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Thread: Corona Virus

  1. #231
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Corona Virus

    Quote Originally Posted by UndertheWire View Post
    I understand that a lockdown is bad for the economy and that those most at risk from the virus are the elderly and those in poor health who are likely to be contributing least to the economy. It's still brutal.
    So they don't have a right to be protected because they are past their sell-by date and aren't 'useful' to the economy??? We have locked down to protect everybody PARTICULARLY the elderly and the vulnerable.
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  2. #232
    Stuck on the Border WalshFan88's Avatar
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    Amen UnderTheWire and CAinOH! A-freaking-men. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. It's really bothersome to me.

    I am soooo tired of his administration and him making this a circus. It's insane. When you start telling people maybe they need to just find a disinfectant to inject or UV light treatments it's time for you to step the heck down! Not to mention the dangers of promoting drugs that people shouldn't take unless it was their doctors idea. And the possibility of conflict of interest since he had a stake in the company that makes hydroxychloroquine! Certainly not taking any medical advice from Donald Trump, lol. And yet he's trying to block Dr. Fauci from testifying, and trying to push for everything to open up and "wind down" the "task force". I think some people think that this virus will just disappear, and go away. The way he made it sound the other day is that it will just go away. Yeah, it's going to pack it's little RNA-riddled bags and go home. Right, and the sky is orange, right Donald?! OMG. The fact that someone would take him at his word, and then go home and drink chemicals used to treat sick fish because it had chloroquine in it. No, Trump didn't make him drink it, but he's in a position of influence to his base and there are unfortunately people out there that simply do not know any better and would believe anything he says, so much so that they will do crazy things like this. Let alone youth. An old saying- but with great power and influence comes greater responsibility. He's not holding the bottle to his lips, but he certainly led him to it, however indirectly that may be! I think it's so dangerous to make comments like that, especially vague ones that don't reflect science or anything. I mean here locally someone drank freaking Clorox and had esophageal and GI burns!

    And to think people still trust him more than the medical community, including Dr. Fauci. This Dr. Judy Mikovits lady has really shot herself in the foot with all that conspiracy talk, when she has such a shady past, and has even been arrested for stealing information! It shocked me to see on Facebook so many reposting that video and saying how frightened they were and how it all made sense to them now. I sat in amazement, not in anger. It was so unbelievable. There is a reason Dr. Fauci has served 6, count 'em, 6 US presidents. He's truly the knight in shining armor, along with Dr. Birx. Those are the people to trust. Not some senile businessman or some quack trying to push an agenda. Now I'm not saying conspiracies don't happen (they do), but this is just pure Alex Jones tinfoil hat-level insanity. I feel the same way about Jones and his pushing the whole crisis actor thing on Sandy Hook as I do about Trump's suggested treatments and his off the wall commentary. Alex Jones's fanbase went and then attacked the parents. Did Alex Jones make them do it? No. Same with Trump calling this the "Chinese virus". Yes, it originated from Wuhan, China but the way he kept using that phrase in a negative tone just promoted xenophobia, but that's nothing new with Donald. But again, if you are an influential person, you need to take great care in what you say. Even online YouTube and social media celebrities need to be careful for the fact that if a young person or a person who is intellectually disabled gets ahold of your words and takes them and uses it out of not knowing any better, you are still quite guilty IMO. You should be leading by example, and doing it intelligently.

    I think the governors in most states are far smarter and are taking the medical community's advice and doing the right thing. Unfortunately, some are not and are making terrible mistakes that I HOPE won't cause any more fatalities. I know I'm quite proud of my governor (IL - J.B. Pritzker). He's taken heat from DJT, but just puts it right back on him. Thankfully, we are still doing a stay-at-home mandatory order and that if you have to leave to go to the doctor or to go to the store, you must wear a mask. Some business aren't enforcing it, but thankfully most are. Some people are really PO'ed about it and are boycotting businesses who enforce it. I hate to tell these people, but your "freedom" to not wear a mask does not mean it's ok to make others sick. Period! Wear the damn mask, get one made in your favorite sports team logo or flowers or whatever. But for the love of god, wear the damn thing and stay home whenever possible. Let's not ruin whatever progress we have (hopefully) made with quarantine and social distancing thus far folks!

