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Thread: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

  1. #1
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    Well, I certainly had a great time at the VIP experience and the show last night! First, I'll talk about the VIP experience:

    There were three other people going in at the same time - two media members and another fan like me named Mark.

    Mark was so sweet. He had an extra ticket that was better than mine and he gave it to me. He also gave me a photo of Don Felder for him to sign. What a doll!

    After a few minutes, we were taken in during soundcheck and there was Don as well as some people from Styx. I took a couple photos:

    Then, it was time! We came onstage and he was very gracious. He showed us around the stage at first. He said we could sing at the microphone if we wanted, but everyone was too shy. I did go up to it and pretend, imagining myself to be Stevie Nicks, but sparing everyone my rendition of "Edge of Seventeen."

    At this point, he said we could take photos with him. I'd come prepared with my camera and to my delight, unlike in 2009, one of them came out Ok thanks to the help of the road manager! I just wish my hair didn't look so frizzy, but the wind and humidity had destroyed all my efforts to style it.

    He talked to us about his equipment and took us to see one of his boxes of guitars. Of course, the one he pulled out of the box was the biggie - the one he uses to play "Hotel California." He said the original is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but that the one he used was built to the exact specifications and was one of only 150 of its kind. He showed us there was a little switch that controls which of the necks make sound when it's played. I always wondered about that. So cool!

    He encouraged us to come up and hold it. I was frightened I would drop it - it's heavy! - but he said he would hold it with me. Oh gosh, just imagining dropping that was making me freak out, lol.

    I look like a dork in this photo because my mind was being blown, but I'm going to post it anyway!

    He talked about the difficulties of reproducing HC live at first, which led to the adaptations he made in order to create that double-neck. Mark asked him about what he thought of music nowadays, and he said he didn't like all the autotuning. He said that magic of the Eagles was "5 guys who could all sing, write songs, and play - imagine that!"

    I remarked that was how they could record "Victim of Love" live. He agreed and then started talking about how it says in the groove of the record that the song was recorded live, then paused and said, "I bet you already know that." I nodded and laughed, but he continued with the story for the other guys there.

    He said he didn't play it live, and I expressed disappointment, but he said there was only room for so many songs and the Eagles had so many hits that it was hard to choose. However, as a special treat, he took us over to the other guitar box which normally remains closed at this point and showed us the guitar for "Victim of Love." It was really pretty, so I took a couple photos:

    I was tempted to tell him that I wished he would play "Wash Away," but after his statement about "Victim of Love," I figured that it wouldn't be productive.

    Then he said if we'd brought anything for him to sign, he'd be happy to do so. Here is what I got signed (along with a couple picks he gave us):

    I mentioned that I had seen him prior in 2009 where he'd played "Over You," and how beautiful it was. He asked me where I'd seen him. When I said Canada, he mentioned that his "lady" was from there. I said, "I know," then I paused when I realized that such a thing could make me sound like a crazy stalker fan. I hurriedly added, "I'm a big fan and read all your interviews."

    For a millisecond I considered mentioning that I also ran a network of Eagles fansites (including one dedicated to him) and an Eagles message board, but I decided not to because I wasn't sure how he'd react to that, frankly. Not all musicians are cool with sites like mine, and not everything we say here is positive. What if he reacted negatively upon finding out I was the Eagles Online Central girl (assuming he knows of the site)? Therefore, I just presented myself as a fan who happened to know a great deal about him and the Eagles, lol.

    It was really exciting and I'm very glad they offered the "VIP upgrade" option so that even though I already had a ticket, I was still able to participate in the VIP aspect.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    Sound like you had fun, Soda. Boy I wish I went to Tuscaloosa, but I didn't want to drive the 3 hours on a weekday. Maybe next time when he's close by.

    That Victim of Love guitar is beautiful. I love the design on it.

    I would be nervous to hold the HC guitar too, but I think that would had been the first guitar I wanted to hold or touch.

    Beautiful pictures of you and Don and pictures of Don were beautiful too.

    He posted a picture from soundcheck yesterday and I was thinking Soda is at that very concert.

  3. #3
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    The show itself was also great, but way too short! I asked the tour manager for a copy of the setlist, and he said if I could hustle back there after the show, I could get one. Not only did I hustle in my high heels, I squeezed under a barrier! Here it is:

    My new seat, thanks to Mark, was third row center (as opposed to third row off to the side like I originally had). My view was FANTASTIC!

    I had intended to take photos during the show, but I was so distracted that I forgot! There was a professional photographer there, though, so I'm sure some nice ones will be available. We'll just have to keep an eye out for them.

