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03-30-2006, 03:49 PM
I've discovered, with a little finagling, I can indeed see the London shows. YAY!!!!!


Perfect Little Sister
03-30-2006, 05:49 PM
Good for you!! :D I'm so excited for you!

True confessions...it was a little easier to take when we were both missing out. :blush: sniff. Take lots of notes so I can live vicariously through you. :lol:

03-30-2006, 06:17 PM
Aw, sweetie, I know how you feel. I sure wish you could be there, too. It's my first Eagles experience without you!


03-30-2006, 07:17 PM
Watch out England - Nancy's coming to town!!!!

You will have a blast. Wish it was me.


And we'll have stars to wish on every single night
We'll build a fire and make love by candlelight
We'll do our moondance 'til we get it right
On a river of dreams

03-30-2006, 07:21 PM
One of these days, Julie!


03-30-2006, 10:02 PM
I am seriously going to look for some Twickenham tickets. Dublin will be cool, but meeting some fellow fans would be ultimately cool!


This way to happiness...

03-30-2006, 10:06 PM
Please do, Kate. Who knows when we'd get another chance!


03-30-2006, 10:41 PM
So have you thought about travel dates, hotels and all that fun stuff? We're all set except for the plane tickets. We're hoping the fares go down a bit in the next few weeks.

03-30-2006, 10:58 PM
Unfortunately, I'm kind of in a holding pattern until I get told whether I'm teaching the Maymester (assignment over at the end of May) or the summer module (assignment starting in early June). That announcement won't be made until April. If I do get the summer module, I will conduct my classes during mid-June online while in England through a chat room I've set up on my class site. I've been practicing with the chatroom this semester and it's worked out very well. Still, I'd have to cut my time there short. If I get Maymester, which I requested, I can take it easy and stay a little longer, which I'd prefer.

I did go ahead and splurge on ILAA tickets for Wembley. Twickenham's are sold out, but I wouldn't do it twice anyway - mucho dolares! I'll figure something out, though.


03-30-2006, 11:03 PM
P.S. Here's My Business Writing Class Site (http://joe.english.purdue.edu/sp06/kerns4/), if you're curious - you'll see the link to the chatroom on the side panel. Ah, the marvels of modern technology!


03-30-2006, 11:24 PM
You'll have to let us know when you plan on being there. We'll be there for a week....the first few days in Birmingham and then London for the rest of the week. Very cool about the VIP <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)">

The website looks great. Sure wish I could conduct my class via chat!!


03-30-2006, 11:44 PM
I will definitely let you know. I'm thinking about bugging the guy in charge of assignments to see if he can give me a hint about when I'm teaching.

Thanks for the compliment about the class site! Teaching in chat is GREAT. I can do it in my pajamas at home. Only problem is that you KNOW students are clicking back and forth between chat class and their facebook or whatever, and so you don't have their full attention (although I guess you never do, really! lol). That's why, if I'm doing it that way, I don't want to be gone for more than a week. If I get Maymester though, I could stay for two weeks - much more fun!


03-30-2006, 11:57 PM
I've discovered, with a little finagling, I can indeed see the London shows. YAY!!!!!

Nancy, that is great news! I'm very excited for you!

BTW, could you give me a few "finagling" tips?


Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

Ive always been a dreamer
03-31-2006, 12:42 AM
Great job Soda - Good for you. I think I'm going to have to figure out another kind of finagling strategy in order to go to London -

Strategy #1 - Get another job (since tomorrow is my last day in my old one). However, if I find the job too soon, I'll have to resort to:

Strategy #2 - Tell my new employer that I need time off to cross the ocean to go see the Eagles. :blush:


I'm just a hired hand working on the dreams I plan to try. The days go by...

03-31-2006, 10:50 AM
What are ILAA tickets? can I get hold of them over here? Have you got a seat number allocated yet, Nancy? It's all very exciting!


This way to happiness...

03-31-2006, 01:04 PM
Info about ILAA can be found at www.iloveallaccess.com (http://www.iloveallaccess.com) Password is farewell. The tickets cost a lot, but the seats are usually pretty good. The bad thing is you don't know where they are until the day of the show.

03-31-2006, 01:48 PM
According to their website, for this show, ILAA (I Love All Access) 5-star tickets are guaranteed to be in the first three rows. Each ticket costs $440 before taxes. Considering what ticket brokers or Ebayers charge, it could be worse. Here are all the benefits (being paranoid and noticing they were a bit different from the benefits on the main page, I took a screen cap of them to keep for my records). Here is the link to that screen cap: Wembley ILAA 5-star info (http://www.glennfreyonline.com/images/wembley.jpg)

And as eaglesfans pointed out, I don't know my seat and won't until the day of the show, but even if I get third row, I think it's worth it. Here's hoping for first in front of Glenn, though!


