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10-15-2008, 07:10 PM
As I was reading another thread I got curious - to all of you who have hubbies or SO's, how do you feel when he's gone for the day, or evening, or longer? I feel somewhat guilty posting this, but I really enjoy not having to worry about cooking supper when he's not home. Plus it's nice just to be able to do what I want when I want!

10-15-2008, 07:17 PM
As I was reading another thread I got curious - to all of you who have hubbies or SO's, how do you feel when he's gone for the day, or evening, or longer? I feel somewhat guilty posting this, but I really enjoy not having to worry about cooking supper when he's not home. Plus it's nice just to be able to do what I want when I want!
Absolute ditto!! Plus, the kids listen only to me in terms of when to do homework, etc...instead of playing one of us off of the other (a skill which they have perfected.)

10-15-2008, 08:28 PM
Cliff doesnt go out of town often, maybe once or twice a year for a few days, but I really look forward to it. HE gets a small vacation with his work buddies and The girls and I get to do what we want! I stay up late and watch what I want to watch, or play on the computer. We have food Cliff doesnt care for (basically anything with flavor) and I get the bed all to myself.
Now to qualify this, if he's gone for more then a few days, I do miss him and I have trouble sleeping. ALSO every horrible awful thing that has happened to me has happened when Cliff AND my parents are all out of town! Or maybe its just seems that way. SO anyway, its a mixed bag here. I love the freedom, but I miss my guy.

10-15-2008, 11:51 PM
We've been married 15 years and the only time we've been apart is when I've been out of town on one night visits (including a certain visit to Melbourne in 2004). But he works all day and I'm at home by myself.

10-16-2008, 06:29 AM
When I first married, my hubby was in the Navy, and just after our honeymoon he was sent to sea for five months. Even when our first son was born he was away during the week. I kind of got used to being on my own, and doing my own thing, He's been around at home for 15 years now, so I must admit I enjoy the times when he's away, even though I miss him. I stay up late, watch what I want to on tv, and as I've said elsewhere I can have ready meals when I want, and of course can come here when I want!

Mrs Henley
10-16-2008, 07:03 AM
Am I allowed to talk about parents now? :angel:, since I'm not married or whatever :lol:

10-16-2008, 07:50 AM
It doesn't happen often but when it does, I really enjoy the quiet (especially now that my kids are older and don't need me anymore :sad:) but again I always look forward to him coming back home. Just me the dog, the cats and a good book and the food I want when I want it. Now I feel guilty! :hilarious:

10-16-2008, 08:27 AM
Am I allowed to talk about parents now? :angel:, since I'm not married or whatever :lol:

Sure Mrs H, vent away!

10-16-2008, 08:35 AM
Just me the dog, the cats and a good book and the food I want when I want it. Now I feel guilty! :hilarious:

I know what you mean TBF, but why do we feel guilty? The other night I told Eric that as much as I love him, the one thing I miss about single life is not being responsible for another person's meals. Sometimes I feel like skipping supper altogether (just not hungry, ya know?). But even though it's just the two of us, he's very much into sitting down and eating our meal together and seems hurt when I tell him I'm just not hungry! His hurt makes me feel guilty!

Mrs Henley
10-16-2008, 08:40 AM
Ah great! :)
Good I don't have a great relation with my parents, but that doesn't matter now!

When they're gone, I'm actually allowed to do whatever I want, I just have to take care about Mr. Henley and Mrs. Walsh (the dogs) but besides that, there's freedom! My dad isn't much home these days.. but when he's home, he is pretty easy with things, so that's something goods :)

The most times when my parents aren't home, I'm having a hours during phone call with Stephanie (:hilarious:)(I'm not talking about the bills :lol:) or just inviting some friends and having some fun and of course, put the stereo on max. with Don on it or the Eagles! Yeah!

Oh and PM, I know what you mean with no hungry, I've got the same!
I usually don't eat when I'm home alone, although with parents I even don't eat much, but Ok.

10-16-2008, 10:33 AM
My husband is away for work a lot during the construction season. But then is usually laid off during the winter months and is home a lot, so as much as I miss him when he is away, I do enjoy the alone time and doing what I want, when I want. And when he is home I usually cook our meals, so it's nice to eat the ready mades some. I'm kind of a loner, so I do enjoy being by myself. But, I'm also glad to see him when he gets home.

Mrs Henley
10-16-2008, 10:38 AM
Brooke, what's your husband doing for work? :)

10-16-2008, 12:24 PM
My hubby travels a lot and always has. In fact, he's heading back to Germany next week and will miss our anniversary. I used to cry when he left and miss him terribly, but now I find I actually look forward to the alone time. Gosh, that sounds terrible -but it's kind of true.

