View Full Version : Casino Rama in Orillia, ON, Canada 5-19-05
04-03-2006, 02:53 AM
Okay! I get to tell my (really rather long) story. ;) My other Eagles experiences sort of tie in to this, so I'll just put in quickly that I had seen the Eagles twice before this show, in Scranton, Pennsylvania and here in Toronto, Ontario, just under two weeks later. At Scranton's show, well, we had the little exchange which you see in my signature... ;) And I do believe we got on Joe's Helmet Cam, LOL. At Toronto, which I decided to go to at the very last minute because I found a 10th row seat (!!!), well, that got interesting. I am very, very loud at concerts, and on "You Belong To The City" (my favorite Glenn song), I let loose this...*shriek*. I did this in PA too, but in Toronto, Glenn actually looked over his shoulder and grinned at me and sorta shook his head. Oops. ;) This was right at the end of the piano intro, right before the sax comes in.
Later in the show, the people behind me were giving me grief about standing up and dancing, so I did what a lot of people were doing and went out into the aisle, as I was only the 3rd seat in. This was right before the band intros, and during the band intros, Glenn randomly decided, and announced to the crowd, that he wanted a martini. *shrugs* LOL...not a clue. So I yelled, "I'll buy you one!!!", to which my whole section started laughing and yelling, and Glenn looked over at me again and laughed. I got on Helmet Cam for sure this time because I was messing with Joe, haha, and he sorta pointed me out to the others (why I don't know, I hope it wasn't "hey, look at the freak!"). Right after that song, though, security came up and told me to return to my seat. I'm not, unfortunately, known for keeping my mouth shut, so I was trying to argue them down and point out all the other people who were dancing in the aisles around the arena, but to no avail. I got kicked back to my seat, but I looked up and all 4 Eagles were looking right at me, talking amongst themselves, and glaring at security. They all shook their heads, and Tim and Glenn shot sympathetic looks at me, with a little "I'm sorry" shrug from Glenn. (There's more to this story but that's for another time. ;) ) So the man's seen me quite clearly. (He also caught my "I love you Glenn!" at the end, mouthed "Thank you" and blew me a kiss. *sighs...*)
A little while later, Casino Rama rolls around, and I dragged my roomie up there so that I wouldn't have to go alone, because...Casino Rama is known for being an easy place to meet whatever band plays there. So I figured hey, what the heck, it's not close to me and I don't work all weekend after it, I'm gonna try and cruise the bars and find them. I've also heard rumors that you can go down to the front of the stage near the end of the show, no matter where you are in the audience. I was in 3rd row!!!!!!!!, so I figured I'd probably be safe anyway but double-checked with security before the show began. 2 different guards said it would be fine, as long as I waited until closer to the end. So I figured, okay, I'm good.
Now as I've mentioned, I'm *not quiet*, right? Right near the beginning of the show, all I did was cheer...but it's a loud high-pitched noise, lol, and Glenn looked over (probably thinking, Lady, please, don't make me go deaf!), looked *right at me*, and gave me the HUGEST, most *adorable* grin I've ever seen! I sorta did a little in-seat bow, haha, which was returned by a nod. So already, I'm completely on cloud 9.
When we get to "You Belong To The City", I was distracted by something or other...I think the dude behind me kicked my bag over (I had a bag with The Allnighter album on vinyl in it...just in case...) and I turned around to say it was alright. It gets to the little lull between piano intro and sax, and I was sort of just anticipating the song, I wasn't really in full 'oh my God I'm seeing my favorite song' mode. Then I look back up at the stage, and Glenn's looking me *directly in the eye*. He cocked his head to the side a bit and raised an eyebrow. I shrieked, he laughed, and the song began with him smiling away at me. ;) Me?
Ever so smooth I jaw was hanging open so much it was probably resting in my lap.
