View Full Version : Felder Tweets
05-11-2009, 05:04 PM
I just noticed that DF hasn't "twitted" since March 20. Has anyone had any news from him? Last I heard he was in Canada doing a benefit for or playing for Brain Damaged Vets.
05-11-2009, 06:45 PM
I don't know if Felder decided he didn't like Twitter or what - here's hoping he tweets again!
I put all the news I hear about Felder on the site ( as soon as I get wind of it. Since the benefit, he's played one corporate date and has plans to play another next week in Las Vegas for the International Council of Shopping Centers conference. He has also scheduled a concert at the Sun Valley Pavilion in Sun Valley, Idaho on August 19 - that one is open to the public. Of course, there is also the date in Ontario at Caesar's Windsor on May 23.
ETA: I changed the thread title from "Felder Twits" to "Felder Tweets" to avoid confusion, as that's the correct term.
05-12-2009, 08:09 AM
Ahhh, Thanks Nancy. Looks like I missed my shot at Don by a couple of weeks. I was out in Vegas last week. Kind of sad driving around seeing signs promoting Danny Gan. Danny (comedian/impersonator and one of the primo acts in Vegas) was found dead in his home last Monday night I think. He was only in his 50's.
05-12-2009, 11:34 AM
I remember Danny Gans from Pebble Beach. He was all over the place there. So young! What a shame.
05-12-2009, 12:12 PM
From Wikipedia:
Gans died on May 1, 2009 at his home in Henderson, Nevada. Authorities received a 911 call from his wife, Julie, during the early morning hours. The caller reported the victim having issues breathing. Crews attempted to treat an unresponsive Gans after arriving on the scene. Gans was pronounced dead at the scene without being taken to a hospital. The cause of death is unknown.
08-13-2009, 06:22 PM
So... not to sound like a nimrod but for a while there I thought this was a thread about his kids and you had elected to refer to them as "twits." :eyebrow: Caught on eventually.
08-13-2009, 06:44 PM
Actually I think the correct word to use is 'tweets' here. 'Twits' is a very British word which tends to be a polite way of saying someone isn't very bright.
08-14-2009, 05:39 PM
Hence my misunderstanding. Though I must say I never thought I'd have to assimilate the verb "tweet" into my everyday vernacular.
08-14-2009, 07:38 PM
Although ABM, I have noticed that you are a Monty Python fan, as am I, so you'd be familiar with the Upper Class Twit of the Year sketch, surely?
08-17-2009, 12:14 PM
Freypower, and how!
My favorite part is when Cleese's voice cracks from excitement: "Oliver has run himself over! What a great twit!"
Oh, and when they cannot figure out how to scale the giant wall of... 2" matches. And when they have to tie the rabbits to the ground because "they're a bit frisky" and it's "only a one-day event." Oh bloody hell, I adore the entire sketch. Hahaha, now I'm in a great mood... thanks for that! What a brilliant skit.
09-14-2009, 01:22 AM
Felder's added a couple new tweets. Check it out:
09-14-2009, 04:13 PM
The one about the space shuttle hit my updates and as a Space Race freak all I could think was "Clearly, I live in the wrong part of the country."
Can't believe there's only 147 of us following him! He doesn't tweet often but it seems peculiar nonetheless.
09-14-2009, 05:44 PM
Hmmm. Maybe I should link to his Twitter from DFO ( to give him some more visibility. Still, since he hardly ever uses it, it seems kind of a waste to promote it.
09-14-2009, 06:09 PM
True... I wish more stars used it. This after resolutely avoiding it... Quite simple method of herding the nice people from the maroons. For instance, following John Mayer for two weeks has cured me of him for life.
I'd love to catch Don's passing thoughts, though probably only 50% of them would be absent profanity. Actually, I wish he'd start one just to recommend books. Or bash them! Man, those would be some great times.
Joe's would be hilarious. "WHAT DOES THIS BUTTON DO? oh crap i guess i answered that question"
09-17-2009, 12:00 PM
Anybody else out there tweet by the way? I follow eaglesonline & eaglesfans, but it would be fun to follow others as well.
07-09-2012, 06:38 PM
Felder recently started tweeting again. According to his latest tweet he just finished sequencing his new album :)
07-09-2012, 06:41 PM
Thanks, WC. I can never keep up with Twitter, but I do see his Facebook posts. Along with Don Felder Band. Not sure who they are, exactly, and they post about other gigs, but they are the ones that posted the new concert announcement for Annapolis and not Don.
07-24-2012, 11:06 PM
I tweeted at Don earlier today about how much I liked his new song and he tweeted back at me :)
07-24-2012, 11:24 PM
I tweeted at Don earlier today about how much I liked his new song and he tweeted back at me :)
Too cool!!
07-30-2012, 07:40 AM
Very cool, WC!
07-30-2013, 08:33 PM
Not an interview, per se, but I see Don and his Caps-Lock key addressed why he believes he wasn't on the HOTE tour, on Twitter.
True or not, it strikes me as a bit of a snarky way to address the whole thing. Is a 140-character response really the place to address a question with like 30-worth of backstory and drama? I mean, if you're all still embroiled in legal issues, of course you're not going to be touring together. And I think it's more than just GF that would nix any reunion...
I love Don's interviews when he focus on his current plans and musical passion/talent--he has such great stories. But when he goes back to the ol' feud well, it just becomes tiresome. It's been over 10 years, you've put out new music and gone on good tours, and have truly moved on from the Eagles--don't get mired in the bad blood of it all. Rise above, sir.
I don't know why he even bothered answering this...or how this guy who asked the original question to him could have no idea why Felder wasn't on the tour. You can do a basic search and find out pretty easily why he isn't there. Then in his response, the guy seemingly confuses Felder with Bernie and the beer-over-the-head story... Ugh.
07-30-2013, 09:39 PM
I don't know why he even bothered answering this...or how this guy who asked the original question to him could have no idea why Felder wasn't on the tour. You can do a basic search and find out pretty easily why he isn't there. Then in his response, the guy seemingly confuses Felder with Bernie and the beer-over-the-head story... Ugh.
I caught that too, that the guy who asked the question has the wrong story attached to Felder. I'm surprised Don didn't tackle that, too.
07-30-2013, 09:52 PM
Well he is being honest, but I don't think caps lock was necessary. Seems a bit heated. It's a shame there is so much animosity from both sides.
07-30-2013, 09:55 PM
That is just sad. He doesn't like Glenn any more than Glenn likes him. As AEW said, I don't think Henley wanted him there either.
07-30-2013, 10:05 PM
I went ahead and addressed the mix-up that Chris guy had about the beer incident.
07-30-2013, 10:13 PM
Soda, I saw that and thought it was you! I like your Tweeter (as my mom calls it) photo!
Ive always been a dreamer
07-30-2013, 11:37 PM
Loved your response, Soda. While there is certainly animosity on both sides, it's too bad that one side insists on perpetuating it. I REALLY wish he would let it go - it doesn't flatter him, IMHO.
07-31-2013, 12:32 AM
IDK, from what I saw in the doc, I don't think GF especially or even DH are over it, but I'll admit they don't bring it up as much. I put most of the blame of this tweet on the other guy. He should have known. Probably a pot stirrer. That said, DF could have responded differently without the tone that he gave off. He needs to ignore the interviews and comments that get him stirred up in the first place. It seems like 9 times out of 10 someone brings it up and that's how it starts.
07-31-2013, 01:24 AM
If you can imagine being Don Felder for one day at this point in his life, literally every interview he sits for, every question from any media outlet, every non-guitar-question- asking fan, has to do with his rift with and departure from the Eagles. Especially now that they are on their "History of" tour, and Bernie is with them, and they are saying kind things on stage about Randy, I bet he is getting the "why aren't you on tour with the Eagles question" on a daily basis. I think his tweet is unfortunate, he needs to be bigger than that, but it seems to me that he just snapped. I've watched his recent interviews - he knows he's gonna get the question, and he tries to be diplomatic. I think he snapped here. It really looks bad on him.
