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Thread: Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

  1. #1
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

    The show was terrific! It was even better than I thought it would be. This was largely due to how energetic, talkative, funny, and warm Don was (yes, I'm talking about Don Henley). He told stories, made jokes, and made me appreciate the album on another level. His voice was amazing. I plan on giving a more detailed review later, but now I'm off to Nashville!

    By the way, I also met up with Keith, TimFan222, and their spouses. We had great fun reliving the show together afterwards. Lovely people!

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  2. #2
    Border Troubadour NOLA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

    Thanks, Soda! Glad to hear that Don was in a particularly jovial mood throughout the night. Can't wait to read your full review, and enjoy the Nashville show!
    "You thought you would be satisfied, but you never will learn to be still."

  3. #3
    Border Troubadour
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    Default Re: Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

    Oh, you lucky, lucky woman!!!! And now off to Nashville - what I'd give to be going there???

    .....and why are you surprised Don is lovely, warm and funny? ...isn't that what us Diehard Dons have been telling you for years?
    ...Well it sure makes you wonder the things that some people will say. They can see black and white but they don't seem to notice the grey...

  4. #4
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

    So glad to hear the show exceeded your expectations, Nanc. Can't wait to hear more!

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

    Can't wait to read your full review Soda. Enjoy Nashville tonight .

    Here's the Atlanta Journal Constitution article on the show. (I haven't read it yet.)

    People don't run out of dreams, People just run out of time

  6. #6
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

    As Soda said, the show was indeed fantastic - even better than I had anticipated! The Cobb Energy Center is a small venue, only holding less than 3000 people so our seats in the first row of the balcony were great. The show opened with a really cool montage of song snippets from the 40's, 50's and 60's coming from old-fashioned radios suspended from the ceiling. Don sounded wonderful, especially after the first couple of songs as his voice got really warmed up. It was particularly significant to me to hear HOTM in person, as it is one of my favorite songs of all time. Again, as Soda said, Don was so warm, funny, engaging - telling stories, making jokes, explaining how the songs came about, talking about the artists who sang with him on the album, etc. Don thanked us for being so attentive and appreciative of the new stuff and the crowd did truly seem to enjoy the new songs (almost) as much as the classics. I have listened to Cass County repetitively since it came out so I'd know the songs at the concert and the performances last night with the "replacements" were as good as the songs sound on the album. Harmonies were lovely. Just a really perfect experience. Don also complimented the audience on our restraint with not having cell phones out whch made me feel weirdly proud of us I'm sure that others will have much more to add but just wanted to share my experience, as well. Would love to be in Nashville tonight....Don did comment a bit on his opinion of the state of current country music and said playing in Nashville should be "interesting". Indeed!

  7. #7
    Border Desperado Keith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

    A great voice and amazing talent at a beautiful venue. Don managed to strike a very good balance of old favorites and new material. The biggest surprise for me was "It Don't Matter To The Sun". That song was my favorite performance of the evening, and to my knowledge, I had never heard it before. Maybe I need the Target version of Cass County after all.

    Wendy and I, again, had the pleasure of Bettie (TimFan222) and Dave's company. Only folks as good as you two can make a Henley concert even better. Wendy and I have high hopes for future shows.

    And, we all met Soda! Unfortunately, we missed her for dinner because of my love/hate relationship with "smart" phones, but we had the pleasure of her company for drinks after the show. Great to meet you in person Soda. We hope to cross paths again.

  8. #8
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

    I forgot to mention that Don's parting words were "Hope to see you all again next year." Something to look forward to!

  9. #9
    Border Desperado Keith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Atlanta, GA at the Cobb PAC - 10/17/15

    Quote Originally Posted by secondchances View Post
    I forgot to mention that Don's parting words were "Hope to see you all again next year." Something to look forward to!
    I missed that, Secondchances. Hope he's right. Glad you enjoyed the show as well.

    I forgot to mention the lovely Ms. Shawn Colvin. She graced the stage with a performance that artists half her age would have a hard time conjuring. Most people who listened to popular music in the 90's would recognize her hit, "Sonny Came Home". If I knew that her and Steuart Smith had a working history, I forgot about it. It was a nice touch to have him playing with her and Don.

  10. #10
    Border Desperado TimFan222's Avatar
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    Default Don Henley show Atlanta, October 17

    I have now seen my first solo Don Henley concert as well as my first country concert and I liked it!!! Appreciate Cass County more since seeing live and hearing Don talk about the inspiration behind the songs. Great sharing the night with Keith and Wendy. Also loved meeting Soda and spending time with you all Hope to cross paths again soon.

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