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01-22-2009, 01:53 PM
Hey, I very seldon start new threads and now here's the second one I've started today! I'm on a roll (sorry folks! :))

One of the guys on The Sweet Board I belong to brought this up and several of us have "befriended" each other on there. So I thought I would let you guys know here if anyone's interested.

My family is spread out all over the country and my brother in law has been in Egypt the last couple of years and planning on being there for a couple more. My sister in law got us all started on Facebook so we can stay a little more in contact. Just seemed easier than letters, emails or calls (cheaper there also). It's a lot of fun and I am stilling learning it. Some one I graduated with 27 (OMG) years ago just contacted me on there. There are also lots of groups, pages, causes etc... on there to join (of course I've joined a few Eagles, Timothy, Sweet, Cars etc). Anyways, I thought I would let you guys know I'm on there as Willett Hooten if anyone wants to find me! Love to hear from any of you here.

01-22-2009, 02:10 PM
Cool Willie!! I'll add you as soon as Facebook starts working again, grrr...

01-22-2009, 02:31 PM
I have one! But I'm hesitant to give my full name here because I've had a cyber-stalker in the past (yes, little ol' me had a cyber stalker!) And she's still out there.

01-22-2009, 02:32 PM
Oh Wow, Sorry to hear that Nanc, I am really tempted to set my Myspace to Private, where only friends could see it.

01-22-2009, 02:40 PM
You should do that. You never know what kind of sick people are out there.

In my case, it was someone who had a fixation on Glenn and transferred that onto me in a very negative way. She didn't approve of me, didn't feel I deserved any attention from Glenn, and felt compelled to punish me. She harassed me online and even wrote a letter to my parents telling them what an awful person I am. After that, I finally had to go to the police. Unfortunately since this person lives overseas they cannot prosecute her here. Thank goodness she does, or I imagine she'd be visiting Indiana to slash my tires.

01-22-2009, 02:42 PM
Wow, That is a very scary situation. Unfortunately, there are a lot of wackos out there.

01-22-2009, 02:52 PM
I fully understand your reluctance Soda and sure don't blame you. I haven't had that problem and boring old me probably won't. I know one of the guys on the Sweet board was just telling me that he had a similar problem where he kept getting a friend requests from some woman he didn't know. He finally wrote her and asked how he knew her and she told him she didn't but would like to. He just ignored her and lucky for him she finally left him alone. He of course, being a man, thought it was cool to have a "stalker". Men see it a little differently I guess.

01-22-2009, 04:13 PM
I have one! But I'm hesitant to give my full name here because I've had a cyber-stalker in the past (yes, little ol' me had a cyber stalker!) And she's still out there.

Is it me?

01-22-2009, 04:14 PM
You should do that. You never know what kind of sick people are out there.

In my case, it was someone who had a fixation on Glenn and transferred that onto me in a very negative way. She didn't approve of me, didn't feel I deserved any attention from Glenn, and felt compelled to punish me. She harassed me online and even wrote a letter to my parents telling them what an awful person I am. After that, I finally had to go to the police. Unfortunately since this person lives overseas they cannot prosecute her here. Thank goodness she does, or I imagine she'd be visiting Indiana to slash my tires.

YEESH!! okay, so it isnt me. I'd be a nice stalker.

01-22-2009, 04:15 PM
Rhonda, You a stalker? Never.

01-22-2009, 04:25 PM
I have a facebook but I rarely get on it. I'm on myspace more than facebook. I'm the same as Willie, I use it took keep in touch with my family and I have also gotten in touch with friends from highschool. I'll get back on there sometime and get ya added.

Mrs Henley
01-23-2009, 12:25 PM
I've got it too. I'm more on Facebook than on MySpace or Hyves (kinda facebook thing) because my mom is on those both sites too and on the moment I'm not in the mood that she can read everything what I write...

You can add me if you want at Facebook!

01-24-2009, 07:39 PM
I tend to use Myspace more. By chance last year I put in the name of a girl I was very friendly with in Boston 20 years ago this summer. We had worked together as students, kept in touch for a while, promised to revisit..........and never did. I sent her a pm but noted that it had been months since she had logged onto Myspace so I didn't hold out. So imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago I got a pm from her on Myspace confirmimg that she IS who I thought she was and that she remembered me!! Small world and getting smaller.

Willie! I'll check you out!

09-22-2011, 09:03 PM
Looks like Facebook's about to make some major changes....


Any thoughts?

09-22-2011, 09:07 PM
I have the Facebook bug-reporting screen bookmarked already. I test web applications for a living, I can't seem to help myself.

12-13-2011, 04:38 PM
I found this old thread & wanted an update on how many of us use Facebook. I don't because I am worried about the privacy implications. I have read so many horror stories about it & about how Facebook 'owns' your information. On the other hand not everybody is on The Border when I am & I thought this might be a different way to communicate with some of you. What do people think? What are the advantages and disadvantages? It's like having a mobile phone; for so long I have resisted it but I will probably have to get one next year & if I do I tend to think 'why not start using Facebook'?

Also what about Twitter? I don't see the need for that at all. Should that be a separate thread?

12-13-2011, 04:51 PM
FP, I live on FB. I've been on it since early 2008 and reconnected with a lot of old friends and made some new ones as well.

It is true that FB owns your information, including pictures. However, your email provider owns your emails and their attachments, and your cell provider owns your text messages.

As for privacy, well, it is true that even with strict controls (that generally always work), it's easy to make mistakes. My policy is that if you don't want the world to see it, don't put it anywhere (including email because someone can always forward it.)

