Quote Originally Posted by KingWalsh View Post
Great haul! I have 0U812 as well haha! I have quite a collection myself and remember going when I was a teen to the record store and getting excited for rare finds😊. Loved record conventions too but those are gone; used to find some great stuff. Besides that guy was a real dip. I hate when someone uses the argument that "they sold more records" to establish they are therefore a better artist. It's fine he has his own opinion but quite snarky, rude. Good job showing restraint!

At the comic con, this guy was selling reprod posters and he had an Eagles one that was pretty cool I haven't seen. Red white and blue. Pretty sure it was from 77. so I pulled it out in front as I continued to look. The guy got so pissed I did that and said "That doesn't go there!" And hurriedly grabbed it and put it in the " correct" spot. He has so upset! I didn't have the restraint you did, I said "you just lost a sale" and left wish I got that reprod though 😐. I don't understand people sometimes why alienate your buyers?
Yeah it's almost like some people don't want to have business.

I mean hey - if you don't want any more Glenn albums how about you just turn them down when you buy them if you are so ashamed to have them in your store.

Yeah that OU812 record is a good find. Hard to come by as it was right at the tail end of the vinyl era. Last Van Halen album you can find originally pressed on vinyl.