Later on, I notice people starting to go to the stage during "Heartache Tonight". During this song, I also happened to have my phone on, not recording the show or taking pictures, I don't have a camera, but because it's my friend's favorite Eagles song and she wanted to hear it, so I had called her. Probably not smart but I had the phone low near my waist so security wouldn't see anyway, and it really wasn't recording anything. I start to run to the stage and some security lady grabs me, pulls me back and says I'm not allowed to go. "Why?", I ask. "Because you're in the side row, not center. Only center is allowed." "You have got to be kidding me, those 2 guys over there said it was fine!" "No, it's not fine, you go back to your seat!" I can't believe, at this point, that this is happening *again*. Some other lady ran right past me from further over than I was in my section, during this, and I about lost it, so they said "Well, alright, you can stand by the side of the stage." In this dark little spot behind all the backing musicians. Awesome. :P So I went to stand there, still holding my open phone. Security grabs me again and tells me they're taking my phone away for taking pictures. I inform them what I'm doing, then tell my friend I have to go and shut my phone and walk away into my little spot. By this point, Glenn's noticed (okay, so it was a BIT of a commotion...) and he's just watching me, smiling. I just shrugged and smiled and kept dancing.
We go into the next song, and I'm dancing away, with more people behind me now. I had the plastic bag looped over my arm, and it was uncomfortable so I reached to adjust it. Security, apparently now my nemesis, decides that I'm trying to cause a nuisance with it and *grabbed my arm to pull me out.* I shook them off and said I was staying, which they let me do. I turned back and Glenn was doing a guitar solo, *laughing his cute little butt off* at me, then shook his head and said, not too loud but loud enough as I'm standing right next to the stage, "You have NO LUCK with security do you???" I yelled back, "No, I don't!!!" and shrugged, and he mouthed "Poor thing!!" before going back to the mic.
That? Made up for *everything*. ;)
There is more, but that will be a Part 2 because this post is long enough.... ;)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-03-2006, 02:58 AM
How great that he was noticing you and giving you attention! What a thrill!
Gah...I kept going over it to make sure I wasn't leaving anything out, haha, so part 2 missed ya! :) Oh God, it really was such a thrill...haha, now you see why I said I wanted "Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed" and "I Hear You Knockin'"? Most of that crap with security...was taking place right around those songs, and although I still paid attention through most of them, I did miss a little bit, haha! And as well, that's when the absolute coolest part of the show experience began, was right there at the end. It was absolutely incredible.
I didn't really leave anything out of the story, but there *is* more to the first bit, with the security in Toronto and the Eagles seeing all of's mostly Don-related, but I can definitely share...LOL, I volunteer the story at the drop of a hat because it's every bit as cool, so I definitely would not mind. ;)
Glenn is absolutely wonderful to fans, as far as I can tell from my own experience and from reading yours...I really want to write to him now. I wish I'd done it then, as he might've known who I was...he likely wouldn't now but I will still probably write him. LOL, I should take a picture of me in the jacket I bought that looks like the one we teased him about, and be like, "See? I really didn't mean that in a bad way!" ;)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-03-2006, 03:27 AM
The show ended with him smiling right at me while taking his bow at the end of "Desperado" (awesome...he bent down and then turned his head towards me...right then, I was thankful for my side-of-stageness!) and then walking off the stage.
The mission begins. ;) I went outside and found my roommate, and we both went outside and looked around, to try and find the lay of the land. We'd never been there before, so we wanted to see how far we were from the hotel, because that's where the bar was that I assumed they'd be at. We went back to the bar we'd gone to earlier, though, for a few minutes, and were talking about it when the bartender says "Well, you know he's doing a meet-and-greet right? It's supposed to be VIP only, but you can tell them I sent you and they should let you in if it's still going on."
I've never chugged a drink so fast in my life (a Tequila Sunrise, by the way...yes that's cheesey, but I happen to love the drink anyway).
We went for the VIP counter, where the guy proceeded to look down my shirt and not answer any of my questions. :p He just kept saying there was no meet-and-greet, meanwhile, another lady who worked there was saying that there *was* but she was pretty sure it was over by then. I was completely confused and was just sort of standing there as my roomie tried to ask the guy about it too, and the lady made a phonecall. I didn't really pay attention to this, and started up again trying to ask the guy where it might be if it was still going on.
My roomie heard this, I didn't...and to this day I wish he'd told me sooner...but he thought I'd heard it and just gave up on it: The lady turned to us and said "Glenn's waiting for you out back, by the parking lot. Hurry, though." AAH! I so wish I had known this!!! So my roomie grabs my arm and sets off for the parking lot, meanwhile I'm asking him why we're not just trying the hotel bar, LOL... I slowed us up a lot because I had to go to the bathroom, and was looking for one when I should have been beating it as fast as my little legs could carry me to the parking lot!
