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07-06-2009, 12:34 AM
Again, glad I could entertain!

As far as publishing them goes... I think that we only find them interesting because they are about our guys, not because they themselves are that great.

07-07-2009, 10:06 AM
You have such a vivid memory of your dreams! Not everybody has that.

07-09-2009, 01:33 PM
There must be something about Texas. I used to have Eagles dreams once in a blue moon. Now I am having them within days of each other. This one ends badly though. :(

It starts out at this busy Mexican restaurant where you order at a counter and they put your order on the same counter for you to come pick up. I take my time placing my order - “I’d like refried beans and rice and… hmmm….” and everyone is getting impatient with me. Then I realize the Eagles are in line behind me – dressed casually like they were for GA’s show – and I’d better hustle. “OK, I’ll take your grande burrito with fajita steak. And does your queso come with a puff?” The lady at the counter nods. “Good. I’ll take that, too.”

She gives me my number and I go to the seating area to wait. There are no small tables, only several really long tables, cafeteria style. I sit at the end of one. “Wouldn’t it be cool if the Eagles came and sat across from me?” I look towards the ordering area hopefully. They come to sit down… at another table. Timothy has food piled up so high I’m worried it’s going to fall off the tray. “Dang, and he’s so skinny too, wish I could eat like that and never gain weight!”

Then, oddly, my family comes in behind them and sits at a third table. “I can’t believe my own family isn’t sitting with me,” I pout. “Maybe I should move…” then they call my order number. I go to the counter and they’ve messed it all up. They’ve given me enchiladas with the burritos instead of the queso puff. I take the enchiladas, but say, “I’m coming back for that queso puff so you’d better make it quick!”

I take the tray of food very carefully, because I am wearing white jeans and a white top and I don’t want to spill anything on them. I get to the table, but now there are lots of people there. Phew! I sit down and start chatting with them. “Did you guys see that the Eagles are here?” I ask as I’m eating my burrito. Look over there!” I point. As I do so, a big glob of refried beans hits me on my white jeans. “SHOOT! DANG IT!” I cry, jumping up. The glob falls off, leaving a brown stain on my upper thigh above my knee. “I knew this would happen! Well, this isn’t going to keep me from going back and getting my queso puff!” I hear laughter from where the Eagles are but refuse to look at them, hurrying back to the counter for my puff.

When I come back, instead of sitting at my own table, I bring my queso puff to the Eagles table and sit down across from them. They act like it’s the most natural thing in the world but don’t talk to me. They are talking to each other and I think, “I need to take notes so I don’t forget what the Eagles are saying.” I whip out a piece of paper and a pencil from somewhere and start writing down notes about what they are saying. They don’t seem to mind. I can hear Don whispering to Joe about the band’s plans. “This is great stuff,” I think.

Don glances down at my pad and nods approvingly at what I’ve written. “You take good notes,” he says. “You’ve got all the important points down in a well-organized fashion. Well done.” I draw myself up proudly at his compliment. Sadly, now, I can’t remember what he said to Joe!

Then Glenn gets up. “I’ve got some errands to run. You can come along,” he says to me.

I grab my note pad to write down anything else interesting he says. The next thing I know we’re at an old fashioned album store, with racks and racks of LPs. My note pad is gone. I start grabbing all these obscure albums – “Oh, Stevie Nicks sang backup on one of the songs here, I’m gonna buy it,” or “Joe Walsh plays guitar on this song from this soundtrack, I’m gonna buy it.”

I do this several times then steal a glance at Glenn to see if he realizes just how interested I am in obtaining all the musical endeavors of each Eagle and if he minds that I am buying Fleetwood Mac stuff too, but he is talking to some lady and her daughter. The lady is white-haired with this bouffant hairdo and looks old enough to be Glenn’s mom. She’s got this electric blue dress on and a big floral shawl like some older ladies wear. The girl has short black hair and looks my age. Meanwhile I am absolutely piled down with albums. I struggle up to where Glenn and the women are. “Nancy, I’d like you to meet my friends,” Glenn says. “You can hang out with the daughter while I hang out with her mother.”

Part of me is excited that I get to meet Glenn’s friends. Another part of me is thinking “Geez, am I getting passed off here? I don’t even know their names.”

Next thing I know we’re at the lady’s house and I’m sitting on the couch talking to her daughter while she’s off with Glenn in another room. The couch is that white vinyl material that went out of fashion like 30 years ago and that you stick to when you get hot. “I’m sorry Glenn dumped me on you,” I tell her mournfully.

“No, it’s not that, he likes you. But I think we have a lot in common,” the girl says. She tells me she wants to write a book about all the adventures she and her mom have had. “I just can’t think of a title.”

I say, “That’s nice,” but I wonder what they could have done that would be so interesting. The mom seems kind of weird to me, although I can’t put my finger on why. I guess they are going to make up stuff. “So is this gonna be fiction then?”

She looks surprised. “No, non-fiction. We’ve had lots of experiences.”

“Of course,” I say, embarrassed.

“Let me get you a snack,” she says suddenly, and we go into a kitchen where there is a plate of grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. She hands me one. I take a bite. “These are really good!” I say. She thanks me. I have an idea. “I know – you could name your book ‘Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwiches’!”

“That’s a great idea!” The mother says, who appears in the doorway. “Excuse me, girls. I’m getting some of these sandwiches for Glenn.” She grabs a whole plate and takes them off.

“I guess he likes them too,” I think, then wonder if we came here to get those. They were really good.

The daughter and I talk some more. She tells me she lives with her mom but she hates it and she will move out as soon as she makes enough money off of her book. She says her mom is really bossy and controlling. I’m thinking “Then why do you want to write a book about what you do with her? But I guess since she is Glenn’s friend she must have done something interesting.” Out loud, I tell her, “I know other people who have done that so hopefully you will too.” She asks me about the other people I know who have done this and I can only think of one, but luckily I don’t have to talk too much because she decides that she wants to go see what her mom is doing with Glenn.

“Good deal!” I say, because I’ve been wondering too.

They’re sitting at a long wooden table in what I guess is the dining room, eating hamburgers. But get this…. the mom is using a rolled up dollar bill to dip into her ketchup and spread it on her burger and french fries. “Must be nice to be so rich you can eat with money,” I say under my breath, but Glenn looks up and raises an eyebrow at me. He heard! I realize that was the wrong thing to say, since Glenn is probably 1000x richer than that lady. “Um, we were just checking on you, we gotta go,” I say hastily, pulling the girl back out. We go sit on the couch some more but we’ve run out of things to say. We just sit there.

Suddenly a friend from college shows up. She’s got really short hair and has glasses. “Hey, I thought you were in Texas,” I say, surprised. “That didn’t work out,” she replies. “Too bad,” I say, and then she disappears again. I feel sorry for her because I know how badly she wanted to live in Texas, but I don’t find the whole episode abnormal in any way.

I tell the girl about my friend’s situation – her husband has a job in Texas and she wants a job there too – and then Glenn comes back out. “It’s time to go, Nancy!”

I’m secretly relieved because I was getting bored with Glenn’s weird friends. I mean, eating with a dollar bill? Come on! I say goodbye to the girl and her mother, grab my albums which are REALLY heavy, and get into Glenn’s car. His car is a white Oldsmobile station wagon from the mid-70s, for some reason. It is in mint condition but it doesn’t exactly scream “GLENN FREY” to me.

Anyway, I’d be happy if I never saw Glenn’s friends again, honestly. I’m ready to go home. But instead of taking me home, he pulls up to some other house. I have no idea what’s going on, or where this place is. I don’t want to get out of the car there. “Why aren’t you taking me home?”

He looks shocked that I want to go home. “You can’t go home now. You’ve got to help that girl and her mother. Aren’t you going to do something?”

I didn’t even know they needed help, but I’m defensive. “Well, aren’t YOU going to do something? And you can’t say ‘just get out a chest of gold’ because I don’t have one.”

“That’s different. I’m a busy man. You have nothing important to do. It’s not my fault you don’t have any chest of gold that you can give instead of working for them. Now you’d better get busy,” Glenn snaps.

“Hey, I got lotsa ‘portant thangs to do! This itn’t fair!” I yell at him angrily. I realize I am suddenly talking with a thick Texas accent.

And what’s weirder – GLENN IS TOO. “Nancy, don’t you be kickin’ up a holler ‘bout this. I’m fixin’ to get cussin’ mad!” He is glaring at me.

I’m getting upset, too. “You cain’t be serious! Heck, that woman dips money in burger fixins! She dutn’t need a dang thang from me!” I am absolutely disgusted. “You sure got some nerve, talkin’ to me that way! I’ve half a mind to slap ya so hard yer clothes’ll be outta style when ya stop rollin’!”

Then I woke up feeling really upset about the fight. Boo!

07-09-2009, 01:40 PM
Wow, Nancy, Have you ever thought about putting your dreams in a book? They'd be a great read :hilarious:

Sorry about the fight with Glenn, though, I know I would never want to fight with him :fear:

07-09-2009, 01:43 PM
That was one crazy trip! I've literally been sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks. By the 'Texas accents' part, I was a goner! It's the way you tell 'em. :rofl:

07-09-2009, 02:22 PM
My gosh Nancy, how many scenes do your dreams have!!??!! (And I've noticed that you always have good food in your dreams too!) :thumbsup:

I really wish somebody would try to analyze this. I wouldn't know where to start with this one!

07-09-2009, 02:35 PM
Your dream made me hungry. I'm chowing on wheat thins and hummus now!

I rarely dream that vividly and when I do, I get mad... mainly because it means I'm not sleeping well. I do get a kick out others dreams though.

I love that Tim had so much food on his plate... you must be channeling him to gain some weight!:hilarious: I would have loved for you to slap Glenn, that would have been interesting. :)

07-09-2009, 02:58 PM
Good grief Soda! I rarely dream. :-x

07-09-2009, 03:14 PM
The Texas accents had me rolling!!! And Timmy must of piled the food on for me also!:hilarious:

07-09-2009, 05:51 PM
I really wish somebody would try to analyze this. I wouldn't know where to start with this one!

I don't think anybody could make sense of these! :crazy:

07-09-2009, 10:56 PM
OMG, Soda, tooooo funny when you write with your thick Texas accent!!! Are y'all tryin' to say that you'se just too famous with your 'portent thangs to do to help out an ol' bud like Glenn:?: Hogwarsh:!:

Ive always been a dreamer
07-09-2009, 11:01 PM
I’ve half a mind to slap ya so hard yer clothes’ll be outta style when ya stop rollin’!”

Now, that's just wrong! Poor Glenn would be so upset if he wasn't stylin'!

That dream was too funny. I can just see Soda now giving Glenn a piece of her mind like that. NOT! :wink:

07-10-2009, 02:16 AM
LOL, something like that, evet!

That dream was too funny. I can just see Soda now giving Glenn a piece of her mind like that. NOT! :wink:

Well, perhaps I would exercise a tad more tact. ;)

07-10-2009, 12:57 PM
I used to have such weird dreams that I bought a book "The Dictionary of Dreams" but it didn't help much. I tried to look up food but it doesn't have a listing so It's no help for your dreams either.

07-10-2009, 01:29 PM
I've tried to do the dream analysis thing and it doesn't seem to work for me. For instance, I had the color white show up three times in that dream, so I looked it up. They say - white=purity. I could've guessed that. But it doesn't make any sense in the context. It's too bad because I would really like to know what all of my EXTREMELY bizarre dreams mean, especially with regard to the Eagles. The ones from this thread alone:

1 ) I attempt to steal Glenn's pets from the French Embassy (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=52680#post52680)
2 ) Joe dies and I have to identify his body and inform his friends and family (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=52680#post52680)
3 ) Joe and I hang out at the Vice President's house after watching a children's recital (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=56094#post56094)
4 ) I go to a meet'n'greet, get dissed by fans, but spot Glenn and sneak off to hang with him, where he presents me with appetizers (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=63526#post63526)
5 ) I perform as an Eagle, but I forget how to play the guitar (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=68179#post68179)
6 ) I gossip with Don about Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham over salad at a restaurant (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=70812#post70812)
7 ) I see the Eagles perform at a small theater in Purdue, then get taken to Glenn's house via ambulance (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=72291#post72291)
8 ) Glenn and I play ourselves on an action-packed episode of General Hospital (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=73273#post73273)
9 ) I see Don at a Country Western Club, give him a beer, and tell him to "be nice" (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=74661#post74661)
10 ) The above dream about seeing the Eagles in a Mexican restaurant, going to see Glenn's weird friends, and fighting with him (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/showthread.php?p=75444#post75444)

Too bizarre for words. No dream analysis site can help me with these. At least, none that I can see. Perhaps others would have better luck but I have had none.... except for feeling a bit crazy.

07-10-2009, 02:41 PM
Death in dreams usually means letting go of some issue in your life and looking forward to something new.

Food represents pleasure and indulgence. Ancient Greeks believed food represented sexual thoughts. :)

Fighting is said to represent conflict w/in yourself.

07-10-2009, 02:42 PM
Don't forget -you were drugged while being transported! That's gotta have some significance.

07-11-2009, 07:19 PM
I've literally just remembered that I had an Eagles dream last night. It was pretty short, but here goes...

I was sitting on the windowsill of my room, looking out over the car park, watching some kids playing basketball with Joe. He was wearing his black top from F1 and looked exactly how he does in that DVD, although he had baggy bright yellow cargo pants on, that actually looked kind of cool given the context of my dream! He seemed really sweet and the teenage boys loved having him there - they were having a lot of fun. Anyway, while they had a break, Joe came over and sat next to me. I didn't really know him but we started chatting. He was very interested in the monarchy (the Queen inparticular), and he asked me if there were any beaches nearby, because he was thinking of going to one later, as it looked like it was going to be a nice evening. I wasn't quite sure if he was trying to ask me if I'd like to go with him.

I didn't get the chance to find out though, because Don walked over at that moment. I don't think I knew him in my dream, but he bummed a cigarette from me (I don't smoke) and stayed there while he lit it. He had this kind of 'cool kid at school' vibe about him and I felt a bit awkward. He was kind of arrogant and aloof. I just stared at him because he didn't light his cigarette in the normal way - he took out a battery, struck the match against the end of the battery, and put the battery to the cigarette. He had a bit of trouble at first, but after a few goes, to my surprise, it worked. He took a drag, grinned and winked at me, and then rode off on a little BMX bike. Joe laughed, shook his head, and mumbled "Poser."


07-11-2009, 07:26 PM
Huh?? That's not the normal way on your side of the Pond??

07-11-2009, 08:29 PM
Troub, I can completely analyze your dream. It's simple - you've decided that you like Joe better than Don! :nahnah:

07-11-2009, 08:57 PM
Nice try, PM ;) Mr. Henley's not getting rid of me that easily!

