It's bad when, although I have medical insurance, I put off making appointments and having even routine procedures done because I know that the expense will have to be added to a payment plan that Hubby and I are chipping away at. I don't understand why all the money I've put into a health plan all these years still has me owing big bucks. And I'm not talking major procedures - well, Hubby did have his gall bladder removed last summer - but for me we're just talking the routine stuff. Although my doctor is "in my network", his staff had me go to a facility that was not "in my network" to have a colonoscopy last year. I'm still paying for that.

How about the cost for prescriptions? I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and my Doctor prescribed one of those that are advertised a lot on television (I forget the name). When I went to pick it up they told me that even with my insurance it would be $95 a month!!! I left it there. When I told my doctor about it he quickly and simply prescribed a generic substitute. Why didn't he just prescribe the generic in the first place!!??!!