We eventually made it to the parking lot, but there was nothing and no-one there. We went back inside, and the need to go to the bathroom was really all I could think about by this point (probably on account of chugging a Tequila Sunrise? ;) ). We happened to be closest to the hotel anyhow, so we figured we'd kill 2 birds with one stone: I'd go to the bathroom, we'd check out that bar, if there's no-one there, we leave.
My bathroom mission is again interrupted by glancing into the bar on my way by and noticing *the entire backing band sitting at the bar.* Once I stopped standing behind a pillar and staring, my roomie threw me in the general direction of the bathroom, I did what I had to, then came back and we went to the bar. I bought my martini (because heck, I was hoping for a martini with The Man himself as I technically owe him one, lol, but either way, I was having one ;) ), bought my roomie a drink (that was my bargain...he got a free bus ticket and free drinks all night to come with me to try and scope the place out ;) ), and we went and sat down at one of the tables. I didn't want to bug the band because I didn't know if it'd tick them off, my roomie seemed to think security was keeping an eye on us (it turned out, they completely weren't, they were keeping an eye on another girl in the same bar). So we sat there awhile, and eventually it dawned on me that the keyboardist, Will Hollis, was looking directly at me the whole time. Now, I'd been standing right beside him, so I knew he recognized me but as he was just...looking at me...I didn't go up to him.
I realized about a week later, I had met him years before, through a mutual friend. Gah...I'm dumb!
Eventually my roomie bummed a cigarette off of one of the roadies, LOL, and this created the conversation because we were all the "outsiders". Casino Rama is populated largely by little old ladies, and here we are...the young-ish roadie with spiky hair and tattooed forearms, my roomie being a young-ish big black guy with dreadlocks, and me, a little blondish 22-year-old chick in a tight shirt. ;) So we talked with him for awhile, and then I went off for a second because my cellphone rang.
While I was away, my roomie popped the question: Would the roadie possibly get Glenn to sign my Allnighter LP? Unfortunately, no: He'd left earlier. (When we were supposed to meet him in the parking lot. Grrr!) He said that Glenn knew who I was, absolutely, and not only would he absolutely have done it, he would've come out and met me.
I came back, and we finished up our was quite late by this point, I guess about 1:30, and they were headed to bed. He shook both our hands and to me, said "Next time, I promise you...just find me." Which I didn't understand until later when my roommate told me what he'd asked him.
Now all I need to do is find that roadie...! ;) Well, and, next time, remember the fact that I *do* know the keyboardist, he is not just staring at me like I'm an alien. LOL! So yes...that is my story of Casino Rama.
Oh yah, and all the money I spent on drinks for my roomie and I throughout the course of all this (which constituted more drinks than I care to admit)?
I won it all back. ;) My roomie went to the bathroom, I sat down at a slot machine 'cause I was bored, and played shot...won every single cent of my money back. That was the only time I'd played any of the games the whole time there.
So I'd say, all in all, it was one heck of a lucky night!!
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-03-2006, 09:09 AM
Oh man... so close, and yet so far! But the fact that he would've come out for you is so cool in itself. Thank you so much for sharing all of this! It was a great read!
04-03-2006, 12:51 PM
Also, you might as well write Glenn, you have nothing to lose! I didn't get a reply, but my pessimism and feeling of unworthiness more than prepared me for that. lol
04-03-2006, 02:26 PM
Great story, PinkCoatGirl!
Did you say you had more to the story that is Don-related?
Share, please!!
tengo ritmo
04-03-2006, 03:17 PM
Fantastic story, Bree! :lol:
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Welcome, Bree! It sounds like you are going to fit right in here with the rest of us calm, quiet, demure ladies! ;)
Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.
04-03-2006, 05:31 PM
Ahahaha...quiet, demure...oh yes, that is me. :lol:
Awww may still get a reply! I did once, and only once, get a personal reply from a (very famous) took 6 months for the letter to even get to him. :p I wouldn't give up yet!
There certainly is more to the story! I'm going to check if it's still raining...if it's not, I need to haul my butt to the grocery store for now, but if it is, I'll come back and add the Don-related bits to it. :)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-03-2006, 06:37 PM
I doubt it, but hey, it's better to think the worst and be pleasantly surprised then hope for the best and be crushingly disappointed. Great life philosphy, eh? ;)
There certainly is more to the story!
We wait with bated breath!
04-03-2006, 07:34 PM
The amount of recognition you got was wonderful.
Head over to Frey Fever/Regular Photos to see a photo of that show.