07-16-2009, 12:25 AM
I had a horrible, HORRIBLE dream involving one of the guys the other night. I don't even want to post it because I'd be afraid it would happen! lol I woke up about in tears....I'll just say that! But on the other hand, it was very strange as well. Darn dreams. Sometimes I'd just like to sleep in peace lol

07-17-2009, 11:32 AM
A few days before I saw the guys on the 4th July in Glasgow, I had been watching the Wimbledon tennis with a friend. That night, I dreamed the guys came out on stage dressed in white shorts and T-shirts! I remember waking up laughing, but thinking it was nice of them to honor the British tennis players that way.

07-17-2009, 11:42 AM
LOL, Carla! Now those are some pictures I'd love to see.

I had a short but sweet dream last night. I was waiting at the bus station in town with some friends, when we spotted Linda Ronstadt walking by. I remembered that it was her 63rd birthday (TBF had posted about it that day in Rock 'n' Roll Birthdays!) and I started nudging my friends in excitement. She was holding a bodyguard's arm and she looked amazing. Her hair was short, but other than that, she looked exactly as she did in the early '70s. She noticed my excitement and actually wandered over to say hello. She was so sweet and offered to pose for a couple of photos with us, being really patient when I couldn't work out how to use my camera properly (duh). I gained more confidence and started to talk to her about how much I loved her music and how envious I was of her working with the Eagles when they were younger. She laughed and was like "Oh, you're a fan?" I said yes, and mentioned how much I loved Don Henley, and she leaned closer and said "Well, honey, I can tell ya... he would've loved you too." The grin didn't leave my face as she walked away. And it pretty much remained most of the morning, too :mrgreen:

07-17-2009, 01:32 PM
Carla and Lou--those are great!!!! I want to dream! :roll:

07-17-2009, 05:11 PM
Wonderful dreams Carla and Lou!

07-18-2009, 02:12 AM
Both are great dreams!

07-18-2009, 01:03 PM
You guys crack me up with these dreams. To be quite honest, I'd give up a night of restful sleep for just one nocturnal adventure with TBS. I must be doing something wrong! :-(

07-18-2009, 10:34 PM
You guys crack me up with these dreams. To be quite honest, I'd give up a night of restful sleep for just one nocturnal adventure with TBS. I must be doing something wrong!

I'm with you Cynd. What I wouldn't give to have a hot dream about Glenn! (or any dream about Glenn (or Don or Joe or Timothy)):nahnah:

07-19-2009, 02:46 PM
Dang, Stars and Troub, can I trade in my crazy dreams for your hot ones?

07-27-2009, 07:48 AM
Last night I had a rather disturbing dream. I was sitting right up front for an Eagles concert, and was so excited to be seeing them again, as you can imagine. It was a day time concert, so the guys just walked out, and "How Long" began. I heard the opening notes, and before Glenn even had a chance to start singing, a little amp blew up in front of them! No one was hurt, but Don immediately started yelling at Glenn, as if it was his fault. Glenn started yelling back, and I remember thinking, "I can't believe this is happening!" Then Don put down his guitar, picked up the smoking amp, and stormed off the stage!:shock:
I woke up right after that, which was probably just as well!

07-27-2009, 07:50 AM
LOL! Aw - a nightmare indeed! I've got to say, Don picking up the smoking amp before he left made me laugh. Don't know why.

07-27-2009, 08:27 AM
I've got to say, these dreams that feature Don's temper always make me laugh for some reason! :hilarious:

07-27-2009, 08:46 AM
WOW, what a dream! The beginning of the dream was nicely, however, then a real nightmare!

07-27-2009, 09:23 AM
Okay, I need to change my snacking habits. What are you guys eating before bed?

Ive always been a dreamer
07-27-2009, 12:00 PM
Okay, I need to change my snacking habits. What are you guys eating before bed?

:lol: cynd!

As I've said before, I'm one of those that doesn't dream or, if I do, I don't remember them! Doesn't stop me from daydreaming though - I guess I'll just have to dream about having an Eagles dream! :shock:

07-27-2009, 01:44 PM
Troub and PM, I have to admit, I laughed at Don storming off the stage carrying the smoking amp! :hilarious: However, I didn't laugh in the dream, I laughed when I woke up! In the dream, I was pretty upset, because I got the impression that the entire concert was cancelled!:-(

07-27-2009, 07:09 PM
In the dream, I was pretty upset, because I got the impression that the entire concert was cancelled!:-(

Now that would be the REAL nightmare!

But I admit Don's tantrum made me laugh too!

07-28-2009, 09:21 AM
What also made me laugh was that Don immediately blamed Glenn for the explosion! I remember in the dream thinking, "It's not Glenn's fault!":hilarious:

07-28-2009, 10:20 AM
I had a dream last night, where I was in Miami Vice helping Glenn catch the bad guys, but all I could focus on, was how hot Glenn looked :inlove:

07-28-2009, 11:12 AM
This isn't as entertaining as Carla's, but I did have another nonsensical one:

I am standing in a crowd and I see this dark-haired girl in white short shorts with several tattoos. One going down her thigh said,

(Only the heart wasn't beating, lol). Then it had an image of a woman's face beneath the words.

I think "Wow, how hard does that suck, having a misspelled tattoo?! How could she be such a big fan and not know that there are two n's in 'Glenn'? Oh well, it's nice that she's a big fan."

Next thing I know I'm in a video store with rows of VHS tapes. I see one dog-eared tape that says "Livin' Right - Extended Version." I take it off the shelf and I see it looks like a workout video! "Hmm, do I have this already?" I ask myself. I don't want to buy it if I have it already, but I can't remember. "I know I have the video, but was it the extended version?" I'm considering buying it just to be safe, but it's $12 (which in the dream seemed to be a lot of money), so I hem and haw. Then suddenly I remember seeing Glenn do this long comedic skit introducing the video - much longer than the little intro on the MTV video. "Oh yeah. I do have it!" I think and put it back. "Sure glad I remembered before I spent $12!"

And then suddenly I'm standing in line behind Don Henley at a car rental counter. He is in a sweatshirt and jeans. For some reason I know that he is renting a car for about three weeks in order to vacation with his family. The car rental guy figures up what it's going to cost and hands Don the contract to sign (which also has his total on it). Don looks it over and grimaces. "Sure is expensive," he says unhappily. Although I can't see what the figure is, I somehow know it's several hundred dollars. I think, "Wow, that is a lot of money. What a rip off." Somehow, I also know that he is thinking that he should have driven the family up here himself in their own car. He'd considered it and decided against it, but now he regrets it. He sighs and grabs a pen to sign his name. As he does, he says, "The time better go by slowly." I think, "But doesn't time fly when you're having fun?"

Then I woke up.

07-28-2009, 12:20 PM
What Soda - no food? :sad: :wink:

07-28-2009, 01:41 PM
You know, I've never had an Eagles dream.

Last night, I hit the jackpot. I woke at about 2:00 thinking, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I actually had a dream about the Eagles. Those DH fans will be so happy when I share it online."

I then fell back to sleep and woke this morning with NO recollection of the dream whatsoever!!! All I know is. . . Those DH fans would have been so happy. . .:brickwall:

07-28-2009, 05:24 PM
Connie-if you remember that dream, please do post it! I'm a DH fan who would be so happy to read all about it!:thumbsup::partytime:

07-28-2009, 05:38 PM
What Soda - no food? :sad: :wink:

Maybe all that talk of guacamole inspired the "Livin' Right" segment of my dream as my subconcious guilt about my love of fattening foods. Whose fault was that? lol

07-28-2009, 05:39 PM

08-13-2009, 10:46 AM
I'm sitting on the lawn waiting for the band to come onstage. It find of felt like my position at the Hard Rock Park, except even further back. There are people all around me and I can't see a thing! Weirdly, they are all girls.

Then a guy with a big cardboard box shows up. He's wearing a backstage pass around his neck. He starts handing something out to the girls nearby. I perk up. What's that? He comes near me and hands me one - it's a tiara! I turn it over and it has my name on it! The girls around me have their names on their tiaras too. We are all happy but surprised. The guy explains, "The band wanted the girls on the lawn to have tiaras."

"How did they know our names?" I ask.

"They didn't," he replies. "The tiaras are magical."

"Oooooh!" We all say, awestruck, as we put them on. After the guy has finished handing out the tiaras, he starts to walk away.

"If he's going backstage, maybe we can follow him and thank the band for the tiaras! We can give them presents, too!" I whisper to the girls around me. As a group, we all start following him. He doesn't notice.

I know more happened, but I don't remember what it was - don't you hate that??

I remember that at some point I attend a really popular musical and again am sitting way in the back, still wearing my tiara. The girl next to me says, "Let's look for people who leave early and take their seats."

"Great idea!" I exclaim, but she's already headed off to a better seat. I keep my eye out for one, too.

I start moving up here and there, bringing my laptop with me (!) and then I'm in the third row right behind all the Eagles who are sitting there watching the show! "CRAP, they will NEVER believe this is a coincidence! They will think I am following them to musicals! I hope they don't see me!" I think.

Then the show stops and one of the actors says, "We have special guests tonight - the Eagles - if we applaud maybe they'll come up and do a number!" Everyone hoots and applauds. The Eagles go onstage.

Then, the actor starts handing them sheet music. They look confused. "Aren't we going to do an Eagles song?" Don asks.

"Oh, no, you're doing a song from the play," the man says.

"oooh, the Eagles are going to do a song they haven't done before!" I think excitedly, and start digging around for my digital camera in my purse so I can record it. I can't find it! I get agitated, trying to find the camera but watch the guys, too.

They're doing OK singing the song. Tim is even trying to harmonize, but it's pretty obvious they don't know the song and it doesn't really sound that great. Joe finally gives up and just stands there.

By this point I have given up trying to find the camera and am just watching. The guys all look pretty uncomfortable.

Afterwards they don't go back to their seats. They just start to leave. I think I'm going to get away with them not seeing me but just as Glenn passes me, he spots me. "This was totally a coincidence," I say quickly.

Glenn shrugs and says unhappily, "I didn't know the song."

Then the dreams morphs into me rear-ending Paul McCartney's car at a stoplight on my way to a taping of a show on the Home and Garden network. Quite a leap.

08-13-2009, 11:08 AM
FIRST of all.. I WANT A MAGICAL TIARA!!!! how cool is that? I'd wear it all the time!
Second, AWE! poor guys didnt even know the song! I just saw Music Man at the OSF and it was terrific but I can totally understand how embarrassing that would be.
Third,.... uh... Paul McCartney? where'd that come from? and I hope you have great dream insurance. Im pretty sure Sir Paul isnt driving a rent a wreck even in a dream.

08-13-2009, 11:28 AM
"How did they know our names?" I ask.
"They didn't," he replies. "The tiaras are magical."
"Oooooh!" We all say, awestruck, as we put them on.

Soda, how do you have a dream about magical tiaras and not be, like, seven? :jealous:

I know more happened, but I don't remember what it was - don't you hate that??

I'd say you do pretty darn well in the dream remembering department!:jealous:

They're doing OK singing the song. Tim is even trying to harmonize, but it's pretty obvious they don't know the song and it doesn't really sound that great. Joe finally gives up and just stands there.

Okay, this is where I started LMAO!

Then the dreams morphs into me rear-ending Paul McCartney's car at a stoplight on my way to a taping of a show on the Home and Garden network. Quite a leap.

Now I'm back to being :jealous:

08-13-2009, 01:27 PM
:headscratch: I don't even know what to say to that? Does anyone on here have a shrink that we can get to become a member to analyze these dreams? Anyone? Please!:hmm:

08-13-2009, 01:44 PM
I think I'm going to get away with them not seeing me but just as Glenn passes me, he spots me. "This was totally a coincidence," I say quickly.

I thought for sure that he was going to say "Yes! One of my angels!"

And I'd love to have a magical tiara, too!

Dang, you all have great Eagles dreams! I can't even remember any dreams, let alone Eagles dreams! :headscratch:

08-13-2009, 05:28 PM
I had a really peculiar one last night and I hold you all directly responsible. Since joining this board I've been inspired to listen to more Eagles, which puts them directly into my consciousness and thus into my dreams. So thanks.

Like Brooks, I rarely remember my dreams, so this was incredibly vague. But I had decided to move to Texas (I'm in the process of deciding where I want to live) and for some reason decided to get a job as a stablehand. Not sure why. For the non-horse people, that means I'd be shoveling manure, etc. The particulars fade in and out but I do recall him scanning my resume, glaring directly at me and demanding to know why an attorney had appeared at his farm, and whether I was actually there to serve him with a lawsuit. Beneath the clear wash of blue steel I kind of wavered and my mouth wouldn't move... mercifully, I woke up at that point. Note to self: if you ever meet Don Henley, don't look him in the eye.

08-16-2009, 11:41 AM
After a long time , I had an eagle dream, a short one but very nice!
I was on the beach with friends to play Beachvollyball, as our 4 guys appeared and they asked us whether they can play with us. :woah:
Of course I said yes!:nod: I was in a team with Glenn, Joe and a friend, that was really cool! We lost our game, nevertheless, this was not so bad, for me, the guys in shorts to see was great!8) After the games we sat at a campfire together.

08-16-2009, 01:34 PM
Sounds like the dream was short but sweet!

08-17-2009, 03:12 AM
Sounds like the dream was short but sweet!
Yes, it was a sweet dream but really to short, the dream has might been longer with pleasure !:)

Soda, I love the signature.

08-17-2009, 11:21 AM
Like Brooks, I rarely remember my dreams, so this was incredibly vague. But I had decided to move to Texas (I'm in the process of deciding where I want to live) and for some reason decided to get a job as a stablehand. Not sure why. For the non-horse people, that means I'd be shoveling manure, etc. The particulars fade in and out but I do recall him scanning my resume, glaring directly at me and demanding to know why an attorney had appeared at his farm, and whether I was actually there to serve him with a lawsuit. Beneath the clear wash of blue steel I kind of wavered and my mouth wouldn't move... mercifully, I woke up at that point. Note to self: if you ever meet Don Henley, don't look him in the eye.

lol! Perhaps Don thought you were trying to stir up some crap by suing him? ;)

08-17-2009, 12:24 PM
After the games we sat at a campfire together.

Did you sing Avacado? :grin:

08-17-2009, 12:34 PM
Did you sing Avacado? :grin:
Of Course! :mrgreen:

08-18-2009, 03:09 PM
I had another dream last night. I don't know why I'm having so many Eagles dreams now when I hardly ever used to have one. In fact, I am having so many that I don't even put the less involved ones on the board because I think everyone would get tired of hearing about Nancy's dreams.

This one, however, is pretty easy to explain. I had insomnia last night and passed the time by writing long-winded posts very few people wanted to read!

Hence my dream.... which is also very long-winded.

I walk in to Walmart to go shopping and who should walk in at the same time but Glenn Frey! He recognizes me and starts walking with me. I'm absolutely thrilled and start chit-chatting with him (can't remember about what).