What I've found recently is that you can 'like' things and they come into your News Feed. You don't need to go to websites or even the TV to find things out. Top news stories from my local news channel appear. Concerts from my favorite artists and groups (except the OBVIOUS ones who doesn't have FB pages) show up. Updates from my favorite sports teams. And when you do see an interesting article that your friends might be interested in, you can easily 'share' it.

I'd be lost without it!

12-13-2011, 05:58 PM
I'm a bit curious about Fb too. There is more talk about it here now. People mention that they saw something on someone's Fb and then I feel like I'm behind on the news. But I've been scared of it too from bad reports about it.

I joined a year or so ago and I kept getting friended by my nieces and nephews and all their talk. I was like, I really am too old to be reading all this stuff about them. I didn't want to be their friends or know every move they were making. So, I deleted my account.

Since then I've gotten a lot of messages from email that someone searched for me on Fb. That kind of creeps me out.

It seems like so many people spend so much time on it. I just don't have the time. I mean, I spend a lot of time here already. Why do I need another place? Except of course to talk with those that aren't on The Border!

I'm not even interested in Twitter.

12-13-2011, 06:13 PM
I have been on FB for about a year now. I also resisted going on it, but I have reunited with several high school & even Jr. high school friends.
There are Privacy Settings there, so you do have some control over what information goes out there. I use it, but don't go crazy with it. Sometimes I don't go on for several days. I find I can also get info on my favorite bands, & things that interest me.

I also use Twitter, but not that often. There are times I vent on there & you can see what opinions others have on things, as they are happening. I think it's fun, but I also don't go nuts with it!!!

So far, I have not had any privacy issues or problems with either of them. If you are careful about what information you post, I think it's safe....Just be smart about what you post! Have fun with it.

I often post Eagles info & videos on FB to keep my friends interested in the band.

12-13-2011, 06:20 PM
I am on FB but only use it in spurts. The kids where I teach are on it but when they ask me am I, I lie and say I'm not. I really don't want to 'friend' my 15 year old students, no more than I want them seeing anything about my private life.FB is blocked at work anyway, so I don't get the chance to get on during the day. I tend to use it during my holidays a bit, or when I'm off sick but don't wait for a reply from me! I prefer messages via email. I have more control over that.

12-13-2011, 06:40 PM
There are lists you can create for who sees what and with each friend you can now control what you see from them. But it was a status post from an old high school friend that said 'Anyone want to go see Bob Seger with me?' that had me sending her a message and going to one of the best concerts I've ever been to! It was worth it for that alone!

Ive always been a dreamer
12-13-2011, 09:00 PM
I have a Facebook account, but the only reason I have it is to see pictures that my nieces post. Like some others said, I'm not really concerned about the privacy issue. I figure if I don't want the world to know about something, then I wouldn't put it on there. My issue with it is time. I remember when I created my account about 1 - 1 1/2 years ago, within a couple of hours, I got something like 14 friend requests. And honestly, some of them were from some folks that I really didn't want to be friends with. I thought to myself "Oh crap, what have I done!" :shock: I know a Facebook friend is supposed to be different from a real friend, but I'm old school - to me a friend is a friend. :grin: It makes me feel bad not accepting a friend request because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. The other problem is that I don't post on my Facebook at all, again because of time, and again, I feel bad when I go in and see all these comments that people have left me and I don't respond to them. I have considering deleting my account, but haven't made up my mind yet. Honestly though, I can't ever see myself spending a lot of time on it.

12-13-2011, 10:13 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I don't think I will bother.

Victim of Love
12-13-2011, 11:19 PM
I use FB quite a bit but our family is so big and we're spread out all over the world (relatives in Australia and Brazil) so it's a great way for us to keep up with each other. I've got my privacy settings so that I only share with the people of my choice so if someone isn't on my Friends list they can't see my Wall. I think all of my aunts, uncles and cousins are on FB. Even my Grams used it before she died.

12-14-2011, 07:24 PM
I only joined this year after my BIL Chuck was diagnosed with ALS. I simply want to know anything he is thinking or feeling. That's what I like about FB - people who you see all the time (relatives, coworkers) put stuff on there that you didn't know about because you simply didn't think about that subject at the time you were with them in person. Or Willie for example will post something about forgetting to buy peanut brittle from the church this holiday season, and it reminds me of the wonderful peanut brittle my mother makes. Last night after work my friend and coworker Alexsa took her 1 1/2 year old son to see Santa and she posted the picture on FB when she got home. That picture was priceless! I loved seeing it. Yes, my younger relatives talk in such code I don't even know what they're talking about but that's okay - I just scroll past it! If you don't care that someone you care about is winding down with a cup of tea after a rought day at work, or if you don't care to hear that someone's is up watching an old movie because they can't sleep, then FB probably isn't for you. But if I care about someone, that kind of stuff is golden.

Henley Honey
12-14-2011, 07:35 PM
I'm with you, Dreamer. I really don't have the time, energy or interest to keep my page active. I opened the account mainly to be able to access posts from family and friends, but like you I've received way more "friend" requests than I could deal with. If I didn't like you in High School, why in the world would I want to be "friends" now. Guess I may be a bit anti-social, but I think it's kind of pointless. No offense to FB lover's. I'm happy for you that you have an online outlet. It's just not for me.:|

12-14-2011, 09:11 PM
Cathy, that was such a sweet post! That's basically how I feel, too.

12-16-2011, 10:45 PM
I think Faecbook is great for keeping up with friends, especially ones that don't live closeby. I don't post on it as much as I once did, but I log on every day to see what's going on with my friends.

Mrs Frey
12-19-2011, 09:12 AM
I thought I'd put my 5c worth here about Facebook:

I joined in August 2010, after resisting for a very long time, but I eventually realised that it would work as a wonderful marketing tool, considering that I'm in the entertainment industry.

