If you can imagine being Don Felder for one day at this point in his life, literally every interview he sits for, every question from any media outlet, every non-guitar-question- asking fan, has to do with his rift with and departure from the Eagles. Especially now that they are on their "History of" tour, and Bernie is with them, and they are saying kind things on stage about Randy, I bet he is getting the "why aren't you on tour with the Eagles question" on a daily basis. I think his tweet is unfortunate, he needs to be bigger than that, but it seems to me that he just snapped. I've watched his recent interviews - he knows he's gonna get the question, and he tries to be diplomatic. I think he snapped here. It really looks bad on him.

Also, I don't think it is fair to accuse him of being the only one to perpetuate the animosity. The band's actions speak louder than words - not asking him to join on this tour is a huge statement that they cannot get over it, even for the good of the tour and for all of the fans who would love to see him. The band holds all of the power, and he is left to field the questions, day after day.