Also, I don't think it is fair to accuse him of being the only one to perpetuate the animosity. The band's actions speak louder than words - not asking him to join on this tour is a huge statement that they cannot get over it, even for the good of the tour and for all of the fans who would love to see him. The band holds all of the power, and he is left to field the questions, day after day.
07-31-2013, 10:01 AM
If someone sued me, I would never 'get over it'! Just sayin'! Felder knows why he isn't on the tour. :shrug:
07-31-2013, 04:42 PM
If you can imagine being Don Felder for one day at this point in his life, literally every interview he sits for, every question from any media outlet, every non-guitar-question- asking fan, has to do with his rift with and departure from the Eagles. Especially now that they are on their "History of" tour, and Bernie is with them, and they are saying kind things on stage about Randy, I bet he is getting the "why aren't you on tour with the Eagles question" on a daily basis. I think his tweet is unfortunate, he needs to be bigger than that, but it seems to me that he just snapped. I've watched his recent interviews - he knows he's gonna get the question, and he tries to be diplomatic. I think he snapped here. It really looks bad on him.
Also, I don't think it is fair to accuse him of being the only one to perpetuate the animosity. The band's actions speak louder than words - not asking him to join on this tour is a huge statement that they cannot get over it, even for the good of the tour and for all of the fans who would love to see him. The band holds all of the power, and he is left to field the questions, day after day.
I agree with a lot of what you're saying here, but I do not believe he has snapped...far from it. He has a right to his say, whatever it is! I don't think it makes him look bad at all. He is asked about it on a constant basis. What is he supposed to say? The media won't let it alone either.
As for someone suing you & not getting over it? Well, if you were fired, you might not get over that either...especially when you have a legal contract....
Some people seem to think that it's OK to fire someone with a legal contract, & that person shouldn't sue...Well. I do think he had a right to sue. He was awarded millions in the lawsuit, so apparently it had some merit according to a judge.
I just think it's pretty sad that now that the Eagles are touring the "History of the Eagles" they just seem to pretend that Felder was never even in the band! That's really sad.:scowl: It also makes them look petty to not even mention Don Felder who added so much to their music for many more years than either Randy or Bernie....
07-31-2013, 04:54 PM
If you can imagine being Don Felder for one day at this point in his life, literally every interview he sits for, every question from any media outlet, every non-guitar-question- asking fan, has to do with his rift with and departure from the Eagles. Especially now that they are on their "History of" tour, and Bernie is with them, and they are saying kind things on stage about Randy, I bet he is getting the "why aren't you on tour with the Eagles question" on a daily basis. I think his tweet is unfortunate, he needs to be bigger than that, but it seems to me that he just snapped. I've watched his recent interviews - he knows he's gonna get the question, and he tries to be diplomatic. I think he snapped here. It really looks bad on him.
Also, I don't think it is fair to accuse him of being the only one to perpetuate the animosity. The band's actions speak louder than words - not asking him to join on this tour is a huge statement that they cannot get over it, even for the good of the tour and for all of the fans who would love to see him. The band holds all of the power, and he is left to field the questions, day after day.
The Eagles get asked a lot about it as well--I think more than half of Don Henley's e-mail interviews pre-this leg of the tour asked about it, giving us all the pleasure of reading Don's deliciously passive-aggressive "Mr. Felder" comments. ;)
Really, though, other than the documentary, has Glenn ever talked about it at length in any interview? I can't recall any--he seems to try to avoid saying Felder's name at all costs, which makes me wonder why Felder always seemingly singles out Glenn when he talks of it. We all know it was more than Felder vs. Frey, and while Glenn is defector band "leader," I think Irving and Don Henley have HUGE say in personnel dealings as well. Felder just seems to enjoy painting Glenn as the only obstacle to his return, whereas in reality, I think there's a multitude of issues, personal and legal, that keep it from being a reality.
For his musical legacy, I would think Don Felder would want to be known more as merely an "ex-Eagle" and all the drama that went with it. You don't want the press to think that's the only story you have to tell. I think at this point, over 10 years later, what he shouldn't fall bait to these sorts of questions (ESP. from numbskulls on Twitter) and just graciously sidestep the question, and move on to current endeavors. That Tweet respond would have better served as a vehicle to mention his new album and current tour, not dwell on past.
07-31-2013, 05:48 PM
He was awarded millions in the lawsuit, so apparently it had some merit according to a judge.
Unfortunately, this statement is inaccurate and misleading.
Felder was not awarded anything by a judge, but rather got that money via an out-of-court settlement with the Eagles. Judges do not determine settlements. There was no verdict forcing the Eagles to give Felder a certain amount. It was a mutual decision between both the Eagles and Felder.
I know the difference can be hard to understand, but it is significant because it means no one one "lost" or "won" the case. It's simply not true that a judge decided Felder was entitled to the money. That never happened.
For anyone who is confused about what settlements are, you can read more here: .
07-31-2013, 05:59 PM
Really, though, other than the documentary, has Glenn ever talked about it at length in any interview? I can't recall any--he seems to try to avoid saying Felder's name at all costs, which makes me wonder why Felder always seemingly singles out Glenn when he talks of it. We all know it was more than Felder vs. Frey, and while Glenn is defector band "leader," I think Irving and Don Henley have HUGE say in personnel dealings as well. Felder just seems to enjoy painting Glenn as the only obstacle to his return, whereas in reality, I think there's a multitude of issues, personal and legal, that keep it from being a reality.
To the best of my knowledge (although I could have missed something), Glenn only talked about Felder's firing one other time, making the same football analogy as he does in the doc. I guess he must instruct interviewers not to ask him about it because you know they're itching to do so.
Azoff said to Felder, according to Felder's own book which I have on my iPad so I can quote it directly: "Don Henley will never give you a dime more than a seventh." [emphasis added]. This was in response to the previously held notion that Henley would be willing to do more for Felder than Glenn would. That was 20 years ago. I see no evidence that anything has changed - quite the contrary. Henley and Frey are a united front against him.
Perhaps Felder has not read all the interviews where Henley snarks on him, starting with the Rolling Stone interview in 2008 and continuing until as recently as a week or so ago. Henley's caustic comments are not the words of a guy who wishes desperately Felder were included in the current tour, but is forced by Glenn to exclude him.
I'm not saying Felder's a bad guy, or that he wasn't an asset to the band musically. It's perfectly understandable that he would harbor resentment against Glenn and he has a right to his feelings. However, facts are facts. It is apparent to anyone who reads the interviews Henley gives that Glenn is not the only barrier to Felder rejoining the Eagles.
07-31-2013, 06:12 PM
TK, How can you say that Felder added more than Randy and Bernie, they all added to the band.
07-31-2013, 07:07 PM
This statement is inaccurate and misleading.
Felder was not awarded anything by a judge, but rather got that money via an out-of-court settlement with the Eagles. Judges do not determine settlements. There was no verdict forcing the Eagles to give Felder a certain amount. It was a mutual decision between both the Eagles and Felder.
This is not the first time you have said this, and it's not the first time you've been corrected, yet you persist.
Unless you are deliberately spreading misinformation (which I don't believe you are doing), I can only assume you don't understand the difference. If that is the case, perhaps it will help you to read this: .
If, after reading that, you still do not understand the difference, feel free to ask for further clarification.
ETA: I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings but I'm so freaking tired of having to address the same inaccuracy AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!
