Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
Performance videos are a snooze. I want a concept video. Don has had brilliant videos in the past, and I would hope he'd at least want to make one really good video for the new album, even if they're not as important as they once were.

Unfortunately, it would mean he would have to have a channel on his nemesis, the evil YOUTUBE, which at one point he argued should completely dismantled by the government (to be fair, that opinion was expressed several years ago). The "music channels" on TV have very little time devoted to videos nowadays. If he doesn't put it on YouTube, relatively few people will see it.
Without youtube, I probably would've never discovered the song Seven Bridges Road (one of my favorite Eagles songs). Nor would I be as intuned with the band as I currently am. Seeing Don's Boys of Summer video on youtube was the start of several events that led to my wanting to learn more about the guys which led to me discovering this site! In short: Youtube has helped me find loads of new music, so it's a great thing, Don! (Music that I then try to buy when I have the money). Also, I thought that social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc ) was what he had a "beef" with.

Anyway, agree that if Don decides to film any videos, he's gonna have to use youtube to get it out there more. I don't know if he has his own website (when I Google him and Glenn Frey, their sites on here came up first. After Hours was like the 5th one on the list ), but that would be his only other option for getting videos out there. I think that his hardcore fans (even a more casual fan like myself) would see that the video(s) would get spread around the 'net. If he puts a video on a website or youtube, I'd share it on my Facebook, for example.

ETA: ok, I just Googled Don again and found out that he does have a site.

As far as tv goes, MTV and VH1 are now pure sht, imo. If Cass County is country like, CMT might play a video. Vh1 classic has a "classic current" thing when they play videos. They play an old video, then play the new one.

If he wants to please his fans, then he's gonna have to get used to the fact that (unfortunately) the internet is the way to go. I'm of this generation, so I can't understand why some people triple my age don't like modern technology. I love being connected to the web 24/7 (that's how I got up to 100 posts in 2 weeks!). I get that at times, it's a pain in the a$$ when your kids won't talk to you because they've got their noses in a cell phone, but the good aspects of technology, far outweigh the bad, imo. Even my grandparents, who are older than Don by at least a decade, realize that the Internet has its perks!

Yesh, I just realized that I wrote an essay! Sorry for the length! I hope that I made sense and didn't ramble or rant too much. I'm very tired (2 am here)... , sleep time!