what a day!!! the concert started in the afternoon with some small group then proceeded to jackson brown, linda ronstadt then the eagles. it was being shown on howard cosell's show from new york so we'd have to wait while he dicked around with commercials and yapp,yapp,yapp like he always did. the he'd intro the group and they would play----then it was great!! jackson brown was new but already good. linda was incredible!!!!!! that red dress, that voice---heat wave, you're no good------every body was going wild!!!!!!! then the eagles-what a show---in between the cosell crap. then cosell was done and they said 'ok this is for you people' and they played and played, linda joined them. it was just so cool, i think it was like midnite or so when it finished. i've only seen a kinda rough clip of linda doing you're no good on you tube altho it seems there was one a couple years ago of heat wave. it would be cool if the cosell tapes showed up----somebody must have them-----you'd see a show like none you've seen before.