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Thread: Joe Walsh : Sat 26 Sept 2015 :*Sands Bethlehem Event Center, Pennsylvania

  1. #1
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    Default Joe Walsh : Sat 26 Sept 2015 :*Sands Bethlehem Event Center, Pennsylvania

    Just as I question the length and lack of variation in the set list, we get a set list change, It's back! ... and Lucky That Way comes in, for the only slow'un, in the set, Pretty Maids All In A Row and I find a list with track times I make it 100 minutes-ish..... It's hardly a night out.

    Sat 26 Sept 2015
    The*Sands Bethlehem Event Center
    Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

    1 Walk Away 6:40
    2 A Life Of Illusion 4:48
    3 Over And Over 7:49
    4 Analog Man 5:14
    5 In The City 6:13
    6 Lucky That Way 4:34
    Band Intros 4:55
    7 Mother Says 5:38
    8 Turn To Stone 11:43
    9 The Bomber 9:32
    10 Rocky Mountain Way 7:39
    11 Funk #49 8:06
    12 Life's Been Good 10:13
    13 I L B T's 3:36
    14 Life In The Fast Lane 6:40

  2. #2
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh : Sat 26 Sept 2015 :*Sands Bethlehem Event Center, Pennsylvania

    I don't mind dropping PMAIAR for Lucky that Way in a solo show. Now, if Joe would put in One Day at a Time in place of I.L.B.T.'s, that would be even better!

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh : Sat 26 Sept 2015 :*Sands Bethlehem Event Center, Pennsylvania

    Lucky That Way aint bad but I'd prefer his tracks where he plays more and sings less.

    Here's Life In The Fast Lane posted by Roxsat Diy with the heading

    2015 toor. A must see show. "2015 Walsh TOOR"
    Is staring through a view finder the optimum way to see the show? It looks like a lot of the audience didn't get a choice.

  4. #4
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh : Sat 26 Sept 2015 :*Sands Bethlehem Event Center, Pennsylvania

    I was the guy who recorded the show. I last saw him in 2007 and I passed on his subsequent solo tours until this one as they weren't near where I live, very expensive, and pretty much the same setlist as 2007.

    This was an excellent performance and a reminder of why he's a special (and criminally underrated) talent. I know the drill, I'm not getting two hours and 20 songs, and over half of it is going to be the "hits." Nonetheless I do love him and after an eight year hiatus it was a joy to see him again. I think he's performing better now than he was in 2007.

    As far as setlist selections go, very happy to finally get a live "Mother Says." He's doing it a little slower and bluesier than the album version but it works. "Over and Over" is always a joy to hear, especially the outro. "Analog Man" works very well live. The hits were surprisingly fresh sounding.

    Disappointed that "Shadows" was cut (one of my favorites) although I agree that the YouTubes of it were not good--sounded confused and meandering and not a whole lot different really from the middle section of "Turn To Stone," which of course is what we got instead. I'm perfectly fine never hearing TTS again. I have never thought it was this amazing song despite the fact that Joe and many fans obviously love it. It's a decent song but it doesn't deserve concert staple status, and it's awfully long, taking the place of 2 or 3 songs that could be played instead.

    Would die to hear "County Fair," my favorite Joe solo song. Would also like to hear "Dreams," which would slot in perfectly for the lighter song to be played after "In The City." Other welcome changeups would be "You Never Know," "Rivers of the Hidden Funk" and "Time Out." Hell, it'd be great to hear "Tend My Garden" again just for something different. Unfortunately I doubt any of that is happening.

    I may or may not hit the Philly show on October 12th. If the setlist isn't changing much, that'll more likely be a no as I can't justify the cost. The final verdict is this--you should absolutely see the show if you're on the fence, haven't seen him in awhile, and accept the drill of what the setlist is going to be. While you may be leaving wanting a little more, it is a top-notch performance you won't help but leave with a wide-eyed grin on your face.

  5. #5
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh : Sat 26 Sept 2015 :*Sands Bethlehem Event Center, Pennsylvania

    Thanks for the review, Lou, and welcome to The Border!

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh : Sat 26 Sept 2015 :*Sands Bethlehem Event Center, Pennsylvania

    Thanks for the review loucap81. Joe played County Fair, for the first time, as recently as last Christmas. I'm disappointed that Joe's dropped it back into obscurity again.

    The length and breadth of Joe's catalogue demands a longer set list than 100 minutes in my opinion.

    Glad you enjoyed the show as you recorded it loucap81.

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