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Thread: Eagles meme challenge

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border KingWalsh's Avatar
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    Default Eagles meme challenge

    Hi! Things have been getting a little tense on the let's have some fun! You probably have all seen the dolly parton linkedin, facebook, Instagram tinder meme.. Well I decided let's post some of our own! Let loose! Whole band, certain member, whatever floats your boat! I start with Joe, of course, duh!
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  2. #2
    Border Rebel MarthaJo56's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles meme challenge

    I'm really no good at this, but here is my attempt...glenncollage2.jpg I can't figure out how to make it bigger

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles meme challenge

    Hah, I've seen that go around. Whoever does PR/social media for Dolly had a brilliant idea. Totally went viral, and not just in the small traditional SM country community. I thought Loretta Lynn's was funny.

    I was tempted to make one for myself to put on my Instagram account, but I figured that A - I don't know that I have 4 separate identities (maybe I'm just not imaginative), and B - that my 800 or so followers are following me for to hear my guitar playing and music, see my guitar photos, see the occasional BBQ I cook, pizza I eat, and maybe see some random life updates and travel pics. LOL! I try not to do anything that is too much of a meme, or jump on bandwagons. I figure they can see that stuff anywhere. I share funny memes that I don't see elsewhere, though. Sometimes I make one. Mine never go viral though, lol! I don't do hashtags or tags, which is why I have only 800 followers but I'll take a dedicated, chill group of cool friends than be shared everywhere and incite haters or people that aren't that invested in your page.

    To be honest, my Facebook photo would pretty much cover all of those boxes. I use the same pic on all of my accounts and it's me playing guitar. It fits me to a T. I don't have separate wardrobes. This guy doesn't dress up or down! I'll wear a T-shirt and jeans pretty much anywhere. I tend to favor mostly band shirts too. Sure, I have a suit. But I wear it to funerals basically. I don't go to weddings, and I certainly am no exec. I thought of doing a snarky one with 4 of the same pics - meaning I'm the same person in every scenario and that I don't act differently around different people or for different situations. But I won't ruin their fun, lol.

    I do actually get a kick out of seeing them. I don't follow her, but I think Loretta Lynn's is the best one I've seen. I'm not going to spoil it for you, go get on her Instagram. It made me chuckle. I'll have to think if I want to try to make one for an Eagle. It's probably beyond what I feel comfortable doing, lol, but I will be sure to read/see all of them! I think Dreamer would probably use her av for Glenn's "Tinder" pic.

  4. #4
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles meme challenge

    I like to see them but I have no clue how to make one! Showing my age there!

    Oh, and what is tinder?
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
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  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border KingWalsh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles meme challenge

    MarthaJo, great job! Love it. I had a hard time too making it bigger. I think what finally worked was opening it on a new "page" from the attachments page and then using that "address" as an insert picture url. (I think&#128582

    Walshfan88, I checked out Loretta's that was funny! Ya I Don t have any social media accounts so that's that. I liked the idea of same pic in each that's witty/dry humor! 👍

    Well Brooke, tinder is a "dating/hook up" site shall we say. I did mine using the photo editing app photo studio on my kindle. I wanted to use the softball shot CAINOH shared 🔥🔥🔥 but for some reason it wouldn't stay focused. Bummer. I'm gonna try and do one of each guy when I get the chance. Ha ha !

    Keep 'em coming everybody! 😊

  6. #6
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles meme challenge

    Good idea for a thread, KW. However, I've been pretty busy lately, so I don't know if I'll get around to contributing anything. But, I look forward to seeing what other members come up with.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  7. #7
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles meme challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by WalshFan88 View Post
    I think Dreamer would probably use her av for Glenn's "Tinder" pic.
    Great idea, Austin. Wish I had time to do one of these.

    ... or maybe this one ...

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles meme challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Ive always been a dreamer View Post
    Great idea, Austin. Wish I had time to do one of these.

    ... or maybe this one ...

    Haha, I forgot you changed yours. I always associate your screenname with that, um, shirtless picture.

  9. #9
    Border Troubadour FreyFollower's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles meme challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Brooke View Post
    I like to see them but I have no clue how to make one! Showing my age there!

    Oh, and what is tinder?
    Don't feel like the "Lone Ranger", Brooke! LOl! I'm clueless! And Dolly started this...where?
    "Be part of something good--
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  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles meme challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by FreyFollower View Post
    Don't feel like the "Lone Ranger", Brooke! LOl! I'm clueless! And Dolly started this...where?
    I saw it on Insta first. Multiple people were doing it. I don't follow her, but most people gave credit to her for starting this and that's how I saw her original.

    I would assume she put it on all of her social accts (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). It's everywhere right now though.

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