Class 1's take on Vince Gill:


- probably the manager and not in the band, does not fit vibe of band at all
- looks clueless as to band's lifestyle
- trying to be cool but not successful, least cool of group
- probably tells a lot of jokes and wants to be the funny guy
- not as into music, maybe not as good at it
- older than the others
- he seems the friendliest
- he is just happy to be there, wants to be accepted
- others do not seem to accept him, he is apart from them
- he will do what they tell him to do
- reminds many students of their dad (I think this was why they thought he was so uncool lol!)

Narrative they came up with for Vince when I told them he was not their manager, but in the band:

An accountant, probably with a wife and kids, having a mid-life crisis and joining a band. Maybe he was once cool but became a family man and lost his coolness. Now, he is trying to get it back, but it's not working.