On this board we try to be tolerant of all opinions, as long as they are respectful and substantiated. That, of course, doesn’t mean your opinion may not be challenged by other members, and that’s okay too as long as everyone remains polite and tolerant.

There are thousands of discussions on the board where fans disagree about different topics. Of course, that will always be the case – there is no way to expect us all to agree about everything. But, there are some disagreements that are very civil and others that are very contentious and argumentative. The confrontational types of discussion inevitably boils down to the same things – disrespect for others opinions, misunderstanding or misrepresenting your's or other’s opinions, and personal attacks on members. This is why these behaviors are against our Terms of Service.

Arlee, unfortunately, many of your posts fall into this category. If all you have to contribute to the board is to be combative and insulting to other members, then perhaps this isn’t the right place for you.

As I often say, there may not be a right or wrong in how we feel, but there is a right and wrong in how we express ourselves.

Quote Originally Posted by Arlee View Post
I point out that you deflect and chase away opinions you don't like, and your response is that I'm being dramatic. Oh the irony.

And no, apparently it is not clear to you what I'm writing. But I'm done explaining myself.
Thank you for this. I agree that it is futile to continue with these circular discussions. I will be glad to discuss this further with you if you want to send me a PM, but I don't want to continue taking the thread off-topic. Thanks.