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Thread: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

  1. #1
    Out on the Border
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    Default Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    I'll post more later as I'm far too rough at the moment. I just wanted to say that it was a really good show and Don did say a few words about how it had been a very tough year and thanked the fans for their love and support. You could tell how difficult he was finding it to say that but it was touching that he did. I'm hoping GA posts a lengthy review so I don't have to type so much, the hangover's too bad

  2. #2
    Border Troubadour
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    Aw, sweet Don

    I saw some photos from the show and he looked GORGEOUS!!!!
    ...Well it sure makes you wonder the things that some people will say. They can see black and white but they don't seem to notice the grey...

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border buffyfan145's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    Aww, I figured he would eventually say something. Glad you had a great time and looking forward to GA's posts too.
    "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."

  4. #4
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    Can't wait to hear more about the show from you gals.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  5. #5
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    Well finally here it is - I've been BBF catching up with marking and getting ahead as a little event tomorrow night will take up some time. However

    A flying visit to Glasgow it was and I must say Flojo was an excellent hostess, we had a great time in her lovely home catching up and playing Eagles music before and after the show.

    We arrived in the Hydro in plenty of time and were delighted to see that we had pretty good front row seats - a little off of centre to the left. There were two women on our right already decked out in DH T-shirts and two other women who seemed to be great fans on our left. One of them seemed a bit overexuberent - her friend said it was the effect of alcohol but I think it was also just general enthusiasm. She really didn't cause us any problems except for maybe waving her hands in front of me a few times lol

    Of course we had to endure JD and the strait shots first - I have made a mental note to skip them in Dublin on Friday night - but after they had finished you could feel the anticipation in the air from the crowd. For many of them, myself included it was their first time to see Don solo and we were eagerly awaiting the show.

    About 8:30 he came out with the band, including 3 female singers and immediately started the show with a lovely version of Seven Bridges Road which he then followed up with a rocking version of Dirty Laundry. Of course I know the song, but it was infinitely better to hear it sung live. He NAILED it. After that he stopped and inytroduced the show, saying that he had released Cass County in September last year. My exuberent neighboir called out the date of the release (25th September). He said he would be doing some songs off the new album. He also said that his mothers family were originally from Ayreshire - they were harpists so it was like coming home for him. Needless to say that brought a cheer from the crowd. He then said that he would sing a few songs from Cass County. The first one that he sang was 'That Old Flame'. I was delighted to hear this because it is my favourite from the album. One of the female singers in the band joined him on this song. I loved the performance and was also 'Words Can Break Your Heart' which he followed on with.
    Don then said that the next song was 'appropriate' and he sang New York Minute. While he didn't say WHY it was appropriate, I'm sure I wasn't the only person who took from it that it a subtle reference to that New York minute when he had heard that Glenn was gone. He sang it with a real passion in his voice. And I know where my thoughts were too.

    When NYM was over Don took a drink of water and again spoke to the crowd. He said that it was delightful not to see one cellphone in the audience. Everyone laughed. He said however that we could use them later 'when we do the one about the Hotel'. Again laughter. He said 'like in the 60's be here now' I think most of us could see what he meant. Don then introduced the next song as another ballad 'One of the new songs, but it was published in 1955 by the Lubin brothers, Charles and Ira Lubin from Tenessee - they were a bit crazy'. The song was 'When I stop Dreaming' which of course is on the new CD. Once again he was excellent on it.
    After that he launched into One of These Nights - I certainly enjoyed it and sang along but I couldn't help feeling a bit sad too as I know Glenn had nominated it as one of his all time favourite songs from the band. But nonthe less Don was in top form singing it.

    There was then a very short break while the stage was rearranged and the band formed a kind of semi-circle with Don and one of the ladies at the front of it. They sang Bramble Rose - our exuberent friend kept calling out that Dolly Parton sang it on the CD.

    I will be honest I'm not sure exactly which of the 3 lady singers sang on the different duets as it is my first time seeing this show and as well as just enjoying it there was a LOT to take in. They were all excellent anyway. He followed this up with 'IT Don't Matter to the Sun', again with one of the ladies. I never heard this song played live before and I thought it was really beautiful.

    At this point Don took a short break and handed over to his backing ladies 'I'll let these 3 talented ladies sing one for you'. They duly did - they sang one of the songs that Timothy sings on LROOE, - 'I Don't Want to Hear Any More'. The version they did was I think slightly faster and a bit livelier than on the album, but I must say I thought it was a fine rendition and I loved it.

    When he returned to the stage Don then sang 'End of the Innocence' This was always one of my favourites too. This man was impressing me far more than I thought he would!!

    Then came the moment I was hoping for. The next song has been one of my favourites and my sons favourites for almost 10 years now. When he was only 2 he broke his arm and I had to spend several days in the hospital while his arm was reset. I had just downloaded the HFO album the previous day and took it with me into the hospital on my new mp3 player. This song appealed to my son, quietened him down and kept us both sane the day of his surgery. Co incidentally although I didnt know its significance at the time (I would find it out, and Sodas websites only a few days later) the date was 6th November!!

