having fun but when you are drowning out the BAND, I have a problem with it - both at shows and watching YouTube footage. You probably aren't as great of a singer as the guys on stage, it's not a competition and I'd prefer to hear them, TYVM.

2. DRUNKS - Nothing wrong with alcohol or having a good time unless you become a jerk or the kind that is falling over and knocking people over. If you can't control yourself any better, don't drink, or drink VERY little.

3. CAUSING TROUBLE/BEING LOUD - Sometimes the singing fits under this but people who are yelling when they are playing or even on stage really bothers me. I really can't stand people who just stir up trouble and is a distraction.

4. RUDENESS - Pushing and shoving, getting upset at people over seating arrangements, yelling and causing a big scene only to get kicked out. It makes no sense. The last concert I went to not only were they kicked out but were arrested for hitting the security guy. I'm sorry but you have no business being in public, let alone a fun informal concert.

5. OVERZEALOUS SECURITY - Security guys that let the power go to their heads and try to boss the people (especially close to the stage) around and are overly controlling. I've been to so many concerts and it's really annoying. Yes you are getting paid to be security, that doesn't mean you need to be a jerk and try to run the place. Instead of going after the troublemakers, they pick on people doing nothing.