I have made contact with long-lost relatives and friends, and I use the Chat facility to talk to even very close friends, who find that phone calls, text messages and e-mails are more expensive and/or cumbersome to use.

I can access Facebook from my phone when I'm not at the office, which helps. I can say a lot more in a Facebook private message than I can in a text message, and it costs a lot less.

I have certain privacy settings, and I haven't had any real problems with undesirables. Only one nasty little person blocked me - his loss, not mine.

I do have "friends" on FB who I don't know personally, but who have been drawn to me through common interests which I have shared in my profile. I don't mind that at all - I end up hearing news about some of my favourite artists that I wouldn't have heard about otherwise. Heck, I found out that the Eagles were visiting South Africa through a friend, who I have yet to meet, who posted on FB that she was going to the Cape Town concert!

If anyone does hassle you on FB, you can just "unfriend" them or block them. They are actually quite strict: if anything is posted on FB that they find undesirable, they delete your profile.

07-24-2012, 02:44 PM
i use it to keep in touch with family and friends :)

this is mine http://www.facebook.com/corinne.smith.106 add me if you want to

07-27-2012, 08:23 PM
My 13 year old daughter joined yesterday. It came out of the blue.

Now what do I do? Should I join?

07-28-2012, 02:05 PM
My 13 year old daughter joined yesterday. It came out of the blue.

Now what do I do? Should I join?

Go for it, FP! I don't post much but, one of the things I like is reading my friends posts to hear if someone is sick & possibly need some help, deaths & other events that I might not hear otherwise, especially now that I am out of the workforce & don't get news there.

07-29-2012, 12:21 AM
I might join at the start of August.

07-29-2012, 08:40 AM
Good idea FP! Insist Rosalind 'friend' you and that way you can discreetly monitor her page without being 'in her face', or worrying about what content she may be accessing.

07-29-2012, 07:19 PM
Good idea FP! Insist Rosalind 'friend' you and that way you can discreetly monitor her page without being 'in her face', or worrying about what content she may be accessing.

I don't want to monitor her page if she doesn't want me to; I don't want her to 'friend' me if she doesn't want to. I trust her.

I've gone cold on this again; 'once you've gone, you can't come back' (Neil Young).

07-29-2012, 10:02 PM
I don't want to monitor her page if she doesn't want me to; I don't want her to 'friend' me if she doesn't want to. I trust her.

I've gone cold on this again; 'once you've gone, you can't come back' (Neil Young).

Even if she does friend you, the things you can do with friends lists means that you might think you're seeing everything, but you aren't.

07-30-2012, 07:06 AM
True. I have aunts, great aunts, uncles, cousins and work colleagues on there... Thank GOODNESS for the custom feature! ;)

08-24-2012, 01:25 PM
Ok, for some reason I've joined Facebook. I keep hearing people say they saw it on Facebook, so I had to check it out! Now what do I do? I have several 'friends', but I'm not quite understanding the privacy thingy.

If anyone wants to 'friend' me, send me a pm. I don't know if I should put my info here or not! :fear:

08-24-2012, 03:21 PM
Don't forget to 'like' EOC!!


08-24-2012, 06:51 PM
Every time this topic comes up I think 'should I stay or should I go'?! ' I don't know, I don't know' (Something; Beatles).

08-25-2012, 10:26 AM
I know what you mean, Fp. I've struggled with it for a long time. I guess it doesn't hurt to try it. You can always deactivate or delete yourself if you decide to quit.

08-26-2012, 05:11 AM
I just joined, too. My dog's former foster-carers belong to a rescue organisation that has a facebook page, and suggested that was the best way to keep up to date with what they are doing...
... so now I have to figure out how to use Facebook!

09-02-2012, 08:35 PM
I'm there now. Thanks to those of you who have already 'friended' me. I'm still coming to terms with it so please bear with me. :partytime:

09-02-2012, 09:09 PM
It's great to have you there, FP! By the way, I love your new avatar... one of my favourite Glenn pics of the last couple of years.

09-02-2012, 09:13 PM
The only problem with facebook is that after being on there for awhile, when you go to other sites (like this one) you think you can 'like' a post and you can't!

09-03-2012, 09:33 PM
The only problem with facebook is that after being on there for awhile, when you go to other sites (like this one) you think you can 'like' a post and you can't!

Yes, I do that all the time!!!

09-03-2012, 09:38 PM
Yes, I do that all the time!!!

*like* :hilarious:

09-04-2012, 07:02 PM
The only problem with facebook is that after being on there for awhile, when you go to other sites (like this one) you think you can 'like' a post and you can't!
I thought only I did that! I keep looking for the like button.

09-04-2012, 07:03 PM
We are creatures of habit! :grin:

09-04-2012, 08:07 PM
One thing I have noticed is that there is a difference between the news feed on my computer & the one on my phone. I get Rolling Stone news on the phone but not on the computer for instance. I suppose it doesn't matter.

09-05-2012, 12:26 AM
One thing I have noticed is that there is a difference between the news feed on my computer & the one on my phone. I get Rolling Stone news on the phone but not on the computer for instance. I suppose it doesn't matter.

I have that 'problem' too (I don't mind it much) but in reverse. I think the phone because it's a smaller screen and all tries to pick the most important posts only as to not cause it to slow down or be overwhelming on a smaller device.