03-31-2006, 01:55 PM
P.S. It also says you will have to sign a waiver and release from liability. What, are they afraid you'll sue them if you're hit by Timothy's pick because you're in the first three rows? Do they think they'll have to pay for the dry cleaning if you get sprayed too many times by Glenn spit?


03-31-2006, 02:17 PM
Thanks for the info, eaglesfans and soda. Seems like I must use some savings and get a similar deal. As for the waiver, lol!


This way to happiness...

03-31-2006, 02:27 PM
First....you guys don't have to call us "eaglesfans". It looks so weird! L&M is fine. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Second...about the waiver. I've never been asked to actually sign it. I don't think they're worried about anything happening during the concert. I think they're more worried about what happens at the 5 star dinner party. Most of the time you are backstage so they don't want you wandering off to find your favorite bandmember or complaining that you don't get to meet the band. They're just trying to covers themselves against lawsuits (because people have been ticked off about not meeting the band).



03-31-2006, 02:37 PM
I see, L&M - it's amazing people would get so upset about not meeting the band when it nowhere implies that you do! But I guess some people just don't pay attention. I always quadruple close-read anything I'm spending that much money on - hence the screen shot! lol

Besides, who can complain when you get things like an Eagles travel mug and luggage tag to boot? ;)


03-31-2006, 02:42 PM
LOL! I think the travel mug is pretty useless, but then I don't drink coffee. The CD case is really nice, though. We're going to three VIPs in England. I have no idea what we're going to do with all the "stuff". I guess we're going to mail it back home. No sense taking up room in the suitcase with it all.

03-31-2006, 02:56 PM
Could be worse, guys. Although I know it's a different sort of thing, the Arizona Heart Institute gift bags were horrendous. The plastic bag they handed us contained such delights as a slinky, a chip clip/magnet combo, a pill box, and band-aids. I kid you not.

But hey, I got to meet STEVIE, and tell her how much I adored her music and that I hoped she never stopped sharing it with us. And my goober-esque super-hyper demeanor (me bounding up, throwing out my arms and hollering "HEY GUYS!!!") made her laugh - one of the few times she smiled at that after party (we later discovered her father was dying at the time). I got to meet Don too of course, which was great - he was very cool, also found my behavior amusing - but Stevie's my girl, and that made it worth it right there (plus helping people with the charity donation and all that - but let's be real - I did it for Stevie). So I didn't care TOO much, even if myself and all my friends thought the bags were too lame for words.

I guess I should warn you guys I'm going to meet, I do have a tendency to get very hyper when I'm excited! Kay, Karen, and Lissa can all testify to that! This in spite of the fact that at Pebble Beach, I went entirely the other way and hid behind Lissa half the time, hardly ever speaking. Don't ask me why that didn't happen with Stevie because I don't know. I love her just as much, if not more - there are some things only girls truly "get," and that gives her an edge over Glenn. Just a tiny one. ;)


P.S. Don was smiling before the pic - really!

Sorry for the tangent! Just reliving happy memories a bit!


03-31-2006, 05:17 PM
L&M, thanks for that. I flip between real names and tags randomly, but L&M is much easier to type! So these tickets include a bit of behind the scenes do they? I am being very tempted. Will have to check the bank balance. After all, I have to pay up to £300 for a one day conference, but that is usually reimbursed. Maybe I could say this is a conference!

I'm also quite used to goody bags from pharmaceutical companies - I think I have the ultimate collection of memory sticks at present - mostly 16 megs so only useful for serious work powerpoint presentations. Backing up my 'Wasted Time' photo file is a 500 Mb job now!

No worries about hyperness - I'll be there with you!

That is a cool picture. You and Stevie look great, Don looks a bit overwhelmed, but I know what it's like - taking pictures of my family - one second too late and you get the frown or something.


This way to happiness...

03-31-2006, 10:40 PM
Nancy, I'm excited for you. It's wonderful that you'll be able to meet up with Lisa, Mel and Kate and spend some time with them face to face! I'm trying really hard to contain my little green monster!

