Melanie- I totally get it!! My son was like that but he was reading the books as they were coming out so it was the countdown for the books. I always preordered them to be delivered on the day they came out. He would read them front to back in 2 days time, wouldn't sleep and only ate finger food so he wasn't interrupted. Then he would reread them slower a week or so later. He read the very first HP book the summer he turned 11 and he was spending the week at his Aunt & Uncles on the lake. He called me on his birthday (his first ever away from home), which is JULY 31st, same as Harry's and had just gotten to the part in the book where it was Harry's birthday also, and Harry was also turning 11. He was so excited that he had the same birthday and was the same age as Harry and was actually reading about it on his birthday. I'll never forget that.

It's still a tradition, even tho he'll be 21 next month and my daughter is 18, that the 4 of us all go together to see the movies. He comes home from college now on the weekend it opens, so we can do it. Can't believe the movie coming up will be the last one.