    Anyway, Don introduced it as 'We don't often do this song and haven't done it in 25 or 30 years but we are going to do it tonight. People have been enjoying it. Its the history of Western Civilisation in 6 minutes' Of course he meant 'The Last Resort'. It was one I had hoped some day to see live but I thought I never would. I really adored every second of those 6 minutes, although I will admit to suddenly getting a bit emotional and having to wipe away the tears (Thanks for the hugs flojo). Needless to say when he finished it Don got a spontaneous Standing Ovation from the audience and I say he deserved every bit of it The following song was also very emotional, but sung with passion and feeling - Heart of the Matter. I never thought I would ever see these songs sung live again so that alone was such a thrill.

    After HOTM, Don decided to introduce the band members 'Theres not a looney in the bunch except me' he laughed. In short the band consisted of some familiar faces and to me a few new ones although others may have seen them before, Steuart Smith, Michael Thompson, Scott Crago, Will Hollis, Chris Holt, Lance Morrison and Milo Dearing (Has anyone seen the last 2 guys playong before?). The ladies he introduced as Erica Swindell, Lara Johnston and Lily Elise. After the applause he took the show up a notch by introducing something that was 'appropriate at this time'. It was 'Every Body Wants To Rule The World'. A few of us got up in the front row and started to dance including Flojo and myself. We continued for the next song 'Boys of Summer'. Then Don looked over at the group of about 6 of us and gave us a smile and a little wave!! What a sweetie he was doing that. Unfortunately during the next song which was actually the last of the main set - 'Life in the Fast Lane' a guy further down the front row decided that we were having too good a time and asked the security guy to tell us to sit down!! lol!! Theres always one!!

    Anyway that didn't rain on our party. Don did a lot of extra guitar work during LITFL - It was a super performance and everyone loved it. After that he took leave of the stage for a few minutes but then came out for the encore.

    When he came out he said he'd quieten it down first and do another song from Cass County. The he whispered 'then we'll get LOUD again!!'. The song he chose to do was 'Train in the Distance'.

    The came the moment people had been waiting for
    'Ok Get them out....'. As Hotel California started phones and cameras appeared from every angle imaginable. I took a few pics which I will post here - some of you may have seen them on FB already. In truth he was moving about so mush it was difficult to take pics without them blurring!! Don really enjoyed playing it and he even went back to the drums and started playing them from the side. When he finished the song and stood at the front the crowd quietened a bit. He then said that this had been a difficult few months for the band and he thanked all the fans for their loyalty and support. It was heartfelt and it was I think emotional and difficult for him to say that. Evidently he is missing Glenn deeply and will for a long time. Like the NYM comment I took this as a tribute to Glenn and was delighted he said it. After that he sang Desperado - obviously we all felt a lot more emotional hearing it now. When it was over he didnt hang around the stage, although it was another minute or two before the arena lights came on and the show was over.

    But it was a fantastic night and exceeded my expectations so much that I decided that I would go to Cork after all this week!!
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    Thanks for the review GA.

    Regarding New York Minute it's more than the fact that Glenn died there.

    'You'd better take a fool's advice
    And take care of your own
    One day they're here
    Next day they're gone'

    'You find somebody to love in this world
    You better hang on tooth & nail
    The wolf is always at the door'.

  7. #7
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    Oh I know that but I was just averting to the possiblity (in fact the certainty IMHO) that this was meant as a reference to Glenn
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  8. #8
    Border Rebel StephUK's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    Thanks for the lovely review Elizabeth. I've seen Don's solo show a few times and they've always been good. I think you see a different side of him than at the Eagles shows. Sometimes he does other people's songs, and comes up with a variety of musical styles. I saw him in Dallas last year, on his short US Cass County tour, and it was a beautiful show. I'm quite envious that you're seeing a few shows this time, and I need to ask, how is the gorgeous Mr Hollis?
    Please give him a cheer from me at the next show. Have a great time.

    I hope you've recovered from JD !

  9. #9
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    Thank you so much for that detailed review, GA! What a night!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  10. #10
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Glasgow 25/06/16

    Quote Originally Posted by StephUK View Post
    Thanks for the lovely review Elizabeth. I've seen Don's solo show a few times and they've always been good. I think you see a different side of him than at the Eagles shows. Sometimes he does other people's songs, and comes up with a variety of musical styles. I saw him in Dallas last year, on his short US Cass County tour, and it was a beautiful show. I'm quite envious that you're seeing a few shows this time, and I need to ask, how is the gorgeous Mr Hollis?
    Please give him a cheer from me at the next show. Have a great time.

    I hope you've recovered from JD !

    Mr Hollis was in fine form Steph and I DID think of you when I saw him come onto the stage. I gave him a big cheer when Don introduced him!!
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

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