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View Full Version : Greetings from Tiffanny Twisted

Tiffanny Twisted
12-13-2008, 11:19 PM
Hello to all. I am sorry it took so long to post, but right after I signed up for The Border my beloved dog, Cookie, suddenly passed away. She was a big Eagles fan but her least favorite song was "New Kid in Town'. Every time we would watch Melbourne, she would get up and let us know she needed to go out as soon as that song came on.

I don't mind telling you it has been a really tough week. I am Just Another Hired Hand's better half...yes, I said better and you'll get no argument from him.

I joined because like JAHH, I am a die hard Eagles fan. I encouraged him to write reviews about our concert experiences and he found this site by accident. I have been watching him post and he is having a great time so I figured I'd get in on the fun.

I am a little down now because I know I've seen my last live Eagle's show for a while. At the same time I am blown away because I got to see them three times this year. I am happy for all of the members in Europe and Canada (and maybe a litt le jealous) because you are going to see an Eagles band that is definitely at the top of their talents. I hope to read many reviews about he shows they do in Europe.

As a teenager I only had eyes for Glenn. But as I have matured, I have seen that they all have unique qualities that make them equally desireable. In other words, any one of them can park their boots under my side of the bed on any day. Just glad to be here.

12-13-2008, 11:23 PM
Well WELCOME "TT". Glad to meet you. You already know what it's all about here so jump right on in!

I do feel for you with your grief over the loss your foster family member. They are just little furry people and integral parts of the family unit! I know. It has been over a year now for us and we are just now thinking we may be ready to adopt another one.

12-14-2008, 01:10 AM
Welcome, Tiffanny. You and JAHH are our first couple to post! I have a good friend named Tiffany, although she spells it with one "n."

Hope you enjoy yourself here!

P.S. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. When I put down my cat Oreo a few years ago, it was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

12-14-2008, 01:14 AM
Hey and welcome TT!! LOVE your name *G* very cool *G*
Sorry bout the pup. Strange about New Kid but there's no accounting for taste *G* Maybe he/she though they were actually saying there was a new kid in town and the dog was going to check it out?? I know its a reach, but it's just a thought *G*
Anyway, we're glad you and you're other half *G* are here. Welcome and dive on in!!

12-14-2008, 11:22 AM
Hi, and welcome! It's great to see you here. Come on in and have some fun.

Sorry to hear about your dog. She had good taste in music! ;) Lots of warm wishes.

Ive always been a dreamer
12-14-2008, 01:42 PM
Welcome Tiffanny Twisted - Glad to have you join us and your other half here on The Border. Hope you like it here as much as we do.

I'm so sorry about Cookie. It is very difficult to lose a beloved pet, especially such a smart one (New Kid In Town being the exception). :wink:

As Soda said, you and JAHH are The Border's first couple - I guess even the Obama's will have to play second fiddle to you here. :D

12-14-2008, 04:32 PM
Hi I'm terribly sorry about your puppy:headshake:.

12-14-2008, 10:10 PM
Welcome, TT! How wonderful that you and JAHH can share your love of The Eagles together!

And I am sorry about your dog. Our sweet cat, Callie, passed away two years ago after an adverse reaction to a routine vaccination shot. I felt responsible and was quite inconsolable for awhile. Our pets bring us such joy and love and ask so little in return. We eventually got another kitty, Muffin, and she has quite a personality of her own so we love her just as much, but Callie will always have a special place in my heart.

Mrs Henley
12-15-2008, 04:19 AM
Welcome TT! Love your nickname!
Have a fabulous time here!
I'm sorry to hear about Cookie. May she rest in peace

12-15-2008, 06:43 AM
A big welcome from me as well TT!! This is the best place to be for an Eagles fan.

ochiba kid 1
12-15-2008, 07:17 AM
Hello TT, I am afraid it does not get any better, I lost my nearly 14 year German Shep Assi 2 years ago, she was as much a part of my family as the wife and girls, I do not mind telling anyone that. I have video footage of her and my youngest dancing and running around to the Hell Freezes over DVD, alas she had no likes or dislikes when it came to the Eagles ( some dogs have no taste ) and I still can not bring myself to getting another dog, the wife got 2 rabbits though they are bloody stupid but quite cute, I hope you have some fun on here I have only been here a few weeks myself everybody is great,
all the best Gary:spin:

12-15-2008, 11:05 AM
Welcome from me also TT! Glad to have you and JAHH here. Sorry to hear about your dog. It's so hard losing them. I know every time I lose one I ask myself why do I put myself thru this and say I will never do it again. Then the next thing you know, another one steals my heart. We have 4 furry family members and I love everyone of them!

Have fun with all of us here!!!

12-17-2008, 12:40 PM
Hi TT and JAHH, glad to meet you both. I'm actually a vet (though not of eagles nor of The Eagles...sigh). I know the degree of grief you are going through...I see it in my clients, obviously, and it is especially difficult this time of year. Last spring, I lost my own ancient cat Shelby at the ripe old age of 18 1/2yrs! And thankfully, he wasn't ill until the last few months of his life, most of which was able to be managed at home until the end when he had to be hospitalized.

12-18-2008, 08:05 AM
Hi TT! Welcome from me too in Ireland. I'm so sorry about Cookie! Hopefully she is having a great time being the NKIT in the 'Happy Hunting Ground'. From the first time I saw the Eagles Live I too only had eyes for Glenn :heart: though I DO acknowledge the qualities of the other band members, but I STILL only have eyes for Glenn :heart:

12-18-2008, 12:29 PM
Welcome to The Border TT and JAHH! I'm glad you found us and we can share the love of the Greatest American Band!

I'm sorry to hear about your dog. I've lost many pets over the years and each one was very hard to take. They bring so much to our lives.

Post on!

12-23-2008, 06:30 PM
Welcome TT! I'm so sorry about your dog. When I had my dog Star put to sleep it was so difficult to deal with the loss.