I will sound different but I can't help it. Being a history and literature buff I grew up with English historical dramas and adaptations of famous books. My favourites were The Six Wives of Henry VIII and Elizabeth R, and War And Peace and Anna Karenina. They STILL have not released War And Peace, which starred Anthony Hopkins, on DVD. More recently there were excellent versions of The Mayor of Casterbridge and Bleak House. How highbrow!

I was also brought up on British comedy, hence The Two Ronnies and Monty Python's Flying Circus, which led to Fawlty Towers and Ripping Yarns. Since meeting my husband we still watch British comedy like Goodness Gracious Me and panel shows like Have I Got News For You and They Think It's All Over.

I didn't watch much American TV growing up and I therefore wasn't inclined to start watching it. I watched comedy - I worshipped F Troop. I liked My Favourite Martian and I Dream of Jeannie. I did like Cheers and then Becker. When I watched 'action' stuff, which was rarely, it was Hawaii Five-O. Now I might watch the occasional Law & Order or CSI but not often. My mother loves The West Wing.

I won't bore you with the highs and lows of Australian TV but we did have a very good cop show called Homicide which has never been bettered. Then we had Countdown, my favourite music show. Then .... that was it really.