We pass one of those Walmart bins that are in the middle of the aisles. This one is full of photos of the Eagles, thrown in there. On the top there is a photo of him autographed and signed to someone. He picks it up, gets pissed off, and throws it back in the bin. I figure it's time to move away from there and I kind of tug him on. He doesn't say a word.

Next, after passing some various aisles, we pass a magazine rack filled with magazines with the Eagles on the cover. Again, he stops, but he doesn't pick any of them up. "I have all of these!" I declare proudly. He says nothing and we continue on.

We come across my friend Tiffany who I spent the weekend with. She's single, like me. She says she's through with men and I say something like "Come on, we need men around to kill bugs, fix things, and lift heavy objects. And they are good for other things, too." Glenn finds this hilarious and laughs pretty hard!

We come across a group of people talking about the Eagles. Glenn tells me to go see what they are talking about and he hides behind a nearby stack of T-shirts. There are a bunch of conversations going on and I can't remember them all, but some people are talking about selling Eagles-related things on Ebay and others are talking about buying them. One group is saying that all Eagles fans should buy futons. I don't remember what else was said but I remember thinking that Glenn wouldn't like it.

I go back to Glenn and he asks me what was said. I say, "Nothing important." He replies, "Well, I heard it and I don't like it!" I flush with embarrassment.

He then goes over to the groups, talks to them, and they get all excited and leave thinking the Eagles are awesome. Glenn walks back to me grinning, but then when he comes up to me his smile turns to a frown. He looks right into my eyes and says earnestly, "Nancy, we have a real problem here. The money." I immediately know he is talking about folks thinking the Eagles are greedy, but I don't say anything because I'm not sure how to reply to that. I wonder if it has something to do with the Border and get nervous.

Just then we hear Don Felder's voice. A little ways from us, he is doing an album and book signing in Walmart's book aisle. He hasn't seen us.

Glenn hangs back but I go to see what's happening. I see him signing a baseball jersey and when the lady says she hopes all of the Eagles will sign it, he snorts, "AS IF. I'm the only one who will sign this. Don't even bother asking the others." She looks disappointed.

He moves on to the next pair of people, who tell Felder they know a special way to remaster Airborne that will make it sound good. He perks up and says "Let me give you my phone number!" He digs out a piece of paper and starts writing his number on it.

I see him and joke, "Are you giving out your phone number?" He looks my way and I realize that could be taken the wrong way. "Just kidding," I say hurriedly. "I don't really want your number." He looks pissed off and turns back to the other two. I think "Geez Nancy. You are really putting your foot in your mouth." I hurry past him. I see other fans waiting with Hotel California albums and sitting in folding chairs in a circle with pets that look like baby dolls tethered to the chair legs.

[here some irrelevant random crap happens that has nothing to do with the Eagles, so moving on...]

I go back towards where Glenn is. I pass Felder again and I hear him repeat that no one should ask the other guys for autographs because he is the only one who ever signs anything. One lady produces a copy of Don Henley's "I Can't Stand Still" and says "Since Don Henley will never sign this, will you?" I am just cringing as I hurry pass.

Glenn says "Is Felder going around telling everybody that the other Eagles never sign anything?"

"Yes," I reply, "Even baseball jerseys."

"EVEN BASEBALL JERSEYS!!!" This particularly seems to enrage Glenn. "HOW DARE HE!!"

Then he turns to me and repeats, "We have a real problem here. It's political. It's about the money."

I think he's trying to tell me something or wants me to do something but I don't know what it is. Once more, I wonder if it has anything to do with posts I made on The Border. If he says that it is, I decide to go home and start deleting them. But he says nothing more and we start walking the aisles again.

I woke up but despite the fact that it was early ran to my computer to try to write things down. Already I know I have forgotten some of the things he said, but I tried my best! Then I go back to sleep....

Another dream. This time I'm in a water park.There’s this really dangerous water slide where you don’t take a ladder to the stop, you are sucked up one slide to the top. It’s on the right. The one on the left is the one you go down. They’re both really tall. The water at the bottom is not still – it has powerful waves.

Don, who looks like he just stepped out of that 1975 boat pic, open denim shirt, tight jeans, the whole bit... jumps into the water. He swims towards the vacuum slide but seems to get confused. When he gets near the suction he thrashes around and winds up going the other way, swimming towards the slide where people are coming down. I’m in a crowd at the edge of the waters watching, and we’re all concerned. At the last minute, he’s flung by a wave away from the bottom of the slide and back towards the center of the pool. He’s obviously completely lost his bearings now and swims one way, then another. He’s started fighting the waves and I realize he must be exhausting himself.

Suddenly he dives down and we can’t see him anymore. I jump into the water and swim to where he last was, then dive down. I see him at the bottom and grab him and pull him up. Once I get his head above water, he gasps and coughs so we know he’s OK.

I start pulling him through the water and he just lets me because he’s so weak at that point. However, instead of heading back to the end of the pool with him, I take him over to the vacuum slide where we get sucked up together. I figure I should help him go on the waterslide even if he is only semi-conscious since he almost died trying to get to it. I wouldn't want all of that to be for nothing!

I woke up all proud of myself for rescuing Don Henley! Then I realized it was only a dream, lol.

08-18-2009, 03:30 PM
Wow! I don't think I'll ever tire of reading about your dreams, Soda. They're so detailed. I could imagine the first one, perfectly - all your worries about The Border! The fact that Glenn was particularly enraged that Felder was telling everyone they didn't sign baseball jerseys was too funny. As was the idea of remastering Airborne to "make it sound good" :hilarious:

A personal thank you for rescuing Don. And an even bigger thank you for the image of him jumping into the water, clad in tight denim, 1975-style. Yummy!

08-18-2009, 05:35 PM
I had insomnia last night and passed the time by writing long-winded posts very few people wanted to read!
Since when have you posted something few people wanted to read? I noticed there are no social groups on here... we could create a Long-Winded Soda Society? Just a thought.

Glenn Frey! He recognizes me and starts walking with me.
Are you by any chance the Girl from Yesterday?

She's single, like me. She says she's through with men and I say something like "Come on, we need men around to kill bugs, fix things, and lift heavy objects. And they are good for other things, too." Glenn finds this hilarious and laughs pretty hard!
I kill bugs!
(small voice)...Actually no, I don't; I escort them outdoors, but that's not the point.

I figure I should help him go on the waterslide even if he is only semi-conscious since he almost died trying to get to it. I wouldn't want all of that to be for nothing!
Hahaha I just had a flash of Love Actually - "I don't want to die saving some ---- my grandmother could've written." I'm glad you got him to the waterslide. Congratulations on your rescue and thanks for sharing! I'm going to read To the Limit tonight before bed and attempt to induce an Eagles dream.

08-18-2009, 05:39 PM
Ta-Dah! I did it!

The Long-Winded Soda Society (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/group.php?groupid=2), to evidence our appreciation of your lengthy posts. Open invitation to all! C'mon, people; off your butts! Let's go! Hup!

08-18-2009, 05:41 PM
:hilarious: I actually do the same thing ABM I physically take the roaches out on the porch.

08-18-2009, 05:41 PM
I see other fans waiting with Hotel California albums and sitting in folding chairs in a circle with pets that look like baby dolls tethered to the chair legs.

:rofl:Of course the most nonsensical part is the funniest to me!

08-18-2009, 06:45 PM
Ta-Dah! I did it!

The Long-Winded Soda Society (https://www.eaglesonlinecentral.com/forum/group.php?groupid=2), to evidence our appreciation of your lengthy posts. Open invitation to all! C'mon, people; off your butts! Let's go! Hup!

I'm thinking this could backfire...

But thanks for the compliment. ;)

08-18-2009, 07:22 PM
:rofl:Of course the most nonsensical part is the funniest to me!

The part I skipped over involved my attempt to release the baby doll pets and the bizarre nonsensical consequences!

Thanks for the replies, folks. It is interesting what parts people like the best! I can certainly understand Troub's appreciation of wet Don. I appreciated it too but refrained from adding commentary on how hot Don was with the rivulets of water streaming down his face, neck, chest... ahem, but I digress. ;)

As for being the Girl from Yesterday... I have NEVER gazed at my phone hoping a guy would call back! :lie:

08-19-2009, 01:30 AM
Soda,I like your dreams, they are never boring and they are always crazy! :partytime:

08-19-2009, 06:50 AM
Glad you rescued Don so he can help Glenn with the money issues! :hilarious: To funny!! But I need to know---were you able to release the baby doll pets? You can't just leave that kind of stuff out!

08-19-2009, 11:23 AM
OK TBF, it's actually pretty short and boring - here it is!:

Now when I first see these things tethered to the chairs, I think they are really babies! I'm horrified and I think that I have to rescue them. There is an empty folding chair. I go up to the circle and sit in it. I think I'll pretend to be a Felder fan and wait for my opportunity to grab one of the babies.

An old lady is nearest to me. I lean over discreetly and start untying the tether. I get the tether of one of them completely untied and pick it up. I jump up from my chair ready to take off.

The lady sees me and snaps at me, “What are you doing with my pet?”

“I thought it was a baby,” I protest. Now when I look more closely I can see that it really isn't a baby. It's more like a baby doll with legs and a tail. I realize it's a pet after all.

I haven't seen this kind of pet before and I'm kind of freaked out, but hey, I have a cat and if these are their pets then these are their pets! I apologize.

She glares at me and says ,"Put my pet back and go get our small wooden boxes from the back.” The pet barks at me. He apparently wants to be put down. I feel pretty foolish.

I re-tie the tether and then obediently go to get the wooden boxes from a nearby back room. It's like a dark storage room and the boxes are on a shelf. I open one of them and see that they contain playing cards.

When I close the mean lady's box, I notice it is scratched on the top. She'll blame me, I think. She already hates me. It'll get ugly.

I bring the box out to her, dreading what she will say. I also bring out a couple boxes for the other ladies in the circle.

When she gets it, she takes a look at it. She sees the scratch. She quickly hides the scratch with her hand and says to another lady in the circle, “Why don’t you trade boxes with me? Then you won’t have to wait as long for your box - you won't have to wait for this person to go get it.”

I realize she's trying to trick the other lady into taking her scratched box so she can have one that isn't scratched.

I’m half relieved, half-disapproving, but I don’t go back to get any other boxes. I'm not going to enable her to trick the others! They can go get their own boxes while Felder is busy with the others! Screw this!

I take off and go towards where Glenn is...

[and we get back to our original story]

08-28-2009, 01:51 PM
I dreamed last night that I was invited to a dinner party by Soda. It was in a beautiful apartment in the city, and there was only about four or five guests - the only people I can remember are me, Soda, Cathy (PM) and Don Henley, although there were a couple of other random people there. Soda kind of knew Don, through university lectures she had done/attended, and she had invited him without telling me. When he walked through the door, my jaw nearly hit the ground! Nancy and Cathy just stood there grinning at me. I was terrified, but Cathy spent the night reassuring me that he was really quite nice, and that I should just bite the bullet and talk to him. Eventually, after a few glasses of wine, I wandered over and introduced myself. I ended up sitting at his feet, chatting. I can't remember anything about the conversation - but he was chuckling a lot! He was very polite and easy-going. He was circa Inside Job era, and he was in a dark blue shirt and cream trousers. Soda was the perfect host - very chatty, bubbly, gregarious - and she made everyone feel at ease. (I swear this came from reading the 'extrovert' post! LOL.) The last bit I remember, I wandered into the kitchen to get another drink (I probably needed it!) and decided to help Cathy with the washing up, as Nancy was kneeling by her stereo in the living room, playing one of her new favourite records to Don. He was laughing good-naturedly at her enthusiasm, while Cathy mentioned that the last time Nancy held a 'gathering' like this, everyone ended up across the road at this exclusive jazz bar. Unfortunately we never made the jazz bar, but I woke up with a smile on my face!

08-28-2009, 02:07 PM
As I've said before, if I can't dream of the Eagles, at least I can be in other peoples' dreams of the Eagles! But Lou, how can I be in your dream if you don't know what I look like? (I've always wondered that.)

08-28-2009, 02:09 PM
Actually, I meant to say something about that! You had kind of strawberry blonde, straight, shoulder-length hair, and you were wearing a dark blue evening dress. You were really approachable and homely (in a good way!) You're right - I have no clue what you look like! - but in my dream, I just knew that woman was you.

08-28-2009, 02:14 PM
Actually, I meant to say something about that! You had kind of strawberry blonde, straight, shoulder-length hair, and you were wearing a dark blue evening dress. You were really approachable and homely (in a good way!) You're right - I have no clue what you look like! - but in my dream, I just knew that woman was you.

I'll have to pm a pictue to you so you can 'get it right' the next time! :hilarious: (Not that you're that far off!) :wink:

08-28-2009, 02:15 PM
Oh my gosh! I love this dream!!!! And I do tend to get very talkative at gatherings... and everywhere else, as some folks around here can attest... ;) The university lecture part is probably inspired by Peek's experience with Don.

And something weird - Cathy actually appeared in one of my Eagles dreams, too! I've been waiting to post it because it happened around the time I was having those other Eagles dreams, and I was worried about posting dream after dream in this thread. But it's coming!

08-28-2009, 02:18 PM
Oh my gosh! I love this dream!!!! And I do tend to get very talkative at gatherings... and everywhere else, as some folks around here can attest... ;) The university lecture part is probably inspired by Peek's experience with Don.

And something weird - Cathy actually appeared in one of my Eagles dreams, too! I've been waiting to post it because it happened around the time I was having those other Eagles dreams, and I was worried about posting dream after dream in this thread. But it's coming!

I'm just a dream come true! :hilarious:

08-28-2009, 02:20 PM
LOL! Well, I wish that dream would come true... I woke up feeling even more fond of you guys after you pulled that little Don stunt! Next time though... give a girl some warning!! :thud: ;)

Interesting to know that my 'dream version' of you wasn't too far off, Cathy!

08-28-2009, 06:16 PM
I have been having more and more elaborate dreams. The first one involved being at a big 'county fair' type event. Glenn turned out to be MCing it. At the end when everyone was about to leave a co-compere asked him if he was going to sing (probably the national anthem). He shrugged his shoulders very deliberately and shook his head.

The dream I had last night was in a real fantasy world akin to the film Brazil. I had a new, important job and had been given a makeover so that I actually looked quite attractive and was wearing expensive clothes. Then someone gave me all the Eagles' autographs (not the Eagles themselves). They were all signed to me except for Glenn's which was signed 'to Marilyn'. The dream got even more bizarre but I won't bore you with it.

08-28-2009, 11:48 PM
Looks like your dreams are improving, FP! At least he's not running away! And I want one of those makeovers .;)

08-31-2009, 09:58 AM
OK, the dream that involved PM (Cathy) which I had a while back, after I drove through Linden (but had been saving until there was less of a glut of Nancy Eagles dreams!):

The dream:

I drive back to Linden, Texas to see what there is to see, since I only drove through it before.