On my iPad I always use the full FB website rather than the app for that reason as well. But on my Android I get just what FB thinks is the most critical that I read. Most of the time it gets it wrong. :rofl:

09-05-2012, 09:27 AM
This morning I got an email from Zelda, supposedly. Since she'd left me a phone message last night and I knew she was dealing with pictures, while I did hesitate, I still clicked the link. Thank God for Norton. A high risk attack and the details said it originated through Facebook. I do not have my email ID visible, so I don't think it came through third party apps like most of them do. This is the second such attack in two weeks.

This post is just to remind everyone that they need to keep their anti-virus software current and ensure all updates are made immediately. This was a known attack and so Norton caught it. It scares me to think what would have happened if it were too new for Norton to know about. The email a couple weeks ago, I knew that friend wouldn't email me so I never clicked the link. I couldn't remember if I'd given Zelda my email ID and I'd only had one cup of coffee, so I clicked the link.

Be careful!

09-05-2012, 01:49 PM
The only problem with facebook is that after being on there for awhile, when you go to other sites (like this one) you think you can 'like' a post and you can't!

Totally agree! I even do this with Twitter. So often I just want to "Like" a post, not necessarily comment or Retweet it! I suppose "Favouriting" is similar...

09-05-2012, 04:11 PM
So, what is the point of 'liking' something? Do you 'like' instead of commenting?

09-05-2012, 04:35 PM
Yes, sometimes both. It's an agreement, or you think it's funny (assuming it's intended to be), or you just like what it says. So when I post a status that says 'The Steelers will be bringing home that 7th Lombardi this year', you would click 'like'. :grin:

09-05-2012, 05:12 PM
So, what is the point of 'liking' something? Do you 'like' instead of commenting?

I was wondering the same thing. :)

I'm not that bothered whether people 'like' what I say or not. For example this morning's post about the new Knopfler album may induce people to wish they could 'yawn'. or :shrug: or :nope:

09-05-2012, 05:35 PM
I've thought about adding a "like" feature to the board but I'm afraid that people will just hit "like" instead of actually replying - and I'd rather people keep the conversation going.

09-05-2012, 09:26 PM
Ok! That's what I thought, but I think I 'like' the comments rather than just knowing. KWIM?

Soda, I agree. I think we enjoy the conversation here. I know I do.

09-05-2012, 11:48 PM
Unfortunately now I am really starting to notice the discrepancy between what loads on my phone & what is on the computer. If it's going to be like this I may only look at it on the computer if I wish to upload photos. It's completely unsatisfactory. There is hardly anything on there from today at all. I know that a couple of my 'friends' are posting because their posts are on the phone, but not on the computer. :brickwall: And 'refresh' does nothing.

Witchy Woman
09-06-2012, 12:29 AM
Personally, I love FB and spend a lot of time on it. The only thing that frustrates me sometimes are the folks who do nothing but complain about their lives. I can understand letting off some steam every now and again (and do it myself), but it gets tedious when it seems like some people have no happiness. While I rarely if ever delete anyone I'll just block them from my wall. No need to view all the misery !!

09-06-2012, 04:16 AM
I think it's awkward to 'like' bad news. Like it felt funny 'liking' the fact that my cousins husband had passed away or that my friends mother had moved to hospice care. I mean you don't like to hear these things, so why 'like' them? But you DO want to show your support.

I'm not on FB much at all. I've an incredibly busy workload this year, as I've taken on 4 new courses and of course the children want my time as soon as I get home in the evenings - I'm barely keeping up with the Border! Anyway IMHO it's where my real friends are and it's my #1 social network! :thumbsup:

09-06-2012, 08:07 AM
Yes, sometimes both. It's an agreement, or you think it's funny (assuming it's intended to be), or you just like what it says. So when I post a status that says 'The Steelers will be bringing home that 7th Lombardi this year', you would click 'like'. :grin:

This is a prime example on why there needs to be a "dislike" button also. :nahnah:

09-06-2012, 08:10 AM
Personally, I love FB and spend a lot of time on it. The only thing that frustrates me sometimes are the folks who do nothing but complain about their lives. I can understand letting off some steam every now and again (and do it myself), but it gets tedious when it seems like some people have no happiness. While I rarely if ever delete anyone I'll just block them from my wall. No need to view all the misery !!

Phew---thought maybe it was just some of my friends! :hilarious: I know what you mean. It drives me nuts. Geesh---if your life is that miserable, get off FB and fix your life. :thumbsup: I have a hard time not responding and telling them to take a happy pill and get over it. Life's rough, get a helmet! I despise constant self pity. Occasionally we all have those days but when you're in a constant state of it..... KWIM?

09-06-2012, 05:37 PM
I know what you're all saying about the like button - sometimes it doesn't seem appropriate, and in those times I like to think of it as an "I hear ya" button...just an acknowledgement that I read the post and understand how you feel.

So, keep that in mind VA, if I like your Steelers post. :nahnah:

09-06-2012, 05:40 PM
With these comments in mind I'm no longer going to worry about whether the thing refreshes properly or not. Life is too short.

ETA: Some searching around allowed me to create a Favourites page which appeared to at least show some more news feeds.

09-07-2012, 05:47 PM
Well it happened. I commented in the Give Me Football page & a guy from Jamaica who replied to me wants to be friends with me. He seems decent enough. Yes or no?!

09-07-2012, 05:50 PM
Go for it FP! You can always defriend him if you change your mind!

09-07-2012, 06:01 PM
You should have a friend request from me too.

09-07-2012, 06:14 PM
I'm a little leery of accepting friend requests from anyone who I don't know in person or from here on the board. Guess that's why I only have 59 friends!

09-07-2012, 06:23 PM
I'm a little leery of accepting friend requests from anyone who I don't know in person or from here on the board. Guess that's why I only have 59 friends!

Same here! I've accepted requests from people I barely knew in high school but put them on a restricted list that show them the same thing as my mostly public newsfeed.