    Of all the times to have a global pandemic, I couldn't think of a worse administration to have it under! At this point I think the Easter Bunny might have been a better choice... It's funny until you think about it! I hate when real life starts looking like science fiction movies. I don't like it at all. Trust me, I cannot wait for this to blow over and when it's right, to go back to normal life. But hopefully we will be a little more grateful for each day and fully realize the fragility that is human life. But for the sake of our elders, frail and compromised health family, friends, and the human race who may not survive COVID, be smart about it.

    Be safe and be well out there Border friends. And may we all SAFELY get back to our lives as soon as it's possible, but not a minute before. I really hope everyone stays healthy and doesn't catch this virus.

  3. #233
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Corona Virus

    I'm so glad I can come here and not be called an azz (Yes I was called that on facebook because I didn't want our state reopen). Its been a long time we've been in harmony about a subject.

    Brothers for life. RIP Glenn

    I'm not sure I believe in fate, but I know that crossing paths with Glenn Lewis Frey in 1970 changed my life forever, and it eventually had an impact on the lives of millions of other people all over the planet. It will be very strange going forward in a world without him in it. But, I will be grateful, every day, that he was in my life. Rest in peace, my brother. You did what you set out to do, and then some." -Don Henley

  4. #234
    Stuck on the Border WalshFan88's Avatar
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    Default Re: Corona Virus

    Quote Originally Posted by UndertheWire View Post
    I understand that a lockdown is bad for the economy and that those most at risk from the virus are the elderly and those in poor health who are likely to be contributing least to the economy. It's still brutal.
    I literally saw someone post on Facebook yesterday that whatever risk by opening up early and having frail or older people die was ok, because we are overpopulated anyway and that she thinks this is natural selection right "in front of our eyes", and that it was ok to her that only the strongest survive. Like we need weeding out and this is God's way of doing that. As someone who is in extremely compromised health with adrenal insufficiency, and is basically one adrenal crisis away from death at any given trauma/stressor/illness. I was fuming mad. I was literally disgusted. I truly felt sick and nauseous. I took offense, yes. I have no shame in admitting that. And then it hit me. There is probably no comment that hits so close to home for me. I haven't been that sad in awhile. But today I looked at my folks, looked at my pets. And I realized I am worthy. There are times when I've felt like an incredible burden on my folks, my relatives, my friends, and even the world. I have felt like damaged goods. I have felt worthless. But I refuse to subscribe to that anymore. I refuse to accept what my school bullies called me. I refuse to believe the things that have been said about me behind my back by people I once valued as friends. And I refuse to think I'm any less of a person. I made the mistake of not sticking up for myself in school and believing every last word some snot-nosed brat said about me be it my appearance, my social skills, whatever. That won't happen again in my lifetime.

    I'll say this - this woman has no right to say who lives and who dies and that the coronavirus is just some sort of gift of a natural phenomenon and will "take out the trash" (to put it bluntly). I've always hated the whole alpha/beta thing too. Really? We aren't wild animals! We are people and NO life is more important than that of another. Sure, us disabled folk aren't contributing as much, but do you really think we wanted to live like this? Ugh. Trust me, I'd rather be able-bodied. I have every right to live just as much as some jock guy who think he looks like Adonis or some "important" money grubbing CEO lining his pockets. This is humans we are talking about. We might have come from the wild animals, but we've evolved. Natural selection doesn't matter anymore. Everyone is 110 percent equal. No life is greater than another. Just because you are "old" doesn't mean you should just quit wasting air and wither up and die. And just because you're disabled or are disfigured means you should do the same. No! We have the right to live just as much as the best looking, hardest working, top-genetics guy/girl. We have a right to be protected in the best way possible from death in this fashion. We shouldn't just quit wasting Mr. or Ms/Mrs. Perfect's air. Not at all!