Cathy is there. She tells me that she has been there for a few hours and has seen a few things. She asks me if I remembered to bring toothpaste, toothbrush, etc. I say “no.” She says “Don’t worry, I have extra.”

We go into a nearby general store where there is a wooden, dusty floor and a couple old guys playing checkers in the corner. There is another old woman behind the counter. “May I help you?” She says to Cathy.

Meanwhile I’m distracted by a bookcase which has a lot of old books in it behind the old guys playing checkers – one of which is a Nancy Drew book!

“Oooh, I love Nancy Drew!” I exclaim, then reach over the old guys to get it. They nod with approval. “Those are good books there,” one of them says. “Don Henley rebound them all a few years ago and wrote introductions for all of them.” I open the book and sure enough – there is an introduction to the Nancy Drew book by Don Henley! “Oh my gosh, I want this book!” I think. But they’re all watching me and it’s not like I could just walk out with it.

Just then Cathy comes up to me. “The old woman says her daughter will give us a tour of Linden and point out spots where Don Henley did things.” I reluctantly put the book back.

Meanwhile, Brooke joins us for the tour. She and Cathy walk along together behind the lady who is pointing things out – “And this is where he tied his shoelace after school one day” – while I attempt to take photos. I’m falling behind, however. Suddenly we come across a cliff and are looking out over the ocean.

“What a view!” I say, and take more photos.

“Don loved this view,” the daughter says. “He came here all the time.”

After we take a few more photos, we head towards a garden area. We come across Glenn in a garden sitting at a white table. This does not seem strange to us. “Hi,” we say to him.

He says, “You girls enjoying your tour?”

“Yes we are,” Brooke says. “We just saw that cliff over there where Don says you and he discussed getting the Eagles back together for Hell Freezes Over.”

Glenn says “I don’t know what Don was thinking saying that! It’s not true! We never talked about getting back together there.”

“I believe you,” I say. “It makes more sense that the band reunion would occur at the prompting of a corporate entity or something like that, rather than a talk between two people."

“Yeah,” Glenn says, furrowing his brow, seemingly realizing that scenario sounded a lot less romantic.


That's it - the dream ends there.

Not very long or elaborate and I have no idea why PM and Brooke joined me out of all the folks here! But bizarre as usual. ;)

Ive always been a dreamer
08-31-2009, 11:38 AM
That is a weird one, Soda. What I want to know is how they got that ocean to visit Linden. :lol:

08-31-2009, 11:53 AM
:yay: I made it into someone's dream! :lol:

Yeah! I was wondering about that ocean view in Linden, too! And I'd so love to see where he tied his shoelaces after school! Ha! Too funny!

08-31-2009, 11:56 PM
The other night I had a dream of Koala! In the dream, I was reading posts on the board, and I saw that Koala had posted a picture of a guitar that she had signed! Of course, I thought it was signed by one of the Eagles, but it turned out to be signed by one of the patrons who comes to our library!:hilarious:
Koala seemed so proud of it though!:)
Then suddenly I was holding the guitar, and telling Koala that I wished I knew how to play it! Now that part of it I can understand, cause I would love to learn to play the guitar!:thumbsup:

09-01-2009, 01:29 AM
The other night I had a dream of Koala! In the dream, I was reading posts on the board, and I saw that Koala had posted a picture of a guitar that she had signed! Of course, I thought it was signed by one of the Eagles, but it turned out to be signed by one of the patrons who comes to our library!:hilarious:
Koala seemed so proud of it though!:)
Then suddenly I was holding the guitar, and telling Koala that I wished I knew how to play it! Now that part of it I can understand, cause I would love to learn to play the guitar!:thumbsup:
A confused but an interesting dream,
because I had last night signed Eagles guitars viewed online !!!
A signed guitar by the Eagles I would have really gladly
and I would also like to learn playing guitar.

09-03-2009, 02:06 PM
Quite peculiar dream... Azoff had decided to create an artsy movie about the Eagles circa the late '70s, and had cast five girls to play the band in an interpretive manner. It sounds rather strange, but I drifted into dreamland watching The Science of Sleep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Science_of_Sleep)so my unconscious mind really wasn't destined to accede the traditional bounds of reality. Anyway, being cast as Joe, I had chopped my hair off and bleached it blonde. In the grand tradition of non sequitur mental endeavours, after filming the movie had completed, Joe and I appeared at an awards ceremony and assiduously refused to read the telepromptor. I'll skip over the long ad-lib goof-off session that ensued.

Finally, as part of the post-movie promotional process, the fictional mini-Eagles band (never really caught the name) had recorded a cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Gypsy." We and the "real" Eagles gathered around to watch the video debut on VH1. It started by sweeping through a field to find me/mini-Joe (who for some reason had lead vocal duties - analyze that, Freud) riding this beautiful Gypsy Vanner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gypsy_vanner)horse, dressed in a very Stevie Nicks manner as a stereotypical gypsy. I approached a town reminiscent of the one depicted in Chocolat, dismounted and started menadering around. Every time I encountered one of the other girls in the band, we would somehow flip into a different time period and our surroundings would completely alter to accommodate this. I remember one rather humorous instance where the girl cast as the Don character approached a mirror in a funhouse and he was standing on the other side, appearing in lieu of her reflection (this no doubt the result of seeing Phantom of the Opera three times last week). She yelped, backed up, approached the mirror again and he had vanished, so she walked through it and at the end of the track we returned to the initial Chocolat era. I remounted my (breathtakingly gorgeous) horse and left the town, very obviously rushing to catch up with someone. My mare cantered up beside another Gypsy Vanner and... there's the lead gypsy, Joe, dressed as Jack Sparrow.

I have no explanation whatsoever, but that might be one of the greatest dreams I've ever had; right up there with winning Spruce Meadows. Too bad there's no way to request a DVR repeated viewing of dreams!

09-03-2009, 04:29 PM
that sounds like quite the dream, i would like to see how that movie would turn out, if done in real life.

I have no explanation whatsoever, but that might be one of the greatest dreams I've ever had; right up there with winning Spruce Meadows. Too bad there's no way to request a DVR repeated viewing of dreams!

wouldn't that be cool, if that actually existed then maybe i would be able to know what i actually dream about.

09-03-2009, 08:24 PM
Stars - sounds like a cute dream to me!

ABM - DANG, I wish I could buy a DVD of that dream! My favorite song! My favorite bands! Stevie-esque clothing! (OK, pushing out of mind bleached Joe hair aspect lol) It reminds me in some ways of Fleetwood Mac's Gypsy video (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=19553500) - for instance, the fantasy elements, the mirror, and the switching back and forth between times. All in one wonderful dream! :: sighs enviously ::

09-04-2009, 12:51 AM
Joe dressed like Jack Sparrow?????? :smitten:*having heart attack*:fainting: I need to know what you guys are drinking before bed... DANG!

09-04-2009, 12:46 PM
soda - I believe it was the direct result of watching the "Gypsy" video for the first time on the Fleetwood Mac thread. Honestly, though, I preferred my version, what with the Eagles being in it and all...

ticky - It was priceless! If we could make that happen in real life, POTC 4 would be the biggest movie ever. He could be Jack's uncle or something.

Unfortunately... no encore performance last night. Sigh.

09-07-2009, 10:29 AM
I think I know why I keep having these dreams. I made a CD of "slow songs of Glenn Frey" to help me go to sleep and it must be affecting me! At least, it's a theory, because I never used to have them (well, one in a while). I think I'll keep playing that CD because you never know when the dream will be interesting rather than bizarre! This next one is a little of both.


I’m in a movie theater watching Star Trek, but it’s not in space. It’s at some kind of resort.

I see Glenn Frey walking along the greens of the resort field picking flowers, dressed in the outfit he wore on the practice day at Pebble Beach. He walks up to some strange man and asks, “Where is Don Henley?”

The man says, “He is in a kingdom far away with a princess whom he saved from hell after she had been turned into a tigress and taken there by a demon. He rode his horse to the depths of hell and rescued her. He told her that he loved her even if she were a tigress forever. His love changed her back to a beautiful princess and now they are living happily in a castle together.”

In my theater seat, I exclaim to the faceless person next to me, “Did you hear that?? They wrote Don Henley out of this movie! How could they do that??? It’s not Star Trek unless all of the guys are here! No way is this canon Star Trek. This must one of those movies that calls themselves Star Trek but isn’t really in the canon.”

“No, it’s canon Star Trek,” she answers.

“They can’t just write out Don Henley and call it part of the canon. That doesn’t make any sense.”

“They just did,” the person replies. “Maybe he didn’t want to be in the Star Trek movies anymore.”

“This is bogus,” I mutter. “I paid good money to see this and Don isn’t even going to show up.”

The man is telling Glenn that he shouldn’t have picked the flowers from the roof of the resort, because now the roof is damaged.

“But the roof is where the prettiest flowers grow,” Glenn says. “You have the prettiest flowers in the world on your roof, and you have the best roof, too.”

The man is flattered and says “You are such a rascal!” But he’s obviously not mad at Glenn.

I yell at the screen “When are Timothy and Joe going to be on? They better not have been written out, too!”

Glenn, still on the screen, turns to me and says “They’re coming later. Be patient.”

“Well, it better not be for like five minutes at the end of the movie,” I say grumpily.

“Yeah!” the person next to me says. “And I heard a rumor that the ending...”

Glenn interrupts. “Be quiet! You’re ruining the movie for everyone!”

I glance around and everyone is mad. “The other person said that about the end of the movie, not me,” I say, embarrassed, and kind of shrink down in my seat and wait to see what’s going to happen next.

In the movie, Glenn walks to a motel and all of these twenty-somethings are coming out of each of the rooms on the ground floor into the parking lot. “We have to find Steve and Joe and Tim,” they’re all saying.

Glenn says to one of the guys, who is blond and pretty good looking, “Who are you? Who are these people?”

“We’ll post who we are later by creating a ‘welcome’ forum,” he replies.

“There already is a welcome forum,” Glenn replies. “You’ll confuse people.”

“Whatever,” the guy says. “We have to find Joe and Tim. When we find Steve, we’ll find them.”

“I don’t know where they are,” Glenn answers.

“Do you have their numbers on your cell phone?” The guy asks.

“Yeah, sure, I forgot I did. What a great idea! I’ll just call them!” Glenn pulls out his cell phone and hands it to the young guy. The guy runs off with it. "HEY!” Glenn cries and runs after him. The guy pauses to show the phone to two girls at the end of the parking lot. When he does this, Glenn grabs him by the collar. “You better give that back to me right now!!!”

“OK,” the guy says contritely. “Sorry!”

“Well, just for that, I’m not calling Joe and Tim,” Glenn declares. “You don’t deserve it.”

“No, please, we’re sorry!” All the young folks cry. “Please call them!”

“OK, OK. But I don’t have Steve’s number.” Glenn holds his cell phone up to his ear and says “Joe and Tim” and suddenly they are riding towards the resort across the field dressed as Arthurian knights.

“Hey – were they with Don in the faraway kingdom?” I think. “How come nobody said that earlier?”

“We’ve come from Camelot,” Tim declares – with a British accent. “The princess has been saved.”

“Oh man, they were having this exciting adventure in Camelot and Glenn wasn’t even brought along! Plus we didn’t get to see it! This movie sucks harder and harder!” I think unhappily. “This doesn’t even make sense!”

“I thought Don saved the princess,” Glenn is saying.

“We saved different princesses,” Tim says. “We each have a castle now.”

Joe is nodding and he pulls out a Polaroid photo of his castle. It’s one of those medieval stone castles with turrets and a moat.

“Why isn’t Joe speaking?” I wonder. “Maybe he’s ashamed because he doesn’t have a British accent like Tim.”

I turn to my friend and say out loud again, “No way is this movie in the Star Trek canon.”

Then suddenly, in the movie, everyone turns and there’s this fire raging near the motel. All the twenty-somethings are running away screaming. This figure is emerging from the fire... a black horse and rider, all in black. I lean forward, trying to make out a face, but it’s hidden by smoke... who is it, Don maybe? Maybe they didn’t write him out after all! Maybe they just made him into a medieval sorcerer who can travel through fire!

Then my alarm rang and I woke up! BOOOO!!!

09-07-2009, 07:16 PM
Soda, I really don't know what to say to that, except that it's different. But who is 'Steve'?

09-07-2009, 07:36 PM
There's nothing to say, FP! Just read and shake your head, lol.

I don't know anyone named Steve, so I have no idea where that came from. Steve Guttenberg, perhaps? ;)

09-07-2009, 11:30 PM
And you were smoking what??? I love it.. you always have the best dreams!

I had a partial Eagles dream!!!! finally.. (Partial is better then nothing I guess)

I was on a bus with all the guys and some of ya'll. I dunno who all but I know it was some borderers. We were somewhere hot and dry and desert-ish and foreign like Egypt. The bus was bumping down a road and it was hot and dusty and I was leaning my head on Joe and I guess I was asleep. The bus stopped in a city in front of a hotel. Joe leaned down and said "Wake up! we're here!". Next thing I know we're standing next to the bus, Joe and I, everyone else had gone in the hotel, and we were supervising the unloading of the equipment. Then I woke up.

09-08-2009, 07:01 AM
Ticky, you've started dreaming The Long Story! (The only thing missing was the lovely milkmaid, Cathy!)

And Soda... :headshake: :shrug:

09-08-2009, 09:02 AM
Sounds intriguing ticky... too bad you woke up before you could help Joe with his equipment! ;)

09-10-2009, 11:24 AM
I've had fun reading about everyone's dreams and now i've finally had one after months of no Eagles in my dreams.

First, I must say that when I don't sleep in my own bed i tend to toss and turn and I often wake up then fall right back to sleep. I'm back in my hometown visiting my family on my days off work this week and am set up in the spare bedroom in my parents house and many of you know that I work nights so i sleep during most of the sunlight hours of the day. Because I woke up a lot yesterday while I was trying to sleep, this dream was kind of split up into a few episodes (I guess that's the right word for it) but each one kind of blended together. In each part of my dream I was carrying my book bag/lap top bag with me. In the beginning I don't know why I had it with me but somehow towards the end of my dream it seems there was something important in it.

The first part my dream (which isn't at all relevant to the Eagles) involved me and one of my cousins wondering around a huge Disney World or Six Flags type of theme park then I woke up and rolled around the bed trying to get all comfy again. During the next part, my cousin and I walked into a a little store with all kinds of Rock and Roll memorabilia. I remember spotting a poster of Jackson Browne. I noticed that my cousin had the store clerk occupied so I stuffed the poster into my bag quickly before she looked my way. (I would never actually steal anything in real life so I have now idea why I did that in my dream). I continued browsing the posters on the wall as if I hadn't just committed a felony and saw an Eagles poster on the wall. It was one that I had never seen before and immediatly asked the store clerk "How Much?". She said "$6". I immediatly replied "I'll take it!!" Again, I woke up.

