Last night was absolutely insane. I went out at 6:30 to have dinner with a friend, and the rain was torrential. We emerged from the restaurant about two hours later, and in that amount of time, the rain had stopped - but it had dropped TWENTY degrees. In two hours! It was snowing instead.

The sudden drop after the rain meant there was ice everywhere. My car door was actually iced shut, and I had to chip ice away and pull hard to get it open. I waited in the car with the engine running for about 10 minutes, then decided that was good enough and went on my way.

Only problem - turns out that the brakes weren't de-iced enough. Going around a corner, I was unable to press my brake all the way down and took it way too fast. I almost lost control of the car. Luckily there were no other cars around, and I just let the car slow down and went the rest of the way 20mph (thank goodness it's only about 10 miles!)