    It truly ripped my soul open to see someone said that so bluntly and unashamedly. I was heartbroken by someone I didn't even know. I know there are people who think this way, but never have I seen it in print or heard someone say so coldly that us older or poor health folks should just die already. Thankfully, this woman wasn't on my friends list and was rather a friend of a friend. And thankfully, I just didn't say anything. I don't want to even entertain the notion of people like that. I truly feel that the human race needs a reset of our minds. I was hoping that this pandemic would bring us closer together. But it won't.

    While I would never wish harm on anyone I really hope that someday, by some circumstance, that woman realizes just how heartless and cruel her mindset is/was. Maybe something will happen to an elderly loved one or her grandbaby will be born like I was with severe medical issues. Maybe then she'll realize that we are worth having around. Maybe then she'll realize that it's time to do some soul searching. Again I would never wish harm on anyone, but I do hope she has something that causes her to reevaluate what's important. None of us are perfect. None of us as human lives are more prized than the other. We all deserve love.


  5. #235
    Stuck on the Border WalshFan88's Avatar
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    Default Re: Corona Virus

    Quote Originally Posted by shunlvswx View Post
    I'm so glad I can come here and not be called an azz (Yes I was called that on facebook because I didn't want our state reopen). Its been a long time we've been in harmony about a subject.
    As much as I love social media for the most part, and vouch for people using smartphones without labels being put on them, some networks can be a cesspool. Facebook and Twitter are going downhill fast. The amount of crap talking on there now rivals YouTube comment sections and Reddit at this point. There is a reason that Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc are all gaining popularity especially with younger folks.

    I had once thought Facebook was the best platform, because you had your full real name and picture and therefore didn't hide behind a screenname, but I think people have become so brazen (just see my above post for a glaring example) and emboldened that having your picture and name associated with it just simply doesn't matter anymore. Even on a friend's page! The people who are "ists" and "phobes" (and I'm being serious, but you know what the abbreviations are) come out in droves. Bigots, basically. And even the ones who aren't that can still share misinformation or just toxic rhetoric. I feel like after the 2016 election, the nasty people were given all the confirmation bias they needed and felt like they had a platform and that they could come crawling out and speak their hate freely. And sadly, I think they are right. Unfortunately it was like taking a time machine back to the 50s and beforehand. It felt like we had just reversed all progress in one fell swoop of a year. It hasn't got any better since then, perhaps even worse.

    I do post to Facebook semi-frequently, as a lot of my relatives and older friends are on there. But I really don't read the news feed much, if I'm honest. And while I do post to Twitter occasionally, I don't like it either. I feel like Twitter is just a cesspool. In some ways worse than Facebook, since there isn't a friends list but rather it's all people you probably don't know. While Facebook has groups and pages, you also have friends that you have to add on there, unless you set your profile to public in which case all bets are off. But I feel like that Facebook is becoming more and more toxic everyday. I'm probably too old for Snap and TikTok, but I do love Instagram so much. I keep my social media drama free. Politics, religion, even semi-NSFW stuff doesn't get posted. And I'm quick to moderate comments or pull something. I don't want that. I try to be mindful of my social media presence. I'm not an influencer at all, but I still want to lead by example and think twice before hitting post. I don't want to trigger a vulnerable person in any way at all... And to be sure, people have the right to post what they want and I'm in no way saying that people should run their pages like mine. Most don't, lol, including some family members, and that's fine. Some of the posts I might agree with. And while not every supporter of a politician or religion is toxic, a fair number of them are and I will just keep scrolling. I try to not associate myself with it.

  6. #236
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    scottside - so glad your sister is recovering. I have some bad news of my own - my youngest brother and his wife, and stepson have all tested positive. His wife is a front line nurse, so I guess it shouldn't be a huge shock, but it's still very scary. I talked to my brother a little while ago and so far he is doing fair, although he was obviously not feeling very well. Everyone, please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. My emotions right now are all over the place.

    I couldn't agree with everyone more. Here are the numbers from a little earlier today. I think this just about tells us all we need to know. The U.S. federal government, it seems, has reached a new level of stupid ...