The beginning of this next part was somewhat strange because I wasn't actually in the dream but I could clearly see everything that was going on. The setting was still at the them park but I could Don and Glenn walking through the backstage of a huge building as if they had just finished a concert. They both looked like they did during the Hotel California era and i'd like to add that both were looking :smokin: Hot. They kept walking through a bunch of doors till they finally got to their dressing rooms. They were both sitting around when i came walking in the room. I was incredibly excited to see them but kept my cool and just said Hi and introduced myself. We chatted for a bit, although I don't remember what we talked about, then I finally asked them "Why do yall look like that?" They both looked at me strange and Glenn said "What do you mean?" I said "How come yall look like you did during the 70's?" Don said "What are you talking about? It's 1976." "No it's not, it's 2009!!" We proceeded to argue about what year it was. I was telling them all about the break up and then getting back together in '94 for HFO. I told them all about Felder and the FW1 tour then about the LROOE album and how I went to their concerts on that tour. I even told them about their successful solo careers. They were both intently listening to everything I was saying with surprise in their eyes about how specific I was being about every detail of their careers. They almost couldn't believe it then I pulled out a photo album from my bag. It had a mixture of my old and new family pictures and pictures of the Eagles from HFO till now. I remember seeing Don really studying the pictures. I was just about to tell them about how much their music meant to me and all of sudden I heard my mother's voice. "Wake up, Jessica. It's getting late. We need to get on the road." Dang it!! I really wanted to know what was to happen next.

09-10-2009, 03:27 PM
ooh, I love that dream! It's like a "Back to the Future" type thing. Very cool!

09-10-2009, 06:40 PM
:hilarious: It's hilarious that you were having to tell them everything that had happened to them since the 70's!

09-10-2009, 06:51 PM
I love that dream, Jess. I can just picture Don and Glenn intently listening to you telling them what they would accomplish over the next 30 years! I want to know what they thought when they saw themselves older...

Don: "Hey, I kinda like this Hell Freezes Over era. My hair looks pretty good, don't it?"

Glenn: "Screw your hair, man. I'm BUILT!"

Ive always been a dreamer
09-10-2009, 09:47 PM
That is :hilarious: troub. Glenn might also be thinking "Don't get so cocky, Don - my hair looks awesome, too.

Jess - that is a fun dream, but it's too bad it had to end. Man, I'll bet we could make a movie about this ...

09-11-2009, 09:57 AM
SO I've NEVER had an Eagles dream and was beginning to think there was something wrong with me...until lastnight. Normally my head hits the pillow and I'm down for the count, and on those rare occasions that I do dream (that I remember) it's usually about family. Well, lastnight I hit the jackpot although it's a bit fuzzy...and what's puzzling to me is that it wasn't about Tim!

What I remember is that I was traveling...don't know where or why...but I got off the plane and was greeted in the terminal by GLENN! (I know there are a lot of dreams posted that involve him...maybe it was subliminal?). Anyway, he puts me in a limo and takes me to this incredible penthouse setup -- furnished to the nines and with the most incredible view I've ever seen (seemed like Vegas or somewhere in the desert) -- and says "I hope you'll be comfortable staying here, I just thought it was a lot better than a hotel". I have NO clue who's place it is or WHY Glenn is there!

Then it gets a bit foggy because I was tossing about and woke up. But when I fell back asleep I'm back in this penthouse and Glenn is still there. He just talking and smiling and laughing and I found him to be very charming and entertaining -- and I don't think I need to mention the hotness factor (that goes without saying)! I remember that I asked him about the band and what their plans are and he just grinned and said "I didn't come here to talk about work!"

The rest of it is a total blank :brickwall:which ticks me off to the max because I'd love to know what else transpired! Maybe this will be the beginning of a trend for my sleep state, which would be perfectly fine with me!

09-11-2009, 10:17 AM
Cynd, I'm sure now whatever you did last night before you went to bed will become a ritual. Gotta keep those Eagles dreams comin'! :thumbsup:

09-11-2009, 10:39 AM
Hanging out in a penthouse suite chatting with Glenn? Sounds like a good time to me! ;)

Ive always been a dreamer
09-11-2009, 10:58 AM
Yeah - Cynd's dream kinda reminds me of the time I hung out in a penthouse with Glenn and he didn't want to talk about work and we ... oh crap - nevermind!!! :shock: :lol:

09-11-2009, 11:28 AM
I'm jealous, Dreamer....sounds like you at least know where it went! I can only hope that mine is one of those "to be continued" issues with the next episode coming after "Peoria/Chat" tonight!

And I'm curious why I never see any dreams about Tim!!??!! I guess he's just always been so darned squeeky-clean that it's hard for our subconscious to imagine! OH, DARN!!!

Ive always been a dreamer
09-11-2009, 11:33 AM
Yeah - my post was all in joking, Cynd. I almost never have dreams that I remember - makes me jealous of those of you who have these awesome dreams with the guys.

09-11-2009, 01:40 PM
But when I fell back asleep I'm back in this penthouse and Glenn is still there. He just talking and smiling and laughing and I found him to be very charming and entertaining -- and I don't think I need to mention the hotness factor (that goes without saying)! I remember that I asked him about the band and what their plans are and he just grinned and said "I didn't come here to talk about work!"

Cynd, hehehe.......have you heard the song King of Hollywood?! :laugh:

I like that dream. I wish I could have one. I haven't had an Eagles dream for a long time! :-(

09-12-2009, 04:32 PM
And I'm curious why I never see any dreams about Tim!!??!! I guess he's just always been so darned squeeky-clean that it's hard for our subconscious to imagine! OH, DARN!!!

He's made cameos in some of mine but you're right, seems he doesn't get the starring role in anyone's dreams in this thread, at least!

09-12-2009, 06:10 PM
After our flash chat event lastnight I expected this thread to be flooded today. Oops! Maybe we all enjoyed the bubbly a bit too much (I NEVER dream after a good bottle of wine).

09-12-2009, 06:12 PM
Yep, no luck there. And I even went to sleep listening to a Glenn Frey CD!

09-14-2009, 07:14 AM
Now that you mention it, Tim isn't mentioned here much if at all. The only one I can think of off hand was mine several months ago and he wasn't the "star" of the dream but Jimmy Buffett was. :shrug: Still haven't figured that one out.

Here's the link for anyone who's interested and hadn't read it. Starts at post #92. I kinda forgot about it myself and had a chuckle reading it again.


09-15-2009, 10:26 AM
I'm blaming y'all for my dream last night. After reading about 1/2 of the Pebble Beach thread, I must have had Glenn on my mind.

I can't remember everything (of course not!) but we were at some kind of cozy little cabin in the woods and wanted to go somewhere. Then I was driving and the car didn't have any brakes. Glenn was just mellow and giving me advice on how to get out of various situations (like a red light up ahead! pedestrians in the road!) and trying to keep me calm while I was freaking out.

Swear I was not :smokin:

09-15-2009, 11:53 AM
Too funny :hilarious:!

09-15-2009, 12:35 PM
Love it! Glenn is so helpful :lol:

09-15-2009, 03:25 PM
After our flash chat event lastnight I expected this thread to be flooded today. Oops! Maybe we all enjoyed the bubbly a bit too much (I NEVER dream after a good bottle of wine).

Missed being able to chat and the bubbly. I've had dreams where I'm sitting either in the passenger side or back of the car with no one in the driver seat. Not sure where they come from being how I always seem to be in the drivers seat. I hate being a passenger.

09-21-2009, 06:36 PM
I actually had a dream with an Eagle last night! :shock:

I was walking down our gravel road by the neighbors and I met up with several other people, one of which was Don Henley! The neighbors asked us to come in for dinner and we sat down to a table filled with food. Don asked me if I would like to sit by him. Of course, I said I would. :wink: As we were eating I asked him if he was going to do very much touring this fall and he said there would be quite a few shows throughout Missouri. :wink: I wanted to ask him for his autograph, but was too scared. Then I woke up and thought, "oh my gosh! I have to post about this in the morning before I forget it!" :yay:

09-22-2009, 06:47 AM
As we were eating I asked him if he was going to do very much touring this fall and he said there would be quite a few shows throughout Missouri. :wink:

Oh come on--Like there isn't usually! :hilarious:

And another Eagles dream involving food also! What does this mean? Hmmm?

09-22-2009, 09:53 AM
Oh come on--Like there isn't usually! :hilarious:

And another Eagles dream involving food also! What does this mean? Hmmm?

we wanna eat em?

09-22-2009, 10:43 AM
Congrats on your Eagles dream, Brooke! ;)

So, I figured I would look up food dreams. Turns out ticky may not be too far off the mark!


So, I guess the question is, what exactly were you guys eating? ;)

There doesn't seem to be anything here about Mexican food or appetizer trays with chicken fingers and Vienna sausages.

09-22-2009, 11:58 AM
we wanna eat em?
Hahaha! Positively clairvoyant, you are!

09-22-2009, 12:17 PM
Brooke, I likes your dream!
Food and the Eagles or one Bandmember in a dream, very nice!!!:partytime:

09-22-2009, 12:20 PM
Hahaha! Positively clairvoyant, you are!

I dunno about clairvoyance, but I kinna wanna eat em *G*

Nancy, I think there's a lot of meaning behind the Vienna Sausages... maybe not complimentary , but definite meaning *G*

09-22-2009, 01:51 PM
Interesting interpretations:

Dreaming of Eagles: Early man considered eagles to be messengers from Sun god. In your dreams, it may be a messenger from your unconscious. These stories are dream symbols that represent psychological opposites such as male/female, conscious/ unconscious and thought/instinct. Superstition says that to dream of an eagle is an omen for fame and fortune.

(Okay, so it isn't specially THE EAGLES, but interesting all the same!)

09-22-2009, 04:25 PM
represent psychological opposites such as male/female . . . Superstition says that to dream of an eagle is an omen for fame and fortune. My inner teenager giggled mercilessly over those two in close proximity. Just saying.

It is interesting, though! Thanks for posting that. They sure picked a fantastic moniker - I was thinking about that the other day when a hawk fled for mercy and I started looking around for their namesake. Truly a symbol of power and dominance.

09-24-2009, 06:15 PM
I heard this song the other day and usually I would've turned the station but something about the lyrics stuck with me and reminded me a lot of this thread. I thought a lot of the lyrics described me pretty well when it come to dreaming of the guys, especially the mention of a tattoo (except mine is on my ankle and not across my heart).


Beyonce- Sweet Dreams

Turn the lights on

Every night I rush to my bed
With hopes that maybe I'll get a chance to see you
When I close my eyes I'm going out of my head
Lost in a fairytale, can you hold my hands and be my guide?

Clouds filled with stars cover the skies
And I hope it rains, you're the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream is this?

You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I don't wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on)

Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true
(Turn the lights on)

My guilty pleasure, I ain't going no where
Baby long as you're here I'll be floating on air
'Cause you're my

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I don't wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on)

I mention you when I say my prayers
I wrap you around all of my thoughts
Boy you're my temporary high

I wish that when I wake up you're there
To wrap your arms around me for real
And tell me you'll stay by side

Clouds filled with stars cover the skies
And I hope it rains, you're the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream is this?

You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I don't wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on)

Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true
(Turn the lights on)

My guilty pleasure, I ain't going no where
Baby long as you're here I'll be floating on air
'Cause you're my

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I don't wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on)

Tattoo your name across my heart so it will remain
Not even death can make us part
What kind of dream is this?

You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I don't wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on)

Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true
(Turn the lights on)

My guilty pleasure, I ain't going no where
Baby long as you're here I'll be floating on air
'Cause you're my

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I don't wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on)
Either way I don't wanna wake up from you

09-28-2009, 07:42 AM
This is weird. After Larry left for work this morning, I went back to bed for about an hour. I had a dream that I was at an Eagles concert, outside in some little town but not mine. They were just singing on the side of the street. I remember they were singing Heartache Tonight and when they got done, Don says "we love doing these concerts except for this next part, the parade of autographs." Then they all walked over to a line of convertible cars and got into them, sitting on the backs like you see in parades. As the cars passed the crowd, everyone was running up to the cars with pictures and albums and they were signing them. I didn't have anything for them to sign but some guy next to me told me I could have his album because he didn't like them anyways. I wanted to say something to him but then thought better of it because he was giving me his album. So I walked up to Tim's car and he signed it and gave me a peck on the cheek :love: and then went to Glenn's car then Joe's and got their autographs but when I got to Don's, he wouldn't sign it for me and was really nasty about it. I knew I was going to cry so I just turned and walked away. I remember thinking that now I had 2 autographs from everyone but still didn't have any of Don.

That's all I remember of the dream. I don't know if that was the end of it or if I just don't remember it. I rarely dream at all or just don't remember doing it. When the alarm went off and I was laying there and realized that I had had an Eagles dream, I was thinking can't wait to tell everyone on the board. :hilarious:

09-28-2009, 10:11 AM
I can just picture an Eagles parade! Love it! Too bad about Don being such a jerk, lol, but otherwise a sweet dream eh? ;)

09-30-2009, 07:28 PM
I don't know what you'll make of this but it was nice to have a dream just before the Big 3-0.

I was at some sort of festival (I don't know why these type of events feature so strongly in my dreams) with my daughter and my uncle (who I very rarely see, but he was a better fit than my husband may have been). There must have been a golf tournament involved. We were sitting in a fast food joint with photos of celebrities playing golf. Sure enough, there was a photo of Glenn in a long distance shot.

Well, I am ashamed to say that I started talking to the photo. I started saying things that I think but try not to make too much of when I post here, like 'why aren't you more visible? Why do you underestimate yourself? It's your band'!

We went outside (I took the photo with me!) and then someone came up to us and said in an awestruck voice 'he's here. If you want to see him, go into that shop there'.

My jaw dropped and my heart hit the floor. We went into a dark, empty shop. There was nobody else there except a Chinese lady who owned it and was clearing up. I looked around in bemusement (I think I thought 'that's it. It will end now').

But it didn't. He arrived ('there he stood in the doorway'). He was wearing a black sweatshirt. He shook my uncle's hand and picked my daughter up. Then he looked at me. I started hesitantly trying to say something about 'I've admired you for 30 years' and then I said 'I can't believe I'm saying this'. I looked desperately at him for help. For a minute he looked as if he'd seen it all before and was going to give me the cold shoulder. Instead he gave me that smile. He obviously was about to speak, which is when I woke up.

I don't think I will ever have the 'interactive' dreams that Soda has. Even after 30 years, he's still the distant, unattainable celebrity.

I feel a bit embarrassed by this one but I had to share it. :confused::blush:

09-30-2009, 09:00 PM
I'm very glad you had a Glenn dream during your special week! Thanks for sharing it with us.

10-01-2009, 11:57 AM
Fp! Wonderful dream! I wish it would have lasted longer for you! :wink:

10-01-2009, 02:33 PM
I heard this song the other day and usually I would've turned the station but something about the lyrics stuck with me and reminded me a lot of this thread. I thought a lot of the lyrics described me pretty well when it come to dreaming of the guys, especially the mention of a tattoo (except mine is on my ankle and not across my heart).