Soda, I am not trying to spread misleading information. If there was a settlement rather than taking the suit any further to a trial, the Eagles must have agreed to the terms of it. In any case, then the Eagles or the Eagles lawyers thought it was in their best interest to settle the case for X amount of dollars. If they felt that Felder had no case, they would have fought it & gone further with legal procedures. Whatever it was, Felder did get a lot of money. I have no idea how much, but I assume it was several million.
In any case, that wasn't even the point I was trying to make. I don't understand why some people think it is OK to fire someone when they have a legal binding contract & that they don't have the right to sue when the contract is broken by the other party. That is what I have a problem with.
When you tweeted to Don F & the guy who was asking about it, you mentioned that he was the one who filed a lawsuit. I was only saying that I think he had the right to do so....This is my opinion. I guess some don't agree with that, but it is what it is. I wonder what Don thought of your tweet?
Did he reply? I didn't follow up on it. It may just be smart of him not to say anything more, but you brought up the lawsuit there in the tweeting.
07-31-2013, 07:15 PM
You have every right to your opinion, and I went back and softened my post. I just wanted to clear up a mistake that I see so often it gets frustrating. Opinions need to be based on accurate information.
Felder has not replied. Since I simply stated a fact to correct some misinformation, there's really no reason for him to reply. It's not like I criticized him or anything. I just didn't want that Chris person to think that Felder wasn't a part of the tour because he poured a beer over Glenn's head decades ago.
07-31-2013, 09:19 PM
I just didn't want that Chris person to think that Felder wasn't a part of the tour because he poured a beer over Glenn's head decades ago.
Because ironically the person who did pour the beer over Glenn's head is on the tour!
07-31-2013, 09:27 PM
That guy Chris who tweeted didn't know anything. He is trying to get Don Felder to give him information on this??? That's not going to happen. It's way to long a story for Twitter & besides, why should Don even tell this guy anything?
:ziplip: Let him go look it up if he's so interested!! LOL
I just didn't see the point of tweeting about the lawsuit. The guy obviously doesn't know anything about the Eagles!
07-31-2013, 09:46 PM
Soda, I am not trying to spread misleading information. If there was a settlement rather than taking the suit any further to a trial, the Eagles must have agreed to the terms of it. In any case, then the Eagles or the Eagles lawyers thought it was in their best interest to settle the case for X amount of dollars. If they felt that Felder had no case, they would have fought it & gone further with legal procedures. Whatever it was, Felder did get a lot of money. I have no idea how much, but I assume it was several million.
In any case, that wasn't even the point I was trying to make. I don't understand why some people think it is OK to fire someone when they have a legal binding contract & that they don't have the right to sue when the contract is broken by the other party. That is what I have a problem with.
When you tweeted to Don F & the guy who was asking about it, you mentioned that he was the one who filed a lawsuit. I was only saying that I think he had the right to do so....This is my opinion. I guess some don't agree with that, but it is what it is. I wonder what Don thought of your tweet?
Did he reply? I didn't follow up on it. It may just be smart of him not to say anything more, but you brought up the lawsuit there in the tweeting.
My opinion is as follows:
Assuming there was no clause in Felder's contract which specifically stated that he could not be fired, the Eagles were legally entitled to fire him. The alternative was that they were stuck with him or had to break up. Such a scenario makes no sense. People can be fired regardless of contracts. It happens every day.
07-31-2013, 09:48 PM
That guy Chris who tweeted didn't know anything. He is trying to get Don Felder to give him information on this??? That's not going to happen. It's way to long a story for Twitter & besides, why should Don even tell this guy anything?
:ziplip: Let him go look it up if he's so interested!! LOL
I saw how he asked Don Felder to follow him on Twitter in the hope that Felder would send him a direct message with more info on his relationship with the band... Um yeah, I'm so sure that Felder is eager to spill his guts to a perfect stranger who's not even that big a fan via Twitter's DM feature. Get real, Chris!
07-31-2013, 09:56 PM
My opinion is as follows:
Assuming there was no clause in Felder's contract which specifically stated that he could not be fired, the Eagles were legally entitled to fire him. The alternative was that they were stuck with him or had to break up. Such a scenario makes no sense. Contracts work two ways.
The contract involved a share of the corporation. If someone is part owner of something, & then they fire that person, I think that is breech of contract.
None of us could possibly know the details of the contract. Basicly, I believe in a case like this, you have to buy someone out of the contract, which is pretty much what ended up happening. It all had to be settled legally & that's what they did.
07-31-2013, 10:00 PM
I saw how he asked Don Felder to follow him on Twitter in the hope that Felder would send him a direct message with more info on his relationship with the band... Um yeah, I'm so sure that Felder is eager to spill his guts to a perfect stranger who's not even that big a fan via Twitter's DM feature. Get real, Chris!
Don should just go tell him to read his book! LOL
Ive always been a dreamer
07-31-2013, 10:45 PM
The contract involved a share of the corporation. If someone is part owner of something, & then they fire that person, I think that is breech of contract.
None of us could possibly know the details of the contract. Basicly, I believe in a case like this, you have to buy someone out of the contract, which is pretty much what ended up happening. It all had to be settled legally & that's what they did.
TK - None of us are lawyers, but I don't believe your post here is entirely accurate. I really don't have the time (or frankly the desire) to rehash the details of the lawsuit all over again, but there is lots of discussion about this in Felder's book thread if you are interested in reading more. But, in a nutshell, here's the gist of the discussion ...
Felder was not a full, equal partner in Eagles, Ltd at the time he was fired. I think he was the same level as Joe and Timothy after 1994. It is my understanding that the band was under no legal obligation to buy Felder out of his contract. If I recall correctly, Felder sued for 'termination without cause' rather than 'unlawful termination', which would indicate that he was not claiming that the band violated the terms of his contract.
I don't believe we can know why either party decided to settle the suit, but settling a suit does not imply guilt for either party. There are all kinds of legitimate reasons why people decide to settle rather than go to trial though. The terms of the settlement were sealed, but the settlement amount was alleged to be somewhere between 1/10 to 1/5 of what Felder originally asked for.
So, I hope this clears things up so our readers aren't confused or mislead. And, I'm now done beating this dead horse (at least until it comes up again).
08-01-2013, 05:54 AM
TK - None of us are lawyers, but I don't believe your post here is entirely accurate. I really don't have the time (or frankly the desire) to rehash the details of the lawsuit all over again, but there is lots of discussion about this in Felder's book thread if you are interested in reading more. But, in a nutshell, here's the gist of the discussion ...
Felder was not a full, equal partner in Eagles, Ltd at the time he was fired. I think he was the same level as Joe and Timothy after 1994. It is my understanding that the band was under no legal obligation to buy Felder out of his contract. If I recall correctly, Felder sued for 'termination without cause' rather than 'unlawful termination', which would indicate that he was not claiming that the band violated the terms of his contract.
I don't believe we can know why either party decided to settle the suit, but settling a suit does not imply guilt for either party. There are all kinds of legitimate reasons why people decide to settle rather than go to trial though. The terms of the settlement were sealed, but the settlement amount was alleged to be somewhere between 1/10 to 1/5 of what Felder originally asked for.
So, I hope this clears things up so our readers aren't confused or mislead. And, I'm now done beating this dead horse (at least until it comes up again).
Well, I don't believe your interpretation is entirely accurate either. You, I or anyone else on here knows what was in his contract, or the terms of the settlement.
I did read the book, & the book does not reveal much detail about the lawsuit either, so using terms like "I think he was on the same level as Joe and Timothy after 1994" and 'It is my understanding that the band was under no legal obligation to buy Felder out of his contract....." are things that can't be verified without looking at the contracts.
I don't want to beat this dead horse anymore either The case is settled.
Let's get back to the TWEETS!