    The songs rocked! He has some young band members who did a fantastic job. He'd said something beforehand during the VIP thing about having a different band for this show than usual because of some logistical issues, but at that point the wind had been blowing hard and I hadn't caught it all. Thus, while there were no recognizable faces, it was still good.

    I thought it was a great idea to stay with "Already Gone" because that song has such energy from the get-go.

    I sang along to "You Don't Have Me," although I felt a little guilty doing so... but then I thought about how many times I've sung along to Lindsey Buckingham ragging on Stevie Nicks and decided to do it. He intro'd it by telling everyone it was #1 along with new version of HC on the "Classic Rock" charts.

    "Those Shoes" is always hot, but at this point, a creepy drunk guy had moved next to me and was all in my space "singing to me" and pointing to my shoes during this song for instance, practically leaning me, so close I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I spent most of the night trying to figure out ways to politely keep him away - too bad Foreigner said for one song "Grab someone next to you" and I had to endure his hands on me for half a song until I finally lied and said I had a boyfriend, so could he please leave me alone.

    Anyway, back to Don! He intro'd "Heavy Metal" by saying something to the effect of the song was written for an animated feature that few people remembered since most who watched it were high. Those were not his words but that was the gist of it, lol. A cool song.

    People weren't really standing so I refrained except for giving him a standing ovation after "Seven Bridges Road" - I hadn't heard the full song performed live since 2010, after all! He intro'ed it by saying the Eagles warmed up to it for a while during the HC tour, but they'd stopped and he missed that.

    I also stood about halfway through "Heartache Tonight," because just like Timothy during an Eagles show, the band was clapping their hands over their heads to get people into it.

    For "Life in the Fast Lane," however, I just thought "Screw it, I'm standing" and did so. No one behind me complained, thank goodness, and I was able to rock out.

    Finally, everyone stood for "Hotel California." Tommy Shaw came out and played Joe for a song, lol. He even sang a verse like on the Soundtrack of Summer CD. No offense to Tommy Shaw, but I was thinking Don should've sung it all. He mouthed the words to the verse Tommy sang, though. They also played it a bit differently, and while I prefer the original, I guess they wanted to shake it up a bit like on the CD. It still rocked.

    No encore, sadly. I'd asked him beforehand if he planned on coming back out again after the show, and when he said no, I decided I might take off a bit early. I left before the Styx show, although I did stay for Foreigner.

    I gotta say, the Foreigner show was terrific! I suggest anyone who goes to one of these shows that you make sure to stay for Foreigner. The audience stood the entire time and indeed, the lead singer said, "If you have a good seat and you're sitting on your a$$ right now, that's just wrong. I know you're over 50, but am I!" He runs out into the audience for part of a song and during the encore, they brought out a local middle school choir to sing on "I Wanna Know What Love Is." Those kids were hamming it up back there and it was adorable! I didn't know all the songs, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

    And that's it, folks! I hope he tours solo by himself soon so I can hear songs that the Eagles don't play like "Victim of Love" and more of his solo work, but this was still a lot of fun.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border MaryCalifornia's Avatar
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    Default Re: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    OMG best VIP experience ever!!! He was so nice, and generous with his time and his guitars.

    How hot is he?? Dang...

    It's all too much for me, I would have died.

    Worth the price, Soda??? I'd think so!!

    Edit: I can't stop looking at his right hand in the first picture!

  5. #5
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    If you're a Don Felder fan and you can afford it, you should totally do it!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  6. #6
    Border Troubadour prayfordaylight's Avatar
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    Default Re: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    Love all the pics Soda! It sounds like it was a great experience. It's always great to see artists give back to their fans and getting to see/hold all his guitars is an awesome perk.

    You can see the stars and still not see the light.

  7. #7
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    It really was nice. Another thing I didn't mention that I really appreciated was all the friendly chit-chat he did, like remarking he had a relative named Nancy, little stuff like that. (It also made me flash back to Lindsey Buckingham telling me he had an aunt named Nancy. At one point it time, it actually was a popular name, lol). Very cool.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    I'm with MC. How hot is Don? LOL

    Question. What color is his hair? Sometimes he looks blonde and sometimes it looks white.
    Last edited by shunlvswx; 05-31-2014 at 10:47 AM.

  9. #9
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    His hair is a very light gray.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: "The Soundtrack of Summer": Tuscaloosa, AL - 5/29/14

    The VIP sounds so good. Did you feel guilty for any bad thoughts you might have had about him? I know I did, just reading about it!
    Thanks for the setlist, too. I like that he's dropped PEF and TIE in favour of more up tempo songs.

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