LOL, Dreamer - you are so funny!

DF and Samo: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WONDERFUL REVIEWS! I enjoyed reading them so much. All my memories of the 20 March London concert came flooding back - I was almost holding my breath while reading!

And OH! Joe is so amazing! To get a bear hug from him... I am SO jealous! Good on you for asking him for one, DF! And to have Glenn on the other side of a glass window from you... good grief. If I were in that position my heart would have ACHED. And I MEAN ACHED.

DF, it's funny that you mention the entertainment value of the film on the big screens sometimes distracting you from the guys themselves. I must admit that it wasn't a problem for me. I barely noticed the big screens! I couldn't take my eyes off the guys, particularly Glenn !

I can't wait to see your photos!!!