Thanks for sharing that. The words hold alot of truth for all of us. That is except the beautiful nightmare part. :)

As for everyone who has had the most vivid dreams I've ever heard, I've only had one Eagle related but I don't dream a whole lot anyway but it's fun to read everyone elses.

10-01-2009, 02:56 PM
I don't think I will ever have the 'interactive' dreams that Soda has. Even after 30 years, he's still the distant, unattainable celebrity.

I feel a bit embarrassed by this one but I had to share it. :confused::blush:

Don't be embarrassed FP. You were lucky to have Glenn in your dream no matter how interactive it was.

TBF, I loved reading your dream too. Isn't it interesting that a recurring theme in this thread is a sour pussed Don?

10-01-2009, 05:36 PM
Yes, don't be embarrassed, FP. I'm just sorry that you woke up. I was waiting to read about you having a nice chat with Glenn :lol:.

10-16-2009, 12:17 PM
I had an Eagles dream last night, well, kind of. It was about them, but they weren't in it.
I was touring their house. I guess it was a house they stayed in together when they were recording or something, but they each had their own room. Unfortunately, I only saw two rooms, Glenn and Dons.
Don's was extremely elaborate and was in a constant state of redecorating. He was doing the most beautiful tile work in his bathroom and as I was admiring it, a large tile I had rested my hand on popped off. No one had seen it so I gently pused it back in place but it didnt stay so I rested it against the wall and moved on quickly. The room was segmented in levels. The bed was on the far side of the room and was on the highest level as was the bathroom on the opposite side of the room. The colors were very rich golds, blues and blacks. Other then the various levels, the tiled bathroom and the colors, I dont remember much else.
Glenn's room was much brighter but again had many levels. His room was nautical in design all blues and whites and very light. His bed wasnt the highest spot in the room, that was again the bathroom area and a sitting area with a desk and a huge picture bay window that over looked the ocean. The bed was a large king sized with a dark blue comforter and lots of big fluffy white pillows that made you just want to run and jump in *G* His clothes, jeans and t-shirt were tossed onto the bed and I remember being surprised he hadnt picked up after himself before a tour like this but I was excited to see his personal things just laying out there. THEN.. I woke up, no Tim, No Joe... I think maybe seeing Joe's bed room may have been too much for my psyche *G* Still I have my imagination...

10-16-2009, 01:18 PM
Wow Ticky! Very vivid!

I was just waiting for Glenn to saunter in to the room with a towel wrapped around his waist and............................Nevermind. :woah:

10-16-2009, 04:23 PM
Interesting dream, ticky! Brooke... don't go there... lol

10-16-2009, 07:22 PM
Ticky, it's just as well that you didn't see Joe's bedroom in your dream. You'd probably see his poncho and coonskin cap thrown on his bed, then you'd have to burn them and then the whole place would go up in flames! :fear:

10-26-2009, 07:06 AM
Saturday night I had a rather short Eagles related dream. I had been at a Don Felder concert (I don't know if anyone else was there or not) and as I was leaving I saw Don and a couple other men standing outside the venue waiting for their cars to come around and I overheard their conversation. Don was saying he couldn't wait to check out the Border tomorrow to see if anyone was there at the concert to post a review of it. :hilarious:

Don't ask me where that one came from.

10-26-2009, 07:14 AM
Ha! I knew Don was a secret Borderer!

10-26-2009, 09:27 AM
:hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:! I got a good chuckle out of that one! Keep on dreamin', TBF. :)

10-26-2009, 10:18 AM
lol! Love it!

10-29-2009, 12:00 AM
Love that dream, Willie!! Makes ya wonder if the guys really do drop in here. Probably not but it's a thought anyways.

I had this dream a few weeks ago but I kept forgetting to post about it. I think I may have mentioned it to Lou in chat around that time. When I was a kid, my dad used to take my brother and I fishing during the summer time. We would always go to this particular pond near my grandma's house that I used to call "my pond". Flash forward to present day...I was with my dad and we're just having a nice father/daughter bonding day and we decided to go back to my pond because we hadn't been there in so long. I remember sitting on a big old tree stump chatting with my dad and fishing when all of a sudden we heard somebody walking up beside us. I turned and there was Don Henley, fishing gear and all. My dad stepped up, reached out to shake Don's hand and said "Hi there, how are you doing? I'm Michael and this is my daughter, Jessica. You're welcome to join us." It surprises me that my dad did this even in my dream because he is waaaaay safety conscious and whether that was Don or not, would've probably kept a close eye on the guy to make sure he didn't try anything suspicious. Don't get me wrong, my dad is a nice guy but he is just super protective. Anyways, back to the dream...Don shook my dad's hand and said "Thanks, I'm Don." He turned to me to shake my hand as well and said "Jessica, pleasure to meet you." I was completely calm while meeting him, which sadly did not happen in real life. We all continued fishing for awhile. Each of us catching a fish here and there. My dad was making his way around to the other side of the pond and Don and I stayed in the same spot near the tree stump just chatting away. I sure wish I could remember the conversation. When it was getting time for us all to leave, Don pulled out his phone and asked me for my phone number. He said that he wanted to invite me over to his house for dinner and show me around "the big city." I assume he was talking about Dallas. It seemed so casual to just give him my phone number like that but I would be grinning from ear to ear and would probably not be able to contain myself if that was to really happen. I don't know if I ever made it to his house for dinner because I woke up after that. Stupid alarm always ruins the good dreams :evil:

10-29-2009, 12:20 AM
That's adorable! What was that phone number again? ;)

10-29-2009, 09:36 AM
Cute dream, Peek! Darn those alarms!

10-29-2009, 10:31 AM
Aww, a nice Don dream for a change! (See, he can say nice things with that mouth!) ;)

11-10-2009, 01:41 PM
Had another Eagles dream, but I can't remember all of it. The part I do remember is that me, dreamer, and PLS were supposed to do a performance with Joe helping us. The performance was for Tim, Don, and Glenn. They were the only ones in the audience. Each of us was going to sing a solo song of one of the guys, but we couldn't figure out who would do a song for Glenn, who would do Don, who would do Tim, or even which songs each of us was going to play. We knew that we would do Heartache Tonight as our final piece, though. This is the part I remember vividly:

Joe comes in. "What are you girls doing?"

"We don't know," I say.

"Which song am I gonna sing?" he asks.

"Oh - well, we thought that you weren't going to sing a song..." I say hesitantly.

"What, don't you think I can sing?" He says, sounding offended.

I immediately feel bad. "No, I totally think you can sing, it's just we thought you were going to play guitar... we'd love to have you sing backup... or your own song...." I am totally embarrassed at this point.

"HA! GOTCHA!" He suddenly laughs. "I don't even want to sing."

Then a bed appears and Joe goes and jumps on it. "Come here, we'll do Heartache Tonight while jumping on a bed! The guys will eat it up!"

All four of us get on the bed but I find it's hard to sing while bouncing up and down on it. Joe is especially jumping hard and I am about to fall off. Dreamer, PLS, and I are all bumping into each other. I try to decide whether or not to tell Joe to slow down... I don't want to appear uncool... then I woke up.

And that's it!

11-10-2009, 01:45 PM
Is Ticky on the board yet this morning? She is going to have a field day with you guys on the bed with Joe and you wanting to tell Joe to slow down.... :rofl: hysterical! PM--anything you would like to say? HeeeHeeeHeee--this is going to be good!!!

11-10-2009, 01:45 PM
LMAO! The vision of you, Dreamer & PLS all bumping into each other because of Joe bouncing hard on the bed, while trying to sing Heartache Tonight... too, too funny!

Ive always been a dreamer
11-10-2009, 03:22 PM
Well, I don't know about everybody else, but this one's got me scared as hell!!! :lol:

11-10-2009, 03:56 PM
Well wouldn'tcha just know it - you finally have another dream...a JOE DREAM... A JOE AND A BED DREAM...and Dreamer's in it instead of me! ;-)

Ive always been a dreamer
11-10-2009, 04:48 PM
That's what I mean - now you all understand why I'm so freakin' scared! I'm on a bouncing bed with Joe, and PM and ticky find out about it - talk about living on a prayer!!! :fear: :pray: :woah:

11-10-2009, 04:52 PM
Not to mention Freypower's reaction when she hears that you murdered Heartache Tonight... ;)

11-10-2009, 04:59 PM

11-10-2009, 05:01 PM
Too, too funny! soda, what do you take before you go to bed ?:rofl:

11-10-2009, 05:31 PM
Not to mention Freypower's reaction when she hears that you murdered Heartache Tonight... ;)

Actually, what would be really fun would be a Border party at which all of us (me included) would sing Heartache Tonight at the tops of our voices, totally out of tune. :cheers:

11-10-2009, 05:33 PM
That can be arranged FP. :wink:

11-10-2009, 05:36 PM
Absolutely. Who's bringing the pink champagne?

11-10-2009, 05:39 PM
I'll bring it duty free after someone's promised to pay my airfare.:rofl:

11-10-2009, 06:20 PM
I'll bring the ice! Hell Julie, maybe we'll come to you!

11-10-2009, 08:32 PM
I sing out of tune all the time, can't sing any other way. I sing so bad I don't sing in the shower. Maybe I need to have a few drinks first. :roll:

11-11-2009, 01:20 AM
wait...joe.. bed..bouncing..three you... AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! overload!!!!!

ticky is currently unavailable as her brain is down for maintenance. Please bare with us during this time of upgrade. We appreciate your patience. leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible....

11-11-2009, 09:05 AM
Ticky...oh Ticky...:shrug: I can't get through. Hmmm:hmm:...this is bad :headshake:...
Earth to Ticky...I'm on the bed with Joe...you're not here :nahnah:...

Boy, this is worst than I thought! :fear:

Ive always been a dreamer
11-11-2009, 11:35 AM
Ummm - let's not about ticky - she'll be just fine. :twisted: In the meantime, I'm still on the bed, too - but PM keeps trying to claw at me for some reason. :fear:

11-11-2009, 11:46 AM
Ummm - let's not about ticky - she'll be just fine. :twisted: In the meantime, I'm still on the bed, too - but PM keeps trying to claw at me for some reason. :fear:

:armed: (Insert Clint Eastwood spaghetti western movie-type music)
Dreamer, there ain't enough room on this a-bouncin' bed for the both of us... :blueblob: One of us has got to go...and it ain't gonna be me! :machinegun:

:lol: Hey, I can't dream 'em, but I can write 'em! :computer:

11-11-2009, 11:51 AM
Shoot, looks like I caused some trouble here! Free free to use my dream as a springboard for more creative versions where Dreamer, PLS, and I are swept aside for the ladies who wouldn't tell Joe to slow down. :twisted:

11-11-2009, 11:54 AM
Shoot, looks like I caused some trouble here! Free free to use my dream as a springboard for more creative versions where Dreamer, PLS, and I are swept aside for the ladies who wouldn't tell Joe to slow down. :twisted:

Hey! :headscratch:

11-11-2009, 11:57 AM
Sorry, not explaining my comment any further! Leaving it open for interpretation.

11-11-2009, 11:57 AM
I had one last night where, I was being mugged when Glenn circa 1974 came out and defended me.

11-11-2009, 11:57 AM

11-11-2009, 12:40 PM
Is Ticky on the board yet this morning? She is going to have a field day with you guys on the bed with Joe and you wanting to tell Joe to slow down.... :rofl: hysterical! PM--anything you would like to say? HeeeHeeeHeee--this is going to be good!!!

Knew there would be a rumble!!!

(Hey-I think that's the first time I've ever quoted myself here! Sad that that thrills me :hilarious:)

11-11-2009, 02:23 PM
EVERYBODY OFF THE BED!!!! :machinegun: .... my turn... :twisted: hehehe

11-11-2009, 03:26 PM
In the midst of all the clambering and machine gun fire :fear: I believe this question remains to be answered...

who would do Don

Um... hi. :wave:

11-11-2009, 03:32 PM
And if I remember right--weren't you all there to sing for Tim, Glenn & Don? Tim doesn't want to be left out either!! :wave: I volunteer to keep him company while you others are pushing each other off that bed....

11-11-2009, 04:15 PM
And if I remember right--weren't you all there to sing for Tim, Glenn & Don? Tim doesn't want to be left out either!! :wave: I volunteer to keep him company while you others are pushing each other off that bed....

And I'll look after Glenn:partytime:!

11-11-2009, 04:32 PM
Sorted. But we don't want any 'mediocre' performances, ladies! Give it your all, and make it your own. Blow them away. We've been waiting for this moment all our lives.

We are still talking about singing for them... right?

11-11-2009, 04:37 PM
:rofl::rofl::rofl: I knew where you were going before I finished reading your post!

11-11-2009, 04:42 PM
:mrgreen: Ah well. If "Pleasant And Predictable" is good enough for Don, it's good enough for me!

11-11-2009, 05:18 PM
We are still talking about singing for them... right?

:shock: :blush: Oops! Sorry!

Ive always been a dreamer
11-12-2009, 12:45 PM
I agree with this - I just love audience participation!!! :nod: :nod: :nod:

11-12-2009, 12:55 PM
Hey this is MY dream and I've been left on the floor with gun wounds while that hussy GL "looks after" Glenn and the rest of you have all the fun! BOGUS!!!!

11-12-2009, 01:09 PM
Hey this is MY dream and I've been left on the floor with gun wounds while that hussy GL "looks after" Glenn and the rest of you have all the fun! BOGUS!!!!

Guess you'll just have to 'dream up' a better ending tonight! :nahnah:

11-12-2009, 01:47 PM
Hey this is MY dream and I've been left on the floor with gun wounds while that hussy GL "looks after" Glenn and the rest of you have all the fun! BOGUS!!!!

:rofl::rofl::rofl:Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! :partytime:

11-14-2009, 01:43 AM
ROTFL! OH man......I read the last page and thought "what the heck have I missed???" I had to go back 4 or 5 pages to catch everything and I laughed so hard that I had a coughing fit. LOL

Well, with all that bouncing ya'll are bound to take each other out.......I'll just sit and patiently wait. :unimpressed: It'll be like watching a movie play out :steviesmack:

11-14-2009, 09:00 AM
I'm without a computer and internet access for just a couple of days and this is what I miss. The last 4-5 pages had me LMAO!! :hilarious:

Soda, you have some of the best dreams EVER!!

11-16-2009, 09:01 AM
I had a dream the night before last. There was a lot to it, but basically, Willie (TBF) and a few friends of hers (I think a couple of them were Borderers, but I can't remember!) took me on a mini-tour in America. The tour mainly consisted of bars and restaurants, but it was all good. ;) At one point, we were at this gorgeous Italian restaurant and a waiter, who looked suspiciously like Peter Thorn (ltl, you are poisoning my mind!) came over and started to chat to us. He found out I was from England and was really interested, so he slid onto the bench seat beside me. He then asked what we thought of the restaurant, and I responded that it was beautiful... but that it didn't really have anything for me to eat, as I was a vegetarian. After about ten minutes of him persuading me to try the chicken pizza, he said he'd make one specially for me, for free. It was packed with veggies, and it was yummy!