09-07-2012, 06:27 PM
You should have a friend request from me too.

I'm sure I do! I haven't logged onto FB in ages. I'm getting virtually no computer time during the week and what I do have I spend here. FB is blocked at work. However I WILL get on ASAP and confirm you.

09-07-2012, 06:33 PM
Well it's all Tudor & Henry VIII stuff for me this morning. Exciting times!

09-08-2012, 08:30 AM
Well it happened. I commented in the Give Me Football page & a guy from Jamaica who replied to me wants to be friends with me. He seems decent enough. Yes or no?!

I do not accept friend request from people I don't know unless it is a friend of someone I know or someone from a board I am associated with. I just sometimes feel a little safer about information getting out there or getting viruses on the computer. I don't really need 900 friends! LOL
If you have some things in common & think you may want to try it, go ahead. You can always "UNFRIEND" them & block them later if needed.

09-10-2012, 09:55 AM
I keep getting friend requests from some friends of friends that I don't know. I'm just not accepting them. Why do I need those?

Also, just wondering, when you look at someones wall or photos, do they know you are there?

09-10-2012, 10:08 AM
Also, just wondering, when you look at someones wall or photos, do they know you are there?

Are you creeping on people, Brooke? :hilarious: Not as far as I know.

09-10-2012, 10:11 AM
No, they don't know. But there are 'apps' out there that claim to tell a person who's been looking at their wall and in reality they are viruses. So if you see one, do not click on it!

09-10-2012, 10:15 AM
Willie! :hilarious:

Ok, I'll watch out for those, VA. Thanks!

09-10-2012, 10:36 AM
I keep getting friend requests from some friends of friends that I don't know. I'm just not accepting them. Why do I need those?

Also, just wondering, when you look at someones wall or photos, do they know you are there?

Brooke, If you accept someone as a friend & you find that they post a lot of stuff that you are just not interested in, or are just annoying you for whatever reason, just UNFRIEND them later. That's what I do. There are a lot of people who post ever time they eat a meal or fart. It gets on my nerves. I mostly post about music or reply to some stuff I see on posts.

I don't think people can know if you look at their wall, but they say there are apps out there that do this. I always check out the page of someone before I accept their friendship, just to see what they are about, or if I see anything weird or creepy on their page.!!!

09-10-2012, 04:31 PM
Brooke, If you accept someone as a friend & you find that they post a lot of stuff that you are just not interested in, or are just annoying you for whatever reason, just UNFRIEND them later. That's what I do. There are a lot of people who post ever time they eat a meal or fart. It gets on my nerves. I mostly post about music or reply to some stuff I see on posts.

I don't think people can know if you look at their wall, but they say there are apps out there that do this. I always check out the page of someone before I accept their friendship, just to see what they are about, or if I see anything weird or creepy on their page.!!!

I've found that there are those that, evidently, have nothing to do but post on Fb! There are a couple from my high school that I hadn't heard anything from since the day of graduation and now we seem to be BFF's! :lol:

Really, I have liked catching up with some of them, but some of them, not so much! :hilarious: So, they won't know if I unfriend them? I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

And of course, I want to be friends with everyone here. If I don't accept some of you, pm me. I may just not know your real name! :crazy:

09-10-2012, 04:41 PM
I've found that there are those that, evidently, have nothing to do but post on Fb! There are a couple from my high school that I hadn't heard anything from since the day of graduation and now we seem to be BFF's! :lol:

Really, I have liked catching up with some of them, but some of them, not so much! :hilarious: So, they won't know if I unfriend them? I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

And of course, I want to be friends with everyone here. If I don't accept some of you, pm me. I may just not know your real name! :crazy:

They will notice you defriended them if they look at their friend list and realize you are gone. But they get no notification, no. If you're on the fence, you can just remove them from your newsfeed. They'll see your posts but you only need to see theirs if you go to their timeline. To do that, when they post on your Newsfeed, just go to the right side of the post and a 'down arrow' will appear when your mouse goes over it. Click on it and select 'hide'.

As for me, I don't post a whole except, as you found the hard way yesterday, before a football or hockey game. :grin: I can't help myself.

09-10-2012, 04:47 PM
I've found that there are those that, evidently, have nothing to do but post on Fb! There are a couple from my high school that I hadn't heard anything from since the day of graduation and now we seem to be BFF's! :lol:

Really, I have liked catching up with some of them, but some of them, not so much! :hilarious: So, they won't know if I unfriend them? I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

And of course, I want to be friends with everyone here. If I don't accept some of you, pm me. I may just not know your real name! :crazy:

I think they do know if you Unfriend them, but they may not notice if they have hundreds of friends. They will not receive a message saying you Unfriended them, you just won't appear on their list of friends. I have had to do this a few times with people that really got on my last nerve with their "Agendas" Some are people that I actually know!
I will PM you, I don't know your full name!

09-26-2012, 03:18 PM
A warm and fuzzy FB story from me...This is soo cool!!

My family since the 1940's had spent a few weeks every summer at the same cottage/campground on a lake in Eastern Ontario. In the 1980's my grandparents bought a trailer and I spent 10 of my childhood summers ( the whole summer) at this campground. They also had a dairy farm which I was very involved with and many kids/babies who I helped look after in my teen years.

Anyway in the late 90's we stopped going cause my Gramma had a stroke and in 2000 we finally sold the trailer. After that I lost touch with the family who owned this cottage/campground...until I found many of them yesterday on facebook!! :partytime:

The "children" ( whom I remember from babies to 10 year old) are all grown up!! Most of them are in their final years of high school or away at Universities around Ontario. Mind blowing for sure!! All of the older children remembered me and we have reconnected along with a few of their parents... It is amazing how FB and other social media can reconnect you with your past.. I've never expierenced this before.

