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View Full Version : Funny Glenn site

04-17-2006, 01:30 AM
I think this site, The Allnighter (http://members.tripod.com/%7Eallniter/nightflight.html), has been brought up before, but I'd never really explored it until recently. It has some really funny stuff on there, especially the "Partytown" section which has pages like "Did You Know Glenn Invented Bungee Jumping?" (http://members.tripod.com/%7Eallniter/partytown/kite.html) - BWAHAHA!! Too bad it looks like the owner's never coming back.


04-17-2006, 07:24 AM
It's not entirely bad that Leigh Anne (the Allnighter webmaster) isn't around anymore. She wasn't exactly balanced.....she did several questionable things.....though she did have the beginnings of a great site.

03-26-2009, 08:10 PM
I'm digging up this old thread because I just happened to visit this site again today and I know there's a lot of new members and Glenn fans who've never seen it. Check it out, and you'll get treated to things like:



Whoever the webmaster is, she has a great sense of humor - that's undeniable.