We had a few more cocktails, and ended up in a big old empty house. It was really grimy and there was water over the floor, but there were people everywhere, sitting on the stairs, leaning against the walls, hanging out, playing guitars and talking. There was a room off to the left and I wandered in to it. It was big and looked empty, with a ramp up to a door at one end (it was more like a town hall) and then I noticed Willie was sitting on some beanbags with Simon Cowell. He looked very happy, and she was very giggly and drunk. They were like "Come join us!" so I sat next to them and we carried on chatting for a while, having a laugh. Then, the door at the end of the hall opened and Don Henley walked in. He looked sexy, but he was really shy. Simon obviously knew him - it seemed like Simon was his manager - and called Don over. Don sat down next to Simon. I said 'hi' (my heart was going a mile a minute) and Simon went "Oh for goodness sake, Don, say hello!" And grabbed Don's hand and put it into mine. LOL! Don blushed and kinda smiled but looked straight back down again. Unfortunately that's about all I can remember. I'd have enjoyed bringing him out of his shell!

11-16-2009, 09:22 AM
:rofl: That is hysterical!!! Me and Simon just hanging out in what sounds like some crack house! And me drunk is even funnier since I quit drinking 14 years ago! I promise you Lou, if you ever make it into my American Territory, I promise I will show you some better sights than that old house but I CAN'T guarantee I can introduce you to Simon Cowell or Don but I will try my d*mndest for ya! :lol:

11-16-2009, 02:57 PM
I CAN'T guarantee I can introduce you to Simon Cowell or Don but I will try my d*mndest for ya! :lol:

Well in THAT case....I'm coming to visit from ND too :D :D :D

11-16-2009, 03:22 PM
Great dream Troub! Love it!

Super Frey
11-16-2009, 06:03 PM
I had a dream one night, that I was dancing on a stage somewhere, and they were in my dream in the front row. Somehow they all knew me, and I remember Joe saying hey look there's Nat, dancing around on that stage. Glenn goes yeah I see her, and Don goes yes we get it, there's Nat let's move on. The next thing I know in this crazy dream was I started shaking my butt, and then I changed to a diff move, then all of a sudden, Joe goes hey Nat quit shaking her butt. The next thing I know is Glenn is at the bottom of the stage in front of me and goes hey Nat, shake your butt again, Shake your bootie for daddy. Then I was like no Glenn and then I woke up. What a crazy dream.

11-17-2009, 09:22 AM
Then, the door at the end of the hall opened and Don Henley walked in. He looked sexy, but he was really shy.

A shy Don? Now you are dreaming! :hilarious: I guess you never know though.

Ive always been a dreamer
11-17-2009, 12:51 PM
Your dream was too funny, troub. Simon probably said something mean to Don and maybe gave him a complex. All I've got to say is he'd better watch out for Irving if he is trying to be Don's manager. :grin:

And SF - how rude of Glenn to request that butt-wagging - why that little .... :lol:

Super Frey
11-17-2009, 02:03 PM
Yes I know:-D How dirty of him, I haven't had a dream about him since:hilarious:

11-17-2009, 03:56 PM
I'm still waiting to have a dream about him :pray:!

11-18-2009, 07:47 AM
There must be something in the water, because I had another dream about Don last night! Again, there was a lot to it, but basically I was involved with a local charity (I'm pretty sure it was the Samaritans) and Don was supporting it. He came to do a speech in our town hall. He was in a tuxedo and he was totally charming! I was only a couple of rows back and so I kept getting some eye contact with him. The audience mainly consisted of retired military people and young volunteer groups like the brownies. Anyway, the speech was really funny, he was just strolling around the stage, hand in his trouser pocket, with a mic, and the whole place was in love with him. At one point, he made a joke and winked at me. There was about four or five girls over to the left of the audience, on my row, who were obviously BIG Don fans. They were all dolled up and fluttering their eyelashes at him the whole time. They must have followed him everywhere, because they kept making very loud comments during his speech, like "OMG he's so sexy!" and "That's what he said in Dallas, remember?!" Embarrassing! Anyway, they saw him wink at me and proceeded to make very loud speculations about who I was and that I must have been a complete slut!

:jawdrop: :angel:

11-18-2009, 08:16 AM
Ha! They were just :jealous: that Don was taken with you instead of them!

11-19-2009, 02:36 AM
lol Troub! Drink some more of that water - and pass it along to me! ;)

11-19-2009, 08:12 AM
So Lou-how many drugs you been doing while you are sick? :eyebrow:

11-19-2009, 11:43 AM
So Lou-how many drugs you been doing while you are sick? :eyebrow:

Not enough! ;) I just hope, now that I'm back at work, and in 'the real world', that my Don dreams don't dry up!

Super Frey
11-19-2009, 02:43 PM
I liked it Troub, but it was funny too:)

I had a dream about Don, I was wanting him to go with me somewhere, and I was pulling him, and he was like leave me alone, I'm not going right now, and we were in front of a bunch of people, at some fancy dinner. Then I woke up.:drummer:

12-01-2009, 07:44 PM
I actually had a Joe dream last night. I dont remember a lot of it, but what I do remember was pretty cool. I was back in school :fear: and I was in a group that brought lecturers and performers to the school (I actually really was back then *G*). Somehow, we'd gotten Joe to be an on going speaker/demonstrator for the music department and performing arts. It must have been something that had been going on for a while because no one was freaking out or overly excited. I was in charge of his schedule and we had become close friends. The most I can remember is when I'd see him in the hall, he'd give me a hug and he's kiss my cheek when we parted. Otherwise the dream was a jumble of going to class and typical school stuff. I do remember Joe had to wear costumes to some of the lectures and some of the costumes were pretty outrageous. (The school I went to was in Ashland, Oregon, the home of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival and we were pretty used to seeing people running around in full Shakespearean Regalia. Im assuming thats where the whole costume idea comes from.)

12-02-2009, 02:22 AM
Cute ticky! But I wanna know if Joe showed up in tights for the Shakespeare festival! ;)

12-02-2009, 09:32 AM
Wow Ticky! You got one of Joe's famous hugs! Cool!

Ive always been a dreamer
12-02-2009, 12:07 PM
That was definitely a dream - I can't believe how well-behaved ticky was around Joe! :lol:

12-02-2009, 01:45 PM
Oh, didnt I mention the groping? *G*

12-03-2009, 08:56 PM
Cute dream, ticky. A hug and kiss from an Eagle in any dream is definitely heaven. We should all hope for such dreams.

I had this dream a few days ago but since I didn't have time to get on here and post till today I wrote down as much about it as I could so that I wouldn't forget anything. Here goes...

One of my good friends was with me as we were picking up Lou, who had flown back to the states. We were on our way to see a solo Don concert. I knew that I got good seats but we weren’t sure where exactly we would be sitting so we had to go to the venue early to pick up our tickets. There was a huge line when we arrived and I knew that our tickets had already been paid but I was still really worried that we weren’t going to make it in time. As we were waiting in line I noticed that there was a huge mud stain on the right pant leg of my jeans. I told Lou and my friend that I was going to hurry to the restroom and clean up and asked them to wait for me because we were getting close to the front of the line. I rushed to get my jeans clean but when I walked out of the restroom everyone was gone. The scenery had changed. I was no longer in the lobby of the venue. I was in some huge house with what seemed like a maze of hallways, doors, and rooms. It was dark and eerie with candles providing the only lighting throughout the house. It was kind of like I was in a haunted house in some scary movie. I was panicked as I was trying to find my way out of there. It seemed like I was going in circles. I could hear people cheering and then I heard Don welcoming the audience to the concert and then start into the first song. It seemed like they were just on the other side of the wall but every time I entered the next room there was nobody there. I started yelling out loud for someone to help me but I was all alone. I finally stopped in one of the many rooms. There was only a table and two chairs in this room. I had tears in my eyes as I sat down and put my head in my hands. I gave up. I was barely able to hear Don singing and people cheering from this room and it was heart breaking to know that I was missing that show. I was saying out loud “How could I miss this concert? I can’t believe they left me. How could this happen?” Just then a lady with her kids walked in the room. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” They were very kind and understanding of my situation as I was telling them how I was missing out on a concert that I had been looking forward to so much. I guess it had gotten late in the night because they offered me a place to stay and I was tired from running through this huge house trying to find my way out. I woke up the next morning and was still lost in the house and then I saw the lady from the night before. “Good morning. We’re about to have breakfast. You should join us.” “Thanks but I should really get going.” “No, don’t leave yet. You’ve already met the kids and they enjoyed meeting you last night. You should meet my husband. He’s cooking his famous omelets and he loves to go all out when he cooks breakfast, especially when we have guests.” “Um, okay, sure.” She led the way to the kitchen and when we walked through the door my jaw dropped. It was Don. He was dicing an onion when he stopped and looked up at us and smiled. “Good morning, ladies.” He walked over and held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Don. Welcome to our home.” I took his hand and said “Hi, I’m Jessica. It’s such a pleasure to meet you.” I knew he could see the excitement on my face and this seemed to make him smile even more. I couldn’t stop smiling and the butterflies in my stomach were going a mile a minute. Don was wearing jeans and a dark green t-shirt and he also had on a cowboy hat. He was looking good. Don offered me a seat at the table. The lady left the room to wake up the kids. Don continued cooking and he asked me what had happened last night. Apparently the kids had told him how I was really upset when they found me. I told him my story and he seemed to genuinely feel bad that I missed the concert. Don’s sad face quickly turned into a big smile. “I’ve got something that will cheer you right up and it will be even better than what you were expecting at the concert last night.” Don chuckled as he saw the surprised look on my face. “I’m going to give you front row seats to my next show and some backstage passes. You will forget all about missing last nights show because I’m going to make this the best concert you’ve ever seen. It’s going to be my best concert ever.” I jumped out of the chair and gave Don a huge hug. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

That’s when I woke up. I always miss the really good parts. I sure hope it was the best concert ever.

12-04-2009, 02:30 AM
I love this dream! Exciting and with a happy ending, too. Too bad you woke up before the "best concert ever" - just picturing Don saying that makes me laugh!

12-04-2009, 08:19 AM
Great dream Jess! I would say that the first part of the dream reflects your fear of not being able to see the Eagles in concert again. (Duh!) :hilarious:

I love the part where Don is slicing an onion wearing a cowboy hat. Giddeeup!

12-04-2009, 09:04 AM
Cool dream Jess. Love a happy ending. Gotta tell you tho, when you first started talking about the house, I was afraid you were in Lou's dream's crack house with the bean bags chairs for a minute.:hilarious:

12-04-2009, 09:17 AM
Love the dream, Jess! I think that's the first time I've been featured in a dream on here (other than my own.) How cute is Don, wanting to make it as good as possible for us? :mrgreen: The image of Don in a kitchen, in a cowboy hat will fuel my daydreams all afternoon... Yummy!

12-04-2009, 11:11 AM
Love that dream Jess! And Don in the kitchen with a cowboy hat....too funny!

12-05-2009, 06:49 PM
Great dream Jess! I would say that the first part of the dream reflects your fear of not being able to see the Eagles in concert again. (Duh!) :hilarious:

I will admit it, that is a fear but I'm going to do everything I can to not let that fear overtake my goal...I will see the Eagles in concert again. :nod:

01-04-2010, 02:54 AM
I have only had a dream involving Glenn a couple of times but never the whole group. However last night I dreamed about the Eagles and more...

In this dream I am apparently living in Southern California in a house I have inherited from my parents. Its a great place - lots of open space and all hardwood floors and on a hillside somewhere. Its too big for just me so I have found a roommate and this basically starts with me asleep and my new roomie whose name is Jocelyn trying to wake me up and asking if I mind if she invites a few friends over for a bbq that afternoon and that, of course, she wants me to be there. I mumble something like "sure, sounds like fun" and roll over and go back to sleep. Well sometime later I hear music and singing and I get up and go out to the living room. I can hear the music and voices coming from the backyard. So I peek out one of the windows and I am floored to see Paul McCartney and Eric Clapton sitting on lawn chairs playing guitars and singing. While I am trying to comprehend that I hear the front door open and in walks Joe Walsh and several people carrying beer and food and instruments. Joe smiles at me and says "Hiya" and at that moment I realize there is almost no furniture in my house. Just one little sofa over in the corner and a tv a music system. I stammer "I am so sorry the house looks like this but I just moved in". Joe grins and says "Don't worry about it hun, I know how it is" That's also the moment I realize I am wearing my pajamas and I can tell my hair is total mess. I mumble something about everyone being in the backyard while I do my best to hide behind a column. I start frantically looking for clean clothes so I can get dressed however I do take a moment to rush over to my computer, bring up Facebook and post on my status "Paul McCartney and Joe Walsh are in my backyard!!!". Then I rush into the bathroom to try to get ready. I am freaking out and thinking a million things at once "oh my gosh I need to take a shower but I can't wash my hair because wet stringy hair is not sexy what are they doing here what do I say do I put on make up I don't know how to put on make up I don't even own any make up I hope I don't make a fool of myself where is my toothbrush where is my underwear..." I am finally almost ready when there is a knock on the bathroom door and I open it and there is Ringo Starr waiting to get in. He looks at me a little strangely and asks if he can "use the loo" and I whisper "um sure, I'm all done" and head towards the back of the house. As I pass through the kitchen I can see the counters are covered with drinks and food that people have brought. I nonchalantly walk into the backyard and try to be cool and calm as I realize there are at 30 or 40 people there and almost all of them are well-known musicians. Besides Eric Clapton and Paul McCartney I see Jackson Browne, James Taylor, JD Souther and above all Glenn, Don, Joe, and Timothy. There are other musicians there I know are famous but I don't remember who they were (please note that all of these musicians are men and there is not one girlfriend or wife or my roommate to be seen *G*) By now Eric is on the grill cooking ribs and steak so I start making salads and putting out the other food. For the next few hours we eat and chat and all these guys play music. The boys do an a'cappella version of Seven Bridges Road, Joe and Eric play a guitar duet and everyone seems to take a turn singing something and its just a great fun time. Finally everyone is starting to leave and I am at the door saying goodbye. I get a hug and kiss on the check from Tim and Don, Glenn kisses my hand and gives me a big smile and wink and Joe gives me a big bear hug and says "thanks sweetheart". There is one last person who headed out the door and when I open the door for him, what was my front yard has become a hallway and Joe is sitting at a table signing autographs for all my neighbors. I hear him say to one of the women in line "sorry but I don't have a sharpie" and I call out "I have one! Just a minute!" I rush back into my house and grab a silver sharpie but also start frantically looking for my Joe CD's so I can have him sign them. I suddenly seem to have like 300 CD's all in piles everywhere and I am going through them like a madwoman. I finally find the two I am looking for and run out into the hall. I call out breathlessly "Here you go Joe and if you have time can you please sign these for me?' and he looks at me a smiles and says "Don't worry darlin' I'd wait for you" and takes my CD's and scrawls a message and his signature on them. Finally everyone is gone and I go back in the house and sit down at my computer to see what everyone has had to say about what I posted on Facebook and to download all the pictures I somehow managed to take of the party...