It was certainly more difficult when the kids were small. Now they're both grown men and pitch in with what needs to be done when Dad is away.

The boys and I usually go out for dinner at least one night while Steve's away. I clean the house and it stays clean. I have the entire bed to myself, etc......I like it! I know it's tough for Steve to be away, and he usually calls me every night he's gone.

When I went to Pebble Beach last February, the tables were turned on Steve and the ladies that I was with can tell you, hubby called often and missed me a lot! And wow, was he attentive when I got back! I know now I need to go away more often!

We're such an old married couple! We have a running joke that Steve likes to tell people...I'm allowed to have my boyfriend over when Steve is gone, but he has to replace any of Steve's beer that he may drink before Steve gets home. :thumbsup:

tbs fanatic
10-16-2008, 12:43 PM
I also enjoy it when hubby is away (he's just informed me he is out of town for a bit next month:)). Like everyone else I become lax on fixing a meal, just turn things down a notch in general. The kids enjoy it too as I am a bit of a softie compared to Dad - bad Mom :fingerwag:

10-16-2008, 02:35 PM
Brooke, what's your husband doing for work? :)

He is a carpenter. He works on bridges and overpasses during the summer and does easier stuff like homes or remodeling during his off time.

10-16-2008, 02:46 PM
I used to cry when he left and miss him terribly, but now I find I actually look forward to the alone time. Gosh, that sounds terrible -but it's kind of true.

See, I'm sensing a pattern of guilt here. Actually I'm glad I started this thread - so many of us feel the same way. :wink:

10-16-2008, 05:57 PM
We are married 11 years and with each other nearly 18. He joined his current job the same week we started dating so the shift work has always been part of our lives. I guess I don't even notice it. On my evenings alone after the kids have sone to bed I tend to come on here and if I know Laura is asleep I put on one of my Eagles or Glenn :heart: dvds and drool over Glenn :heart: . Days when he is working I have to pretend that I spent the morning while the kids are in school doing 'housewifely' things. Of course you all know exactly what I am doing!! LoL!!

And when he is working all night, well a certain other man sings me to sleep as only he can!! :wink: :inlove:

10-17-2008, 04:53 PM
See, I'm sensing a pattern of guilt here. Actually I'm glad I started this thread - so many of us feel the same way. :wink:

Oh, Gosh, no guilt for me! Just kind of astonishment of how things change over the years. I've been married an awful long time. I suppose it's a normal progression. He's been gone so much over the years, it's just a way of life that I've learned to deal with.

My words probably seem harsh, though, to someone who's more of a newlywed or doesn't have a hubby who travels.

10-17-2008, 05:06 PM
No I understand you entirely Molly! A riend of mine had a hubby in the Army and they frequently did 6 month tours of Duty in the peace keeping forces in the Lebanon. She's be sorry saying goodbye to him but admitted that by the time he returned 6 months later she would have to adjust to him being around again!!

I know people too who would feel very nervous if their SO was away even for a night.

I guess its 'horses for courses' and most couples develop a routine that suits them.

PS Hubby is on overtime tonight!! So it was frozen Pizza, tho I tend to augment them with extra pineapple, sweet corn, cheese and tomato, as on their own they can be a bit basic!!

Thats what has given me bonus time here!!:grin:

10-17-2008, 06:58 PM
I sometimes worry that I've gotten so accustomed to living alone and doing whatever I want to, whenever I want to, that I'll have a REALLY hard time adapting if I ever get married.

10-18-2008, 08:54 AM
I sometimes worry that I've gotten so accustomed to living alone and doing whatever I want to, whenever I want to, that I'll have a REALLY hard time adapting if I ever get married.

Eric and I are both in our second marriage. I was single for about seven years before I met and married him. I was in my early forties when we married eight years ago, and I had a very hard time adjusting to 'compromise'. But that's one of the key things in a successful marriage.

10-18-2008, 10:57 AM
I just got around to reading this thread, and it is very interesting to hear how everyone appreciates their "alone" time. My hubby & I have been married for 21 years and you go through a lot of ups & downs in all that time. He is a CPA so I am a "tax widow" from January through April 15--he works so many long hours that I have MORE than enough alone time during those months. Then I have to get used to him coming home again!

Mrs Henley
10-18-2008, 08:15 PM
He is a carpenter. He works on bridges and overpasses during the summer and does easier stuff like homes or remodeling during his off time.

Ah OK, sounds like a busy job!

10-19-2008, 07:23 PM
I sometimes worry that I've gotten so accustomed to living alone and doing whatever I want to, whenever I want to, that I'll have a REALLY hard time adapting if I ever get married.

You sound like our daughter, Soda. She is 30 and doesn't think she ever wants to get married because she doesn't want someone telling her what to do all the time. I've told her if it's the right person, then you both will be willing to compromise.