I finally am having a little time today to watch these last few pages of videos and boy am I ever glad!!!! Thanks so much FFL for your labor of love. It's definitely brought back some of my Eagles moments to me today and eased the pain from my PEW (maybe we should change it for now to NNNEW--no new news Eagle withdraw).

It got me in the mood so I've been playing on YouTube and even tho we've all seen these I thought I'd repost them again for all that haven't seen them for awhile. I know I enjoyed watching again.

One of my all time faves.

Love the fro once again.

I wish this was clearer but I've always liked Joes facial expressions in this one-How 'bout you PM & Ticky?

Randy's smile just gets me every time at the beginning.

Everything about this video, Don's BIG hair, JD, Glenn's hair, Randy is just adorable, and if you listen closely, I love Glenn's remark after JD announces it's his birthday...besides it's one of my fave ever songs (#2 on my hit parade!)

Not exactly ALL Eagles but 2/7th of them in this video. Once you click it-click the Watch On YouTube to take you directly to it.