08-01-2013, 08:44 AM
I just saw that some guy on Twitter asked Felder for an autograph & he tweeted back YES he would be glad to!!! Wow, I'm pretty jealous! I couldn't get near the guy when he was in NYC.:guitar::jealous:
08-01-2013, 01:12 PM
Maybe you could send him an album or something to sign? He seems quite gracious about autographs as long as you ask him to personalize it. He autographed my copy of Airborne after his show at the Windsor Casino. I'd like to see him again on his Road to Forever tour, if he ever comes around here.
08-01-2013, 02:58 PM
Maybe you could send him an album or something to sign? He seems quite gracious about autographs as long as you ask him to personalize it. He autographed my copy of Airborne after his show at the Windsor Casino. I'd like to see him again on his Road to Forever tour, if he ever comes around here.
If anything, I would like him to sign the new cd, but what if I don't get it back? I guess I should just send out the case & hope for the best!! :blush:
I have no idea where to send it ? Any idea? You can PM me the info, if you don't want to post it. Thanks
Ive always been a dreamer
08-01-2013, 06:40 PM
Well as much as I regret continuing to beat the dead horse regarding Felder’s lawsuit, I feel I need to clarify some statements in my previous post because they may mislead folks as well. My whole purpose was to try to clear up any misconceptions, and I’m afraid I may have not done such a good job for which I apologize. As most of you know, I think it’s very important to state facts accurately on the board, so I’m sorry if my post was confusing to anyone.
I was relying on my memory, which is sometimes not a great idea. I was recollecting this document that I remember being discussed in Felder’s book thread, which I was thinking was a court issued document:
Of course, this isn’t a court document as I thought, but it does address some of the issues and statements Felder makes in his book surrounding the lawsuit. So let me try again …
Felder was not a full, equal partner in Eagles, Ltd at the time he was fired. I think he was the same level as Joe and Timothy after 1994. It is my understanding that the band was under no legal obligation to buy Felder out of his contract.
According to both the document I linked to and Felder’s book, Felder was not a full equal partner in Eagles, Ltd. at the time of his dismissal. Per Felder’s book, after 1994, he earned the same amount as Joe and Tim, which was 1/7 of the band’s earnings, as opposed to Henley and Frey receiving 2/7’s each. There is no claim by Felder that the band was required to buy out his contract. The reference to a ’buyout’ is the statement in the document that Felder’s termination “also required him to sell back his shares in the Eagles corporation for a nominal sum”. Bernie and Randy both sold their shares back upon their respective departures. Felder confirms this in his book. The band disputed Felder’s charge that he wasn’t obligated to honor this clause since he was terminated. This was, obviously, never litigated since the suit was settled.
If I recall correctly, Felder sued for 'termination without cause' rather than 'unlawful termination', which would indicate that he was not claiming that the band violated the terms of his contract.
A web search indicates that there is some confusion and conflicting information regarding what Felder actually sued for. Again, the document states ‘termination without cause’. However, Felder lists numerous allegations in his book that he sued for, including ‘wrongful termination’ and ‘breach of contract’. So it is true, that we can’t know exactly what the claims of the suit were without official court documents. Therefore, I defer to Felder’s statement in his book regarding this matter.
Hopefully, this clears up any misleading information in my post, and, again, I apologize if there were any misunderstandings.
And now – I hope I don’t have to eat these words – I’m done! :grin:
08-01-2013, 07:12 PM
TK, tweet him or DM him and ask.
08-23-2013, 09:34 AM
OMG! I got a tweet from Don Felder!!!!! :bow::thud:
08-23-2013, 09:47 AM
That is SO COOL Austin!!! So happy for you!
08-23-2013, 09:54 AM
That is SO COOL Austin!!! So happy for you!
I won't lie, I kinda got choked up at first. He and Joe are the reasons I'm here today (and I mean that in entirety) and the reason I found music and guitar. Needless to say, it's made my year.
Ive always been a dreamer
08-23-2013, 01:34 PM
That is AWESOME, Austin! This just goes to show how much joy a celebrity can bring to fans with very little effort. I love to read about these kinds of things! :thumbsup:
08-23-2013, 02:53 PM
NICE! Way to go Austin :)
08-23-2013, 07:41 PM
Austin!! Very exciting!! I've seen him occasionally respond to others, so I'm super glad he took the time to respond to someone who is real fan. I'm glad LizzyPlays, the twitter stalker of celebrities, passed her karma on to you!
Houston Baby
08-23-2013, 08:27 PM
OMG Austin!! I am so happy for you!! :yay:
I bet someone did have to pick you up off the floor!!!
08-23-2013, 09:40 PM
Really, Austin, that is great & I am very happy for you.
08-23-2013, 10:22 PM
I saw that earlier, Austin, and was very excited for you! So cool!
08-23-2013, 10:54 PM
Thanks everyone! I was shocked to see that come in, I really was not expecting it.
08-26-2013, 09:45 AM
Congrats, Austin!!! How exciting!!! He tweeted me a thank you awhile ago & I was thrilled!!! So happy for you!
08-27-2013, 09:55 AM
Austin and TK, that is fabulous! Congrats! :cool:
08-27-2013, 06:17 PM
It's great TK and Austin. He just messaged me back on facebook
wishing my mom a happy birthday. Mom was I were both very happy :bye:
08-28-2013, 01:30 PM
Very cool, RLE!
08-28-2013, 10:29 PM
How cool! I'm sure you're mother was delighted! I love how engaged he is with social media.
08-29-2013, 09:16 AM
Very nice guy, very nice to his fans. His tweet made my year - a couple of sentences means a lot to me from my idols.
Congrats TK and RLE!!
Tony Trout
09-01-2013, 12:12 PM
First, as a newbie here, and second, as a HUGE Felder fan, myself, I think that his tweeting a message/reply to you was AWESOME!!! Way to go, "Fingers" Felder for making you so happy!!!
09-22-2013, 03:58 PM
Don just sent this tweet:
Many thanks to all those that sent such wonderful birthday wishes. I truly appreciate it and hope to be able to thank you in person one day
11-29-2013, 01:33 AM
Don Felder tweeted a Thanksgiving greeting today:
"Happy Thanksgiving to all. Remember to thank the troops unable to be home with their families today."
I thought it was very nice.
02-05-2014, 08:16 AM
Here's a couple of messages that I've received from Don. The first one is a direct message on Twitter, and the second one is a direct message via Facebook. I know it seems silly, but it means so much to me when my idols take the time to respond or write, even if it's a short one word or two!
I’m happy for you, Lizzy! That was very nice of Don! He’s always so sweet and gracious! Not many celebrities take the time to reply to their fans on Twitter or Facebook. Both messages are very nice. I particularly like his Facebook message.
02-05-2014, 12:46 PM
Very cool that he replied to you! :thumbsup:
02-05-2014, 12:50 PM
He answered yet another question of mine yesterday, one that I had posted publicly on his FB page. But, it was close to being the only reasonable question that anyone asked! One guy went as far as to ask for comp tickets...
02-23-2014, 11:53 PM
Don posted this quote on Twitter and Facebook today:
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato
I think it’s a beautiful quote.
Houston Baby
02-24-2014, 12:18 AM
That is beautiful! I have never before seen that quote. Thanks for posting SM & Don! :thumbsup:
02-24-2014, 11:59 PM
06-02-2017, 10:24 PM
I came across this months-old tweet by Don F. It's a sweet post about his lovely daughter, who looks a lot like him. (
06-10-2017, 03:50 AM
I ask this, because people still keep referring to it. In what way did Don make fun of Glenn's illness on Twitter? What did he say? Could it have been intended as warm-hearted joke, but said in the wrong place?