09-26-2012, 04:06 PM
A warm and fuzzy FB story from me...This is soo cool!!

My family since the 1940's had spent a few weeks every summer at the same cottage/campground on a lake in Eastern Ontario. In the 1980's my grandparents bought a trailer and I spent 10 of my childhood summers ( the whole summer) at this campground. They also had a dairy farm which I was very involved with and many kids/babies who I helped look after in my teen years.

Anyway in the late 90's we stopped going cause my Gramma had a stroke and in 2000 we finally sold the trailer. After that I lost touch with the family who owned this cottage/campground...until I found many of them yesterday on facebook!! :partytime:

The "children" ( whom I remember from babies to 10 year old) are all grown up!! Most of them are in their final years of high school or away at Universities around Ontario. Mind blowing for sure!! All of the older children remembered me and we have reconnected along with a few of their parents... It is amazing how FB and other social media can reconnect you with your past.. I've never expierenced this before.

that is very cool TF...it's nice to hear a good Facebook story...I hear so much negativity about it all the time (and it certainly does have it's bad points)...but your story points to the good things that can come from it.

09-26-2012, 04:44 PM
tf, that is a very cool story! Have fun reminiscing and getting to know them again!

09-26-2012, 06:01 PM
That's a wonderful story, TimFan. I love it. I too have reconnected with some friends that I had in Jr High School & High School that I had lost touch with a long time ago. I also found one of my long lost cousins all on Facebook!!!
So happy for you!

09-26-2012, 06:54 PM
This is funny because I have finally reconnected with two of my high school friends. One of them is now a grandmother. I don't dare to try & find people I used to work with or went to university with though.

What am I saying? I just looked up one of my work friends. She's moved back to her native Switzerland. I guess I will send her a request.

09-26-2012, 07:22 PM
Hey, it was reconnecting with old friends via Facebook that got me a Bob Seger ticket last November! Went with a woman I haven't seen since graduation and had a fantastic time.

09-26-2012, 08:29 PM
Being the FB Queen that I am, I only have positive stories! Of course, I see the usual stupidity, endless insanity and things that just drive my blood pressure through the roof. I've always said that FB really separates the smart from the um "not so smart".... and I'll leave it at that for risk of being mean...

I have reconnected with so many long lost friends that I wouldn't have found otherwise! After the drug induced haze that was 20 yrs of my life, I lost all contact with my past and simply would have never found these people again. And then, there are things like my illness and being bed-ridden for 3 months, in the hospital for 2 weeks. Being able to communicate in an easy simple way such as FB was my lifeline! Granted, some of you had to hear me whine incessantly about botched IV's and bloodwork (sorry about that!!), but, you know it was very comforting to me to read the comments of support and prayers and thoughts and love. I like it because it gives a person a chance to say a few kind words, but go on with their day... not be locked into a phone convo or text message round.

It is what you make of it. I may bitch, whine, complain, but I also like to share my own love, words of kindness and any other feel good emotions. :)

09-26-2012, 09:01 PM
That's the best thing about FB!

09-26-2012, 10:23 PM
One of my best experiences...I probably posted this before...was posting that the brake line blew in my truck and it wasn't going to be done by closing time. I was just complaining a bit and within five minutes, three local friends offered me a ride. Two of them are people I hadn't seen in two or three years and they were willing to drop what they were doing, come get me, and take me to my house.

09-26-2012, 10:40 PM
I do like the fact that I can indulge the other interests I have which I can't really share here. I have not posted very much on my timeline because my life, in reality, is rather dull. If something happens that might be interesting (:):hmm:) I guess you will hear about it.

I have embarked on a very long project to upload a lot of old photos there - mainly travel photos. They will be meaningless to most people. I will also put my old family photos on there but I won't make those public. I only use Photobucket for Eagles related photos; which reminds me I need to clean it out. There is a lot of stuff in there I don't look at that often.

I have a couple of Niagara Falls photos & I am wondering if the people in them would object to my posting them & tagging the people concerned, or should I make them visible only to those people?

09-26-2012, 10:47 PM
I hope you cleaning out your photobucket doesn't lead to a lot of broken images in our photo threads. I hate going through the old photo threads and seeing a lot of "THIS IMAGE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE" boxes.

09-26-2012, 11:24 PM
I hope you cleaning out your photobucket doesn't lead to a lot of broken images in our photo threads. I hate going through the old photo threads and seeing a lot of "THIS IMAGE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE" boxes.

It will be stuff that has not been posted for a very long time, mainly old screenshots.

09-27-2012, 05:18 AM
One of my best experiences...I probably posted this before...was posting that the brake line blew in my truck and it wasn't going to be done by closing time. I was just complaining a bit and within five minutes, three local friends offered me a ride. Two of them are people I hadn't seen in two or three years and they were willing to drop what they were doing, come get me, and take me to my house.

Great story! That's the kind of thing I love about it!

09-27-2012, 10:21 AM
Julie, I noticed that you seem to have embraced Fb wholeheartedly. I don't know, I'm still reluctant to do much with it.

I have become 'friends' with a few old classmates. I'd like to contact one of them in particular, but I don't know how to do it privately. If you post a message to them is it public?

09-27-2012, 12:03 PM
You can go into your profile and send a private message through the 'send message' function, similart to sending a pm on the Board here Brooke.

09-27-2012, 02:05 PM
Thanks Ga!

