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Thread: New Tim album, "Day by Day" available!

  1. #21
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Where Faulkner collides with Elvis

    Default Re: New Tim album, "Day by Day" available!

    I've been listening to the album and really enjoying it - I downloaded it off Amazon - but I still haven't received the actual CD yet. Has anyone else?

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  2. #22
    Border Desperado
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: New Tim album, "Day by Day" available!

    I pre-ordered mine on Amazon when it was initially announced and the seller was Amazon Services. The week the CD was released, I noticed that they weren’t really showing a delivery date on my order so went to the CD’s Amazon page and it seemed the seller had changed from Amazon Services to third-party seller CDBaby, so I cancelled the initial order and re-ordered. The CD showed up a few days later. I haven’t been to the CD’s Amazon page in a few weeks, but I’m wondering if that’s what happened with your order.

    Hope that makes sense! It’s been a long day.

  3. #23
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Where Faulkner collides with Elvis

    Default Re: New Tim album, "Day by Day" available!

    Huh! I think I'll do the same. I also pre-ordered mine on Amazon. A cancellation and a re-order might do the trick, although it seems counter-intuitive!

    By the way, I received my tie-dye shirt that I ordered from Tim's website. It's gorgeous, but I'm glad I got a large. If anyone is ordering the T-shirt, I'd suggest going a size up.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  4. #24
    Stuck on the Border
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: New Tim album, "Day by Day" available!

    I haven't bought the CD but I've listened to it on Spotify a few times. It's a good album but I do think I prefer Expando as my Tim album of choice.

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