And that's when I woke up and wished I could go back into my dream :D I so rarely have dreams I remember that I was really happy I so clearly remember this one because I really enjoyed it!

01-04-2010, 08:19 AM
Now that was a GREAT dream Cami!!! That's a party everyone would love to attend! Love the "Don't worry darlin I'd wait for you". :hilarious: And thanks for sharing it with us on Facebook! :hilarious:

01-04-2010, 08:32 AM
Sounds like you were Busy Being Fabulous in that dream, Cami. Loved it!! Now that's the kind of backyard bbq we all dream about!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

01-04-2010, 10:26 AM
WOW, Cami, If there's a rock and roll heaven...!!!

Not being of the facebook generation I found it hilarious that you took the time to post about your guests before you went out to party with them!

01-04-2010, 12:55 PM
and just WHERE was your best friend in all of this? hmm? hehehee I know where she was.. LOL GREAT dream! I havent had one as vivid as that in a long time. Its about time I did.. what did you eat before bed? LOL

01-04-2010, 02:18 PM
Love your sig pic Ticky!

01-04-2010, 02:39 PM
and just WHERE was your best friend in all of this? hmm? hehehee I know where she was.. LOL GREAT dream! I havent had one as vivid as that in a long time. Its about time I did.. what did you eat before bed? LOL

Apparently my subconscious decided this was a no women allowed beside me party or I am sure I would have at least invited you *G*

I am not sure what I ate lol but it probably involved sugar since I would swear I have the most vivid dreams when I eats sweets right before bed time

01-04-2010, 03:59 PM
WT, wow what a dream! How fun! :partytime:

I rarely dream.........:sad:

01-04-2010, 09:13 PM
Now that's my kind of dream! :nod: Joe sounds like a real sweetheart. "Don't worry hun, I know how it is." Awww!

01-04-2010, 09:52 PM
I am not sure what I ate lol but it probably involved sugar since I would swear I have the most vivid dreams when I eats sweets right before bed time

Now there goes my no sugar diet! We're all going to be porkers because of this Cami! :hilarious:

01-04-2010, 10:02 PM
LOL! Hey, if it works... least we'll be happy porkers! ;)

01-05-2010, 12:33 AM
Now THAT'S a party, Cami! lol

01-06-2010, 08:02 PM
Wonderful dream Cami! Whatever inspired it and whatever you ate before bedtime, it certainly worked.

01-10-2010, 11:29 AM
I've had a bunch of little, weird dreams involving Glenn Frey and the Eagles recently which I keep forgetting to put on the board. However, the one I had last night is so weird I decided to get it out there right away (I'll get around to putting the others up eventually).

I dream there is this resort island where Glenn Frey is having a party. Somehow, I've been invited.

My dream starts with me riding in a ferry to the island at night. There's fog on the water and I can't see the resort until the boat drops me off. There's a lot of noise and music coming from there and so many people they're spilling out of the doors.

I kind of push and shove my way in. All of the Eagles are there milling about with their wives and there are hordes of people I don't recognize. Everyone is pressing in on everyone else and I'm getting claustrophobic.

I go into a backroom and what do I see but several members of my family! Both my sisters are there with their husbands, my cousin Robin is there with her "wife," and my cousin Thomas is there who passed away from AIDS back in the early 90s. Then, my uncle comes in who has also been dead for almost 20 years. I turn to Robin. "Aren't they dead?"

"Yes," she says. "This is a pretty amazing party!"

Then, suddenly, Glenn walks in. "Who wants pizza? We have to get pizza!"

As a massive group, everyone walks out to get on the boats. All the boats are gone except one. "What are we going to do?!" Everyone is crying. "We want pizza!"

"I don't know!" Glenn cries, panicked.

Of course the solution is obvious, but no one seems to see it. I speak up. "Some of us will go onto the boat and bring back the pizzas. The rest of you will need to give us money for your share of the pizza. It's too much trouble to take orders so those who come with me on the boat will decide which pizzas we get. They will also get to eat as much of the pizza as they like at the restaurant before bringing it here."

"But we need a special type of pizza," Tim says, indicating himself and Jean.

"Then you're going to have to come with me," I reply. I turn to the crowd. "Now, who wants to come with me?" Several people raise their hand, including Tim and Jean. "Come on then," I say. We all start walking to the boat.

"Wait, it's on me!" Glenn says loudly and comes up to hand me a wad of money. "Thanks for taking care of this, Nancy," he says gratefully. "My party would have sucked without pizza." I swell up with pride.

Then the dream ends!

Ive always been a dreamer
01-10-2010, 07:43 PM
Well Soda - I gotta tell ya, I was ROFLMAO as I read that. I think Cami's party sounded a lot better than Glenn's - at least she had plenty of food. :lol: And thank goodness Glenn came through with some cash at the end - the part where you were gonna take up a collection for the pizza had me in stitches thinking that he was gonna make everybody pay for their own food

01-11-2010, 04:08 AM
Way to go Soda! Its nice to see you being 'in charge' :wink:

01-11-2010, 07:43 AM
Soda saves the day!!!! :thumbsup: While you're on the boat, could you toss someone over for me? JK!

01-11-2010, 09:34 AM
:hilarious: I love it!! Way to step up there, Nancy. Glenn can always count on you.

01-11-2010, 09:59 AM
I speak up. "Some of us will go onto the boat and bring back the pizzas. The rest of you will need to give us money for your share of the pizza. It's too much trouble to take orders so those who come with me on the boat will decide which pizzas we get. They will also get to eat as much of the pizza as they like at the restaurant before bringing it here."

"But we need a special type of pizza," Tim says, indicating himself and Jean.

"Then you're going to have to come with me," I reply.

For some reason this part had me lol!

Nancy, I like the way you take charge of the situation!

01-11-2010, 11:12 AM
The whole dream had me ROFL!! Love it Nancy.. you da Pizza Queen!!

01-11-2010, 03:56 PM
LOL! Love it Nancy! You could write a book with your Eagles dreams.....they're all hilariously entertaining :hilarious:

01-11-2010, 05:28 PM
Too funny, Soda! Good thing you were there to 'take charge'! :hilarious:

01-21-2010, 05:16 AM
Well, I've been sleeping poorly and fitfully... and I just had another dream... which involved not only Don but Irving Azoff, of all people! Must be that ticket prices thread....

Anyway, in my dream, I'm driving through Danville, IL. I think "Didn't Cathy tell me that Irving Azoff was from around here?" Suddenly I see a really cheap looking burger place called "The Sunset Grill." "Oooh, I have to take a photo of this!" I think. I pull over into the parking lot and get out, fishing for my cell phone to take a photo of it. I take several pictures, then decide I have to go inside just to see what it looks like even though I'm not hungry.

Inside, it's got a lot of cracked booths and tables with a dirty tile floor. This place looks awful. I grab one of their yellow laminated menus from the counter and sit down at the only empty booth, in the back.

When I turn over my menu, however, I see not food items but lyrics to the song "Sunset Grill"! "ooh, I wonder if we get to sing here?" I ask myself. Sure enough, the booth nearest the door with a family of four suddenly starts singing the first few lines of the song. "Let's go down to the Sunset Grill..." After they finish those few lines, the next booth starts singing.

I calculate that my booth will get the last lines, which I will presumably be able to sing all by myself. I wait patiently for each booth to sing their bit. It finally gets to the booth next to me with these three young girls. They start giggling and messing up the song. I am NOT pleased. I think "They better not screw this up because I'll never have the opportunity to be a part of an official Sunset Grill sing-along again!"

Right when I decide I'm just going to sing over them since they're doing such a botch job, the door opens and in walks Don Henley and Irving Azoff! Don is wearing what he wore for the Dublin 2009 show and Irving is in a suit. Instead of being excited about seeing them, I am bummed out, because of course they finish the song themselves and it never gets to my booth. Everyone else is cheering, but I'm sulking because I never got my turn! "Figures," I mumble.

Suddenly, the scene changes, and I am sitting with Don Henley at a kitchen table that looks like the one my family had in the early 90s, covered with my mother's hideous green tablecloth. We are doing crossword puzzles together. "I had no idea you liked crosswords puzzles as much as I do," Don tells me with a smile.

Then, my mother comes into the room. "Nancy, our family photos are being sold on Ebay!"

I jump up. "What? How did that happen? Why???"

"I don't know, but do something!" My mom is pretty upset.

I get up and hurry into the next room where there's a computer on my family's old card table. I sit down. Don follows me and sits next to me at the card table. We call up the Ebay page. "Am I in any of these photos?" he asks me.

"No, they didn't get the photos with you in them," I reply.

"Thank God!" Don cries. "Did they get any of Stevie's family?"

"It's possible," I say worriedly. [This conversation makes perfect sense to me in the dream].

I click on the photos to get a better look. They are black and white and are really old. The one featured on the page appears to be a photo of a woman with a baby taken in the 40s. She is wearing an apron and is standing outside on a lawn in front of a small house. I'm confused. "This can't be a family photo. I don't know who this is."

"Maybe she's a relative of yours who's died," Don suggests. "Or maybe she's related to Stevie Nicks. Let's look more closely."

We lean forward to try and see the photo more clearly...

Then I woke up.

Ah, the weirdness!!!! Now off to bed to try to go to sleep again...

01-21-2010, 08:05 AM
:rofl: This one is great!! Sounds like Don, Stevie & you are kinfolk!! :hilarious: The "part of an official Sunset Grill sing-along" is hysterical--as opposed to an UNofficial one I guess. Poor Don all worried about his picture being sold on ebay. :hilarious: Priceless!!

01-21-2010, 09:46 AM
Soda, welcome to Danville, IL! Why didn't you come to visit me? :eyebrow: Anyway, I was LMAO at your grumblings about not being able to sing the last line of Sunset Grill! And it's so cool that you're able to take Don with you into the second part of your dream!

01-22-2010, 11:44 AM
This literally had me laughing out loud. So funny!

01-22-2010, 02:10 PM
Glad you guys like these dreams but I have to say, it seems most of the time my dreams don't have happy endings! I wonder what is up with that?

01-22-2010, 05:29 PM
But Soda, at least you get to meet the guys in your dreams. That doesn't happen to me. In my dreams they are always just out of reach.

01-26-2010, 05:43 PM
Thats a brilliant one Soda. Your dreams are sooo real sounding. I just dreamed last night that the Eagles were playing in a small theatre called the Helix in Dublin and that Laura and I were there. Pretty tame compared to you.

01-28-2010, 08:36 PM
Another bizarre dream starring Glenn and Tim that occurred during a nap I took earlier.

I dreamt that Glenn (c. 1975), Tim (c. 1979) and I are attending this Bible study group. It's really small, just a few people, in this dark room. An older guy hands us some papers to sign and says that if we sign them, we would be entered into a contest. We sign them.

Suddenly, we are being walked to seats in a huge stadium. The place is completely full, and there are two stages - one at each end. Half the seats face one stage, half the seats face the other. We are seated in the middle facing the back. We hear awards being called out - people are accepting awards for various bizarre things - "Best Crayon," "Best Lamp" etc. They are being given out on the stage we are not facing, though, and we can't see anything - even if we turn around we see nothing but people's backs.

"Don't worry," Tim says. "There's a ticker over there that says who is winning awards. If our name is called, we'll see it on the ticker." He points upwards and there it is.

"Thank goodness you saw that!" I exclaim. "I'm sure we'll win because those papers we signed guaranteed we would win something. We have to keep watching."

Sure enough, the ticker suddenly says "SONG OF THE DAY: 'A GOOD DAY' BY THE EAGLES"

"Yay!" Tim cries and jumps up. "Come on, let's go accept the award!"

Glenn says, "I don't want to go up there! I never should have come. You go up there, Nancy!"

"I would, but I'm not an Eagle," I reply with dismay.

"Come on Glenn!" Tim insists.

Glenn sighs heavily and goes with Tim to the stage.

Everyone is ooh-ing and aaah-ing as they walk up the aisle. "It's the Eagles!!!"

When they get to the stage, the white-haired old lady handing out awards says, "Wow, I didn't think any celebrities would really show up for this!"

"We signed the papers," Glenn says glumly.

Then the dream switches to 1975 Glenn in an empty carpeted room of some building zapping a guy who looks like 2009 Glenn with blue lightning coming from his fingers, like the kind the Emperor uses on Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi.

"Stop! You're hurting yourself!" current Glenn cries.

Then I wake up.

Ive always been a dreamer
01-28-2010, 10:54 PM
Woah! I ain't even going near trying to figure out the meaning of this one, soda! :lol:

01-29-2010, 01:20 AM
Perhaps there is no deeper meaning to my crazy dreams. Perhaps a cigar is just a cigar... or in this case, blue lightning is just blue lightning.

01-29-2010, 03:15 AM
Honestly, Soda, WHAT are you eating before you go to sleep???!!! I swear there is something in your diet that induces these dreams. And just for the record, I'll never again be able to watch Star Wars without envisioning"old Glenn" zapping "young Glenn" with that blue light! :saberfight:

01-29-2010, 08:54 AM
WTH? http://bestsmileys.com/storms/3.gif :rofl:

01-29-2010, 11:29 AM
Very strange, Soda! :lol:

02-10-2010, 08:53 AM
This was just weird. I had a dream last night that Nancy, Lisa (GA) and I were sitting in this room (maybe a hotel room or something?) and Nancy was on the computer. I said that "I really wanted some new pics of Timothy". Lisa said "we will be getting some with the new memberships of his fan club. Remember last years?". I jumped up and said "I forgot to renew my membership!". And Nancy had also. So we went on the computer to renew our memberships. Then there was a knock at the door and Lisa got up to go answer it and there stood Timothy with 3 large envelopes and he said, "Here's your membership stuff and there's a couple really good pictures of me in each of them." He came in and handed one to each of us, I was last and when he handed me mine, he told me he had something special in mine, winked, kissed me on the cheek and left the room. That's it. :hilarious:

Not near as good as Soda's but an Eagle dream nevertheless. :)

Ive always been a dreamer
02-10-2010, 09:52 AM
Well, what are you waiting for Willie??? Open that damn package and tell us what's in there!!! :lol:

02-11-2010, 03:45 AM
A wink and a kiss from an Eagle sounds like a GREAT dream to me. Excellent dream, Willie. Now, go back to that dream and tell us what "special" thing was in your package from Timmy.

02-11-2010, 07:05 AM
I always enjoy making an appearance in a dream! Gee, Nancy at the computer, astonishing. ;)

02-15-2010, 03:03 PM
LOL Nancy!