And we'll have stars to wish on every single night
We'll build a fire and make love by candlelight
We'll do our moondance 'til we get it right
On a river of dreams
Ive always been a dreamer
04-03-2006, 08:31 PM
Very cool story Bree! It is heavenly when Glenn talks to you even if it is from a stage, isn't it? :lol:
And FP - love your latest av.
I'm just a hired hand working on the dreams I plan to try. The days go by...
04-03-2006, 10:47 PM
Hahaha...just listening to the boot of I Hear You Knockin' again... "I love this song!" at the beginning... The thing I loved most about that show, separate of my little experiences, haha, was how *talkative* he was. I am SO HAPPY to see that photo...that just brings the whole night right back to me, so cool!
It *is* wonderful when Glenn talks to you, incredibly awesome. You honestly could've knocked me over with a feather at the "You have NO LUCK" thing!
And as for the pessimistic outlook on worries, Nancy, that's generally how I am too, so I understand, haha! If you don't get your hopes up, you won't get let down...I know what you mean!
Alright, late dinner due to being on the phone half the night, then coming back to post the Don-related part of that story. And for the record, I can *hear myself* on the freaking "Who's Been Sleepin' In My Bed" boot. Sorry, Glenn. ;)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-03-2006, 10:59 PM
Here is a link to a review L&M got at the time. Scroll down to May 23, 2005. (
And we'll have stars to wish on every single night
We'll build a fire and make love by candlelight
We'll do our moondance 'til we get it right
On a river of dreams
04-03-2006, 11:01 PM
Here's the direct link (for future reference, just click on permalink and you get the direct link) <img src= ALT=":)"> (
04-03-2006, 11:03 PM
Thanks L&M. :blush: :)
And we'll have stars to wish on every single night
We'll build a fire and make love by candlelight
We'll do our moondance 'til we get it right
On a river of dreams
04-03-2006, 11:14 PM
Wicked...thank you L&M! I forgot he said he'd be back "next year"...dear Lord, I'd freak out.
Okay I friend distracted me by telling me Sheryl Crow is now playing 2 dates at Rama this summer and she's more than likely coming up from Pennsylvania to see her with me...the Don story and I will return in a moment! :)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-03-2006, 11:18 PM
If Glenn does Rama again, I am so there. Seriously.
Ive always been a dreamer
04-03-2006, 11:33 PM
I am so there too Nancy, seriously! ;)
I'm just a hired hand working on the dreams I plan to try. The days go by...
04-03-2006, 11:45 PM
I'm holding you to that, Kay! Don't beg off at the last minute like you did for Pebble Beach, now! ;)
Ive always been a dreamer
04-03-2006, 11:53 PM
Not a problem - very bad things would have to happen to keep me away! Hey - I learned my lesson from Pebble Beach. I should've quit that stupid job then!
I'm just a hired hand working on the dreams I plan to try. The days go by...
04-03-2006, 11:53 PM
I'm so there with both of you!! ;) It's a tiny little place, only 5000 seats, so you really can't get a bad seat. However, now I know for next time, my grandma is entitled to VIP seats and all for herself or her family, so I'm using Grandma Power. ;) And the tickets were right cheap too...I believe I paid $65 and was in 3rd row for it. AND you can run right down to the stage for the end of the show. Imagine it: an inch from Glenn, if you can situate yourself right. ;)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-03-2006, 11:58 PM
Sounds terrific. I'm getting all excited and it probably won't even happen! But it's nice to dream. Sigh.
04-04-2006, 12:24 AM
Part 1.5: Where we branch off into the Don Adventures!
So I said, all of the Eagles saw the little getting kicked back to my seat thing at Toronto. Don watched me 'til I sat down, and kept glancing over that way through the rest of the show. I was joking with the guy sitting next to me that he was probably going to dedicate "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" to either me, or security, judging from the expression he had on his face!
Well, I didn't turn out to be too wrong.
I stood up during Hotel California, and because nearly everybody else around me had stood up too, I didn't bother sitting back down. For that show, though, Hotel California had it's own little encore unto itself, and they left the stage after it so a lot of people didn't realize it wasn't over and left, including a huge group of people from in front of me. So I was much more visible even than I had been before. They came back out, and later on, went into All She Wants To Do Is Dance. The guy beside me laughed and said " dedication!" Which I was laughing at too...'til the first chorus. Don turned around (I was in the section slightly off center to their right, which was in the raised seating so I was in 10th row and about eye-level with the stage), looked full-on at me, and sang the title right to me. I was shocked, thought I was seeing things, but sang the "And make romance!" part and pointed at him, to which he laughed. For "Nevermind the heat comin' off the street", he looked down at where the security guard was stationed that had booted me back to my seat, then looked back at me for "She wants to party, she wants to get down, all she wants to do is, all she wants to do is dance!"