Funk 50
06-10-2017, 05:28 AM
I'm no fan of Felder but he obviously would prefer his ill-judged joke (I didn't see it either) to not be rebroadcast. As an Eagles fan I'd prefer it too. :-?
06-10-2017, 05:34 AM
I'm no fan of Felder but he obviously would prefer his ill-judged joke (I didn't see it either) to not be rebroadcast. As an Eagles fan I'd prefer it too. :-?
Yeah, sure, but I'd like to hear what he said because it's still being referred to - not because I want to dwell on the past. If someone remembers his words...
08-27-2017, 07:15 PM
An interesting comment from Mr. Felder this evening:
(For those who cannot see the above, Felder says with regard to someone's assertion that Glenn did him wrong 'I forgive him. He did what he had to do in his heart'.)
I think that's the first time I've seen Felder say something remotely nice or warm about Glenn since 2001!
08-28-2017, 08:00 AM
That's nice in three ways. First, he has taken the trouble to stop someone having a go at Glenn. Second, forgiving should help him move on. Third, he shows some understanding that Glenn had his own reasons.
Don Felder said some nice things about Glenn soon after Glenn died.
New Kid In Town
08-28-2017, 08:23 AM
TLR - That is the FIRST TIME I have ever seen Don tweet anything like that. Usually he fails to respond and lets his followers/fans go on and on saying such things as Glenn deserved to die. I have to say it is nice he responded and said something positive. I am shocked he responded.
08-28-2017, 05:47 PM
I'm glad he responded, too. I know when Glenn died, he said he really wished he had picked up the phone and called him to straighten things out. I've never thought he was a bad person, but resentment can make people do ugly things. As an old saying goes, it's like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
As for his fans saying Glenn deserved to die, how sad. I wouldn't wish RA and its attendant issues on my worst enemy. And this man never did a thing to them. How juvenile, petty and shallow.
The really sad part is, if Felder tried to tell these people to knock it off, they'd probably turn on him, too. I've seen it happen. Sometimes, all you can do is just not feed the trolls.
Having said that, if he would make a point of responding to positive tweets with other positive tweets and ignore the negative ones, then eventually, the trolls would probably leave.
In my many years at a daily newspaper, I learned many things, and a few were very important. Here's one: there is NEVER just one side of the story, and rarely are there only two sides. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.
I think it's interesting that I've rarely, if ever, seen any Glenn fans actively wish evil on Don F. I know it's happened, but not very often. They might wish his fans would take a permanent vacation, but not the man himself. I've heard very few Glenn people say anything but good things about what Felder added to the band musically. That says something to me, right there. I'd say some of these people who call themselves "fans" are just interested in someone who has a bone to pick (real or imagined), and they feel slighted and mistreated by other people themselves, so they gravitate toward others who discuss their slights publicly.
08-28-2017, 09:42 PM
Thank you for your interesting thoughtful post, Pippinwhite. I do get the impression Don F wanted to make peace with Glenn and Don H; he's said so a number of times ("I've reached out" etc.) If no one wants to talk to him, how can he ask for forgiveness, as some suggest?
I would point out that Felder is the most active Eagle on Twitter (and not even that much, I don't think). B/c of this his every response and non response gets heavily scrutinized. How would Glenn have handled twitter? Would he have responded to all the Felder bashing or chosen to ignore it (and yes, I have seen Glenn fans bash Felder--they just didn't have the twitter/FB outlet). How would Henley handle it? We don't know b/c Glenn and Don H didn't/don't connect to fans that way. Felder does and it leaves him open to criticism, fair or not. Twitter and other social media can bring out the worst in people and I agree that handling the criticism can be a delicate balance between trying to be open/tolerant and trying not to encourage the trolls. Glenn and Don H never had to deal with striking that balance via social media.
What warms my heart is seeing the overwhelming positive messages responding to Felder's tweet. Most of his fans don't say horrible things about Glenn and it's unfortunate that the negative stuff seems to be the what some people zone in on constantly. I sense that's b/c some Glenn fans feel like any criticism of him is 100% Felder's fault.
I have read Don F complimenting Glenn since 2001. I think what Don F has tended to emphasize more though, is the teamwork aspect of the band--that everyone contributed. Joe and Randy have also pointed out in interviews how everyone contributed to the music so it's not just something Don F made up.
I agree there is never just one side to a story.
08-28-2017, 11:09 PM
...he's said so a number of times ("I've reached out" etc.) If no one wants to talk to him, how can he ask for forgiveness, as some suggest?
Thanks for your insight as well! And this is very true about forgiveness. It cuts both ways. Sometimes, you just have to say, "Well, I forgive the person whether they forgive me or not," and it seems that Don F. has done so. It's my fervent hope that Glenn let go of those things, too, but maybe just wasn't able to tell DF about it. I tend to think that may have been the case. People who are looking at end of life situations often make these better choices.
(and yes, I have seen Glenn fans bash Felder--they just didn't have the twitter/FB outlet). Then shame on them, too! I predicated my response mainly on what I've seen of the two sides reacting to each other on YouTube, which is, no doubt, a cesspool in the comments section.
Twitter and other social media can bring out the worst in people...Oh, mercy yes. As my husband says, "The Internet is a blank wall and everybody has a can of spray paint... or a bucket of poop."
What warms my heart is seeing the overwhelming positive messages responding to Felder's tweet. Most of his fans don't say horrible things about Glenn and it's unfortunate that the negative stuff seems to be the what some people zone in on constantly. I sense that's b/c some Glenn fans feel like any criticism of him is 100% Felder's fault.And that warms my heart, too. I'm so glad the response has been so positive. Yeah, we don't like to admit the objects of our fandoration have feet of clay. But we all do.
I have read Don F complimenting Glenn since 2001. I think what Don F has tended to emphasize more though, is the teamwork aspect of the band--that everyone contributed. Joe and Randy have also pointed out in interviews how everyone contributed to the music so it's not just something Don F made up. I agree completely. There's no question everyone contributed. So many, for example, tend to laud John Lennon and Paul McCartney as the absolute reasons for the Beatles' fame. But what of George Harrison's shimmering guitar work, or Ringo Starr's power behind the drum kit? It doesn't work without them.
So, too, the Eagles didn't work with only Glenn and Don. It took Randy, and Bernie, and Joe, and Don F, and Timothy to make the Eagles' sound what it became. You don't have "Already Gone" without that incredible bass line Randy plays. (Ever noticed it? Masterful.) You don't have "One of these Nights" without Don's moody lead guitar intro. It's just not the same song.
It's just a shame Glenn and Don F didn't make that reconciliation before it was too late. I think I mentioned on another thread that it's a lesson in making sure you don't leave behind unfinished business, insofar as it depends on you. It's certainly an example for me, albeit a somber one.
I wish Don nothing but health, happiness, and peace, which is what I wish for all these guys.
08-29-2017, 12:35 AM
Good on Felder.
Personally, I think it's cool he is active on Twitter, however there are times where he shouldn't have posted, like complaining he wasn't in the KCH and comments that made his first statement after Glenn's death seem less believable. And talking about Glenn off and on and leaving it open for his fans to throw mud, basically, as Pippin described. I personally feel like it's a very tough place to be in.
I don't blame him at times for NOT saying something as it's a damned if you do damned if you don't. You don't want your fans to think you are a pushover, but if you don't do anything, Glenn fans (which at times I feel the same way), feel he is almost encouraging it by leaving it open and not at least trying to stop the hate.
As far as the KCH thing, it wouldn't have been right for him to be there. Love it or hate it, he and Glenn did NOT end on good terms and that's why it just wouldn't be right to stick him up there. It would have been an insult to his family. I feel the same way about him joining the guys now. It just wouldn't be cool considering how their relationship was at the end of Glenn's life.