03-31-2006, 11:00 PM

You know we make 2 visits a year to Wisconsin. We can't spend ALL our time with our families. Maybe some time we can meet up. We need to meet up with Shelley (moonrambler) on one of those visits too. We can have a big ol' Cheesehead reunion. <G>

03-31-2006, 11:20 PM
That sounds great! We'll figure something out, I'm sure! :D

04-01-2006, 03:30 AM
Tonight, after spending some time checking out timelines regarding my job and my older sister's due date (July 1), I've tentatively decided to leave either June 14th or 15th and come back the 25th. That's subject to change once I get my assignment, though!


04-01-2006, 03:59 AM
So glad you're getting to see them again Nancy and in London no less! You'll have a ball and it will be very cool to hang out with others you know from the boards. Looking forward to hearing all about it :D

04-01-2006, 11:03 AM
I agree! It is wonderful that you are going to London!

We who are stuck here in the States can't wait to hear all about it!

Ive always been a dreamer
04-02-2006, 10:24 PM
Wake up, Kay - wake up! That was just a dream - London is not calling your name - really, it's not!!!!!! :x :blush: :D


I'm just a hired hand working on the dreams I plan to try. The days go by...

04-02-2006, 10:59 PM
lol! Guys, I will be sure to write down as much as I can afterwards - that is, if my mind isn't blown!


04-04-2006, 12:45 PM
Maybe some time we can meet up. We need to meet up with Shelley (moonrambler) on one of those visits too. We can have a big ol' Cheesehead reunion. <G>

Okay, is this a private party or will you let a Jersey girl in too? I'll bring the cannolis! I'd really like to join in as long as you don't make me wear one of those foam cheese things on my head. :rofl:


Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

04-04-2006, 01:41 PM
lol Z!


04-05-2006, 12:40 AM
Oh wow...just noticed this!!! YAY Nancy...that is so awesome!!! DEFINITELY need to tell us all about it, which I'm sure you will!!! So lucky...haha, if I win the lottery, I'll join you... ;)

And OMG, you met Don and Stevie!?!?!?! Now *that* is an instance at which I would've just fallen over. None of this staring open-mouthed stuff a la Detroit...no...I would've been on the floor, for real. :)

So you get hyper when you're excited too? Oh dear. We really would be in trouble if Glenn were to come back up here, then. ;)

~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~

My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)

04-05-2006, 12:44 AM
As well, good to know that the ILAA packages really are worth it. I didn't know about them until the Detroit Don & Stevie show, which was the second to last show on the tour and the last one I could make it to. I looked into them when I got home and decided I definitely would keep that in mind for the next Mac or Eagles tour, but wanted to hear from somebody else that they were worthwhile, just in case the lucky girl in 2nd row that I heard about them from was just a fluke. ;)

It's quite obvious you don't get to meet the band--however, I guess people see the words "All Access" and get temporarily blinded. ;)

~*She'll always be...the girl from yesterday...*~

My friend and I: "Nice coat Glenn!"
Joe Walsh, at next pause between songs: "Hey, nice coat, Glenn."
Glenn: "Thanks, thanks...yah, I picked this up at the..Liberace garage sale, glad you like it..." ;)

04-05-2006, 02:28 AM
I'm going to be traveling quite a bit these coming months. Night of a Thousand Stevies in May, and the Eagles in June! I'll be a busy girl!

Well, it seems Glenn isn't coming back to Rama anytime soon. :( However, if he ever does, you're right. It will be hyper-DRIVE. lol


04-05-2006, 04:30 PM
Maybe some time we can meet up. We need to meet up with Shelley (moonrambler) on one of those visits too. We can have a big ol' Cheesehead reunion. <G>

Okay, is this a private party or will you let a Jersey girl in too? I'll bring the cannolis! I'd really like to join in as long as you don't make me wear one of those foam cheese things on my head.

You don't have to wear a Cheesehead, Z, but you do have to wear a Packer's jersey and be photographed eating a bratwurst and drinking a Miller Lite. Those terms are non-negotiable - cannoli or no cannoli!

04-05-2006, 09:54 PM
Well, the Packer's jersey is no problem, but I'm guessing substituting an Italian sausage (with peppers and onions of course) and a Corona with lime is probably out of the question, huh?


Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

04-05-2006, 10:17 PM
Ummm, please re-read the non-negotiating clause, Ms. Z!

I'll tell you what we can do, we'll go to a Brewer's game, and during the sausage race -you can cheer for the Italian sausage.

04-05-2006, 10:55 PM
You know, I've only been to two Brewer games my entire life and I personally don't like brats so who am I to tell Karen what she can and cannot do. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"> You must, however, drink beer. We do have our standards in Wisconsin. <G>


04-05-2006, 11:39 PM
LMAO!! :rofl:

Of course, L&M get a vote since I've taken it upon myself to crash your party.


Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

04-06-2006, 07:14 PM
Hey, I can do beer -- not as well as some other adult beverages -- but I can do it!


Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

04-14-2006, 07:48 AM
Now that the party has been moved north of the border, I have two questions:

1. Will the cheeseheads be made of Brie?

2. Do I still have to drink beer?


Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

Ive always been a dreamer
04-14-2006, 10:05 PM
Man Karen - I know you must be disappointed that you are going to miss that Sausage Fest thingy! Oh well - I should think that you should get a reprieve on the beer since there has been a change of venue. :D


I'm just a hired hand working on the dreams I plan to try. The days go by...

04-15-2006, 05:48 AM
You are all going to have such a ball!

Well, after all this excitement I decided I had to join the party and have got tickets for Wembley. All the dithering meant I missed out on ILAA, but I got two reasonable front left block seats at a vastly inflated price on Ebay. That's my birthday money all blown and more! So if anyone wants to join me, let me know. I'm really looking forward to meeting Nancy and Lisa and Melissa and anyone else who is going. It's very exciting!


This way to happiness...

04-15-2006, 08:19 AM
Yeah!! Can't wait to meet you too, Kate. But how did you miss out on ILAA? The packages are still available.

<blockquote>Quote:<hr>Well, after all this excitement I decided I had to join the party and have got tickets for Wembley. All the dithering meant I missed out on ILAA, but I got two reasonable front left block seats at a vastly inflated price on Ebay. That's my birthday money all blown and more! So if anyone wants to join me, let me know. I'm really looking forward to meeting Nancy and Lisa and Melissa and anyone else who is going. It's very exciting!<hr></blockquote>


04-15-2006, 11:54 AM
So glad to hear you're coming!


04-15-2006, 05:45 PM
Dang. I'm not very good at passwords etc (kept getting shut out)! Still, I'm pleased with the seats I've got, and there is still a spare place next to me.


This way to happiness...

04-20-2006, 04:28 AM
Well, I have confessed to my other half, and he has taken it in good humour. Like Molly's husband, I think he will use it to his advantage!

I have booked a room at the Travelodge at Wembley, £26 for the night, so worth checking out if you haven't found somewhere yet. It'll be cheap and cheerful, but ok.



This way to happiness...

04-20-2006, 09:44 AM
Glad to hear you haven't been given trouble over it - let's hope hubby stays home. Girl's night out is even more fun. ;)


Ive always been a dreamer
04-20-2006, 03:42 PM
Kate - I'm so glad you are going to get to go to this show. You won't regret it, I'm sure! My significant other just looked at me when he found out about the Orillia show and said "so does this mean you're not going to London?" I think I'm making progress in getting him to ask open-ended, probing questions! http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/eek.gif


I'm just a hired hand working on the dreams I plan to try. The days go by...

05-27-2006, 04:50 PM
Only 3 weeks til the London Show!!!http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/eek.gif :D I can't wait!! :D

05-28-2006, 06:32 AM
timfan, I'm dying for some Timmy news from the shows. I'm really counting on you for some good details!


Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

06-03-2006, 07:57 PM
you of course mean strictly details on how his voice sounded right? :lol: cause i would NEVER notice anything else about Tim!!! :razz:

06-11-2006, 02:16 PM
I'm off, guys! I'm going to try to keep updated, though. I'll also be putting pictures and stuff on my livejournal here (http://sodascouts.livejournal.com), if anyone wants to keep track.


06-14-2006, 03:22 AM
just to let you know that I heard from Nancy last night and that she's arrived safely. We are all set to meet up on Sunday before the show - should be a blast!


This way to happiness...

06-14-2006, 05:54 AM
Can't wait to meet you GF!!! I leave tonight! FINALLY!! :D

06-14-2006, 12:18 PM
Have a safe trip, timfan!


Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove.

06-14-2006, 12:42 PM
Have a safe trip, timfan, and look forward to meeting you too!


This way to happiness...

Witchy Mummy
06-14-2006, 04:35 PM
Have a safe flight timfan, i'll see you tomorrow!

Just spoke to Soda, she rang from her hotel. She is having a great time and has had some adventures! :)

06-16-2006, 11:32 PM
Have an absolutely spiffing time, chaps! http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/glasses.gif

Ive always been a dreamer
06-17-2006, 10:38 PM
Hope you all have a blast. I'm sure I speak for most of us to say wish we were there with you!


I'm just a hired hand working on the dreams I plan to try. The days go by...