Our Governor in IL is now fining business who refuse to enforce mask rules. It's about time! Maybe the people crying about "freedom" and "fake news virus" will change their tune when it hits them in a pocketbook. Since evidently their concern for their loved ones and others wasn't enough reason to do so. Maybe this will get them to do the right thing. One can only hope. They'll do it, but whine about "control".

There are so damn many conspiracy theories flying around about Bill Gates, George Soros, China, vaccine, Drs. Birx and Fauci, hospitals looking for money, falsified results, etc. It's sickening that this deadly virus has been politicized and called a hoax. And some people are doubling down on this rather than changing their tune about the severity. Sure, it's not Ebola, but it's not the flu or norovirus either. It's closer to Ebola than it is to those. Wake up people! I believe in a select few conspiracies, but this is Alex Jones-level insanity. Thank god he was banned from all platforms. His hate speech and crazed rants lead to safety issues and flat out harassment for the parents of the Sandy Hook shooting. People will whine it's censorship, etc. It's not. There are plenty of blogs that share false information and things that are crazy. But hate speech and speech/text that puts people in danger needs censoring. I'm all for "censorship" when it comes to silencing racism, bigotry, and dangerous speech that can lead to the harm of one or many human beings.

Whoever needs to hear this - put down your tinfoil hat and put on your freaking mask!