Soda, you are right that the role in Nash Bridges is of limited scope and he appears to be playing a man who finds it hard to express emotion (I read your synopsis). If the lead up to the scene with his daughter had been handled better then the sudden release of emotion would not have been such a surprise. I fully intend to watch it again and I hope I'll derive more from it.

I am glad that you have enjoyed Wiseguy and we should perhaps talk about why he's so effective in that show. I think part of the reason is, unlike SOS, there is some 'background' about him having so many jobs which he couldn't hold down, and of course the 'big mouth', all talk thing which becomes important later.

As for SOS, let's see it as the nadir of his career from which, thankfully, he recovered.


There's talk on the street, it sounds so familiar
Great expectations, everybody's watching you