Oh believe me, was I ever dancing. ;) The guy beside me was flipping out, LOL, he couldn't believe it and neither could I! He sang the last "All she wants to do is dance...and make romance" at me as well, to which I couldn't resist screaming "Darn right I do!!!" ;)
Skip forward a couple months to June, where I saw Don and Stevie Nicks at Holmdel, NJ with a couple of friends. Unfortunately, my friends and I weren't sitting together because we all wanted the best seats we could get, and the only way to do that turned out to be buying them separately, so I nearly fainted on total strangers during this one. ;)
I wasn't quite as close this time, I was around 15th row or so, but during those shows, while Don was on it was still broad daylight outside so it was very easy to look around and see everybody, I mean I could see my friends from clear across the amphitheater. After screaming my head off because he did "The Genie" and scaring everyone around me, LOL, I tried to sit down and be quiet, but later on in his set people started getting up and dancing, so so did I. We get to "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" again.
He walks over to my side of the stage and looks which point I'm jumping up and down and dancing and just in general going crazy, lol, if Glenn comes back and y'all come to Casino Rama with me, don't sit with me if you embarass easily... ;) And he looks. right. at. me. during the title line and points, then *waves*!!!! I waved back and he smiled and walked back to the other side of the stage.
My watch fell off at this point for no apparent reason, which was a very good cover for falling to my knees on the ground. ;) I popped back up again for the last repeat of the title and "and make romance", which was accompanied by a little grin and a little motion as though he was sort of...hugging himself, LOL, to which I laughed and nodded, and truly, I don't remember anything more about that song because I couldn't believe my luck. ;)
On a whim, I decided to catch the Detroit Henley/Nicks concert as well...yay for having friends all over the place and/or willing to travel, LOL! This features my infamous shriek again...and will be continued in a separate post. :)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-04-2006, 12:42 AM
Girl, you must be memorable! lol Thanks for sharing - and there's more! Dang!
04-04-2006, 12:51 AM
Hahaha...I don't know, I really don't...I'm either memorable, or got lucky many many separate times. :) I've had this happen with a different band as well, I don't know..! I am known as the Concert Queen simply because I have to be crazy-far back to *not* have concert experiences like this... I think it's because I am just loud enough to draw attention to myself...although, I still wonder if it wasn't just "Okay, that girl's weird." ;)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-04-2006, 01:47 AM
Part 1.5...Part 2. ;)
Okay, so Detroit! This is exactly 2 weeks later. And because this becomes important, this one and the other one were on Saturdays. For this's where I admit to being a bad bad girl...I never even sat in the seat I had a ticket for. :blush: My friend is sort of the master of seat-hopping, so we started off in, ahem, well, 5th row in the pit, in some empty comp seats (this venue has little plaques on the back of the seats that are designated for company employees and things like that). Don comes out and does "The Genie", and, this being one of my favorite Don songs, at the end of it...well, the *shriek* rises again...except, dude, I'm in 5th freaking row..! LOL Don's eyes went a little wide and he sorta tilted his head to the side...sorry man, the shriek has a mind of it's own..!
So after "Witchy Woman", he mentioned something about his new motto being to open all his shows with an obscure solo album track nobody's really which I unloosed the shriek again, because I LOVE that song and I like that motto! ;) He cracked up laughing and said "Oh, okay...maybe I really will then!" I yelled back, "Go for it, that's one of my favorite songs!!!" He didn't say anything 'cause he was introducing "I Put A Spell On You", but while this song was getting going, my cellphone fell out of my pocket. I stood up to put it back in there, and my friend just sort of tapped me on the arm and pointed up.
I looked up all confusedly...and froze. I think I honestly made this expression: Don was looking *right at me* with a slightly confused expression of his own, hahaha... (I honestly think, by this point, if he had any memory of me from the previous shows he was probably thinking "Okay, where on earth does this girl *live*??") And I...hello, Ms. Smooth, we meet again...stood there, hand on my hip, and stared right back. This lasted for a good 5-10 seconds or so before I dropped my cellphone, he grinned, I waved, and he started the song. ;)
I sat back down, looked at my friend, and said "Please tell me I didn't look as stupid as I think I did." She looked at me and said "Deer in the headlights, man." Oh, dear God. Hahaha!
