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Thread: Jerry Maguire

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Jerry Maguire

    I didn't see a thread for this movie. If there's one, please delete this one.

    Happy 20th Anniversary to Jerry Maguire. I remembered watching this movie when it first came out, but I didn't know Glenn was in that movie. But than again. I didn't know Glenn that well back then. Its been years since I've seen the whole movie and I don't remember Glenn's part in the movie. LOL
    Last edited by shunlvswx; 12-14-2016 at 03:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jerry Maguire

    I thought we had one, but just like you, I couldn't find it. Thanks for starting this one! Cameron Crowe tweeted about it earlier.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  3. #3
    Border Rebel
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    Default Re: Jerry Maguire

    I didn't follow the Eagles as much back then. I listened to them a lot, but hadn't seen them live in concert. When I saw the movie, I knew that I knew that guy in the movie. It was driving me crazy, trying to think where I recognized him from. , until suddenly it hit me -- Glenn Frey! I guess I was thinking of an actor, not a musician. It makes me laugh a little to think about it now, because of course I'd recognize him pretty much anywhere!

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border buffyfan145's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jerry Maguire

    I can't believe this movie is 20 years old. I know I didn't get to see it till a year later when I was 11 as we got it from Blockbuster (the old VHS rental days LOL) but this was when I started to get more into Cameron's movies and more romance style films (even though my Dad considers this also a sports movie LOL). It was so popular back then. I remember too my parents pointing out Glenn when we watched it and I was amazed he was in it. Still remember too how popular Renee's line "You had me from hello" and Tom's "Show me the money" were.
    "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."

  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jerry Maguire

    Kenny Chesney even made Renee's line a song called "You Had Me From Hello." He also end up marrying her too. LOL I think her line "You had me at hello."
    Last edited by shunlvswx; 12-14-2016 at 12:54 PM.

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Jerry Maguire

    Quote Originally Posted by shunlvswx View Post
    Kenny Chesney even made Renee's line a song called "You Had Me From Hello." He also end up marrying her too. LOL I think her line "You had me at hello."
    Someone should have written a song called "Show me the money".
    Oh, wait a minute...

  7. #7
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jerry Maguire

    I watched the movie when it first came out. I had no idea that the famous Glenn Frey was playing the manager, but then again, I only knew Glenn from his 80s videos and Hell Freezes Over at that point, which I had only watched once years prior (and which he looked rather different in).

    Glenn really did have the ability to transform his looks very effectively!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Jerry Maguire

    I loved the movie and I should watch it again. I don't think I knew Glenn was on it until I saw him! Glenn's part was very funny. I wished there'd been more of him, but I guess it's more effective that way.

  9. #9
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jerry Maguire

    Its the ONLY reason that I watch Jerry Maguire
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border Delilah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jerry Maguire

    I meant to comment on this earlier, as it came on the other day. The first time I saw it, back when it came out, I didn't know the coach was played by Glenn. I just remember it was one of the best scenes in the movie. I felt badly for Tom Cruise in that scene, which meant the guy who played the coach must have done a good job.

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