09-27-2012, 02:11 PM
In some cases, it's supposed to be all cases, you can send email through facebook. So if you open your email account, say it's gmail, you can send me an email from there with my facebook account ID followed by @facebook.com. The 'email' will show up in my message box on Facebook. People have sent me email that way, but I was unable to send such an email to my sister in law, and neither of us have any idea why. Maybe I should try it again...

09-27-2012, 06:28 PM
Julie, I noticed that you seem to have embraced Fb wholeheartedly. I don't know, I'm still reluctant to do much with it.

I have become 'friends' with a few old classmates. I'd like to contact one of them in particular, but I don't know how to do it privately. If you post a message to them is it public?

Well, as I said, it is a way for me to get rid of all my old photographs & catch up with interests other than the Eagles.

10-22-2012, 12:30 PM
I have to say I've connected with cousins that I haven't seen or communicated with in probably twenty to thirty years...it's a good thing!

10-29-2012, 07:35 PM
anyone else ever have this dilemma?....I keep getting friend requests from people I don't know...they are people that I know of in most cases, although one girl I have no idea who she is....(if any of you friend me....let me know your border name as I might not know your real name!)....I feel bad not friending these people but I don't know them....they are "friends" of people I know...I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings....it must feel horrible to send a friend request to someone and get turned down...

10-29-2012, 07:56 PM
anyone else ever have this dilemma?....I keep getting friend requests from people I don't know...they are people that I know of in most cases, although one girl I have no idea who she is....(if any of you friend me....let me know your border name as I might not know your real name!)....I feel bad not friending these people but I don't know them....they are "friends" of people I know...I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings....it must feel horrible to send a friend request to someone and get turned down...

I figure if they feel bad, they can tell me who they are. Others, they just see on Facebook I might be someone they know because we have mutual friends and if I don't know who they are at all, then they can't be too upset. For the few that are tenacious about it, rather than block them, I just never respond. Keeps them from putting in another request as soon as I reject the previous one.

02-24-2013, 06:20 PM
How do you post smilies in a Fb post?

02-24-2013, 06:22 PM
You can't. You can only post them in comments, not in a post. You have to use the key symbols i.e. :) & it will turn it into a smiley.

02-24-2013, 06:51 PM
Here's a list of emoticons supported by Facebook.


02-24-2013, 06:56 PM
anyone else ever have this dilemma?....I keep getting friend requests from people I don't know...they are people that I know of in most cases, although one girl I have no idea who she is....(if any of you friend me....let me know your border name as I might not know your real name!)....I feel bad not friending these people but I don't know them....they are "friends" of people I know...I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings....it must feel horrible to send a friend request to someone and get turned down...

Sometimes there will be a friend request from someone who is friends with one of your other friends. If you feel you may have some things in common, you may want to accept. You can always UNFRIEND the person later if you find them annoying or posting too much, or whatever reason.
I don't think people "feel bad" if you don't accept the friendship..It could be that you just may not be on that much, but I agree that maybe it would be best to ignore the request, so you are not saying yes or no.
I like the friend thing kept to mostly people that I actually do know in person, but some are from groups, like here. Why feel bad not accepting? Everyone does it.. Just go with your instinct about the person.

02-24-2013, 07:07 PM
TK, thanks for reviving that old post... Zelda, I have noticed that every time I post a comment (not a like) on the Steelers posts, I get friend requests from people. There seems to be people who hang out on public walls like that. Some are legitimate people who like what I post and check out my timeline (it's all public) and see I have the same interests as them, others aren't even into the Steelers. Some are into porn and trying to get me to click on links to websites, which I don't do, and some are probably people that know me, but since I have no idea who they are I ignore them. For me, my posts are public. If they want to read them they can. If I don't know them, I don't need their stuff coming into my Newsfeed, and friending them does that. If I put them on a list that I don't see their stuff, then there's no reason to friend them. Lately, some of these have made themselves Followers rather than friends.

Witchy Woman
02-24-2013, 07:11 PM
I never feel bad about not accepting a friend request from someone I don't know, nor do I care whether it bothers them or not. If someone sends me a message explaining who they are and why they're asking, I will more than likely accept, depending on circumstance. I have actually made some good connections with people based on my decision to accept their request.

02-25-2013, 12:42 AM
I have a facebook page and if you guys want to add me, that will be awesome!!! LOL. Mine is rose tyler. I am the only one with a Glenn Frey picture. LOL.

02-25-2013, 10:37 AM
You can't. You can only post them in comments, not in a post. You have to use the key symbols i.e. :) & it will turn it into a smiley.

That's what I meant.

Thanks for the list VA!

02-26-2013, 06:22 PM
I have a question. If you send a friend request & there is no response how long should you wait before you cancel it? A week?

02-26-2013, 07:10 PM
I have a question. If you send a friend request & there is no response how long should you wait before you cancel it? A week?

I've put in friend requests already that weren't accepted for months (the person's computer had died and they didn't log in for that long). It all depends on the person and how you feel. There's no reason to not leave it out there and you do have to wonder why they don't accept or deny it. I will ask, are you sure the person knows who you are? I get a lot of friend requests from people with names I don't recognize (like married/divorced, etc). Even if they send a message that tells you who they are, it goes into an 'other' bin, you don't get notification that it's there, and you don't see it in your message list. You have to just occasionally check the 'Other' list in messages. Naturally, I've complained to FB about this A LOT.

02-26-2013, 07:27 PM
I don't think they knew who I was & they seem to have blocked it.

02-26-2013, 08:43 PM
I've had some friends' requests that I've ignored since I don't see the point of adding them to my list when we basically have nothing in common. They've been there for months. And I've accepted a few and later found that they were gone from my list and I from theirs. It didn't offend me, but there are others who are very sensitive to being "de-friended" like that. A simple note of explanation would probably go a long way to soothe bad feelings, if one were inclined to go that route.

