I didn't put this in the Randy press thread b/c it's not an interview with Randy but with his former bass player Tom Erak. Mr. Erak played on Randy's 3rd solo album and toured with him "all over the world" (I know they toured in Japan but I'd love to know where else they performed). Anyway, mods feel free to move to the press thread if that is more appropriate. It's not clear when this interview took place but the podcast shows a 2016 copyright.

A brief overview:
Randy--I love that guy...He's a funk, R&B bass player...He loved my playing...I didn't know any Eagles songs...[Randy]'s amazing...Nobody's a better singer than him...He's just a shy guy...a really nice--he's a sweet man.
The interviewer tried to bring up Randy's late wife but Mr. Erak cut him off, only saying he "knew her extremely well" and that it was an accident. He gave his interesting perspective about Randy's trip to the desert and taking psychedelics as well as writing credits on TITTL (basically that Randy wrote everything).

It's a long interview and the part that pertains to Randy starts at 59:30 when Mike Flicker, Randy's producer, is being discussed.