Me personally, I was upset at his comments so soon after he made a believable at the time positive statement after Glenn's death to throwing a hissy fit and making comments again. It really showed me a side of him I didn't like. It was very eye opening and disheartening to say the least. You can look it up here, I was a very outspoken Felder-can-do-no-wrong supporter for the longest time but after Glenn died everything changed for me when it comes to this band and my viewpoints. And I felt gutted he wasn't Mr. Innocent as in my head I had dreamed he was afterall. But that's just it, Glenn wasn't perfect either. Henley wasn't. None of the guys are/were. But when you have this image in your head of Felder is the victim/was mistreated, you can blindly and honestly ignorantly on my part, support the man as if he caused no internal problems in the band and it was all mean old Glenn. I was wrong. The fact is, both weren't perfect and the other fact is, Glenn booted him. I might feel it still was a poor decision, but a part of me has learned to respect Glenn's place in the band, as much as I hated to. I remember when HOTE came out, how mad I was at Glenn for his portrayal of Don's firing. I thought how dare he! He must be a hateful, spiteful bitter old man. I was wrong.
Funk 50
08-29-2017, 06:46 AM
An interesting comment from Mr. Felder this evening:
(For those who cannot see the above, Felder says with regard to someone's assertion that Glenn did him wrong 'I forgive him. He did what he had to do in his heart'.)
I think that's the first time I've seen Felder say something remotely nice or warm about Glenn since 2001!
Thanks for sharing the comments and link thelastresort.
I don't know what's going to happen in the future but the estrangement of Felder is an ugly chapter in the Eagles story and anything that suggests that it could be confined to the past is welcome information. :thumbsup:
PS - That's a great "I was wrong" post WalshFan88. Thanks for posting it.
08-29-2017, 07:00 AM
That is nice. As usual, it has attracted a lot of "you're a true class act, Mr. Felder" comments, but it's hardly his fault. If he's being genuine, he didn't do it to polish his image.
New Kid In Town
08-29-2017, 07:46 AM
Austin - Thank you for your always interesting posts.
Pippin & Delilah - I am happy Don F. made the comments he did. However, I have to disagree in that I never read or saw any interviews in 2011 onward until Glenn died where he mad positive comment. He made those "I tried to reach them" comments in just about every interview when in fact at least part of the time there was a court order against all communication between the parties. And, he was still pursuing legal action until at least 2013.
And, Don had numerous chances over the years to tell his FB/Twitter follower to stop with the nasty comments - particularly after Glenn died. The comments left by his fans at that time were vile and hateful. He could have put a stop to them by posting a message saying such comments would not be tolerated, or, he could have closed the comments. He failed to do so. This is just another example of Don F.'s passive/aggressive behavior.
However, I think Felder's contribution to the band were what took them to the band they became. He is an incredible talent and it is really a shame things turned out as they did. Pippin, you are right - there are three sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth which is somewhere in between.
08-29-2017, 08:38 AM
Austin - Thank you for your always interesting posts.
Pippin & Delilah - I am happy Don F. made the comments he did. However, I have to disagree in that I never read or saw any interviews in 2011 onward until Glenn died where he mad positive comment. He made those "I tried to reach them" comments in just about every interview when in fact at least part of the time there was a court order against all communication between the parties. And, he was still pursuing legal action until at least 2013.
And, Don had numerous chances over the years to tell his FB/Twitter follower to stop with the nasty comments - particularly after Glenn died. The comments left by his fans at that time were vile and hateful. He could have put a stop to them by posting a message saying such comments would not be tolerated, or, he could have closed the comments. He failed to do so. This is just another example of Don F.'s passive/aggressive behavior.
However, I think Felder's contribution to the band were what took them to the band they became. He is an incredible talent and it is really a shame things turned out as they did. Pippin, you are right - there are three sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth which is somewhere in between.
Yes. I believe I have said this before, but for example a few years ago Bruce Kulick (ex-Kiss) made it clear on his social media page that Simmons/Stanley bashing won't be tolerated on his page when such comments started to appear.
And yeah, Felder's musical contributions were amazing. Even something like New Kid In Town, which isn't exactly a Felder showcase, contains guitar parts that have to be played like the original or else there's something missing.
08-29-2017, 04:52 PM
It's just a shame Glenn and Don F didn't make that reconciliation before it was too late. I think I mentioned on another thread that it's a lesson in making sure you don't leave behind unfinished business, insofar as it depends on you. It's certainly an example for me, albeit a somber one.
I wish Don nothing but health, happiness, and peace, which is what I wish for all these guys.
Absolutely, Pippin, I heartily agree!
Pippin & Delilah - I am happy Don F. made the comments he did. However, I have to disagree in that I never read or saw any interviews in 2011 onward until Glenn died where he mad positive comment.
FWIW, you're disagreeing with something I never said.
And thank you, thelastresort, for posting the tweet. :-)
New Kid In Town
08-30-2017, 01:10 PM
Delilah - Sorry, I made a typo error - I meant 2001. You said "I have read Don F complimenting Glenn since 2001. I think what Don F has tended to emphasize more though, is the teamwork aspect of the band--that everyone contributed. Joe and Randy have also pointed out in interviews how everyone contributed to the music so it's not just something Don F made up."
I have never read or heard one nice word from Don regarding Glenn until after he passed. He said nasty things about him in almost every interview he gave. The first nice statement I ever saw was the day after Glenn died. He even went so far as to mock Glenn's illnesses just a few months before he past on his twitter page.
In recent interviews he has emphasized the team work of the band. This was not always true in the past.
I have seen Don in concert and he put on an enjoyable show. He is an incredible guitar player with few his equal.
The tell all book as well as Don's negative, nasty statements for 15 years sealed the likelihood of them ever reconciling.
09-29-2017, 03:03 PM
Another interesting post from Don tonight. I wonder who it's about?
[Text for those who cannot see, it's a quote of 'I never knew how strong I was until I had to forgive someone who wasn't sorry, and accept an apology I never received.']
09-29-2017, 03:21 PM
I hope he and his ladyfriend aren't having issues.
Love the quote someone tweeted in response, "Let go or be dragged." LOL
09-29-2017, 03:54 PM
Seems like the Glenn thing isn't over.
09-29-2017, 04:48 PM
I hope he and his ladyfriend aren't having issues.
Love the quote someone tweeted in response, "Let go or be dragged." LOL
Oh no, surely not! (regarding Kathrin)
09-29-2017, 04:58 PM
I hope not. But I believe they were engaged for some years then decided not to get married so it seems it hasn't been entirely smooth sailing.
Don Felder on the passing of Tom Petty
New Kid In Town
10-03-2017, 07:09 PM
I am sure this hits hard for Don. So sad.
However, his other tweet - I hope he is not referring to Glenn. Of course most people are calling him a "class act" for his forgiveness. If it is regarding Glenn, it pisses me off as he is again talking trash about a man who is dead and can not defend himself or his reputation. Almost 17 years later and he can not let it be. I like Don but it is stuff like this that shows another side to him and makes him look petty and mean and also show a side to him that perhaps only his fellow band mates saw.
10-03-2017, 08:14 PM
I'm just going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume the post upthread is not about Glenn.
Regarding the tweet about Tom Petty, I bet it is indeed hard for Felder. I had forgotten about their connection until I read this. A real blow, I'm sure.
10-04-2017, 12:00 AM
I thought of Don Felder after I heard of Tom Petty's passing. I feel sad for Don; that's a lovely tribute he posted.
As for the other tweet, I don't really know what to make of it, expect that it comes off as very arrogant.
10-04-2017, 03:30 AM
That's a lovely tribute to Tom Petty.