    Location Confirmed Cases Recovered Deaths
    United States 1,223,468
    Spain 220,325
    Italy 214,457
    United Kingdom 202,356
    France 174,224
    Germany 168,162
    Russia 165,929
    Turkey 131,744
    Brazil 125,218
    Iran 101,650
    China 82,928
    Canada 64,670
    Peru 54,817
    India 52,987
    Belgium 50,781

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  7. #237
    Stuck on the Border WalshFan88's Avatar
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    Default Re: Corona Virus

    Quote Originally Posted by Ive always been a dreamer View Post
    scottside - so glad your sister is recovering. I have some bad news of my own - my youngest brother and his wife, and stepson have all tested positive. His wife is a front line nurse, so I guess it shouldn't be a huge shock, but it's still very scary. I talked to my brother a little while ago and so far he is doing fair, although he was obviously not feeling very well. Everyone, please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. My emotions right now are all over the place.

    I couldn't agree with everyone more. Here are the numbers from a little earlier today. I think this just about tells us all we need to know. The U.S. federal government, it seems, has reached a new level of stupid ...

    Location Confirmed Cases Recovered Deaths
    United States 1,223,468 189,910 73,039
    Spain 220,325 126,002 25,857
    Italy 214,457 93,245 29,684
    United Kingdom 202,356 929 30,150
    France 174,224 54,078 25,812
    Germany 168,162 137,696 7,275
    Russia 165,929 21,327 1,537
    Turkey 131,744 78,202 3,584
    Brazil 125,218 48,221 8,536
    Iran 101,650 81,587 6,418
    China 82,928 77,980 4,633
    Canada 64,670 28,162 4,363
    Peru 54,817 17,527 1,533
    India 52,987 15,331 1,785
    Belgium 50,781 12,731 8,339
    Best wishes to your family, Dreamer. I will keep them in my thoughts. Sorry to hear they are sick.

  8. #238
    Stuck on the Border
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    Dreamer, I wish your family well. It's a scary time. The friends I thought were most vulnerable have had the virus and have come through without hospitalisation but still found it tough.

    That table is also scary. What makes the US different is its size so instead of having a single national peak, each region may have a peak at a different time. I saw figures that showed that although cases were falling in New York, when you look at the US excluding New York, infections are still increasing.

    Austin, we value you. It got me thinking of a recent news story in the UK (and which no doubt was reported worldwide) of the 99 year old man who raised funds for the NHS by walking 100 laps around his garden by his 100th birthday. It hit all the right buttons. It was a thank you to our health service who are at the front of treating this virus but it also showed someone who has value and is still a "person" despite being in that most vulnerable group by about 30 years.

  9. #239
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Ireland - Cases 22, 248, Recovered 17,110, Deaths 1,375.

    But its really very hard to compare countries who have vastly different geographical features and populations.

    Dreamer I too am thinking of and praying for your family. I hope they all come through this ok.

    Austin, I hope you know that all of us here are aware of your health struggles over the years and how hard you work to overcome them. Please be assured that you are a valued member of our community and you have as much of a right to be on this planet as anyone else. And in my book it is NEVER ok to sacrifice frailer or older peoples lives to make money. I agree we can't be on lockdoen forever but the opening up has to be gradual and steps have to be assessed as to their impact on virus control.

    Looking at worldometer this morning. Only 10 new cases yesterday in the USA and 223 here in Ireland. HOW is there only 10 cases in the USA in 1 day. Is everyone who shows symptoms being tested automatically like over here? Just wondering what the testing strategy in othe countries is?
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  10. #240
    Stuck on the Border
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    My guess is that most of the US figures have yet to be uploaded.

    I'm confused by the testing strategy in the UK. I think that anyone with symptoms who is either aged 65+ or goes out to work can ask for a test. In addition anyone who lives in or works in a care home can ask for a test regardless of symptoms. But that's all fairly new. Until recently, only those admitted to hospital (and hence seriously ill) were tested.

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