Now, unfortunately, right at the end of "Hotel California", the people who were supposed to own those seats showed up and we got kicked out of them (we'd befriended the security guard, so he literally told us to "find some other seats"...score!). So we trekked up to where my friend's seat was, and I noticed there were 2 more empty comp seats down her row...5th row outside of the pit, so 10th row really. There was a group of awesome ladies in front of me who were dancing and quite drunk, haha, so we sort of made a combined front and screamed "We love you Don!!!" a little bit later on...just before "Heart of the Matter."
I was telling one lady about my experience in Holmdel, while Don's introducing "Heart of the Matter". Then he said something like, "And's Saturday again." He had made reference to it being Saturday at the Holmdel show, too...something about it being a good day because it was Saturday...well everyone was a little confused and quiet-ish so I and the people in front of me just started cheering really, really loud and our whole section went up with us. I looked up and yep...hi, Don!
He sang. The entire. First verse. To me. The lady in front of me screamed her *head off*, LOL...she turned around to me and went "Did you f---ing SEE THAT!?!?! He sang that TO YOU!!!" I nodded and fell into my seat for a few minutes, in fact I think I finished out that song in my seat. ;)
I did get one more "All she wants to do is dance" during that show, too. And by the way, Nancy, my friend later got us down to the front during "Edge of Seventeen" and I got to grab Stevie's hand!!!
So yes...thus ends my tale of my Eagles/Glenn/Don concert experiences from 2005. I am so so so hoping they do another tour, because although I'm very, very sure I could never repeat the same crazy luck I had for those shows, I'd love to give it a try!
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-04-2006, 09:01 AM
Wow, Bree, Don remembered you and sang directly to you! That is great!
Thanks for sharing!
04-04-2006, 09:23 AM
I'm a bit later to join the fun here, but welcome, Bree, and thank you so much for sharing your Glenn adventures. He does sound one heck of a man. I should write to him - I'm sure he would remember, and you might get that autograph. (I can't talk, I haven't plucked up courage yet!)
Thanks L&M and FP for the links to the review and picture.
Look forward to reading the next episode!
Edited - I've just read your Don episodes, as well. My post took ages due to a dodgy connection at my end! What a blast!
This way to happiness...
04-04-2006, 07:49 PM
I should write to him - I'm sure he would remember, and you might get that autograph. (I can't talk, I haven't plucked up courage yet!)
Hahaha...yeah, see, I can say "Oh you should write him too!!" but I can't talk either, 'cause I haven't gotten the courage yet either and it's been almost a year since Casino Rama!
No problem about the sharing of the adventures--I am more than happy to tell the stories, and it's always good to find people who not only have I not bored to death with them already, but who actually share my obsessions! :)
Intense! I would have been "deer in headlights" too, lol.
Oh man, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. :lol: That's why I related so well to your inability to talk at certain moments while meeting Glenn...! We'd be great at Casino it up through the whole show, then manage to meet him somewhere after it and just stand there and stare. ;)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-04-2006, 10:30 PM
Seriously. That's what happened when I saw Stevie at the hotel lobby in Atlanta. I pretty much froze, then hid. sad.
04-04-2006, 10:53 PM
LOL!! That's alright...that's probably what I'd do.
I'm completely nuts, haha, I was looking at the Casino Rama website just in case...the summer line-up hasn't been released yet, for what that's worth, LOL... And as I need a job, clicked on the Employment link.
Lo and behold, they have an ad for a Registered Massage Therapist for the on-site spa.
Now, I'm not one, but the mere suggestion of being able to massage Glenn Frey is almost enough to make me go become one. ;)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-04-2006, 11:01 PM
LOL!!!!!! I like the way you think!!!!
04-05-2006, 12:15 AM
Hey, I can't help it...the ad says "Registered Massage Therapist", I read "License To Rub Glenn Frey's Body." *shrugs*
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
04-05-2006, 11:39 AM
Thanks for the mental image. ;)
04-05-2006, 10:31 PM
Oh, you are quite welcome...I enjoyed that one too... ;)
~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~
My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)
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