I assume the earlier tweet is just Don posting something written by someone else that resonated with him. imo, it shows a lack of understanding of the nature of forgiveness and acceptance.
10-04-2017, 10:30 AM
That's a great tribute to Tom.
10-04-2017, 01:01 PM
I'm just going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume the post upthread is not about Glenn.
Me too. At any rate, it’s seems logical that if it is indeed Eagles-related, then it has something to do with the present, e.g. perhaps he reached out to Don H about joining them on the mini-tour and he was rebuffed. Just a wild guess. I really don’t think everything in his life is about Glenn.
Regarding the tweet about Tom Petty, I bet it is indeed hard for Felder. I had forgotten about their connection until I read this. A real blow, I'm sure.
Yes, and Bernie’s brother Tom is no doubt feeling the loss as well, given their history and the relatively recent Mudcrutch reunion.
That's a great tribute to Tom.
I agree. Thanks, Buffyfan. :-)
10-04-2017, 02:58 PM
Of course everything in his life is not about Glenn, but it's natural that Glenn comes to mind, because Don has said similar things about him. I don't remember him speaking like that about anyone else in public (well, maybe Don H to a lesser degree). So when he shares a quote like that in public, Glenn comes to mind as a possibility. I should change my "Seems like the Glenn thing isn't over" comment, because I can't say for certain what and who Don was referring to...
10-09-2017, 02:35 PM
Wow, the gloves are off in regard to Kathrin. He actually posted this on his FB page and referenced her. "My Petty theme songs for you would be: Don't Come Around Here No More, You Don't Know How It Feels and Don't Do Me Like That."
Also "Dedicated to Kathrin Nicholson @KathriNicholson YOU GOT LUCKY"
10-09-2017, 02:53 PM
I saw that. I have no idea what the tweet meant to tell the truth.
10-09-2017, 02:55 PM
Uh-oh. That doesn’t sound good. He must be really upset to be posting that kind of stuff on social media. Not a good idea, IMO. It’s none of my business, of course, but I hope he removes it for the sake of his son.
(I haven’t seen it myself so maybe I’m reading too much into it?)
10-09-2017, 03:05 PM
About how old would their little son be now?
10-09-2017, 03:14 PM
I think he's either in the 1st or 2nd grade.
10-09-2017, 03:24 PM
My respect for Felder just went down. Why would you publicize your personal life like that? It's very disheartening. It's stuff like this that makes me think Don and Glenn had real reason to fire him.
Funk 50
10-09-2017, 04:12 PM
Wow, the gloves are off in regard to Kathrin. He actually posted this on his FB page and referenced her. "My Petty theme songs for you would be: Don't Come Around Here No More, You Don't Know How It Feels and Don't Do Me Like That."
Also "Dedicated to Kathrin Nicholson @KathriNicholson YOU GOT LUCKY"
Don't Come Around Here No More was actually yelled at Joe Walsh by Stevie Nicks , from her bedroom window with, songwriter Dave Stewart in, er earshot, let's say. Sorry to be off topic but it astounded me when I found out. :stunned:
Unpleasant stuff from Felder. :sad:
10-09-2017, 04:41 PM
I just saw the tweet and personally I don't feel as if there is any hidden meaning. He is replying to a tweet by Kathrin, which many others did, listing their top 5 Tom Petty songs. Free Falling is not an insult.
I don't know why some people try to cause drama/start rumors between rock stars and their spouses or even ex spouses, especially when there are small children involved.
10-09-2017, 05:12 PM
Don't Come Around Here No More was actually yelled at Joe Walsh by Stevie Nicks , from her bedroom window with, songwriter Dave Stewart in, er earshot, let's say. Sorry to be off topic but it astounded me when I found out. :stunned:
Unpleasant stuff from Felder. :sad:
:woah: I take it the source for this is Dave Stewart or has Joe admitted to lurking outside Stevie’s window?
I just saw the tweet and personally I don't feel as if there is any hidden meaning. He is replying to a tweet by Kathrin, which many others did, listing their top 5 Tom Petty songs. Free Falling is not an insult.
I don't know why some people try to cause drama/start rumors between rock stars and their spouses or even ex spouses, especially when there are small children involved.
Thanks for your perspective VG. I took a quick look at his page and I’m not sure what to make of it. He did say “theme songs” rather just making a list of favorites. Maybe he interpreted her post in a different way. :shrug: At any rate, I’ll hold off on making any conclusions and just hope everything is ok between them.
10-09-2017, 07:09 PM
I think my respect for Felder would be higher if I just stop reading what he has to say. I blindly followed him for many years and likely still would if I hadn't read the stuff he posts on social media.
Truly bad form to air your dirty laundry in public, and quite narcissistic to say "You Got Lucky". Well, if there was any doubt there was trouble, we now know. It also points to more evidence that maybe he wasn't the easiest guy to work with.
I think I'm going to unfollow Felder on social media. I'll like him better that way. What I don't know won't bother me and I'll learn to not read this thread lol.
10-09-2017, 07:12 PM
I just saw the tweet and personally I don't feel as if there is any hidden meaning. He is replying to a tweet by Kathrin, which many others did, listing their top 5 Tom Petty songs. Free Falling is not an insult.
I don't know why some people try to cause drama/start rumors between rock stars and their spouses or even ex spouses, especially when there are small children involved.
I personally hope I am wrong. I'd be overjoyed for Don and Kathrin. I hope the best for them. I just think it's too coincidental, and it's hard for me to read it as anything other than problematic.
10-10-2017, 04:56 AM
Whatever he intended, he's thought better of it.
10-10-2017, 08:53 AM
IF there's a public love battle going on, they should leave the songs of a recently departed friend out of it.
10-10-2017, 09:53 AM
The FB post was gone by yesterday evening and I assume his tweet disappeared as well. Some commenters seem to think his account may have been hacked. Who knows.
New Kid In Town
10-10-2017, 11:33 AM
Well, sadly it sounds like it was some kind of dispute/argument with Kathrine. Don has done this before and removed inappropiate tweets. When he made fun of Glenn's illness a few months before he passed, he was called out on it and the tweet was removed. He also noted the "anniversary" of Don H.'s arrest in 1980 and made comment on that. I believe it was also removed.
I find it sad that he has to take to social media to air his arguments with his ex-fiance. It is also sad he has chosen the song of a friend who just passed to air his differences. Don is one of the best guitarists in history. These kinds of tweets show a side to him that is unknown to the general public. A passive-aggressive nature that was only known to the band. These kinds of tweets do not show him at his best.
10-12-2017, 02:46 PM
Don is hugely passive aggressive; it's quite evident in his book.
I think a lot of us who use Twitter (and Facebook) have done the "Tweet and Delete" thing, where you've tweeted or posted something in anger and then thought better of it. I know I have. The problem is that Felder is a public figure and he will never be able to get away with it. The other problem is that Felder's impulsive tweets/posts are usually digs which are going to piss people off.
Those who think he might have been hacked... c'mon guys. "Tweet and Delete Digs" are typical for Felder, as others have noted. He just hasn't learned his lesson yet when it comes to social media... and at this point, it looks like he never will.
PS I'm thinking his earlier tweet about forgiveness probably wasn't about Glenn this time...
10-12-2017, 10:40 PM
Yeah, the tweet probably wasn't about Glenn. But since he didn't give a context, and he did it in public, it was natural to assume he was referring to the person he had talked about the same way in public (Glenn). I'm glad if it wasn't about Glenn, but if he's having problems that bad with his relationship, I can't be glad about that either.
10-13-2017, 08:56 AM
One benefit of this board is that it's led me to investigate terms like "passive-agressive" and "narcissist". I don't think the tweet counts as "passive-agressive" but I agree that the way he describes his behaviour in his book seems to fit that description.
