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Thread: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

  1. #1
    Border Troubadour groupie2686's Avatar
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    Default Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    I just saw this...they are going to perform Hotel California in its entirety at 2 shows in Vegas in September....I just tried to post a link to the article but it wouldn't work for some reason. I wonder who is going to do Try and Love Again, guess would be Vince, although since Vince has been doing NKIT, what would that leave for Deacon?

    I remember reading somewhere that Glenn had wanted to do this to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the album - who would have done TALA then, I wonder? Timothy?

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border CAinOH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Quote Originally Posted by groupie2686 View Post
    I just saw this...they are going to perform Hotel California in its entirety at 2 shows in Vegas in September....I just tried to post a link to the article but it wouldn't work for some reason. I wonder who is going to do Try and Love Again, guess would be Vince, although since Vince has been doing NKIT, what would that leave for Deacon?

    I remember reading somewhere that Glenn had wanted to do this to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the album - who would have done TALA then, I wonder? Timothy?
    The Eagles' site actually has a news item about it:

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Hi Groupie - how are you ?
    Wow, I am surprised with that news. I do not think Tim will do TALA - he said he would never sing any Randy songs. So, I guess that means Vince will sing it. Can you imagine how much those tickets will cost.

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border CAinOH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    And... it's scheduled for the same weekend as the Standin' on the Corner Festival in Winslow.

    Eagles' fans are needing to make a hard decision this morning.

  5. #5
    Border Rebel
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    I don't think this all that much of a reach or a surprise. Nearly all of this album has been played for years, TALA being the lone exception. And quite frankly, if Randy isn't there to sing this, I wouldn't be at all interested, no matter who ends up doing the vocals.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    I understand many will not care for this, but I’m really excited to see this. Mainly because of try and love again being played. It would have been nice to see them do this with Glenn but I don’t think anyone in the band could have done that song as well as Vince could now. Besides bringing back Randy to do it of course

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Quote Originally Posted by New Kid In Town View Post
    Hi Groupie - how are you ?
    Wow, I am surprised with that news. I do not think Tim will do TALA - he said he would never sing any Randy songs. So, I guess that means Vince will sing it. Can you imagine how much those tickets will cost.
    Did Timothy say why he won't sing them?

  8. #8
    Border Troubadour groupie2686's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Quote Originally Posted by New Kid In Town View Post
    Hi Groupie - how are you ?
    Wow, I am surprised with that news. I do not think Tim will do TALA - he said he would never sing any Randy songs. So, I guess that means Vince will sing it. Can you imagine how much those tickets will cost.
    Hi New Kid, I've been good, how are you?

    I remember reading that too, Tim said he wouldn't sing any Randy songs- maybe out of respect for him when he first joined? It would be fair though, if Vince did NKIT as usual, to give Tim a song.

    I have no interest in seeing TALA without Randy (or any of this without Glenn for that matter, but I don't want to drag up that debate here).

  9. #9
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Quote Originally Posted by CAinOH View Post
    And... it's scheduled for the same weekend as the Standin' on the Corner Festival in Winslow.

    Eagles' fans are needing to make a hard decision this morning.

    That is so wrong!

  10. #10
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    I'm looking forward to this. I'm glad they've decided to do one more US show.

    As with their other concerts I've attended the last year, more than a few tears will be shed all around. It hurts. I know I'm not alone when I say that Frey's death is still unsettled in my mind and heart.

    For me personally, when I attend these concerts, in some ways it feels like a tribute for Frey. As Henley said, they're doing these songs in his honor.

    It's an outlet for my grief, I suppose. But of course, it's so much more.

    There is the oft-cited "soundtrack to my life" played live.

    And then there's the talented musicians themselves. I get chills when Henley goes into a song. Sigh.

    And seeing how the guys and the audience embrace Deacon almost makes my heart burst.

    Then there's a chance to see those talented and fabulous backing members. It's so fun to see how much fun Crago has.

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