In my case, the disappearance from my list is all the explanation I want or need. :thumbsup:

02-28-2013, 12:37 AM
I've had some friends' requests that I've ignored since I don't see the point of adding them to my list when we basically have nothing in common. They've been there for months. And I've accepted a few and later found that they were gone from my list and I from theirs. It didn't offend me, but there are others who are very sensitive to being "de-friended" like that. A simple note of explanation would probably go a long way to soothe bad feelings, if one were inclined to go that route.

In my case, the disappearance from my list is all the explanation I want or need. :thumbsup:

Well said.

02-28-2013, 07:45 PM
I will always accept a 'true' friends request as soon as I log in and see it - ie somebody I know. The only exception there was an ex boyfriend that I hadn't seen for 20 years. The day he joined FB he sent a request and I ignored (later blocked) him.

I wouldn't leave a friend or someone I knew waiting, but sometimes I don't log in for several weeks!

If I don't know the person I will check out their profile first to see why they may have requested me to friend them. If it appears genuine I will friend them but if I haven't a clue who they are I don't add them.

03-05-2013, 09:38 PM
Here's a list of emoticons supported by Facebook.


When I click on this link from home I get a blank page. I did get it at work though.

03-06-2013, 12:41 AM
That one had a lot of pop-ups and such anyway. Try this one.


03-06-2013, 03:07 PM
VA, I can get either one of those at work. It's my home pc that is giving me the trouble. Grrrrrr.

03-15-2013, 08:42 PM
I got locked out of my Facebook account! What do I do?

03-15-2013, 08:44 PM
I got locked out of my Facebook account! What do I do?

http://www.facebook.com/help/228372557180280/?q=For%20security%20reasons%20your%20account%20is% 20temporarily%20locked&sid=0AWrlPvweiMduASGD

03-15-2013, 09:26 PM
http://www.facebook.com/help/228372557180280/?q=For%20security%20reasons%20your%20account%20is% 20temporarily%20locked&sid=0AWrlPvweiMduASGD

Can she see that link if she's locked out?

03-16-2013, 03:20 AM
Can she see that link if she's locked out?

Yeah should be able to. I logged out of Facebook and the link still worked. :)

03-16-2013, 01:38 PM
I got it fixed, I had to reactivate it via Cell Phone

06-10-2013, 06:55 PM
I'm there now. Thanks to those of you who have already 'friended' me. I'm still coming to terms with it so please bear with me. :partytime:

is it ok if i add you?

06-10-2013, 09:00 PM

here is mine if any want to add

06-10-2013, 10:44 PM
SC...how did you get a link to your page????

06-11-2013, 01:55 AM
It's at the top of your page in the web address bar.


06-11-2013, 06:21 AM
Here's my facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WardSlenter :)

06-12-2013, 02:58 AM
Here's mine if anyone wants it...


06-12-2013, 10:48 AM
You should do that. You never know what kind of sick people are out there.

In my case, it was someone who had a fixation on Glenn and transferred that onto me in a very negative way. She didn't approve of me, didn't feel I deserved any attention from Glenn, and felt compelled to punish me. She harassed me online and even wrote a letter to my parents telling them what an awful person I am. After that, I finally had to go to the police. Unfortunately since this person lives overseas they cannot prosecute her here. Thank goodness she does, or I imagine she'd be visiting Indiana to slash my tires. there are some bloody weirdos on these social networking sites like not long ago I had a gay lad with a major fetish for lads sweaty socks especially football socks and wanted me to send him my sweaty smelly football ones he even gave me his full home address to send them to, weird! :O :D

06-12-2013, 10:57 PM
there are some bloody weirdos on these social networking sites like not long ago I had a gay lad with a major fetish for lads sweaty socks especially football socks and wanted me to send him my sweaty smelly football ones he even gave me his full home address to send them to, weird! :O :D

I've been waiting for a chance to ask you since you joined. Do you support Middlesbrough?! My husband is from South Shields & supports Newcastle although his mother & brother support Sunderland (I support Liverpool).

06-13-2013, 03:39 PM
I've been waiting for a chance to ask you since you joined. Do you support Middlesbrough?! My husband is from South Shields & supports Newcastle although his mother & brother support Sunderland (I support Liverpool). nah lol I love watching man utd but I support liverpool I have a thing for stevie g lol and lots of other players too that's the main reason I watch football rather than for the enjoyment of it :D

Henley Honey
06-13-2013, 04:27 PM
nah lol I love watching man utd but I support liverpool I have a thing for stevie g lol and lots of other players too that's the main reason I watch football rather than for the enjoyment of it :D

Me too!!

06-13-2013, 06:30 PM
nah lol I love watching man utd but I support liverpool I have a thing for stevie g lol and lots of other players too that's the main reason I watch football rather than for the enjoyment of it :D

Wow. It's nice to find a fellow Reds fan. :angel:

06-13-2013, 06:48 PM
Wow. It's nice to find a fellow Reds fan. :angel: more a stevie g fan to be fair lol

05-04-2014, 01:58 PM
hi guys. I don't post much on here, but that doesn't mean I've left the forum. Many of you don't even know me, and vice versa. I had the pleasure of meeting some of you, and with that said, I prefer to keep in touch on facebook, so if you want, you can friend me, I'm posting the link below. I've made my settings for friend requests open to "everyone" and will probably set it back to friends of friends in about a month or so. I just find facebook the easiest way to communicate these days; this is not to say I won't come onto this awesome forum from time to time
Hoping to catch the boys in Sept, NYC! Maddi
