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Thread: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

  1. #171
    Stuck on the Border
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    Sep 2010

    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    Quote Originally Posted by NightMistBlue View Post
    Where's this Guitar Identifier you speak of, Austin?

    Thank you for all your input
    It is on the very first page of this thread, the first post by me has a long post and at the bottom of that first post are pictures of almost every guitar model, and all of the ones the guys have used. It's a good reference point and if it's not there or you're not sure, feel free to post here and I'll add it to the list.

  2. #172
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    I decided to revisit this thread. I was/am proud of it and the info on it.

    None of the pictures were there!

    So, thanks to Tinypic, my pics are now all gone of the individual guitar models for the "guitar identifier" section. Evidently, they went out of business. So I will try to reupload the pics here soon on Imgur, who still exists and is free, lol, and try again. I've deleted the Tinypic message for each pic saying "we went under", but left the names of the models as a placeholder so I know where to put what. I used to use Flickr until they went under, then Photobucket and then they went under, so I switched to Tinypic who is now defunct, and now I will be using Imgur. What is it with free photo hosting for forum posts that offer IMG codes?

  3. #173
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    I dunno Austin, but I sure appreciate your guitar expertise.

  4. #174
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    That's awful! It's the problem with using third party services - in the end, you can't control what happens to them, and by extension the content you entrust to them. This thread is five years old, after all.

    Indeed, when I think about the fact that this board has now been around almost 13 years (!), 14 if you count Flip City, I guess it's understandable that we've outlasted some of these third party websites!

    Still... How sucky!

    I echo NMB - thank you all your information, and the time and trouble you're taking.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  5. #175
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    Austin, I agree with NMB and Soda. Thanks for all the work you do explaining the various guitars the guys plays and helping us understand the guitar lingo.
    WOW - almost 13 years ! Amazing - way to go Soda ! Many thanks for all the work you and the other mods do to keep this site going.

  6. #176
    Stuck on the Border CAinOH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    Let me add my appreciation. I don't know a lick about guitars (see what I did there), Austin... but I am in awe of your knowledge and appreciate your sharing.

  7. #177
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    Thanks all.

    Rest assured, I'm working on it.

    My dad just had spinal fusion surgery, I rolled my ankle trying to help him out of a chair with my mom, and so I've been a little preoccupied. By the time 9pm rolls around I get online and do stuff for a couple hours and go to bed thoroughly exhausted.

  8. #178
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    The pictures have been restored to the guitar identifier (for now).

    Now I'm just waiting for Imgur to go under so I can do it again, lol!

  9. #179
    Border Desperado Scamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    Just caught bak up with this thread.
    Joe uses auditorium shape acoustic guitars mostly, the others use dreadnoughts. He does this for the same reason he likes to use a different pu on his electric guitar when playing with someone, single vs double. They are a little different in sound and he feel it enhances the overall sound of the guitars.
    Also Joe has used Ovation, probably Adama model, at times. He has said he doesn't like them but you can see him using a 12 string when he sang with Sara Evans and six string, red sunburst, at times. I could have sworn I saw him playing a banjo in an early picture, 75?, of the Eagles. The picture mostly showed Don but you could see Joe off to the side and it looks like he has a banjo.

  10. #180
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles Guitars (and a whole lotta info!)

    I was revisiting this thread today and remembered the better times when I made this thread and how much I was proud of compiling all this information and realized I haven't done anything with it in such a long time. Better times in how I'm doing personally, better times in the country, and also better times because Glenn was still here. While I have absolutely zero interest in the band that is touring right now or what gear they may use or documenting it, if someone wanted to add to this thread in a comment with those details of what Vince and Deacon are playing I would be fine with that. Steuart is still using the same gear from what little I've seen of it. And if someone wanted to create a whole new thread in the Guests section with that new information that would be fine as well, you wouldn't be stealing my thunder so to speak and I encourage you to do so. It's just not something I have any interest in researching as it's quite painful for me. My feelings on the new band haven't changed with time but I've reached a point in that I just don't care anymore. It is what it is and I've moved on and am over the drama and the strife. I still love their records, the guys who made the music, and I just focus on that.

    I did just change the title on the list of the gear the band was using at the time I wrote it (HOTE tour) from being used "currently" to "HOTE tour" so there would be no confusion. I still plan to add more details to the original post as I think of them as it pertains to 70s through HOTE and will try to keep the guitar identifier section current as to new guitars coming out that people might want to be able to identify. I really feel like this thread was perhaps my greatest contribution to the Border albeit a very small one. And I feel like I should at least try to maintain it as much as I may not be as social as I once was or as active here as I once was. Things have changed in my life outside of the band changes and I just don't do a lot of social media or message boards anymore. I feel like so many things have changed since this thread was made and while in part, it's not all just 3.0 that has changed things for me. I yearn for better times not just for me but for all of us and I hope that there will be something down the road. Until then...

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