10-13-2017, 10:30 AM
Yeah, the tweet probably wasn't about Glenn. But since he didn't give a context, and he did it in public, it was natural to assume he was referring to the person he had talked about the same way in public (Glenn). I'm glad if it wasn't about Glenn, but if he's having problems that bad with his relationship, I can't be glad about that either.
I wonder at what point it is no longer natural. Glenn has been gone for more than a year and half now. I don’t have a twitter account and I’m not familiar with Don’s twitter history—how often, subject matter,etc. From the comments here it appears he has tweeted about Glenn multiple times. I know he tweeted something during the Grammys that were held shortly after Glenn died. Has he tweeted about Glenn since then? (arguably the Grammy tweet wasn’t directly about Glenn, it was more about not performing with the rest of the guys)
10-13-2017, 04:08 PM
I wonder at what point it is no longer natural. Glenn has been gone for more than a year and half now. I don’t have a twitter account and I’m not familiar with Don’s twitter history—how often, subject matter,etc. From the comments here it appears he has tweeted about Glenn multiple times. I know he tweeted something during the Grammys that were held shortly after Glenn died. Has he tweeted about Glenn since then? (arguably the Grammy tweet wasn’t directly about Glenn, it was more about not performing with the rest of the guys)
I'm not thinking about frequency - how many times he has tweeted about Glenn. But I don't remember him speaking about anyone else like that in public. So when he quotes a text like that in public and doesn't give a context, I'm going to assume he's referring to the person he's talked about like that before. But I was wrong.
This would indeed be a strange time to tweet about Glenn, but I didn't - and still don't - see the point in sharing such a dramatic quote in public about something you have never talked about in public. Except if you want to have people guessing and going "Oh, I wonder what's wrong. I hope it's nothing too serious."
11-24-2017, 02:15 PM
A nice Thanksgiving message from Don. %5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
11-24-2017, 02:54 PM
Lovely. 8)
11-24-2017, 05:40 PM
That is lovely. Thanks for sharing.
11-24-2017, 09:17 PM
I don't think it was about Glenn.
11-24-2017, 10:31 PM
Thanks for posting that.
03-14-2018, 03:03 PM
Don seems happy these days. :smile: This is a tweet about last night’s show in Duluth, MN. Ctwgr%5Eauthor
East Texas Girl
03-14-2018, 04:42 PM
I saw that too, Delilah. And yes, he does look happy and like he enjoys touring.
05-17-2019, 11:13 AM
I know it's been a while since we posted any of Felder's tweets but I thought this video clip of "The Long Run" from a show in March at Kirkland, Washington would be a treat for fans - Felder posted it yesterday:
At the same show, he played the new song "American Rock and Roll":
https: (
04-04-2020, 11:31 PM
A message from Felder from "isolation" in Los Angeles, wishing everyone the best during this tough time: Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1246207720409010176& %252Fstatus%252F1246207720409010176%26widget%3DTwe et
01-31-2021, 06:40 PM
Don tweeted a sweet message recently:
It was a dream come true to be invited into the Eagles. Recording in the studio on the album On The Border was a thrill of a lifetime. It only continued to fuel the musical passion I had for working in that band. Great times and such wonderful music we made together. #donfelder
He also included a concert photo from the OTB era.
02-01-2021, 04:58 AM
Thanks for sharing Delilah. That is nice.
02-01-2021, 08:26 AM
Don has been nothing but a Gentleman about the Eagles and past history. From his eloquent HF speech, his appearance on the history video to now, never a bad word about any of the Eagles.
Ive always been a dreamer
02-01-2021, 07:07 PM
Well Scamp - While I have no interest in rehashing Felder's history with the Eagles, I do have to take issue with your remarks. While I could cite endless examples of Felder being less than gracious toward his fellow bandmates, you don't have to look any further than the book he wrote to see the facts bear this out. But, more than 20 years after he was fired, I don't think there is a lot to say about the issue that hasn't already been said over and over. I actually thought his tweet was kind of strange. I wonder if it's based on some recent event or did he just pull it out of nowhere?
02-02-2021, 12:46 AM
Well Scamp - While I have no interest in rehashing Felder's history with the Eagles, I do have to take issue with your remarks. While I could cite endless examples of Felder being less than gracious toward his fellow bandmates, you don't have to look any further than the book he wrote to see the facts bear this out. But, more than 20 years after he was fired, I don't think there is a lot to say about the issue that hasn't already been said over and over. I actually thought his tweet was kind of strange. I wonder if it's based on some recent event or did he just pull it out of nowhere?
Exactly! I mean it would take some thick lenses on those rose colored glasses not to see Don Felder as a snake in the grass. He talks a good story. If his personality was as great as his guitar playing, he'd still be in the Eagles today. Fact is, to make it quite plain and simple - he's a malcontent who was forever a thorn in the side of Glenn and Don and finally got the boot before it broke the band up again, just as his comments at "Wrong Beach" was the impetus for their first breakup. I'm not even going to get into it more.
Perhaps Felder has some regret over his treatment of Glenn and/or the rest of the band and is maybe trying to get out of a guilt trip somehow in his own head. I think his comment was retrospective but probably a little bit introspective. Then again it is Felder, and I'll believe his remorse when I see real concrete proof of it. Sorry Don, it's over!
02-02-2021, 03:21 AM
Didn't he even post a tweet about the "anniversary" of Don Henley's arrest at some point? Not a very gentlemanly thing to do, I think.
Yes, that latest one was a nice tweet.
02-02-2021, 09:08 AM
Perhaps Felder has some regret over his treatment of Glenn and/or the rest of the band and is maybe trying to get out of a guilt trip somehow in his own head. I think his comment was retrospective but probably a little bit introspective. Then again it is Felder, and I'll believe his remorse when I see real concrete proof of it. Sorry Don, it's over!
I replied that it was nice,one because it seems honest to me probably reminiscing and such, Second because I’m thinking maybe with all that’s going on, he is having some regrets over what he’s done/said in the past. I do believe he cherished those times, but his narcissism does get the best of him. I do take it with a grain of salt, but maybe it’s a new leaf for Don.
yes dreamer, Walshfan, Chaim, we’ve all discussed this a lot, the book is such a burn and sour grapes feel throughout, never happy, bitter and it’s a true shame because he is a wicked guitarist and would love to see them play together again. Scamp, if you read his book you’ll get a whole new feel and see things differently.
02-02-2021, 11:08 AM
I replied that it was nice,one because it seems honest to me probably reminiscing and such, Second because I’m thinking maybe with all that’s going on, he is having some regrets over what he’s done/said in the past. I do believe he cherished those times, but his narcissism does get the best of him. I do take it with a grain of salt, but maybe it’s a new leaf for Don.
yes dreamer, Walshfan, Chaim, we’ve all discussed this a lot, the book is such a burn and sour grapes feel throughout, never happy, bitter and it’s a true shame because he is a wicked guitarist and would love to see them play together again. Scamp, if you read his book you’ll get a whole new feel and see things differently.
Countless interviews were like that too, and once his story even changed from the way he told it in the book to make Glenn look bad in an interview. I'm not going to discuss them again, but it's simply a fact that he's not always been a gentleman about the other Eagles guys.
New Kid In Town
02-02-2021, 01:16 PM
Countless interviews were like that too, and once his story even changed from the way he told it in the book to make Glenn look bad in an interview. I'm not going to discuss them again, but it's simply a fact that he's not always been a gentleman about the other Eagles guys.
So true Dreamer, Austin, Chaim & KW ! He even made fun of Glenn's illness and then deleted it. I think it was in Nov. 2015 but, it was so long ago I can't remember exactly when. I saw the tweet on FB and thought it was strange. Don't want to rehash this but maybe he has some regret.
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